- 23: Fix broken parsing of snapshot list when partial snapshots exist
- 20: correctly pull files when name contains a space
- implemented optionally specified wait time for wait_for_device functionality
- Change name to adb-pywrapper and add action to release to PyPi
- Removed lru_cache function that caused get_prop output to be cached which is not advisable since these properties can change
- Improved the documentation of all the functions and the README.md
- Introduced get_device_status functionality to get the device status using a static function
- Introduced snapshot_list, load, save and delete for emulator snapshot interaction
- Introduced get-state function to get the current status of a connected device. Example: device, offline, fastboot
- Introduced emu avd function for emulator communication trough adb
- Introduced get_prop function from OSS project
- Initial release based on ADB functions introduced in the Appium project