From dee076bc052636e62dce124ba0bd95cdd95b40c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: per-oestergaard Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 08:29:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Ignore .devcontainer --- .gitignore | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index e97d30b..4d27f56 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ project.lock.json Microsoft.PowerShell.TextUtility.xml # VSCode directories that are not at the repository root /**/.vscode/ +# VSCode dev container +.devcontainer \ No newline at end of file From 464139d3b9321b063c2eb30b319b4be9a08b3328 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: per-oestergaard Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:50:42 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 2/5] Fix tests. Perhaps for Pester v5 (v5.5.0)? --- test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 | 299 +++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 150 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 b/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 index fc2643b..7512d7a 100644 --- a/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 +++ b/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 @@ -1,140 +1,141 @@ -Describe "Test text table parser" { +Import-Module -Verbose $PSScriptRoot/../out/Microsoft.PowerShell.TextUtility/Microsoft.PowerShell.TextUtility.psd1 -Force +$testCases = @{ + FileName = 'attrib.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{ NoHeader = $true } + Rows = 12 + Results = @{Row = 0; Property_01 = 'A'; Property_02 = 'C:\windows\system32\mmgaserver.exe' }, + @{Row = -1; Property_01 = 'A'; Property_02 = 'C:\windows\system32\msdtc.exe' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'df.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 10 + Results = @{ Row = 0; 'Filesystem' = '/dev/disk4s1s1'; '512-blocks' = '3907805752'; 'Used' = '17463888'; 'Available' = '1387159800'; 'Capacity' = '2%'; 'iused' = '349475'; 'ifree' = '4291443272'; '%iused' = '0%'; 'Mounted_on' = '/' }, + @{ Row = 1; 'Filesystem' = 'devfs'; '512-blocks' = '427'; 'Used' = '427'; 'Available' = '0'; 'Capacity' = '100%'; 'iused' = '739'; 'ifree' = '0'; '%iused' = '100%'; 'Mounted_on' = '/dev' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'docker.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 8 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'REPOSITORY' = 'docker101tutorial'; 'TAG' = 'latest'; 'IMAGE_ID' = '234e26cd95c2'; 'CREATED' = '5 weeks ago'; 'SIZE' = '28.9MB' }, + @{ Row = 3; 'REPOSITORY' = 'alpine/git'; 'TAG' = 'latest'; 'IMAGE_ID' = '692618a0d74d'; 'CREATED' = '6 weeks ago'; 'SIZE' = '43.4MB' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'docker.02.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 25 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'NAME' = 'centos/powershell'; 'DESCRIPTION' = "PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Lin`u{2026}"; 'STARS' = '8'; 'OFFICIAL' = ''; 'AUTOMATED' = '[OK]' }, + @{ ROW = 20; 'NAME' = 'powershellduzero/api'; 'DESCRIPTION' = ''; 'STARS' = '0'; 'OFFICIAL' = ''; 'AUTOMATED' = '' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'docker.03.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 25 + Results = @{ ROW = 22; 'NAME' = 'zoilus/powershell'; 'DESCRIPTION' = ''; 'STARS' = '0'; 'OFFICIAL' = ''; 'AUTOMATED' = '' }, + @{ ROW = 23; 'NAME' = 'ephesoft/powershell.git'; 'DESCRIPTION' = 'Powershell image with Git pre-installed'; 'STARS' = '0'; 'OFFICIAL' = ''; 'AUTOMATED' = '' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'docker.04.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 1 + Results = @(@{ ROW = 0; 'DRIVER' = 'local'; 'VOLUME_NAME' = '6bf5c897a2cdcf0bfe5da45a795fa7fe94032f79b98d2f63563578ed40d0f0c6' }) +}, +@{ + FileName = 'getmac.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 6 + Results = @{ ROW = 3; 'Physical_Address' = '0C-C4-7A-28-C7-13'; 'Transport_Name' = '\Device\Tcpip_{8234FC65-751E-4B56-AB8A-0758A4C18889}' }, + @{ ROW = 4; 'Physical_Address' = '0C-C4-7A-28-C7-12'; 'Transport_Name' = 'N/A' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'kmutil.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 30 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'Index' = '1'; 'Refs' = '161'; 'Address' = '0'; 'Size' = '0'; 'Wired' = '0'; 'Name_(Version)_UUID_' = " (22.3.0) 10E5D254-4A37-3A2A-B560-E6956A093ADE `u{003C}`u{003E}" }, + @{ ROW = 1; 'Index' = '2'; 'Refs' = '12'; 'Address' = '0'; 'Size' = '0'; 'Wired' = '0'; 'Name_(Version)_UUID_' = " (22.3.0) 10E5D254-4A37-3A2A-B560-E6956A093ADE `u{003C}`u{003E}" } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'ls.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{skip = 1; NoHeader = $true } + Rows = 5 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'Property_01' = '-rw-r--r--'; 'Property_02' = '1'; 'Property_03' = 'james'; 'Property_04' = 'staff'; 'Property_05' = '2687'; 'Property_06' = 'Oct'; 'Property_07' = '12'; 'Property_08' = '16:58'; 'Property_09' = 'NativeTableParser.deps.json' }, + @{ ROW = 3; 'Property_01' = '-rwxr--r--'; 'Property_02' = '1'; 'Property_03' = 'james'; 'Property_04' = 'staff'; 'Property_05' = '354304'; 'Property_06' = 'Mar'; 'Property_07' = '7'; 'Property_08' = '2019'; 'Property_09' = 'System.Management.Automation.dll' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'ls.02.txt' + convertArgs = @{ skip = 1; NoHeader = $true } + Rows = 5 + Results = @(@{ ROW = 4; 'Property_01' = '-rwxr--r--'; 'Property_02' = '1'; 'Property_03' = 'james'; 'Property_04' = '457864'; 'Property_05' = 'Aug'; 'Property_06' = '19'; 'Property_07' = '12:49'; 'Property_08' = 'System.Text.Json.dll' }) +}, +@{ + FileName = 'ls.03.txt' + convertArgs = @{ skip = 1; NoHeader = $true } + Rows = 5 + Results = @{ ROW = 1; 'Property_01' = '-rw-r--r--'; 'Property_02' = '1'; 'Property_03' = '12288'; 'Property_04' = 'Oct'; 'Property_05' = '12'; 'Property_06' = '16:58'; 'Property_07' = 'NativeTableParser.dll' }, + @{ ROW = 2; 'Property_01' = '-rw-r--r--'; 'Property_02' = '1'; 'Property_03' = '14512'; 'Property_04' = 'Oct'; 'Property_05' = '12'; 'Property_06' = '16:58'; 'Property_07' = 'NativeTableParser.pdb' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'ps.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{ } + Rows = 6 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'PID' = '2596'; 'TTY' = 'ttys000'; 'TIME' = '1:59.45'; 'CMD' = '/usr/local/bin/pwsh -l' }, + @{ ROW = 1; 'PID' = '2601'; 'TTY' = 'ttys001'; 'TIME' = '0:44.13'; 'CMD' = '/usr/local/bin/pwsh -l' }, + @{ ROW = 2; 'PID' = '2661'; 'TTY' = 'ttys002'; 'TIME' = '0:23.53'; 'CMD' = '/usr/local/bin/pwsh' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'ps.02.txt' + convertArgs = @{ } + Rows = 88 + Results = @{ ROW = 82; 'UID' = '0'; 'PID' = '69835'; 'PPID' = '2596'; 'C' = '0'; 'STIME' = '8:25AM'; 'TTY' = 'ttys000'; 'TIME' = '0:00.01'; 'CMD' = '/bin/ps -ef' }, + @{ ROW = 85; 'UID' = '501'; 'PID' = '2669'; 'PPID' = '2658'; 'C' = '0'; 'STIME' = '9:45AM'; 'TTY' = 'ttys003'; 'TIME' = '0:23.04'; 'CMD' = '/usr/local/bin/pwsh' }, + @{ ROW = 87; 'UID' = '501'; 'PID' = '2676'; 'PPID' = '2658'; 'C' = '0'; 'STIME' = '9:45AM'; 'TTY' = 'ttys005'; 'TIME' = '0:23.16'; 'CMD' = '/usr/local/bin/pwsh' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'ps.03.txt' + convertArgs = @{ } + Rows = 6 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'UID' = '501'; 'PID' = '2596'; 'PPID' = '2587'; 'F' = '4006'; 'CPU' = '0'; 'PRI' = '33'; 'NI' = '0'; 'SZ' = '39662748'; 'RSS' = '167544'; 'WCHAN' = '-'; 'S' = "S`u{002B}"; 'ADDR' = '0'; 'TTY' = 'ttys000'; 'TIME' = '2:01.35'; 'CMD' = '/usr/local/bin/pwsh -l' }, + @{ ROW = 5; 'UID' = '501'; 'PID' = '2676'; 'PPID' = '2658'; 'F' = '4006'; 'CPU' = '0'; 'PRI' = '33'; 'NI' = '0'; 'SZ' = '39658344'; 'RSS' = '136596'; 'WCHAN' = '-'; 'S' = "Ss`u{002B}"; 'ADDR' = '0'; 'TTY' = 'ttys005'; 'TIME' = '0:23.17'; 'CMD' = '/usr/local/bin/pwsh' } + +}, +@{ + FileName = 'ps.04.txt' + convertArgs = @{ } + Rows = 785 + Results = @{ ROW = 782; 'PID' = '2676'; 'TTY' = 'ttys005'; 'TIME' = '0:27.57'; 'CMD' = 'pwsh' }, + @{ ROW = 783; 'PID' = '94197'; 'TTY' = 'ttys006'; 'TIME' = '1:07.57'; 'CMD' = 'pwsh' }, + @{ ROW = 784; 'PID' = '94200'; 'TTY' = 'ttys007'; 'TIME' = '0:05.13'; 'CMD' = 'pwsh' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'tasklist.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 46 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'Image_Name' = '========================='; 'PID' = '========'; 'Session_Name' = '================'; 'Session#' = '==========='; 'Mem_Usage' = '============' }, + @{ ROW = 1; 'Image_Name' = 'System Idle Process'; 'PID' = '0'; 'Session_Name' = 'Services'; 'Session#' = '0'; 'Mem_Usage' = '8 K' }, + @{ ROW = 2; 'Image_Name' = 'System'; 'PID' = '4'; 'Session_Name' = 'Services'; 'Session#' = '0'; 'Mem_Usage' = '8,240 K' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'tasklist.02.txt' + convertArgs = @{} + Rows = 39 + Results = @{ ROW = 14; 'Image_Name' = 'svchost.exe'; 'PID' = '1364'; 'Session_Name' = 'Services'; 'Session#' = '0'; 'Mem_Usage' = '24,896 K' }, + @{ ROW = 15; 'Image_Name' = 'svchost.exe'; 'PID' = '1412'; 'Session_Name' = 'Services'; 'Session#' = '0'; 'Mem_Usage' = '18,576 K' } +}, +@{ + FileName = 'who.01.txt' + convertArgs = @{ NoHeader = $true } + Rows = 6 + Results = @{ ROW = 0; 'Property_01' = 'reboot'; 'Property_02' = '~'; 'Property_03' = 'Sep'; 'Property_04' = '14'; 'Property_05' = '10:10'; 'Property_06' = '00:04'; 'Property_07' = '1' }, + @{ ROW = 4; 'Property_01' = 'james'; 'Property_02' = 'ttys002'; 'Property_03' = 'Oct'; 'Property_04' = '5'; 'Property_05' = '16:36'; 'Property_06' = '.'; 'Property_07' = "90609`tterm=0 exit=0" }, + @{ ROW = 5; 'Property_01' = 'james'; 'Property_02' = 'ttys006'; 'Property_03' = 'Oct'; 'Property_04' = '11'; 'Property_05' = '15:41'; 'Property_06' = '.'; 'Property_07' = "25351`tterm=0 exit=0" } +} +Describe 'Test text table parser' { BeforeAll { - $cmdletName = "ConvertFrom-TextTable" - $testCases = @{ - FileName = "attrib.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{ NoHeader = $true } - Rows = 12 - Results = @{Row = 0; Property_01 = "A";Property_02 = "C:\windows\system32\mmgaserver.exe"}, - @{Row = -1; Property_01 = "A";Property_02 = "C:\windows\system32\msdtc.exe"} - }, - @{ - FileName = "df.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 10 - Results = @{ Row = 0; "Filesystem" = "/dev/disk4s1s1"; "512-blocks" = "3907805752"; "Used" = "17463888"; "Available" = "1387159800"; "Capacity" = "2%"; "iused" = "349475"; "ifree" = "4291443272"; "%iused" = "0%"; "Mounted_on" = "/" }, - @{ Row = 1; "Filesystem" = "devfs"; "512-blocks" = "427"; "Used" = "427"; "Available" = "0"; "Capacity" = "100%"; "iused" = "739"; "ifree" = "0"; "%iused" = "100%"; "Mounted_on" = "/dev" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "docker.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 8 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "REPOSITORY" = "docker101tutorial"; "TAG" = "latest"; "IMAGE_ID" = "234e26cd95c2"; "CREATED" = "5 weeks ago"; "SIZE" = "28.9MB" }, - @{ Row = 3; "REPOSITORY" = "alpine/git"; "TAG" = "latest"; "IMAGE_ID" = "692618a0d74d"; "CREATED" = "6 weeks ago"; "SIZE" = "43.4MB" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "docker.02.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 25 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "NAME" = "centos/powershell"; "DESCRIPTION" = "PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Lin`u{2026}"; "STARS" = "8"; "OFFICIAL" = ""; "AUTOMATED" = "[OK]" }, - @{ ROW = 20; "NAME" = "powershellduzero/api"; "DESCRIPTION" = ""; "STARS" = "0"; "OFFICIAL" = ""; "AUTOMATED" = "" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "docker.03.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 25 - Results = @{ ROW = 22; "NAME" = "zoilus/powershell"; "DESCRIPTION" = ""; "STARS" = "0"; "OFFICIAL" = ""; "AUTOMATED" = "" }, - @{ ROW = 23; "NAME" = "ephesoft/powershell.git"; "DESCRIPTION" = "Powershell image with Git pre-installed"; "STARS" = "0"; "OFFICIAL" = ""; "AUTOMATED" = "" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "docker.04.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 1 - Results = @(@{ ROW = 0; "DRIVER" = "local"; "VOLUME_NAME" = "6bf5c897a2cdcf0bfe5da45a795fa7fe94032f79b98d2f63563578ed40d0f0c6" }) - }, - @{ - FileName = "getmac.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 6 - Results = @{ ROW = 3; "Physical_Address" = "0C-C4-7A-28-C7-13"; "Transport_Name" = "\Device\Tcpip_{8234FC65-751E-4B56-AB8A-0758A4C18889}" }, - @{ ROW = 4; "Physical_Address" = "0C-C4-7A-28-C7-12"; "Transport_Name" = "N/A" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "kmutil.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 30 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "Index" = "1"; "Refs" = "161"; "Address" = "0"; "Size" = "0"; "Wired" = "0"; "Name_(Version)_UUID_" = " (22.3.0) 10E5D254-4A37-3A2A-B560-E6956A093ADE `u{003C}`u{003E}" }, - @{ ROW = 1; "Index" = "2"; "Refs" = "12"; "Address" = "0"; "Size" = "0"; "Wired" = "0"; "Name_(Version)_UUID_" = " (22.3.0) 10E5D254-4A37-3A2A-B560-E6956A093ADE `u{003C}`u{003E}" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "ls.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{skip = 1; NoHeader = $true } - Rows = 5 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "Property_01" = "-rw-r--r--"; "Property_02" = "1"; "Property_03" = "james"; "Property_04" = "staff"; "Property_05" = "2687"; "Property_06" = "Oct"; "Property_07" = "12"; "Property_08" = "16:58"; "Property_09" = "NativeTableParser.deps.json" }, - @{ ROW = 3; "Property_01" = "-rwxr--r--"; "Property_02" = "1"; "Property_03" = "james"; "Property_04" = "staff"; "Property_05" = "354304"; "Property_06" = "Mar"; "Property_07" = "7"; "Property_08" = "2019"; "Property_09" = "System.Management.Automation.dll" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "ls.02.txt" - convertArgs = @{ skip = 1; NoHeader = $true } - Rows = 5 - Results = @(@{ ROW = 4; "Property_01" = "-rwxr--r--"; "Property_02" = "1"; "Property_03" = "james"; "Property_04" = "457864"; "Property_05" = "Aug"; "Property_06" = "19"; "Property_07" = "12:49"; "Property_08" = "System.Text.Json.dll" }) - }, - @{ - FileName = "ls.03.txt" - convertArgs = @{ skip = 1; NoHeader = $true } - Rows = 5 - Results = @{ ROW = 1; "Property_01" = "-rw-r--r--"; "Property_02" = "1"; "Property_03" = "12288"; "Property_04" = "Oct"; "Property_05" = "12"; "Property_06" = "16:58"; "Property_07" = "NativeTableParser.dll" }, - @{ ROW = 2; "Property_01" = "-rw-r--r--"; "Property_02" = "1"; "Property_03" = "14512"; "Property_04" = "Oct"; "Property_05" = "12"; "Property_06" = "16:58"; "Property_07" = "NativeTableParser.pdb" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "ps.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{ } - Rows = 6 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "PID" = "2596"; "TTY" = "ttys000"; "TIME" = "1:59.45"; "CMD" = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh -l" }, - @{ ROW = 1; "PID" = "2601"; "TTY" = "ttys001"; "TIME" = "0:44.13"; "CMD" = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh -l" }, - @{ ROW = 2; "PID" = "2661"; "TTY" = "ttys002"; "TIME" = "0:23.53"; "CMD" = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "ps.02.txt" - convertArgs = @{ } - Rows = 88 - Results = @{ ROW = 82; "UID" = "0"; "PID" = "69835"; "PPID" = "2596"; "C" = "0"; "STIME" = "8:25AM"; "TTY" = "ttys000"; "TIME" = "0:00.01"; "CMD" = "/bin/ps -ef" }, - @{ ROW = 85; "UID" = "501"; "PID" = "2669"; "PPID" = "2658"; "C" = "0"; "STIME" = "9:45AM"; "TTY" = "ttys003"; "TIME" = "0:23.04"; "CMD" = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh" }, - @{ ROW = 87; "UID" = "501"; "PID" = "2676"; "PPID" = "2658"; "C" = "0"; "STIME" = "9:45AM"; "TTY" = "ttys005"; "TIME" = "0:23.16"; "CMD" = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "ps.03.txt" - convertArgs = @{ } - Rows = 6 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "UID" = "501"; "PID" = "2596"; "PPID" = "2587"; "F" = "4006"; "CPU" = "0"; "PRI" = "33"; "NI" = "0"; "SZ" = "39662748"; "RSS" = "167544"; "WCHAN" = "-"; "S" = "S`u{002B}"; "ADDR" = "0"; "TTY" = "ttys000"; "TIME" = "2:01.35"; "CMD" = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh -l" }, - @{ ROW = 5; "UID" = "501"; "PID" = "2676"; "PPID" = "2658"; "F" = "4006"; "CPU" = "0"; "PRI" = "33"; "NI" = "0"; "SZ" = "39658344"; "RSS" = "136596"; "WCHAN" = "-"; "S" = "Ss`u{002B}"; "ADDR" = "0"; "TTY" = "ttys005"; "TIME" = "0:23.17"; "CMD" = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh" } - - }, - @{ - FileName = "ps.04.txt" - convertArgs = @{ } - Rows = 785 - Results = @{ ROW = 782; "PID" = "2676"; "TTY" = "ttys005"; "TIME" = "0:27.57"; "CMD" = "pwsh" }, - @{ ROW = 783; "PID" = "94197"; "TTY" = "ttys006"; "TIME" = "1:07.57"; "CMD" = "pwsh" }, - @{ ROW = 784; "PID" = "94200"; "TTY" = "ttys007"; "TIME" = "0:05.13"; "CMD" = "pwsh" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "tasklist.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 46 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "Image_Name" = "========================="; "PID" = "========"; "Session_Name" = "================"; "Session#" = "==========="; "Mem_Usage" = "============" }, - @{ ROW = 1; "Image_Name" = "System Idle Process"; "PID" = "0"; "Session_Name" = "Services"; "Session#" = "0"; "Mem_Usage" = "8 K" }, - @{ ROW = 2; "Image_Name" = "System"; "PID" = "4"; "Session_Name" = "Services"; "Session#" = "0"; "Mem_Usage" = "8,240 K" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "tasklist.02.txt" - convertArgs = @{} - Rows = 39 - Results = @{ ROW = 14; "Image_Name" = "svchost.exe"; "PID" = "1364"; "Session_Name" = "Services"; "Session#" = "0"; "Mem_Usage" = "24,896 K" }, - @{ ROW = 15; "Image_Name" = "svchost.exe"; "PID" = "1412"; "Session_Name" = "Services"; "Session#" = "0"; "Mem_Usage" = "18,576 K" } - }, - @{ - FileName = "who.01.txt" - convertArgs = @{ NoHeader = $true } - Rows = 6 - Results = @{ ROW = 0; "Property_01" = "reboot"; "Property_02" = "~"; "Property_03" = "Sep"; "Property_04" = "14"; "Property_05" = "10:10"; "Property_06" = "00:04"; "Property_07" = "1" }, - @{ ROW = 4; "Property_01" = "james"; "Property_02" = "ttys002"; "Property_03" = "Oct"; "Property_04" = "5"; "Property_05" = "16:36"; "Property_06" = "."; "Property_07" = "90609`tterm=0 exit=0" }, - @{ ROW = 5; "Property_01" = "james"; "Property_02" = "ttys006"; "Property_03" = "Oct"; "Property_04" = "11"; "Property_05" = "15:41"; "Property_06" = "."; "Property_07" = "25351`tterm=0 exit=0" } - } + $cmdletName = 'ConvertFrom-TextTable' } - Context "Test JSON output" { + Context 'Test JSON output' { It "Should create proper json from '' " -testCases $testCases { param ($FileName, $convertArgs, $rows, $Results) @@ -148,14 +149,14 @@ Describe "Test text table parser" { $result.Count | Should -Be $Rows foreach ( $r in $results ) { $rObject = $result[$r.Row] - foreach ( $k in $r.Keys.Where({$_ -ne "Row"}) ) { + foreach ( $k in $r.Keys.Where({ $_ -ne 'Row' }) ) { $rObject."$k" | Should -Be $r."$k" } } } } - Context "Test PSObject output" { + Context 'Test PSObject output' { It "Should create proper psobject from '' " -testCases $testCases { param ($FileName, $convertArgs, $rows, $Results ) $Path = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot assets $FileName @@ -164,29 +165,29 @@ Describe "Test text table parser" { $result.Count | Should -Be $Rows foreach ( $r in $results ) { $rObject = $result[$r.Row] - foreach ( $k in $r.Keys.Where({$_ -ne "Row"}) ) { + foreach ( $k in $r.Keys.Where({ $_ -ne 'Row' }) ) { $rObject."$k" | Should -Be $r."$k" } } } } - Context "Column offset use" { + Context 'Column offset use' { + $expectedResult = @( + @{ Name = 'Property_01'; Value = 'S1234' } + @{ Name = 'Property_02'; Value = '56789012' } + @{ Name = 'Property_03'; Value = '3456789012' } + @{ Name = 'Property_04'; Value = '34567890123456789' } + @{ Name = 'Property_05'; Value = '012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789' } + ) + $testFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot assets 'columns.01.txt' + $result = Get-Content $testFile | ConvertFrom-TextTable -ColumnOffset 0, 5, 13, 23, 40 -noheader + $line = 0 + $testCases = $result.ForEach({ @{Result = $_; Line = $line++ } }) BeforeAll { - $expectedResult = @( - @{ Name = "Property_01"; Value = "S1234" } - @{ Name = "Property_02"; Value = "56789012" } - @{ Name = "Property_03"; Value = "3456789012" } - @{ Name = "Property_04"; Value = "34567890123456789" } - @{ Name = "Property_05"; Value = "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" } - ) - $testFile = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot assets "columns.01.txt" - $result = Get-Content $testFile | ConvertFrom-TextTable -ColumnOffset 0,5,13,23,40 -noheader - $line = 0 - $testCases = $result.ForEach({@{Result = $_; Line = $line++}}) } - It "Specifying column offset breaks string properly for Line: ''" -TestCases $testCases { + It "Specifying column offset breaks string properly for Line: ' '" -TestCases $testCases { param ( $Result, $Line ) foreach ($expected in $expectedResult) { $Result.$($expected.Name) | Should -Be $expected.Value From d7b900c5dc111ee809062768c57aa31792a40b9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: per-oestergaard Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:51:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 3/5] Lowercase file like the others --- test/{TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 => TextTableParser.tests.ps1} | 0 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) rename test/{TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 => TextTableParser.tests.ps1} (100%) diff --git a/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 b/test/TextTableParser.tests.ps1 similarity index 100% rename from test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 rename to test/TextTableParser.tests.ps1 From 10982fe55dabbd4c284ac2d1191d38c280a602e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: per-oestergaard Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:58:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Revert casing to make diff show changes --- test/{TextTableParser.tests.ps1 => TextTableParser.Tests.ps1} | 0 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) rename test/{TextTableParser.tests.ps1 => TextTableParser.Tests.ps1} (100%) diff --git a/test/TextTableParser.tests.ps1 b/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 similarity index 100% rename from test/TextTableParser.tests.ps1 rename to test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 From f2cc73141df3be2225f9f8ba2c2c0e33aef5b0d2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: per-oestergaard Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 11:01:06 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 5/5] Undo debugging --- test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 b/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 index 7512d7a..d6ea269 100644 --- a/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 +++ b/test/TextTableParser.Tests.ps1 @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Describe 'Test text table parser' { BeforeAll { } - It "Specifying column offset breaks string properly for Line: ' '" -TestCases $testCases { + It "Specifying column offset breaks string properly for Line: ''" -TestCases $testCases { param ( $Result, $Line ) foreach ($expected in $expectedResult) { $Result.$($expected.Name) | Should -Be $expected.Value