- Sameness in choices / Repetitious dialogue
- Clicking fatigue / Ask-everyone-about-everything tedium
- Unchanging NPCs
- Adventure-style text-parsers are too slow and convoluted
- Physical interaction during dialogue
- Dedicated button directions for types of responses
- Conversation recaps
- Exposing the workings of the system for clarity (e.g. showing NPC mood)
- Limited number of total choices an NPC can be asked
- “News events”, their radii, spread, and evolution
- Timed choices
- Unchoices
- Failure as success
- Conversation interruptions (+ returns to conversation & queueing vs. interjecting)
Conversation tone choice
Collecting nouns and asking NPCs about said nouns
Stats/afflictions governing what players can say
Entirely different dialogue choices based on class/stats
Culture-influenced dialects
- NPC ability to remember knowledge
- Responsive choices to player statements
- NPC purposes
- Culture-influenced dialects
- Complex
- Dialogue System For Unity (biggest indie player + large number of features)
- articy:draft 3 (AAA standard with a ton of features)
- Simplified
- Meet and Talk (great UI + focus on nodes)
- Conversa (great UI + focus on features)
- Node Based Dialogue System (ultra-simple)