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index be1f425..dbb27e8 100644
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-# Raygun SDK for React Native
+# Raygun for React Native
-## Table of contents
+The Raygun4ReactNative provider allows you to automatically capture and report
+on unhandled runtime errors within your project by setting up event listeners
+for the JavaScript and platform-native (Android/iOS) sides of your project.
-1. [Requirements](#requirements)
-2. [Installations](#installation)
- - [Additional step for IOS](#additional-step-for-ios)
- - [Additional step for ANDROID](#additional-step-for-android)
- - [Manual integration](#manual-integration)
- - [Expo](#expo)
- - [Additional Public Documentation](#additional-public-documentation)
-3. [API guide](#api-guide)
- - [Important information](#important-information)
- - [Using the client](#using-the-client)
- - [init](#initraygunclientoptions)
- - [setTags](#settags-tags-string)
- - [getTags](#gettags-string)
- - [setUser](#setuseruser-user--null)
- - [getUser](#getuser-user)
- - [recordBreadcrumb](#recordbreadcrumbbreadcrumb-breadcrumb)
- - [getBreadcrumbs](#getbreadcrumbs-breadcrumb)
- - [clearBreadcrumbs](#clearbreadcrumbs)
- - [setCustomData](#setcustomdatacustomdata-customdata--null)
- - [getCustomData](#getcustomdata-customdata--null)
- - [sendError](#senderrorerror-error-details-manualcrashreportdetails)
- - [setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice](#setmaxreportsstoredondevicesize-number)
- - [sendRUMTimingEvent](#sendrumtimingeventeventtype-realusermonitoringtimings-name-string-timeusedinms-number)
- - [Raygun specific types](#raygun-specific-types)
- - [BeforeSendHandler](#beforesendhandler)
- - [GroupingKeyHandler](#groupingkeyhandler)
- - [Breadcrumb](#breadcrumb)
- - [CrashReportPayload](#crashreportpayload)
- - [CustomData](#customdata)
- - [Environment](#environment)
- - [LogLevel](#loglevel)
- - [ManualCrashReportDetails](#manualcrashreportdetails)
- - [RaygunClientOptions](#raygunclientoptions)
- - [RaygunStackFrame](#raygunstackframe)
- - [RealUserMonitoringTimings](#realusermonitoringtimings)
- - [User](#user)
- - [Native Crash Reporting](#native-crash-reporting)
- - [Generating Sourcemaps](#generating-sourcemaps)
+The provider also allows for manual error capturing using the
+`RaygunClient.sendError(...)` function.
+This allows you to customize the data being reported on and capture use cases
+specific to your project.
+See more: https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/crash-reporting/features/
-# Requirements
+## SDK
- "react-native": "^0.60.0",
- "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.13.3"
+The `raygun4reactnative` NPM package is located in the `/sdk` folder of this
+Follow the instructions in the [README.md](https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4reactnative/blob/master/sdk/README.md)
+file to install it.
-# Installation
+NPM Package page: https://www.npmjs.com/package/raygun4reactnative/
-To install the package:
+## React Native Demo
-```shell script
-npm install --save raygun4reactnative
-# OR
-yarn add raygun4reactnative
+The folder `/demo` contains a demo React Native application that uses the
+`raygun4reactnative` provider.
+Instructions on how to run the demo are located in the folder.
-### Additional step for iOS
+## Expo Demo
-Since our SDK supports native crashes, we need to link the SDK to your native projects.
+The folder `/ExpoDemo` contains a demo Expo application that uses the
+`raygun4reactnative` provider.
-Modify **Podfile**
+Instructions on how to run the demo are located in the folder.
-platform :ios, '10.0'
-then run
-cd ios && pod install
-# OR
-npx pod-install ios
-### Additional step for Android
-Modify the app's **android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml** to include the following line to
-enable the background Crash Reporting Service & Real-time User monitoring
- ...
- ...
-## Manual Integration
-React-Native projects should load the native components of Raygun4ReactNative automatically.
-If for some reason your project is not able to load the Android and iOS modules code, for example if you are using an old architecture, you can follow these steps to load the native code.
-> This step is only necessary if your project is not loading the native code automatically, e.g. you are getting a "DEVICE_ID is null exception" on start.
-### iOS
-1. Enter into iOS Folder `cd ios/` (on your project's root folder).
-2. Add this line to your `Podfile` just below the last pod (if you don't have one, you can create it by running `pod init`):
-+ pod 'raygun4reactnative', :path => '../node_modules/raygun4reactnative'
-3. Run `pod install`.
-### Android
-1. Add the project to `android/settings.gradle`:
-rootProject.name = 'MyApp'
-include ':app'
-+ include ':raygun4reactnative'
-+ project(':raygun4reactnative').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/raygun4reactnative/android')
-2. In `android/app/build.gradle` add to dependencies:
-dependencies {
- ...
-+ implementation project(':@raygun4reactnative')
-3. Then, in `android/app/src/main/java/your/package/MainApplication.java`:
-package com.myapp;
-+ import com.raygun.react.RaygunNativeBridgePackage;
-protected List getPackages() {
- return Arrays.asList(
- new MainReactPackage(),
-+ new RaygunNativeBridgePackage()
- );
-## Expo
-Raygun for ReactNative is not compatible with [Expo Go](https://expo.dev/go) projects, however, it can be installed in Expo projects that use [development builds](https://docs.expo.dev/develop/development-builds/introduction/).
-You can find an example of Expo app using Raygun in the `ExpoDemo` folder.
-To use Raygun for ReactNative in Expo projects, first enable the development build mode:
-npx expo install expo-dev-client
-### Expo support for Android
-Add the `android.package` property to the `app.json`.
-"android": {
- "package": "com.raygun.expodemo",
- ...
-Run the app on Android once to create the native files directory:
-npx expo run:android
-Install Raygun4ReactNative and AsyncStorage dependency:
-npm install --save raygun4reactnative
-npm install --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
-To complete the setup, perform the [additional step for Android](#additional-step-for-android).
-Proceed to the [API guide](#api-guide) to start using the package.
-### Expo support for iOS
-Run the app on iOS once to create the native files directory:
-npx expo run:android
-If not done already, install Raygun4ReactNative and AsyncStorage dependency:
-npm install --save raygun4reactnative
-npm install --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
-The [additional step for iOS](#additional-step-for-ios) should not be necessary for Expo apps. As the native package should be automatically linked.
-Proceed to the [API guide](#api-guide) to start using the package.
-## Additional Public Documentation
-[Crash Reporting Installation](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/crash-reporting/installation/)
-[Crash Reporting Features](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/crash-reporting/features/)
-[Real User Monitoring Installation](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/real-user-monitoring/installation/)
-[Real USer Monitoring Features](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/real-user-monitoring/features/)
-# API guide
-## Important information
-The client must be instantiated and initialized before using the rest of the API. Failing to do so
-will result in a lack of functionality (this will be logged out to the system - this means that
-during testing it will appear where console.logs appear).
-## Using the client
-An instance of the RaygunClient is created by importing the client from the package.
-import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
-This instance will be used to call action upon the rest of the API interface. Be sure to `init` your
-instance BEFORE using the other functions within the API.
-### init(RaygunClientOptions)
-The `init` function must be used BEFORE doing anything else with the RaygunClient. This is
-important, as all other functionality within the client will rely on the options parsed to it with
-this function.
-Multithreading: This function, by default, is NOT asynchronous. BEWARE, as asynchronously calling
-this method may lead to some undesirable outcomes. The `init` method needs to finish before all
-other methods.
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {RaygunClientOptions, LogLevel} from "raygun4reactnative"
-const options: RaygunClientOptions = {
- version: "0.1.2",
- enableCrashReporting: true,
- disableNativeCrashReporting: false,
- disableUnhandledPromiseRejectionReporting: false,
- enableRealUserMonitoring: true,
- disableNetworkMonitoring: false,
- customCrashReportingEndpoint: "https://myCrashReportingEndpoint.com",
- customRealUserMonitoringEndpoint: "https://myRealUserMonitoringEndpoint.com",
- ignoredURLs: ["http://thisIsAnInternalCall.com", "http://thisIsAnotherInternalCall.com"],
- ignoredViews: ["name of view to ignore"],
- logLevel: LogLevel.verbose,
- onBeforeSendingCrashReport: (crashReport) => console.log(crashReport),
- groupingKey: (crashReport) => crashReport.Details.Error.Message,
- maxErrorReportsStoredOnDevice: 10,
- maxBreadCrumbsPerErrorReport: 10,
-After successfully calling the init function, the client has been instantiated and initialized. Now
-the other functions provided by the client will be able to run.
-### setTags(... tags: string[])
-The `setTags` function set the global tags for the Raygun client. All crash reports and real user
-monitoring packages will be attached with these tags, such that they can be searched for in the
-Raygun.com dashboard. To remove all tags, simply parse this method nothing.
-[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/custom-data-tags/)
-import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
-RaygunClient.setTags("Invalid_User_Entry", "Caught_Exception");
-// Reset tags
-### getTags(): string[]
-The `getTags` returns all the global tags that are currently set in the Raygun client.
-Tip: To append more tags to the global set, use the get method to retrieve an array of currently
-existing tags, concat the extra tags onto the list, and call the `setTags` function again.
-[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/custom-data-tags/)
-import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
-const globalTags: string[] = RaygunClient.getTags();
-### setUser(user: User | null)
-The `setUser` function is parsed a User object. Setting the user is an important step in maintaining
-a Real User Monitoring session. By updating the User, the following rules are applied:
-- anonymous_user -> user_1 => Current session is updated with the user data.
-- user_1 -> user_2 => Current session ends. A new session begins with user_2 information.
-- user_1 -> anonymous_user => Current sessions ends. A new session begins.
-Note, if `null` is parsed to this method, the user is set to an anonymous user.
-[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/real-user-monitoring/for-mobile/users/)
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {User} from "raygun4reactnative"
-const user: User = {
- identifier: 'ronald@raygun.com',
- isAnonymous: false,
- email: 'ronald@raygun.com',
- firstName: 'Ronald',
- fullName: 'Ronald Raygun',
- uuid: 'uuid'
-// Reset to anonymous user
-### getUser(): User
-The `getUser` function returns the current user.
-[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/real-user-monitoring/for-mobile/users/)
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {User} from "raygun4reactnative"
-const curUser: User = RaygunClient.getUser();
-### recordBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb)
-The `recordBreadcurmb` function appends a breadcrumb to the global set of breadcrumbs. These
-breadcrumbs are attached to all Crash Reports. Breadcrumbs are useful when debugging code, if you
-leave a trail of breadcrumbs as your code progresses, then you can determine the state of the
-program right before the crash occurred.
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {Breadcrumb} from "raygun4reactnative"
-const breadCrumb: Breadcrumb = {
- message: "Hansel and Gretel #1",
- category: "FairyTales",
- level: 'warning',
- customData: {"House Materials": ["GingerBread", "GumDrops"]},
- timestamp: Date.now(),
- type: 'manual',
-### getBreadcrumbs(): Breadcrumb[]
-The `getBreadcrumbs` function returns an array of the current global set of breadcrumbs.
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {Breadcrumb} from "raygun4reactnative"
-const globalBreadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = RaygunClient.getBreadcrumbs();
-### clearBreadcrumbs()
-The `clearBreadcrumbs` function removes all the globally set breadcrumbs.
-import RaygunClient, from "raygun4reactnative"
-### sendError(error: Error, details?: ManualCrashReportDetails)
-The `sendError` function manually sends an error to your Raygun dashboard. By default, the crash
-reporter will capture all unhandled errors, and send them through to Raygun, however in some cases,
-an error shouldn't be thrown as the program can still persist. If you have caught some error, you
-can utilize this method, and send the error through to Raygun. Appended to this error is a
-ManualCrashReportDetails object. This non-mandatory object can apply specific tags and CustomData to
-the error you are sending away as well as the global tags and CustomData.
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {ManualCrashReportDetails} from "raygun4reactnative"
-try {
- // some action that might throw an error
- throw new Error("Something went wrong");
-} catch (e) {
- const localDetails: ManualCrashReportDetails = {
- customData: {"Local": "Tried to attempt action A, but failed"},
- tags: ["Action A", "Local"]
- }
- RaygunClient.sendError(e, localDetails);
- // Alternatively, if you don't wish to append any local data
- RaygunClient.sendError(e);
-### setCustomData(customData: CustomData | null)
-The `setCustomData` function will set the global custom data object to the parsed parameter. When
-any error occurs, this custom data will be attached to all crash reports. If you parse `null` to
-this function, the global custom data will be reset.
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {CustomData} from "raygun4reactnative"
-const customData: CustomData = {"Key": "Value"};
-// To reset custom data object
-### getCustomData(): CustomData | null
-The `getCustomData` function will return the current, global custom data object that has been set.
-If no custom data object exists, then the function will return null.
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {CustomData} from "raygun4reactnative"
-const customData: CustomData | null = RaygunClient.getCustomData();
-### setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(size: number)
-The `setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice` function will determine how many crash reports are stored on the
-device. A crash report is stored when the user is unable to connect to Raygun.com. Upon launching
-the application again, the reports that are stored are attempted to be sent.
-Note, although any number can be parsed through this value, the maximum amount of stored crash
-reports is capped at 64. The minimum is 0. Parsing 0 (or less) will mean, no crash reports are
-stored on the device at all. The default starting value is 64.
-import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
-RaygunClient.setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(10); // Sets the amount to 10
-// Alternatively
-RaygunClient.setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(100); // Sets the amount to 64
-RaygunClient.setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(-100); // Sets the amount to 0
-### sendRUMTimingEvent(eventType: RealUserMonitoringTimings, name: string, durationMs: number)
-The `sendRUMTimingEvent` function manually sends a new timing event to Real User Monitoring. Parsing
-in a
-`RealUserMonitoringTiming` event, the name of the event, and the duration of the event. This can be
-used to monitor the load times of particular components or fetch times of network requests.
-By default, if Real User Monitoring is enabled, all network events are captured and sent to Raygun.
-However, if you choose to disable this through the `init` method, then you can still send away
-network timing events using this function.
-See also:
-import RaygunClient, {RealUserMonitoringTimings} from "raygun4reactnative"
-// Monitoring some activity
-RaygunClient.sendRUMTimingEvent(RealUserMonitoringTimings.ViewLoaded, 'name of the activity event', 1000);
-// Monitoring a network call
-RaygunClient.sendRUMTimingEvent(RealUserMonitoringTimings.NetworkCall, 'name of the network event', 255);
-## Raygun specific types
-This segment outlines the type declarations for some Raygun4ReactNative specific objects. Each of
-these object types can be imported into your program and used (as the examples throughout the rest
-of the API guide show).
-### BeforeSendHandler
-The `BeforeSendHandler` acts as an intermediate function between your application and Raygun. This
-function is parsed a CrashReportPayload and returns a CrashReportPayload or Null. Before the
-CrashReportPayload is sent to Raygun, this function will be called to apply some logic to the
-report. If `null` or other invalid object is returned, then the report is ignored (not sent to
-See also:
-export type BeforeSendHandler = (payload: CrashReportPayload) => CrashReportPayload | null;
-### GroupingKeyHandler
-The `GroupingKeyHandler` allows to define a custom grouping key to group error together.
-When initializing Raygun, pass a `groupingKey` function.
-This function takes a `CrashReportPayload` and must return either a `string` with the custom grouping key,
-or `null` to use the default grouping.
-See also:
-export type GroupingKeyHandler = (payload: CrashReportPayload) => string | null;
-### Breadcrumb
-The `Breadcrumb` type is a container for simple pieces of information that are used to aid with
-identifying issues. These are sent away with a CrashReportPayload.
-[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/breadcrumbs/)
-See also:
-export type Breadcrumb = {
- message: string;
- category?: string;
- level?: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error';
- customData?: CustomData;
- timestamp?: number;
- type?: 'manual'
-### CrashReportPayload
-The `CrashReportPayload` is only accessible within the `BeforeSendHandler` function. This reference
-should aid in designing an intermediate function. It acts as a container for basic information about
-some environment where a crash occurred. This may give you some insight to the error.
-See also:
-export type CrashReportPayload = {
- OccurredOn: Date;
- Details: {
- Error: {
- ClassName: string;
- Message: string;
- StackTrace: RaygunStackFrame[];
- StackString: string;
- };
- Environment: Environment;
- Client: {
- Name: string;
- Version: string;
- };
- UserCustomData: CustomData;
- Tags?: string[];
- User?: User;
- Breadcrumbs?: Breadcrumb[];
- Version: string;
- };
-### CustomData
-The `CustomData` type is a restricted object that only allows for basic object types. Treat
-it as though it was a JSON object to send through with your crash report.
-[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/custom-data-tags/)
-export type CustomData = {
- [key: string]: BasicType | CustomData | BasicType[] | CustomData[];
-// For reference (this is not an available type in the API)
-const BasicType = string | number | boolean;
-### Environment
-The `Environment` type is accessible in a `BeforeSendHandler` function via the `CrashReportPayload`
-parameter. It acts as a container for all variables related to the current system environment. The
-structure below should aid if this information would be helpful for a pre-sending function. Note,
-this information is also available with a crash report.
-export type Environment = {
- UtcOffset: number;
- Cpu?: string;
- Architecture?: string;
- ProcessorCount?: number;
- OSVersion?: string;
- OSSDKVersion?: string;
- WindowsBoundWidth?: number;
- WindowsBoundHeight?: number;
- CurrentOrientation?: string;
- ResolutionScale?: number;
- Locale?: string;
- TotalPhysicalMemory?: number;
- AvailablePhysicalMemory?: number;
- TotalVirtualMemory?: number;
- AvailableVirtualMemory?: number;
- DiskSpaceFree?: number;
- DeviceName?: string;
- KernelVersion?: string;
- Brand?: string;
- Board?: string;
- DeviceCode?: string;
- JailBroken?: boolean;
-### LogLevel
-The `LogLevel` enum is used to set the level for which the Raygun client will log issues during
-export enum LogLevel {
- off = 'off',
- error = 'error',
- warn = 'warn',
- info = 'info',
- debug = 'debug',
- verbose = 'verbose',
-### ManualCrashReportDetails
-The `ManualCrashReportDetails` type is used to append additional, local details to a manually sent
-crash report. Note, both fields are non-mandatory, therefore you can send just tags, or just custom
-data. Note, ManualCrashReportDetails is a non-mandatory parameter for the `sendError` method. If no
-local data is being appended to the error, you can avoid sending this object all together.
-See also:
-export type ManualCrashReportDetails = {
- customData?: CustomData,
- tags?: string[]
-### RaygunClientOptions
-The `RaygunClientOptions` type is used to parse information into the RaygunClient during the `init`
-function. Each field within the object is optional, however, failing to declare a field will result
-in the option defaulting to its type specific default value (except for custom end points which will
-default to the Raygun application end point). It is important that your `apiKey` is entered here,
-else all crash reports and real user monitoring events will not be logged to your Raygun dashboard,
-and will instead be thrown away, and lost forever.
-See also:
-export type RaygunClientOptions = {
- apiKey?: string;
- version?: string;
- enableCrashReporting?: boolean;
- disableNativeCrashReporting?: boolean;
- disableUnhandledPromiseRejectionReporting?: boolean;
- enableRealUserMonitoring?: boolean;
- disableNetworkMonitoring?: boolean;
- customCrashReportingEndpoint?: string;
- customRealUserMonitoringEndpoint?: string;
- logLevel?: LogLevel;
- onBeforeSendingCrashReport?: BeforeSendHandler;
- groupingKey?: GroupingKeyHandler;
- ignoredURLs?: string[];
- ignoredViews?: string[];
- maxErrorReportsStoredOnDevice?: number;
- maxBreadcrumbsPerErrorReport?: number;
-### RaygunStackFrame
-The `RaygunStackFrame` type is a container which maintains information found in one frame of a
-StackTrace. The only access to a RaygunStackFrame is through the CrashReportPayload. This object
-would only be used in a `BeforeSendHandler` function.
-See also:
-export type RaygunStackFrame = {
- FileName: string;
- LineNumber: number;
- ColumnNumber: number | null;
- MethodName: string;
- ClassName: string;
-### RealUserMonitoringTimings
-The `RealUserMonitoringTimings` enum is a parameter in the `sendRUMTimingEvent` method.
-See also:
-export enum RealUserMonitoringTimings {
- ViewLoaded = 'p',
- NetworkCall = 'n'
-### User
-The `User` type is used to record session data, and maintain information for Real User Monitoring.
-This object type is used as a parameter for the `setUser` method, and is returned with the `getUser`
-method. It is also found in other objects.
-[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/real-user-monitoring/for-mobile/users/)
-See also:
-export type User = {
- identifier: string;
- isAnonymous?: boolean;
- email?: string;
- firstName?: string;
- fullName?: string;
- uuid?: string;
-## Native Crash Reporting
-Raygun4ReactNative uses internally [Raygun4Android](https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4android/)
-and [Raygun4Apple](https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4apple) to capture errors on the platform framework layer.
-These two platform providers are initialized by default when the Raygun4ReactNative provider is initalized.
-To disable this, set `disableNativeCrashReporting` to `false` in the `RaygunClientOptions`.
-> Errors happening in the platform framework layer won't be captured by Raygun unless the provider has been initialized.
-You can also initialize the platform providers directly by performing the setup steps documented in each respective provider project.
-This ensures that the platform providers are initialized before the React Native application loads.
-Setting `disableNativeCrashReporting` to `false` also disables all communication between Raygun4ReactNative and the platform providers,
-therefore data like breadcrumbs or user information won't be accesible by the platform providers.
-## Generating Sourcemaps
-Source Maps helps convert minified JavaScript code back into source code. Raygun uses them to take unreadable errors generated from minified JavaScript, translate them to be readable, and include code snippets from your source.
-To generate them in your app, refer to the React Native documentation:
-[Enabling sourcemaps for debugging release builds](https://reactnative.dev/docs/debugging-release-builds).
-Once your sourcemaps have been generated, follow the instructions in the [JavaScript Source Maps documentation](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/javascript/crash-reporting/source-maps/) to upload them.
diff --git a/sdk/README.md b/sdk/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+# Raygun SDK for React Native
+## Table of contents
+1. [Requirements](#requirements)
+2. [Installations](#installation)
+ - [Additional step for IOS](#additional-step-for-ios)
+ - [Additional step for ANDROID](#additional-step-for-android)
+ - [Manual integration](#manual-integration)
+ - [Expo](#expo)
+ - [Additional Public Documentation](#additional-public-documentation)
+3. [API guide](#api-guide)
+ - [Important information](#important-information)
+ - [Using the client](#using-the-client)
+ - [init](#initraygunclientoptions)
+ - [setTags](#settags-tags-string)
+ - [getTags](#gettags-string)
+ - [setUser](#setuseruser-user--null)
+ - [getUser](#getuser-user)
+ - [recordBreadcrumb](#recordbreadcrumbbreadcrumb-breadcrumb)
+ - [getBreadcrumbs](#getbreadcrumbs-breadcrumb)
+ - [clearBreadcrumbs](#clearbreadcrumbs)
+ - [setCustomData](#setcustomdatacustomdata-customdata--null)
+ - [getCustomData](#getcustomdata-customdata--null)
+ - [sendError](#senderrorerror-error-details-manualcrashreportdetails)
+ - [setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice](#setmaxreportsstoredondevicesize-number)
+ - [sendRUMTimingEvent](#sendrumtimingeventeventtype-realusermonitoringtimings-name-string-timeusedinms-number)
+ - [Raygun specific types](#raygun-specific-types)
+ - [BeforeSendHandler](#beforesendhandler)
+ - [GroupingKeyHandler](#groupingkeyhandler)
+ - [Breadcrumb](#breadcrumb)
+ - [CrashReportPayload](#crashreportpayload)
+ - [CustomData](#customdata)
+ - [Environment](#environment)
+ - [LogLevel](#loglevel)
+ - [ManualCrashReportDetails](#manualcrashreportdetails)
+ - [RaygunClientOptions](#raygunclientoptions)
+ - [RaygunStackFrame](#raygunstackframe)
+ - [RealUserMonitoringTimings](#realusermonitoringtimings)
+ - [User](#user)
+ - [Native Crash Reporting](#native-crash-reporting)
+ - [Generating Sourcemaps](#generating-sourcemaps)
+# Requirements
+ "react-native": "^0.60.0",
+ "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.13.3"
+# Installation
+To install the package:
+```shell script
+npm install --save raygun4reactnative
+# OR
+yarn add raygun4reactnative
+### Additional step for iOS
+Since our SDK supports native crashes, we need to link the SDK to your native projects.
+Modify **Podfile**
+platform :ios, '10.0'
+then run
+cd ios && pod install
+# OR
+npx pod-install ios
+### Additional step for Android
+Modify the app's **android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml** to include the following line to
+enable the background Crash Reporting Service & Real-time User monitoring
+ ...
+ ...
+## Manual Integration
+React-Native projects should load the native components of Raygun4ReactNative automatically.
+If for some reason your project is not able to load the Android and iOS modules code, for example if you are using an old architecture, you can follow these steps to load the native code.
+> This step is only necessary if your project is not loading the native code automatically, e.g. you are getting a "DEVICE_ID is null exception" on start.
+### iOS
+1. Enter into iOS Folder `cd ios/` (on your project's root folder).
+2. Add this line to your `Podfile` just below the last pod (if you don't have one, you can create it by running `pod init`):
++ pod 'raygun4reactnative', :path => '../node_modules/raygun4reactnative'
+3. Run `pod install`.
+### Android
+1. Add the project to `android/settings.gradle`:
+rootProject.name = 'MyApp'
+include ':app'
++ include ':raygun4reactnative'
++ project(':raygun4reactnative').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/raygun4reactnative/android')
+2. In `android/app/build.gradle` add to dependencies:
+dependencies {
+ ...
++ implementation project(':@raygun4reactnative')
+3. Then, in `android/app/src/main/java/your/package/MainApplication.java`:
+package com.myapp;
++ import com.raygun.react.RaygunNativeBridgePackage;
+protected List getPackages() {
+ return Arrays.asList(
+ new MainReactPackage(),
++ new RaygunNativeBridgePackage()
+ );
+## Expo
+Raygun for ReactNative is not compatible with [Expo Go](https://expo.dev/go) projects, however, it can be installed in Expo projects that use [development builds](https://docs.expo.dev/develop/development-builds/introduction/).
+You can find an example of Expo app using Raygun in the `ExpoDemo` folder.
+To use Raygun for ReactNative in Expo projects, first enable the development build mode:
+npx expo install expo-dev-client
+### Expo support for Android
+Add the `android.package` property to the `app.json`.
+"android": {
+ "package": "com.raygun.expodemo",
+ ...
+Run the app on Android once to create the native files directory:
+npx expo run:android
+Install Raygun4ReactNative and AsyncStorage dependency:
+npm install --save raygun4reactnative
+npm install --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
+To complete the setup, perform the [additional step for Android](#additional-step-for-android).
+Proceed to the [API guide](#api-guide) to start using the package.
+### Expo support for iOS
+Run the app on iOS once to create the native files directory:
+npx expo run:android
+If not done already, install Raygun4ReactNative and AsyncStorage dependency:
+npm install --save raygun4reactnative
+npm install --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
+The [additional step for iOS](#additional-step-for-ios) should not be necessary for Expo apps. As the native package should be automatically linked.
+Proceed to the [API guide](#api-guide) to start using the package.
+## Additional Public Documentation
+[Crash Reporting Installation](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/crash-reporting/installation/)
+[Crash Reporting Features](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/crash-reporting/features/)
+[Real User Monitoring Installation](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/real-user-monitoring/installation/)
+[Real USer Monitoring Features](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/react-native/real-user-monitoring/features/)
+# API guide
+## Important information
+The client must be instantiated and initialized before using the rest of the API. Failing to do so
+will result in a lack of functionality (this will be logged out to the system - this means that
+during testing it will appear where console.logs appear).
+## Using the client
+An instance of the RaygunClient is created by importing the client from the package.
+import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
+This instance will be used to call action upon the rest of the API interface. Be sure to `init` your
+instance BEFORE using the other functions within the API.
+### init(RaygunClientOptions)
+The `init` function must be used BEFORE doing anything else with the RaygunClient. This is
+important, as all other functionality within the client will rely on the options parsed to it with
+this function.
+Multithreading: This function, by default, is NOT asynchronous. BEWARE, as asynchronously calling
+this method may lead to some undesirable outcomes. The `init` method needs to finish before all
+other methods.
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {RaygunClientOptions, LogLevel} from "raygun4reactnative"
+const options: RaygunClientOptions = {
+ version: "0.1.2",
+ enableCrashReporting: true,
+ disableNativeCrashReporting: false,
+ disableUnhandledPromiseRejectionReporting: false,
+ enableRealUserMonitoring: true,
+ disableNetworkMonitoring: false,
+ customCrashReportingEndpoint: "https://myCrashReportingEndpoint.com",
+ customRealUserMonitoringEndpoint: "https://myRealUserMonitoringEndpoint.com",
+ ignoredURLs: ["http://thisIsAnInternalCall.com", "http://thisIsAnotherInternalCall.com"],
+ ignoredViews: ["name of view to ignore"],
+ logLevel: LogLevel.verbose,
+ onBeforeSendingCrashReport: (crashReport) => console.log(crashReport),
+ groupingKey: (crashReport) => crashReport.Details.Error.Message,
+ maxErrorReportsStoredOnDevice: 10,
+ maxBreadCrumbsPerErrorReport: 10,
+After successfully calling the init function, the client has been instantiated and initialized. Now
+the other functions provided by the client will be able to run.
+### setTags(... tags: string[])
+The `setTags` function set the global tags for the Raygun client. All crash reports and real user
+monitoring packages will be attached with these tags, such that they can be searched for in the
+Raygun.com dashboard. To remove all tags, simply parse this method nothing.
+[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/custom-data-tags/)
+import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
+RaygunClient.setTags("Invalid_User_Entry", "Caught_Exception");
+// Reset tags
+### getTags(): string[]
+The `getTags` returns all the global tags that are currently set in the Raygun client.
+Tip: To append more tags to the global set, use the get method to retrieve an array of currently
+existing tags, concat the extra tags onto the list, and call the `setTags` function again.
+[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/custom-data-tags/)
+import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
+const globalTags: string[] = RaygunClient.getTags();
+### setUser(user: User | null)
+The `setUser` function is parsed a User object. Setting the user is an important step in maintaining
+a Real User Monitoring session. By updating the User, the following rules are applied:
+- anonymous_user -> user_1 => Current session is updated with the user data.
+- user_1 -> user_2 => Current session ends. A new session begins with user_2 information.
+- user_1 -> anonymous_user => Current sessions ends. A new session begins.
+Note, if `null` is parsed to this method, the user is set to an anonymous user.
+[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/real-user-monitoring/for-mobile/users/)
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {User} from "raygun4reactnative"
+const user: User = {
+ identifier: 'ronald@raygun.com',
+ isAnonymous: false,
+ email: 'ronald@raygun.com',
+ firstName: 'Ronald',
+ fullName: 'Ronald Raygun',
+ uuid: 'uuid'
+// Reset to anonymous user
+### getUser(): User
+The `getUser` function returns the current user.
+[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/real-user-monitoring/for-mobile/users/)
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {User} from "raygun4reactnative"
+const curUser: User = RaygunClient.getUser();
+### recordBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb)
+The `recordBreadcurmb` function appends a breadcrumb to the global set of breadcrumbs. These
+breadcrumbs are attached to all Crash Reports. Breadcrumbs are useful when debugging code, if you
+leave a trail of breadcrumbs as your code progresses, then you can determine the state of the
+program right before the crash occurred.
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {Breadcrumb} from "raygun4reactnative"
+const breadCrumb: Breadcrumb = {
+ message: "Hansel and Gretel #1",
+ category: "FairyTales",
+ level: 'warning',
+ customData: {"House Materials": ["GingerBread", "GumDrops"]},
+ timestamp: Date.now(),
+ type: 'manual',
+### getBreadcrumbs(): Breadcrumb[]
+The `getBreadcrumbs` function returns an array of the current global set of breadcrumbs.
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {Breadcrumb} from "raygun4reactnative"
+const globalBreadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = RaygunClient.getBreadcrumbs();
+### clearBreadcrumbs()
+The `clearBreadcrumbs` function removes all the globally set breadcrumbs.
+import RaygunClient, from "raygun4reactnative"
+### sendError(error: Error, details?: ManualCrashReportDetails)
+The `sendError` function manually sends an error to your Raygun dashboard. By default, the crash
+reporter will capture all unhandled errors, and send them through to Raygun, however in some cases,
+an error shouldn't be thrown as the program can still persist. If you have caught some error, you
+can utilize this method, and send the error through to Raygun. Appended to this error is a
+ManualCrashReportDetails object. This non-mandatory object can apply specific tags and CustomData to
+the error you are sending away as well as the global tags and CustomData.
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {ManualCrashReportDetails} from "raygun4reactnative"
+try {
+ // some action that might throw an error
+ throw new Error("Something went wrong");
+} catch (e) {
+ const localDetails: ManualCrashReportDetails = {
+ customData: {"Local": "Tried to attempt action A, but failed"},
+ tags: ["Action A", "Local"]
+ }
+ RaygunClient.sendError(e, localDetails);
+ // Alternatively, if you don't wish to append any local data
+ RaygunClient.sendError(e);
+### setCustomData(customData: CustomData | null)
+The `setCustomData` function will set the global custom data object to the parsed parameter. When
+any error occurs, this custom data will be attached to all crash reports. If you parse `null` to
+this function, the global custom data will be reset.
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {CustomData} from "raygun4reactnative"
+const customData: CustomData = {"Key": "Value"};
+// To reset custom data object
+### getCustomData(): CustomData | null
+The `getCustomData` function will return the current, global custom data object that has been set.
+If no custom data object exists, then the function will return null.
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {CustomData} from "raygun4reactnative"
+const customData: CustomData | null = RaygunClient.getCustomData();
+### setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(size: number)
+The `setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice` function will determine how many crash reports are stored on the
+device. A crash report is stored when the user is unable to connect to Raygun.com. Upon launching
+the application again, the reports that are stored are attempted to be sent.
+Note, although any number can be parsed through this value, the maximum amount of stored crash
+reports is capped at 64. The minimum is 0. Parsing 0 (or less) will mean, no crash reports are
+stored on the device at all. The default starting value is 64.
+import RaygunClient from "raygun4reactnative"
+RaygunClient.setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(10); // Sets the amount to 10
+// Alternatively
+RaygunClient.setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(100); // Sets the amount to 64
+RaygunClient.setMaxReportsStoredOnDevice(-100); // Sets the amount to 0
+### sendRUMTimingEvent(eventType: RealUserMonitoringTimings, name: string, durationMs: number)
+The `sendRUMTimingEvent` function manually sends a new timing event to Real User Monitoring. Parsing
+in a
+`RealUserMonitoringTiming` event, the name of the event, and the duration of the event. This can be
+used to monitor the load times of particular components or fetch times of network requests.
+By default, if Real User Monitoring is enabled, all network events are captured and sent to Raygun.
+However, if you choose to disable this through the `init` method, then you can still send away
+network timing events using this function.
+See also:
+import RaygunClient, {RealUserMonitoringTimings} from "raygun4reactnative"
+// Monitoring some activity
+RaygunClient.sendRUMTimingEvent(RealUserMonitoringTimings.ViewLoaded, 'name of the activity event', 1000);
+// Monitoring a network call
+RaygunClient.sendRUMTimingEvent(RealUserMonitoringTimings.NetworkCall, 'name of the network event', 255);
+## Raygun specific types
+This segment outlines the type declarations for some Raygun4ReactNative specific objects. Each of
+these object types can be imported into your program and used (as the examples throughout the rest
+of the API guide show).
+### BeforeSendHandler
+The `BeforeSendHandler` acts as an intermediate function between your application and Raygun. This
+function is parsed a CrashReportPayload and returns a CrashReportPayload or Null. Before the
+CrashReportPayload is sent to Raygun, this function will be called to apply some logic to the
+report. If `null` or other invalid object is returned, then the report is ignored (not sent to
+See also:
+export type BeforeSendHandler = (payload: CrashReportPayload) => CrashReportPayload | null;
+### GroupingKeyHandler
+The `GroupingKeyHandler` allows to define a custom grouping key to group error together.
+When initializing Raygun, pass a `groupingKey` function.
+This function takes a `CrashReportPayload` and must return either a `string` with the custom grouping key,
+or `null` to use the default grouping.
+See also:
+export type GroupingKeyHandler = (payload: CrashReportPayload) => string | null;
+### Breadcrumb
+The `Breadcrumb` type is a container for simple pieces of information that are used to aid with
+identifying issues. These are sent away with a CrashReportPayload.
+[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/breadcrumbs/)
+See also:
+export type Breadcrumb = {
+ message: string;
+ category?: string;
+ level?: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error';
+ customData?: CustomData;
+ timestamp?: number;
+ type?: 'manual'
+### CrashReportPayload
+The `CrashReportPayload` is only accessible within the `BeforeSendHandler` function. This reference
+should aid in designing an intermediate function. It acts as a container for basic information about
+some environment where a crash occurred. This may give you some insight to the error.
+See also:
+export type CrashReportPayload = {
+ OccurredOn: Date;
+ Details: {
+ Error: {
+ ClassName: string;
+ Message: string;
+ StackTrace: RaygunStackFrame[];
+ StackString: string;
+ };
+ Environment: Environment;
+ Client: {
+ Name: string;
+ Version: string;
+ };
+ UserCustomData: CustomData;
+ Tags?: string[];
+ User?: User;
+ Breadcrumbs?: Breadcrumb[];
+ Version: string;
+ };
+### CustomData
+The `CustomData` type is a restricted object that only allows for basic object types. Treat
+it as though it was a JSON object to send through with your crash report.
+[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/crash-reporting/custom-data-tags/)
+export type CustomData = {
+ [key: string]: BasicType | CustomData | BasicType[] | CustomData[];
+// For reference (this is not an available type in the API)
+const BasicType = string | number | boolean;
+### Environment
+The `Environment` type is accessible in a `BeforeSendHandler` function via the `CrashReportPayload`
+parameter. It acts as a container for all variables related to the current system environment. The
+structure below should aid if this information would be helpful for a pre-sending function. Note,
+this information is also available with a crash report.
+export type Environment = {
+ UtcOffset: number;
+ Cpu?: string;
+ Architecture?: string;
+ ProcessorCount?: number;
+ OSVersion?: string;
+ OSSDKVersion?: string;
+ WindowsBoundWidth?: number;
+ WindowsBoundHeight?: number;
+ CurrentOrientation?: string;
+ ResolutionScale?: number;
+ Locale?: string;
+ TotalPhysicalMemory?: number;
+ AvailablePhysicalMemory?: number;
+ TotalVirtualMemory?: number;
+ AvailableVirtualMemory?: number;
+ DiskSpaceFree?: number;
+ DeviceName?: string;
+ KernelVersion?: string;
+ Brand?: string;
+ Board?: string;
+ DeviceCode?: string;
+ JailBroken?: boolean;
+### LogLevel
+The `LogLevel` enum is used to set the level for which the Raygun client will log issues during
+export enum LogLevel {
+ off = 'off',
+ error = 'error',
+ warn = 'warn',
+ info = 'info',
+ debug = 'debug',
+ verbose = 'verbose',
+### ManualCrashReportDetails
+The `ManualCrashReportDetails` type is used to append additional, local details to a manually sent
+crash report. Note, both fields are non-mandatory, therefore you can send just tags, or just custom
+data. Note, ManualCrashReportDetails is a non-mandatory parameter for the `sendError` method. If no
+local data is being appended to the error, you can avoid sending this object all together.
+See also:
+export type ManualCrashReportDetails = {
+ customData?: CustomData,
+ tags?: string[]
+### RaygunClientOptions
+The `RaygunClientOptions` type is used to parse information into the RaygunClient during the `init`
+function. Each field within the object is optional, however, failing to declare a field will result
+in the option defaulting to its type specific default value (except for custom end points which will
+default to the Raygun application end point). It is important that your `apiKey` is entered here,
+else all crash reports and real user monitoring events will not be logged to your Raygun dashboard,
+and will instead be thrown away, and lost forever.
+See also:
+export type RaygunClientOptions = {
+ apiKey?: string;
+ version?: string;
+ enableCrashReporting?: boolean;
+ disableNativeCrashReporting?: boolean;
+ disableUnhandledPromiseRejectionReporting?: boolean;
+ enableRealUserMonitoring?: boolean;
+ disableNetworkMonitoring?: boolean;
+ customCrashReportingEndpoint?: string;
+ customRealUserMonitoringEndpoint?: string;
+ logLevel?: LogLevel;
+ onBeforeSendingCrashReport?: BeforeSendHandler;
+ groupingKey?: GroupingKeyHandler;
+ ignoredURLs?: string[];
+ ignoredViews?: string[];
+ maxErrorReportsStoredOnDevice?: number;
+ maxBreadcrumbsPerErrorReport?: number;
+### RaygunStackFrame
+The `RaygunStackFrame` type is a container which maintains information found in one frame of a
+StackTrace. The only access to a RaygunStackFrame is through the CrashReportPayload. This object
+would only be used in a `BeforeSendHandler` function.
+See also:
+export type RaygunStackFrame = {
+ FileName: string;
+ LineNumber: number;
+ ColumnNumber: number | null;
+ MethodName: string;
+ ClassName: string;
+### RealUserMonitoringTimings
+The `RealUserMonitoringTimings` enum is a parameter in the `sendRUMTimingEvent` method.
+See also:
+export enum RealUserMonitoringTimings {
+ ViewLoaded = 'p',
+ NetworkCall = 'n'
+### User
+The `User` type is used to record session data, and maintain information for Real User Monitoring.
+This object type is used as a parameter for the `setUser` method, and is returned with the `getUser`
+method. It is also found in other objects.
+[Find out more here!](https://raygun.com/documentation/product-guides/real-user-monitoring/for-mobile/users/)
+See also:
+export type User = {
+ identifier: string;
+ isAnonymous?: boolean;
+ email?: string;
+ firstName?: string;
+ fullName?: string;
+ uuid?: string;
+## Native Crash Reporting
+Raygun4ReactNative uses internally [Raygun4Android](https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4android/)
+and [Raygun4Apple](https://github.com/MindscapeHQ/raygun4apple) to capture errors on the platform framework layer.
+These two platform providers are initialized by default when the Raygun4ReactNative provider is initalized.
+To disable this, set `disableNativeCrashReporting` to `false` in the `RaygunClientOptions`.
+> Errors happening in the platform framework layer won't be captured by Raygun unless the provider has been initialized.
+You can also initialize the platform providers directly by performing the setup steps documented in each respective provider project.
+This ensures that the platform providers are initialized before the React Native application loads.
+Setting `disableNativeCrashReporting` to `false` also disables all communication between Raygun4ReactNative and the platform providers,
+therefore data like breadcrumbs or user information won't be accesible by the platform providers.
+## Generating Sourcemaps
+Source Maps helps convert minified JavaScript code back into source code. Raygun uses them to take unreadable errors generated from minified JavaScript, translate them to be readable, and include code snippets from your source.
+To generate them in your app, refer to the React Native documentation:
+[Enabling sourcemaps for debugging release builds](https://reactnative.dev/docs/debugging-release-builds).
+Once your sourcemaps have been generated, follow the instructions in the [JavaScript Source Maps documentation](https://raygun.com/documentation/language-guides/javascript/crash-reporting/source-maps/) to upload them.