JavaScript Implementation of W3C Verifiable QR Credentials with BBS+ -> CBOR-LD -> QR.
npm install @pathcheck/cbld-sdk --save
With the keys:
const keyPair = {
id: "did:example:489398593#test",
controller: "did:example:489398593",
privateKeyBase58: "5D6Pa8dSwApdnfg7EZR8WnGfvLDCZPZGsZ5Y1ELL9VDj",
publicKeyBase58: "oqpWYKaZD9M1Kbe94BVXpr8WTdFBNZyKv48cziTiQUeuhm7sBhCABMyYG4kcMrseC68YTFFgyhiNeBKjzdKk9MiRWuLv5H4FFujQsQK2KTAtzU8qTBiZqBHMmnLF4PL7Ytu"
And a JSON-LD Payload
const TEST_PAYLOAD = {
"@context": [
"id": "",
"type": [
"expirationDate": "2021-02-05T20:29:37Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"type": "DGCProofOfCovidTest",
"testInformation": {
"type": "DGCTestInformation",
"testType": "loinc#LP217198-3",
"testResult": "POS",
"testCenter": "Hospital Na Františku Prague",
"testValidatorId": "test-id",
"countryOfTestAdminstration": "it"
"personalInformation": {
"type": "DGCSubject",
"familyName": "Schmidt",
"givenName": "Abdiel",
"birthDate": "1987-07-07",
"gender": "F"
Add keys to the Resolver Cache and call the signAndPack to create the URI for the QR Code:
const {sign, verify, pack, unpack, signAndPack, unpackAndVerify, addCache} = require('../lib/index');
const qrUri = await signAndPack(TEST_PAYLOAD, keyPair);
And call the unpack and verify to convert the URI into the payload:
const jsonld = await unpackAndVerify(qrUri);
npm install
npm test