- edit the CHANGELOG.md. The best way is to start with commitizen for that:
cz changelog --incremental --unreleased-version v2.0.0
and then edit it to make it more user readable. Especially, the BREAKING CHANGE
needs to be reviewed carefully and often to be rewritten, including
migration guide for instance.
- edit the version in setup.py
- create a merge request with these changes
- once it is merged, create a tagged release on gitlab.
- switch to the newly created tag
- publish on pypi:
# create a package in dist/ folder
python -m build
# check everything is ok (replace <version> by the version you've just built)
twine check dist/pysfcgal-<version>*
# check your pypirc for authentication
# upload it to pypi, eventually using --repository for selecting the right authent
twine upload dist/pysfcgal-<version>*
What to check after the release:
- the gitlab registry container
- [TODO] the docker hub page
- the pypi page
- [TODO] the new tag in the online documentation