clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/NVIDIA-Optical-Character-Detection-and-Recognition-Solution.git
download the onnx models of OCDnet and OCRnet
mkdir NVIDIA-Optical-Character-Detection-and-Recognition-Solution/onnx_models cd NVIDIA-Optical-Character-Detection-and-Recognition-Solution/onnx_models # Download OCDNet-ViT onnx wget --content-disposition 'https://api.ngc.nvidia.com/v2/models/org/nvidia/team/tao/ocdnet/deployable_v2.0/files?redirect=true&path=ocdnet_fan_tiny_2x_icdar.onnx' -O ocdnet_fan_tiny_2x_icdar.onnx # Download OCRNet-ViT onnx wget --content-disposition 'https://api.ngc.nvidia.com/v2/models/org/nvidia/team/tao/ocrnet/deployable_v2.0/files?redirect=true&path=ocrnet-vit.onnx' -O ocrnet-vit.onnx # Download OCRnet character_list wget --content-disposition 'https://api.ngc.nvidia.com/v2/models/org/nvidia/team/tao/ocrnet/deployable_v2.0/files?redirect=true&path=character_list' -O character_list
Build Triton Server docker images
cd NVIDIA-Optical-Character-Detection-and-Recognition-Solution/triton bash setup_triton_server.sh [ocd onnx path] [ocr onnx path] [ocr character list path] # For example bash setup_triton_server.sh ../onnx_models/ocdnet_fan_tiny_2x_icdar.onnx ../onnx_models/ocrnet-vit.onnx ../onnx_models/character_list
Build Triton Client docker images
bash setup_triton_client.sh
Start a triton server container
Note: ocdnet_fan_tiny_2x_icdar.onnx only support batch size 1docker run -it --rm --net=host --gpus all --shm-size 8g nvcr.io/nvidian/tao/nvocdr_triton_server:v2.0 bash # build the tensorRT engine for OCDNet and OCRnet cd /opt/nvocdr/ocdr/triton bash build_engine.sh [OCD input height] [OCD input width] [OCD input max batchsize] [GPU idx] # OCDNet-ViT onnx model only support batch_size=1, For example bash build_engine.sh 736 1280 1 0 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu idx> tritonserver --model-repository /opt/nvocdr/ocdr/triton/models/
- Inference for high resolution images
nvocdr triton can support hight resolution images as input such as 4000x4000. you can change the spec file inmodels/nvOCDR/spec.json
to support the high resolution images inference.Note: high resolution image inference only support batch size 1# to support high resolution images is_high_resolution_input: true
- Inference for high resolution images
Start a triton client container
To speed up processing images in client, it's recommended that user can run this client container in a machine with GPU, then nvJpeg lib will be used to accelerate the image processing. User can run this client container in a machine without GPU as well.
# if you are using a machine without GPU docker run -it --rm -v <path to images dir>:<path to images dir> --net=host nvcr.io/nvidian/tao/nvocdr_triton_client:v2.0 bash # if you are using a machine which does have a GPU docker run -it --rm -v <path to images dir>:<path to images dir> --gpus all --net=host nvcr.io/nvidian/tao/nvocdr_triton_client:v2.0 bash python3 client.py -d <path to images dir> -bs 1
args of
: path to image directory
: infer batch size