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Instructions for preparing a camera ready paper for publication on this website.

GenAICHI papers are generally published here on this website under a CC BY 4.0 license; however, if you don't want to publish your workshop submission you don't have to. In general, we ask that authors send us one of the following options (through a form in CMT):

  1. A clean PDF (see instructions below or this example) that they are happy to have hosted on our website under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 License (authors retain copyright).
  2. A working URL to a self-hosted version of their submission in either PDF or HTML. The link should be to something like arXiv, your own website, or an institutional repository but not a dropbox or onedrive link those disappear after a while.
  3. No paper, but an updated abstract for our website, you take responsibility for distributing your paper under whatever way you might want to.

Creating a clean GenAICHI PDF

GenAICHI uses the 1-column ACM Primary Article Template in manuscript mode as our proceedings template. We have a LaTeX code example below that puts the ACM template into 1-column manuscript mode, adds a footer with the workshop title to each page, and adds a CC BY 4.0 license note the first page. You may adjust this template as you wish , but we expect a neat-and-tidy 1-column formatted PDF file for publication on our website. This code is also available as an example on Overleaf.

{% raw %}

%% Special GenAICHI Settings and Setup for ACM article template:
\documentclass[manuscript,screen,nonacm]{acmart} % the settings here are important!
\acmConference[]{} % need to include this to suppress addresses footer

\newcommand{\workshopname}{GenAICHI: CHI 2024 Workshop on Generative AI and HCI}
\newcommand{\licensedetails}{Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Copyright remains with the author(s).}
\newcommand\extrafootertext[1]{% this command adds a non-numbered footnote

\AtBeginDocument{ % setup headers and footers
        \fancyfoot[L]{\sffamily\footnotesize \workshopname}%
        \fancyfoot[C]{\sffamily\footnotesize \thepage}
%% End GenAICHI settings and setup

% the rest of your document goes here

{% endraw %}

If you want to create your PDF with Word or another non-latex word processor, you can use the 1-column ACM template and add an equivalent footer if you wish. Our paper template looks like this:

![Example GenAICHI workshop paper]({% link images/genaichi-example-paper.jpg %})