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File metadata and controls

86 lines (71 loc) · 3.33 KB


Plugin for server communication on a Bungeecord/Spigot network using Redis and MySQL. This plugin can be used to make servers in a Bungeecord network talk to each other and to the Bungeecord instance without using Plugin Messaging. This means the servers can communicate without the requirement of a player to send the plugin messages through. Additionally, this plugin provides simple MySQL database API.


API Reference

Get the core

SkyDataCore core = SkyDataSpigot.getCore() // Spigot
SkyDataCore core = SkyDataBungee.getCore() // Bungeecord


Publish a payload (String) from any server to all servers on network, including Bungeecord proxy

core.publish(String message)

Listen for messages

You can add any information you want in the messages. You could for example have game servers advertise available game slots to the lobby or proxy. Or you could apply votifier to all back-end servers by installing Votifier on the bungeecord server and broadcasting a message from the bungeecord to all back-end servers.

// Spigot
public void onMessage(RedisMessageEventSpigot event) {
    String message = event.getMessage();

public void onMessage(RedisMessageEventBungee event) {
    String message = event.getMessage();

Change data in the redis server

core.setValue(String key, Object value, int secondsToExpire)
Method Parameters Returns Description
setValue String key, Object value, int expireSeconds void Set value with expiry
deleteValue String key void
setValuePermanently String key, Object value void Set value without expiry
getValue String key, Object value, int expireSeconds String
lPushValue String key, String... value void Add values to head of list*
rPushValue String key, String... value void Add values to tail of list*
lPopValue String key String Get and remove value from head of list**
rPopValue String key String Get and remove value from tail of list**
getDelValue String key String Get and remove value
lIndexValue String key, int index String Get value from list at index

*If list does not exist, one is created

**Will leave empty list if no values are present anymore


The plugin comes with simple MySQL support. MySQL can be disabled in the config.yml


PreparedStatement statement = core.getMYSQLDatabase().createStatement("SET score=? FROM ? WHERE uuid=?;");
statement.setInt(1, 100);
statement.setString(2, database);
statement.setString(3, uuid.toString());
boolean result = statement.execute();


PreparedStatement statement = core.getMYSQLDatabase().createStatement("SELECT score FROM ? WHERE uuid=?;");
statement.setString(1, database);
statement.setString(2, uuid.toString());
ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery();
if ( {
    int score = result.getInt("score");
} else {
    //not found

Optionally you can execute SQL strings using fetch(String sqlQuery) and executeUpdate(String sqlQuery) but this is not recommended.