Collects the RBAC permissions of Kubernetes identities. For clusters hosted on EKS and GKE, the collect
command also identifies service account annotations that assign cloud provider IAM entities to Kubernetes service accounts.
rbac-police collect [flags]
-h, --help help for collect
Global Flags:
-a, --all-serviceaccounts collect data on all serviceAccounts, not only those assigned to a pod
-w, --discover-protections discover features gates and admission controllers that protect against certain attacks, partly by emulating the attacks via impersonation & dry-run write operations
--ignore-controlplane don't collect data on control plane nodes and pods. Identified by either the '' or '' labels. ServiceAccounts will not be linked to control plane components
-j, --json-indent uint json indent, 0 means compact mode (default 4)
--local-dir string offline mode, get cluster data from local files, see <rbac-police>/utils/
-l, --loud loud mode, print results regardless of -o
-n, --namespace string scope collection on serviceAccounts to a namespace
--node-groups strings treat nodes as part of these groups (default [system:nodes])
--node-user string user assigned to all nodes, default behaviour assumes nodes users are compatible with the NodeAuthorizer
-o, --out-file string save results to file
"metadata": {
"cluster": "cluster name from the current kubectl context",
"platform": "eks, gke or empty",
"version": {
"major": "1",
"minor": "22",
"gitVersion": "v1.22.10-gke.600"
"features": [
"list of relevant feature gates and admission controllers,",
"currently supports:",
"serviceAccounts": [
"name": "serviceaccount name",
"namespace": "serviceaccount namespace",
"nodes": [
"name": "the node hosting the following pods",
"pods": [
"a pod assigned the service account"
"a pod assigned the service account"
"name": "the node hosting the following pods",
"pods": [
"a pod assigned the service account"
"providerIAM": { // omitempty
"aws": "AWS role granted to this serviceaccount via the '' annotation, if exists",
"gcp": "GCP service account binded to this serviceaccount via the '' annotation, if exists"
"roles": [
"name": "a role / clusterRole assigned to this serviceAccount",
"namespace": "role's namespace", // omitempty
"effectiveNamespace": "if granted by a roleBinding, namespace where permissions are in effect" // omitempty
"nodes": [
"name": "node name",
"roles": [
"name": "a role / clusterRole assigned to this node",
"namespace": "role's namespace", // omitempty
"effectiveNamespace": "if granted by a roleBinding, namespace where permissions are in effect" // omitempty
"serviceAccounts": [
"serviceAccounts hosted on this node",
"format is namespace:name",
"users": [
"name": "user-name",
"roles": [
"name": "a role / clusterRole assigned to this user",
"namespace": "role's namespace", // omitempty
"effectiveNamespace": "if granted by a roleBinding, namespace where permissions are in effect" // omitempty
"groups": [
"name": "group-name",
"roles": [
"name": "a role / clusterRole assigned to this group",
"namespace": "role's namespace", // omitempty
"effectiveNamespace": "if granted by a roleBinding, namespace where permissions are in effect" // omitempty
"roles": [
"name": "role or clusterrole referenced by an identity (SA, node, user or group)",
"namespace": "role's namespace", // omitempty
"rules": [] // k8s rule format