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Scripting Library


Auxiliary Functions

Return type Function Description
effect aux.AddContinuousSkillProcedure(c, coverNum, drawless, flip) Procedure for continuous Spell/Trap Skill-- c: the card (card)-- coverNum: the Number of the cover (int)-- drawless: if the player draw 1 less card at the start of the duel (bool)-- flip: if the continuous card get flipped at the start of the duel (bool)
-void aux.AddEquipProcedure(Card c, int|nil p, function|nil f, function|nil eqlimit, function|nil cost, function|nil tg, function|nil op, function|nil con) Adds the Equip Card Activation where (int p) is the player, setting 0 will limit to monsters you control, setting to 1 will be your opponent and PLAYER_ALL/nil will be for either player. (function f) is the filters on which monsters you can equip it to. (function eqlimit) if provided will that limitation on which monsters you can only equip it (e.g. Those that can only be equipped by this activation, e.g. Train Connection). (function cost) would be the cost to activate it. (function tg) are effects that applied to it after targeting the monster to equip, and also checking requirements. (function op) is any operation that is applied after the Equip Proc equips. (function con) returns a bool which are conditions that need to be fulfilled for the Equip Card to be activated.
void aux.AddEREquipLimit(Card c, function|nil con, function|nil equipval, function equipop, Effect linkedeff, int|nil prop, int|nil resetflag, int|nil resetcount) Registers effects that need to be checked for the effect of "Millennium-Eyes Illusionist". (function con) is any conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to apply its "equipping" effect. (function equipval) is the filter of valid monsters you can equip to it. (function equipop) is the equipping by its effect. (Effect linkedeff) is the effect that equips. (int prop) is the list of additional properties for SetProperty to register effects. (int resetflag) and (int resetcount) is used if the effect would reset such as, until only the End Phase.
effect aux.AddFieldSkillProcedure(card c, coverNum, drawless) Procedure for Field skills--c: the skill (card)--coverNum: the cover corresponding to the back (int)--drawless: if the skill make you draw 1 less card at the start of the duel (bool)
effect, effect aux.AddKaijuProcedure(card c) Adds Kaiju's stardand procedure to the monster (which also includes the uniqueness on field condition). Calls the following auxilary function: KaijuCondition
effect aux.AddLavaProcedure(card c, int required, int position, funtion filter, int value, int description) Adds Lava Golem-like procedure (monster that tribute to Special Summon on opponent's field), int required is the amount of monster to tribute, position is which position is it summoned and filter specify the monster it must tribute, value sets the type of Special summon and description adds a description for it. Calls the following auxiliary functions: LavaCondition, LavaCheck, LavaTarget and LavOperation, defined in cards_specific_functions.lua.
function aux.AddMaleficSummonProcedure(c,code,loc,excond) Procedure for "Malefic" monsters' Special Summon (also includes handling of "Malefic Paradox Gear"'s effect)
effect aux.AddNormalSetProcedure(card c, bool ns, bool opt, int min, int max, int sum_type_val, string desc, function f, function sumop)  
effect aux.AddNormalSummonProcedure(card c, bool ns, bool opt, int min, int max, int sum_type_val, string desc, function f, function sumop)
void aux.AddPersistentProcedure(Card c, int|nil p, function|nil f, int|nil category, int|nil property, int|nil hint1, int|nil hint2, function|nil con, function|nil cost, function|nil tg, function|nil op, bool|nil anypos) Adds the Persistent Trap Procedure where is the player, setting 0 will limit to monsters you control, setting to 1 will be your opponent and PLAYER_ALL/nil will be for either player. (function f) is the filters on which monsters you can target. (bool anypos) is a check if the target needs to be face-up. Setting this to true will allow it to be targeted even if it isn't face-up.
effect aux.AddPreDrawSkillProcedure(c, coverNum, drawless, skillcon, skillop, countlimit) Function for the skills that "trigger" at the start of the turn/Before the Draw-- c: the card (card)-- coverNum: the Number of the cover (int)-- drawless: if the player draw 1 less card at the start of the duel (bool)-- flip con: condition to activate the skill (function)-- flipOp: operation related to the skill activation (function)
effect aux.AddSkillProcedure(c, coverNum, drawless, skillcon, skillop, countlimit) Procedure for basic skill-- c: the card (card)-- coverNum: the Number of the cover (int)-- drawless: if the player draw 1 less card at the start of the duel (bool)-- flip con: condition to activate the skill (function)-- flipOp: operation related to the skill activation (function)
void aux.AddUnionProcedure(Card c, function f, bool oldrule, bool oldprotect) Adds the Union Procedure to (Card c) where (function f) is the cards you can equip the Union monster to, and (bool oldrule) is a check to apply old rulings of the Union monster. if oldprotect is not nil, uses old rules for destroy replacement (If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)
void aux.AddValuesReset(resetfunc)  
effect aux.AddVrainsSkillProcedure(c, skillcon, skillop, efftype) Procedure for Vrains Skills--flip con: condition to activate the skill (function)--flipOp: operation related to the skill activation (function)--efftype: Event to trigger the Skill, default to EVENT_FREE_CHAIN. Additionally accept EFFECT_NEGATE_SKILL for Anti Skill (int)
bool aux.AND(...)(...) First (...) is a list of functions which will be used to check the parameters in the second set of (...), separated with "and". The second set of (...) is applied automatically when used as a filter.
int aux.AnnounceAnotherAttribute(group g, int player) Makes (int player) announce an attribute different from the one(s) already among the members of (group g)
int aux.AnnounceAnotherRace(group g, int player) Makes (int player) announce a monster type (Race) different from the one(s) already among the members of (group g)
int aux.AskAny(stringid)  
int aux.AskEveryone(stringid)  
bool aux.bdcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Default condition of EVENT_BATTLE_DESTROYING. "When this card destroys a monster by battle" and checks if itself is still the same state after battle.
bool aux.bdgcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Condition of EVENT_BATTLE_DESTROYING. "When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard" and checks if itself is still the same state after battle.
bool aux.bdocon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Condition of EVENT_BATTLE_DESTROYING. "When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle" and checks if itself is still the same state after battle.
bool aux.bdogcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Condition of EVENT_BATTLE_DESTROYING. "When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard" and checks if itself is still the same state after battle.
void aux.BeginPuzzle() Sets up the beginning of a puzzle, causing the player to lose during the End Phase
bool aux.bfgcost(Effect e, int tp, Group|nil eg, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp, int chk) Default SetCost for "You can banish this card from your Graveyard"
table aux.BitSplit(int number) Auxiliary function to help printing hints for attribute-related cards such as Cynet Codec
void aux.CallToken(int code) Function is used mostly for Anime Cards calling 419/420 to enable more functions. Also used in Anime Numbers with alias to prevent errors made by alias.
bool aux.CanActivateSkill(int player)  
Return type Function Description
int aux.cannotmatfilter(int val1, [int ...]) Return the value(s) passed formated to be used for EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_MATERIAL.
bool aux.CanPlaceCounter(card c,int counter_type) Checks whether card c has an effect that places int counter_type counters (on itself or others). Corresponding table: "s.counter_place_list".
void aux.chainreg(Effect e, int tp, Group eg nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp)
int aux.ChangeBattleDamage(int player, int value) Changes the battle damage that (int player) would have taken to (int value)
bool aux.CheckPendulumZones(int player) Returns if (int player) has at least one Pendulum zone free, using Duel.CheckLocation.
bool aux.CheckUnionEquip(Card uc, Card tc) A check if you can equip a Union monster (Card uc) to (Card tc).
bool aux.CheckUnionEquip(uc,tc) See proc_union.lua.
bool aux.CheckValidExtra(card c, int player, group sg, group mg, lc, group emt, function filt)  
bool aux.CheckZonesReleaseSummonCheck(group must, group oneof, function checkfunc) Auxiliary function called by "Duel.SelectReleaseGroupSummon".
bool aux.CheckZonesReleaseSummonCheckSelection(group must, group oneof, function checkfunc)  
bool aux.ChkfMMZ(int sumcount)(Group sg, Effect e, int tp, Group mg) "Check for Main Monster Zones". Used in rescon by default. 2nd parenthesis is not required as rescon/cancelcon in aux.SelectUnselectGroup. (Group sg) is the selected group when using aux.SelectUnselectGroup. Evaluates if a int sumcount number of Main Monsters zones are available and/or will be made available to summon the requiring card.
int aux.ComposeNumberDigitByDigit(int tp, int min, int max) (int tp) declares a number by digit with a minimum of (int min) and maximum of (int max)
function aux.CostWithReplace(function base, int replacecode, function extracon, function alwaysexecute)  
bool aux.damcon1(Effect e, int tp, Group eg nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp)
void aux.DeleteExtraMaterialGroups(group emt)  
bool aux.disfilter1(Card c) Checks if (Card c) can be negated (for monsters)
bool aux.disfilter2(Card c) Checks if (Card c) can be negated (for Spell/Trap)
bool aux.disfilter3(Card c) Checks if (Card c) can be negated (return aux.disfilter1 OR aux.disfilter2)
function aux.dncheck Checks for cards with different names (usually be used with aux.SelectUnselectGroup)
bool aux.dogcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) SetCondition for "is destroyed by your opponent".
void aux.DoubleSnareValidity(card c, int range, int property) Registers that card c has an effect that can negate/destroy trap cards, while it is in the location defined in int range. Used by Double Snare to identify which cards it can destroy. Int property are additional properties other than the default EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_DISABLE|EFFECT_FLAG_SINGLE_RANGE.
Return type Function Description
bool aux.dpcheck(function f) Checks for cards with different properties (the property defined in function f, for example, Card.GetLevel, GetAttribute, GetRace, GetCode, etc). Usually used with aux.SelectUnselectGroup.
function aux.dxmcostgen(int min, int max, [function op]) "Detach Xyz Material Cost Generator". Generates a function to be used by Effect.SetCost in order to detach a number of Xyz Materials from the Effect's handler. (int min) is the minimum number of materials to check for detachment. (int max) is the maximum number of materials to detach or a function that gets called as if by doing max(e,tp) in order to get the value of max detachments. (function op) is an optional function that gets called by passing the effect and the operated group of just detached materials in order to do some additional handling with them.
void aux.EnableCheckReincarnation(Card c) Auxiliary function for "Salamangreat" Reincarnation procedure. Enables reincarnation links.
void aux.EnableExtraRules(c, card, init, ...) Functions to automate consistent start-of-duel activations for Duel Modes like Speed Duel, Sealed Duel, etc
void aux.EnableExtraRulesOperation(card,init,...)  
void aux.EnableGeminiAttribute(Card c) Applies all the effects necessary for a Gemini monster to be used as one to (Card c).
void aux.EnableNeosReturn(Card c[, int extracat, function extrainfo, function extraop]) Adds the effect to shuffle the card into the Extra Deck at the End Phase (most commonly used by "Neos" Fusion Monsters). If provided, "extracat", "extrainfo" and "extraop" will add additional effect categories, operation info and operations respectively to the effect. The Condition, Target and Operation functions of this effect, named NeosReturnCondition1/2, NeosReturnTarget and NeosReturnOperation, are detailed in cards_specific_functions.lua.
void aux.EnableSpiritReturn(Card c, int event1, int ...) Sets up EVENT triggers to (Card c) so it returns to the hand during that End Phase, requires a minimum of 1 (int event1)
bool aux.EquipByEffectAndLimitRegister(Card c, Effect e)  
bool aux.EquipByEffectLimit(Card c, Effect e, int tp, Card tc, int nil code, bool mustbefaceup)
void aux.EquipEquip(Effect e, int tp, Group eg, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Used to equip the Equip Card to the targeted monster. This would be used if you cannot use the Equip Procedure for your Equip Card activation.
int aux.EvilHeroLimit(e, se, sp, st) Default SetValue for "Evil HERO" monsters's effect EFFECT_SPSUMMON_CONDITION. Must be used due to the existance of "Supreme King Castle"
bool aux.evospcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Default SetCondition for "Summoned by a "Evolsaur" monster"
bool aux.exccon(Effect e) SetCondition for "except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard".
bool aux.FALSE() Function that returns false
bool aux.FieldSummonProcTg(function f1, function f2)  
bool aux.FilterBoolFunction(function f, ...) Used in filters (with parameter (Card c)) to check a function and its (...) parameters
bool aux.FilterBoolFunctionEx(function f, int value) Used filter for the Fusion, Xyz, Synchro and Link Procedures where (function f) can be Card.IsRace, Card.IsAttribute and Card.IsType and (int value) corresponds to the required Race, Attribute and Type.
bool aux.FilterBoolFunctionEx2(function f, ...)  
bool aux.FilterEqualFunction(function f, int value, ...) Used in filters (with parameter (Card c)) to check a function and its (...) parameters is equal to the inputted (int value).
function aux.FilterFaceupFunction(function f, ...) Filter to check face-up cards that match (function f) where (...) are extra parameters to f. Can be used as the function parameter in SelectMatchingCard/Target and IsExistingMatchingCard/Target.
bool aux.FilterSummonCode(...) used for Material Types Filter Bool (works for IsRace, IsAttribute, IsType)
function aux.FunctionWithNamedArgs(function f, ...)  
bool aux.fuslimit(Effect e, Effect se, int sp, int st) SPSUMMON condition "Must be Fusion Summoned"
bool aux.gbspcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Default SetCondition for "Summoned by a "Gladiator Beast" monster"
bool aux.GeminiNormalCondition(Effect e) Checks if a monster is face-up and is not a Gemini monster or has not been Normal Summoned on the field.
table aux.GetAttributeStrings(int number)  
int aux.GetCover(card c, coverNum) Used by the Skill procedure.
table,group aux.GetExtraMaterials(int player, group mustg, group sc, int summon_type)  
group aux.GetMustBeMaterialGroup(int player, group eg, group sump, sc, group g, int r)  
Group aux.GetMustBeMaterialGroup(int tp, nil|Group eg, int sump, nil|Card sc, nil|Group g, int r) Gets the group that must be used as material (Contacting "C"). (int tp) is the affected player, (nil|Group eg) is all detected materials, (int sump) is the Summoning player, (nil|Card sc) is the card to be Summoned, (nil|Group) g is all the valid usable materials, (int r) is the reason e.g. REASON_SYNCHRO, REASON_XYZ
Return type Function Description
bool aux.dpcheck(function f) Checks for cards with different properties (the property defined in function f, for example, Card.GetLevel, GetAttribute, GetRace, GetCode, etc). Usually used with aux.SelectUnselectGroup.
function aux.dxmcostgen(int min, int max, [function op]) "Detach Xyz Material Cost Generator". Generates a function to be used by Effect.SetCost in order to detach a number of Xyz Materials from the Effect's handler. (int min) is the minimum number of materials to check for detachment. (int max) is the maximum number of materials to detach or a function that gets called as if by doing max(e,tp) in order to get the value of max detachments. (function op) is an optional function that gets called by passing the effect and the operated group of just detached materials in order to do some additional handling with them.
void aux.EnableCheckReincarnation(Card c) Auxiliary function for "Salamangreat" Reincarnation procedure. Enables reincarnation links.
void aux.EnableExtraRules(c,card,init,...) Functions to automate consistent start-of-duel activations for Duel Modes like Speed Duel, Sealed Duel, etc
void aux.EnableExtraRulesOperation(card,init,...)  
void aux.EnableGeminiAttribute(Card c) Applies all the effects necessary for a Gemini monster to be used as one to (Card c).
void aux.EnableNeosReturn(Card c[, int extracat, function extrainfo, function extraop]) Adds the effect to shuffle the card into the Extra Deck at the End Phase (most commonly used by "Neos" Fusion Monsters). If provided, "extracat", "extrainfo" and "extraop" will add additional effect categories, operation info and operations respectively to the effect. The Condition, Target and Operation functions of this effect, named NeosReturnCondition1/2, NeosReturnTarget and NeosReturnOperation, are detailed in cards_specific_functions.lua.
void aux.EnableSpiritReturn(Card c, int event1, int ...) Sets up EVENT triggers to (Card c) so it returns to the hand during that End Phase, requires a minimum of 1 (int event1)
bool aux.EquipByEffectAndLimitRegister(Card c, Effect e)  
bool aux.EquipByEffectLimit(Card c, Effect e, int tp, Card tc, int|nil code, bool mustbefaceup) Equips (Card tc) to (Card c). Adding a (int code) will register that code as flag effect to the equipped card (bool mustbefaceup) defines if the card to be equipped is required to be face-up.
void aux.EquipEquip(Effect e, int tp, Group eg, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Used to equip the Equip Card to the targeted monster. This would be used if you cannot use the Equip Procedure for your Equip Card activation.
int aux.EvilHeroLimit(e,se,sp,st) Default SetValue for "Evil HERO" monsters's effect EFFECT_SPSUMMON_CONDITION. Must be used due to the existance of "Supreme King Castle"
bool aux.evospcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Default SetCondition for "Summoned by a "Evolsaur" monster"
bool aux.exccon(Effect e) SetCondition for "except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard".
bool aux.FALSE() Function that returns false
bool aux.FieldSummonProcTg(function f1, function f2)  
bool aux.FilterBoolFunction(function f, ...) Used in filters (with parameter (Card c)) to check a function and its (...) parameters
bool aux.FilterBoolFunctionEx(function f, int value) Used filter for the Fusion, Xyz, Synchro and Link Procedures where (function f) can be Card.IsRace, Card.IsAttribute and Card.IsType and (int value) corresponds to the required Race, Attribute and Type.
bool aux.FilterBoolFunctionEx2(function f, ...)
Return type Function Description
bool aux.FilterEqualFunction(function f, int value, ...) Used in filters (with parameter (Card c)) to check a function and its (...) parameters is equal to the inputted (int value).
function aux.FilterFaceupFunction(function f, ...) Filter to check face-up cards that match (function f) where (...) are extra parameters to f. Can be used as the function parameter in SelectMatchingCard/Target and IsExistingMatchingCard/Target.
bool aux.FilterSummonCode(...) used for Material Types Filter Bool (works for IsRace, IsAttribute, IsType)
function aux.FunctionWithNamedArgs(function f, ...)  
bool aux.fuslimit(Effect e, Effect se, int sp, int st) SPSUMMON condition "Must be Fusion Summoned"
bool aux.gbspcon(Effect e, int tp, Group eg|nil, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Default SetCondition for "Summoned by a "Gladiator Beast" monster"
bool aux.GeminiNormalCondition(Effect e) Checks if a monster is face-up and is not a Gemini monster or has not been Normal Summoned on the field.
table aux.GetAttributeStrings(int number)  
int aux.GetCover(card c, coverNum) Used by the Skill procedure.
table,group aux.GetExtraMaterials(int player, group mustg, group sc, int summon_type)  
group aux.GetMustBeMaterialGroup(int player, group eg, group sump, sc, group g, int r)  
Group aux.GetMustBeMaterialGroup(int tp, nil|Group eg, int sump, nil|Card sc, nil|Group g, int r) Gets the group that must be used as material (Contacting "C"). (int tp) is the affected player, (nil|Group eg) is all detected materials, (int sump) is the Summoning player, (nil|Card sc) is the card to be Summoned, (nil|Group) g is all the valid usable materials, (int r) is the reason e.g. REASON_SYNCHRO, REASON_XYZ
table aux.GetRaceStrings(int number)  
void aux.GlobalCheck(s, function func) Enables a global check to be used with function "func"
bool aux.HarmonizingMagFilter(c,e,f)  
bool aux.HasCounterListed(card c, int counter_type) Checks whether card c has an effect that mentions int counter_type counter. This includes adding, removing, gaining ATK/DEF per counter, etc. Corresponding table: "s.counter_list" ("s.counter_place_list" is already handled)
bool aux.HasListedSetCode(Card c, int ...) Returns if (Card c) lists any of the setcodes passed in (int ...), by iterating over Card c's listed_series.
bool aux.imval1(Effect e, Card c) default filter for EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_BATTLE_TARGET where (Card c) is checked to ensure it's not immune to (Effect e)
bool aux.imval2(Effect e, Card c) similar to aux.imval1, but also check if the monster is from opponent.
bool aux.indoval(Effect e, Effect re, int rp) Returns if the reason player is equal to 1-effect e's handler player. Commonly used as filter for EFFECT_INDESTRUCTABLE_EFFECT + opponent
Return type Function Description
bool aux.indsval(Effect e, Effect re, int rp) Returns if the reason player is equal to effect e's handler player. Commonly used as filter for EFFECT_INDESTRUCTABLE_EFFECT + self
bool aux.IsArchetypeCodeListed(card c, int ...) Returns if the (Card c) specifically lists the name of a card that is part of an archetype in "...", iterating over Card c's listed_names and checking if those cards belong to any of the archetypes passed.
bool aux.IsCardTypeListed(Card c, int ...) Returns true if (Card c) specifically lists any of the card types passed in (int ..), (which means that it iterates over Card c's listed_card_types)
bool aux.IsCodeListed(Card c, int ...) Checks if 1 of the codes in (int ...) is a listed card in (Card c)'s text
bool aux.IsGeminiState(Effect e) Checks if an effect's handler (corresponding card) is a Gemini monster applying its effect.
bool aux.IsMaterialListCode(Card c, int ...) Checks if 1 of the codes in (int ...) is a listed Fusion Material in (Card c)
bool aux.IsMaterialListSetCard(Card c, int ...) Checks if 1 of the setcodes in (int ...) is a listed archetype in a material of (Card c)
bool aux.IsNotGeminiState(Effect e) returns not aux.IsGeminiState(Effect e)
bool aux.IsUnionState(Effect effect) Used as a default condition to check if the handler of the effect is a Union monster equipped to another monster.
bool aux.IsZone(card c, int zone, int tp) Returns if (card c) is in the (int zone), (int tp) is the reference player.
bool aux.KaijuCondition(e,c) See cards_specific_functions.lua
bool aux.LavaCheck(sg,e,tp,mg) See cards_specific_functions.lua
bool aux.LavaCondition(required, filter) See cards_specific_functions.lua
void aux.LavaOperation(required, filter) See cards_specific_functions.lua
bool aux.LavaTarget(required, filter) See cards_specific_functions.lua
bool aux.lnklimit(Effect e, Effect se, int sp, int st) SPSUMMON condition "Must be Link Summoned"
int aux.MainAndExtraGetSummonZones(card c, int mmz, int emz, effect e, int sumtype, int sump, int targetp, bool nocheck, bool nolimit, int pos, nc, ...)  
bool, Group aux.MainAndExtraSpSummonLoop(function|nil func, int sumtype, int sump, int targetp, bool nocheck, bool nolimit, int pos, int mmz, int emz)(Effect e, int tp, Group eg, int ep,int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp, Group sg) Loops Special Summoning (Group sg) to ensure they go in a valid zone (Extra Moster Zone and Main Monster Zones) where (function func) is a function called after each card in the Group is summoned with the parameters (Effect e, int tp, Group eg, int ep,int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp, Card sc) where (Card sc) is the card that's Summoned. (int sumtype) is the Summon Type. (int sump) is the Summoning player. (int targetp) is the target player. (bool nocheck) checks for "ignoring the Summoning conditions". And (bool nolimit) checks for "ignoring proper Summon". (int pos) is the position to be Summoned. (int mmz) is the zones where you can Special Summon monsters in (Group sg) to the Main Monster Zone, which defaults to all Main Monster Zones if there is no input or nil is inputed. (int emz) on the other is similar to (int mmz) excepts it checks for cards from the Extra Deck which Special Summons to the Extra Monster Zone.
bool aux.MainAndExtraZoneCheckBool(card c, int mmz, int emz, effect e, int sumtype, int sump, int targetp, bool nocheck, bool nolimit, int pos, nc, ...)  
Return type Function Description
function aux.MaleficSummonCondition(cd, int loc, function excon) Auxiliary function for the summoning procedure of "Malefic" monsters. Checks if the player has the zone to summon and the appropriate monster (cd) to banish.
function aux.MaleficSummonFilter(c,cd) Filter used with AddMaleficSummonProcedure. Returns if card (Card c)'s ID is (cd) and if c can be banished as cost
function aux.MaleficSummonOperation(cd, int loc) Auxiliary function to handle the summoning procedure of "Malefic" monsters. Performs the actual summon of the monster by removing the appropriate monster.
function aux.MaleficSummonSubstitute(card c, card cd, int tp) Used with the Summoning Procedure of "Malefic" monsters. Checks for the effect of "Malefic Paradox Gear"
function aux.MaleficUniqueFilter(cc) Used as filter for the uniqueness on field with the "Malefic" monsters
bool aux.MZFilter(Card c, int tp) Filter to check monsters if it's on a Main Monster Zone
bool aux.NecroValleyFilter(function f)(Card target, ...) Filter check "not affected by Necrovalley" in addition to its own filter, if used as function filter, (Card target, ...) is defined by default
bool aux.NeosReturnSubstituteFilter(Card c) Auxiliary filter used by NeosReturnOperation. Returns if Card c can be removed as cost and is Neos Fusion
iterator aux.Next(Group g) Iterates over the cards in (Group g) for use with for loops
bool aux.NOT(function f)(...) This is equivalent to not f(...), if used as filter checking, (...) is automatically applied
nil aux.NULL() Function that returns nil
bool aux.NumeronDetachCost(int min[, int max=min]) Auxiliary function to handle evaluate and execute detach costs for "Numeron" Xyz monsters that ignore costs due to the effect of "Numeron Network". Checks if player is affected by CARD_NUMERON_NETWORK, in which case it applies its effect. Otherwise, checks if the card using the function can detach a "min" number of materials to detach and then detaches up to "max" materials.
bool aux.nvfilter(Card c) Filter check "not affected by Necrovalley"
bool aux.nzatk(Card c) Filter checking if (Card c) is face-up and has more than 0 ATK
bool aux.nzdef(Card c) Filter checking if (Card c) is face-up and has more than 0 DEF
bool aux.OR(...)(...) First (...) is a list of functions which will be used to check the parameters in the second set of (...), separated with "or". The second set of (...) is applied automatically when used as a filter.
table element aux.ParamsFromTable(table t, key, ...)  
bool aux.penlimit(Effect e, Effect se, int sp, int st) SPSUMMON condition "Must be Pendulum Summoned"
bool aux.PersistentTargetFilter(Effect e, Card c) Default filter for checking if it's targeted by the Persistent Trap.
bool aux.PlayFieldSpell(Card c,e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,target_p) Activates a field spell Card "c". Already handles interactions with Field Spells that are already face up, rules for only 1 Field Spell at time, checks for costs and activated effects of the field spell and als the interaction with Ancient Pixie Dragon.
bool aux.ProcCancellable Used with the Xyz Summon procedure and a fw Xyz monsters. Defined as false.
Return type Function Description
table aux.PropertyTableFilter(function f, ...)  
void aux.PuzzleOp(Effect e, int tp) Used by aux.BeginPuzzle(), sets the first turn player's LP to 0
bool aux.qlifilter(Effect e, Effect te) Default filter used with "Qli" monsters for: "Unaffected by activated monster effects whose original Rank/Level is lower than this card's Level"
void aux.RegisterClientHint(Card c, int property_code, int reg.player, int s, int o, str, int reset_code, int ct) Auxiliary function to simplify registering EFFECT_FLAG_CLIENT_HINT to players. (Card c) is card that creates the hint message, (int property_code) are additional properties like EFFECT_FLAG_OATH (PLAYER_TARGET and CLIENT_HINT are the flags registered by default). (int reg. player) is the player that is registering the hint, to himself (int s) and/or the opponent (int o), with a description called from a string defined in (str). Additional resets, other than the default RESET_PHASE+PHASE_END, can be passed in (int reset_code) and its reset count (int ct).
bool aux.ReincarnationCheckTarget(Effect e, Card c) Auxiliary function for "Salamangreat" Reincarnation procedure. Returns if (card c) is either a Fusion, Ritual or a Link.
function aux.ReincarnationCheckValue(Effect e, Card c) Auxiliary function for "Salamangreat" Reincarnation procedure. Registers CARD_SALAMANGREAT_SANCTUARY as flag to (card c) if it is either a Link, Fusion or Ritual and has among its materials a card with the same ID as (card c).
bool aux.ReincarnationRitualFilter(Effect e, Card c) Auxiliary filter for "Salamangreat" Reincarnation procedure to handle the rituals.
bool aux.RelCheckGoal(int player, group sg, group exg, group mustg, int count, int min, function specialchk, ...)  
bool aux.RelCheckRecursive(card c, int player, group sg, group mg, group exg, group mustg, int count, int min, function specialchk, ...)  
bool aux.ReleaseCheckMMZ(group sg, int player)  
bool aux.ReleaseCheckSingleUse(group sg, int player, group exg)  
bool aux.ReleaseCheckTarget(group sg, int player, group exg, group dg)  
bool aux.ReleaseCostFilter(card c, function f,...)  
bool aux.ReleaseNonSumCheck(card c, int player, effect e) Auxiliary function called by "Duel.CheckReleaseGroupSummon" and Duel.SelectReleaseGroupSummon".
bool|void aux.RemainFieldCost(Effect e, int tp, Group|nil eg, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp, int chk) Costs that is used in cards that stay on the field if they finish resolving. (e.g. Kunai with Chain, Different Dimension Burial)
void aux.RemainFieldDisabled(Effect e, int tp, Group|nil eg, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp)  
void aux.ResetEffects(Group g, int eff) Resets all effects with code (int eff) in a group of cards defined (Group g).
bool aux.ritlimit(Effect e, Effect se, int sp, int st) SPSUMMON condition "Must be Ritual Summoned"
int/nil aux.SelectEffect(int player, ..) Makes player (int player) select 1 option among possible effects. The ellipsis (...) allows tables in the form {bool condition, int stringid}. The function then makes the player select an effect, displaying the strings whose conditons are true, returning the index of the choosen element or nil.
bool|Group aux.SelectUnselectGroup(Group g, Effect e, int tp, int minc = 1, int maxc = 99, function|nil rescon, int chk, int seltp, int hintmsg, function|nil cancelcon, function|nil breakcon, bool cancelable) Recursion checking and selection. (Group g) is the group to check and choose from, with a minimum (int minc) that defaults to 1 if set to nil and maximum (int maxc) that defaults to 99 if set to nil. (function rescon) is the condition to check which is needed fulfill. (int chk) is set to 0 to check and 1 to select. (int seltp) is the selecting player. (int hintmsg) is the HINTMSG that will be displayed on selection. (function cancelcon) is the condition when fulfilled allows you to end selection. (function breakcon) when fulfilled ends the selection automatically.
function aux.seqmovcon(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) Condition for effects that make the monster change its current sequence/column.
function aux.seqmovop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) Operation for effects that make the monster change its current sequence/column.
Return type Function Description
effect aux.SetSkillOp(coverNum, drawless, skillcon, skillop, countlimit, efftype)  
void aux.SetUnionState(card c) See proc_union.lua.
bool aux.SpElimFilter(Card c, bool mustbefaceup, bool includemzone) Spirit Elimination check to (Card c). It checks if controller is affected by Spirit Elimination. If so, it will only filter in the Monster Zone, otherwise in Graveyard. (bool mustbefaceup) means the filter is not generic (e.g. Banish 1 Dragon-Type monster) opposed to banish 1 monster. (bool includemzone) when set to true will check LOCATION_MZONE by default as opposed to filtering LOCATION_MZONE and LOCATION_GRAVE depending on affected by Spirit Elimination.
bool aux.SpiritReturnCondition(e, tp, eg, ep, ev, re, r, rp) Auxiliary condition. Not used directly by cards, only called by SpiritReturnReg
void aux.SpiritReturnOperation(e, tp, eg, ep, ev, re, r, rp) Auxiliary operation. Not directed used by cards.
void aux.SpiritReturnReg(e, tp, eg, ep, ev, re, r, rp) Auxiliary function registration. Not used directly by card, only called by aux.EnableSpiritReturn
void aux.SpiritReturnTarget(e, tp, eg, ep, ev, re, r, rp, chk) Auxiliary target. Not directed used by cards.
int aux.Stringid(int code, int n) Returns the description code using the database entry's code (int code) and from the nth position (int position) which can be 0-15 corresponding to the str in the database which are from str1 to str16
bool aux.sumlimit(int sumtype) helper function called by the various auxiliary function used as special summon conditions
void aux.sumreg(Effect e, int tp, Group eg, int ep, int ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) Used as SetOperation which registers a FlagEffect to cards in the event group with the same OriginalCode as itself
bool aux.synlimit(Effect e, Effect se, int sp, int st) SPSUMMON condition "Must be Synchro Summoned"
table aux.tableAND(...)  
table aux.tableOR(...)  
bool aux.TargetBoolFunction(function f, ...) Used in SetTarget filters (with parameters (e,c)) to check a function and its (...) parameters
bool aux.TargetEqualFunction(function f, int value, ...) Used in SetTarget filters (with parameters (e,c)) to check a function and its (...) parameters is equal to the inputted (int value).
bool aux.TatsunecroFilter(Card c) Returns is Card c has "3096468" as flag effect. Used in the Synchro summon procedure
bool aux.tgoval(Effect e, Effect re, int rp) filter for EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_EFFECT_TARGET, "cannot be targeted by your opponent's card effects"
void aux.thoeSend(card c) Sends (card c) to the grave. Function added to be used with aux.ToHandOrElse
void aux.ToHandOrElse(card c|group tc, int player, [function check, function oper, str],...) Makes (int player) either add (card c|group tg) to hand or perform a secondary action. If the optional parameters are not provided, the default secondary action is to send the card or group to the GY. If the provided (function check) is true (for all the cards in the group) , the secondary action, with string called from (str), will be the one defined in (function oper).
bool aux.TRUE() Function that returns true. Can be used to return a whole group of cards in a certain location
void aux.ValuesReset()  
void aux.WitchcrafterDiscardCost(f, int minc, int maxc) Auxiliary function for the discard cost of "Witchcrafter" monsters. Performs the actual discard part, considering a minimum (minc) and maximum (maxc) amount of cards to discard. It also handles cards with EFFECT_WITCHCRAFTER_REPLACE, setting the reason for REASON_COST for those, or REASON_COST+REASON_DISCARD if a card is sent from hand instead.
bool aux.WitchcrafterDiscardFilter(c) Auxiliary function for the discard cost of "Witchcrafter" monsters. Returns if (Card c) can be either sent to the GY as a cost or has EFFECT_WITCHCRAFT_REPLACE.
bool aux.WitchcrafterDiscardGroup(minc) Auxiliary function for the discard cost of "Witchcrafter" monsters. Returns if there is a card with EFFECT_WITCHCRAFTER_REPLACE, that can be used as the whole cost, of if there is a (minc) number of cards to use as cost, minc is the ammount the effect requires to discard.
bool aux.xyzlimit(Effect e, Effect se, int sp, int st) SPSUMMON condition "Must be Xyz Summoned"
int aux.ZoneCheckFunc(card c, int player, int zone) Auxiliary function called by "Duel.CheckReleaseGroupSummon" and Duel.SelectReleaseGroupSummon".
bool aux.zptcon(function filter) Used as condition for effects that check "if a [filter] monster is Special Summoned to a zone this card points to". Includes non-trivial handling of self-destructing Burning Abyss monsters. tp is passed to check control.
bool aux.zptfilter(function filter) Used as filter for effects that check "if [filter] monster is Special Summoned to a zone this card points to". Also includes non-trivial handling of self-destructing effects of "Burning Abyss" monsters.
group aux.zptgroup(group eg, function filter, card c, int tp) Filter for "If a (function filter) monster is Special Summoned to a zone this card points to". Includes non-trivial handling of self-destructing Burning Abyss monsters
bool aux.zptgroupcon(group eg, function filter, card c, int tp)  
bool aux.CheckSkillNegation(e, tp) Function to check whether the Skill would be negated by Anti Skill
bool aux.NeosReturnCondition1(e, tp, eg, ep, ev, re, r, rp) See cards_specific_functions.lua.
bool aux.NeosReturnCondition2(e, tp, eg, ep, ev, re, r, rp) See cards_specific_functions.lua.
void aux.NeosReturnOperation(c, extraop) See cards_specific_functions.lua.
void aux.NeosReturnTarget(c, extrainfo) See cards_specific_functions.lua.

bit functions

Return type Function Description
int a, int b) Does a bitwise AND operation between 2 integers. (Deprecated, advised to use (int a)&(int b) instead.)
int bit.bnot(int a) Swaps the bits of an integer, 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. (Deprecated, advised to use ~(int a) instead.)
int bit.bor(int a, int b) Does a bitwise OR operation between 2 integers. (Deprecated, advised to use (int a)|(int b) instead.)
int bit.bxor(int a, int b) Does a bitwise XOR operation between 2 integers. (Deprecated, advised to use (int a)~(int b) instead.)
int bit.extract(int a, int b[, int width=1]) Returns the field of (int a) with a width
int bit.lshift(int a, int b) Shifts all bits of an integer to the left by an amount (Deprecated, advised to use (int a)<<(int b) instead.)
int bit.replace(int a, int b, int c[, int width=1]) Returns a copy of (int a) with the field with a width changed to value (int b)
int bit.rshift(int a, int b) Shift all bits of an integer to the right by an amount (Deprecated, advised to use (int a)>>(int b) instead.)

Card methods

Return type Function Description
bool Card.AddCounter(Card c, int countertype, int count[, int singly=false]) Adds a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) to a card (Card c). If singly is set to a number, then it will be added by that number each time. When the number of added counter would exceed the limit for that card, it is not added.
void Card.AddMonsterAttribute(Card c, int extra_type, [int attribute, int race, int level, int atk, int def]) Transforms a card (Card c) to a monster. The card type will become TYPE_MONSTER + extra_type. Uses the values if provided, otherwise uses the card's own values in Database. Be aware that the values added using this (except for Card type) will be reset when the card is flipped face-down.
void Card.AddMonsterAttributeComplete(Card c) Used in conjunction with Card.AddMonsterAttribute, completes a card's (Card c) transformation to a monster. It is best to call this after the card has arrived in Monster Zone (i.e. after Duel.SpecialSummonStep). Does nothing with cards without EFFECT_PRE_MONSTER (added automatically by Card.AddMonsterAttribute).
table Card.AddSetCodeRules(card c, ...)  
void|int Card.Alias(Card c[, int code]) Changes (Card c)'s alias if (int code) is inputted, else returns the current card's alias.
int Card.AnnounceAnotherAttribute(Card c, int player) Makes (int player) announce an attribute different from the one(s) (Card c) currently has
int Card.AnnounceAnotherRace(Card c, int player) Makes (int player) announce a monster type (Race) different from the one(s) (Card c) currently has
void Card.AssumeProperty(Card c,int assume_type, int assume_value) Assume a property for a card (Card c), the card will be considered as having an assumed specific property (int assume_type) as the inputted value (int assume_value) (only as long as the function is still processing)
void|int Card.Attack(Card c[, int val]) Changes (Card c)'s original ATK if (int val) is inputted, else returns the current card's original ATK.
void|int Card.Attribute(Card c[, int att]) Changes (Card c)'s original attribute(s) if (int att) is inputed, else returns the current card's original attribute(s).
void Card.CancelCardTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Removes the second card (Card c2) from the list of the first card (Card c1)'s target
void Card.CancelToGrave(Card c[, bool cancel=true]) if cancel is true, cancels the to-grave rule and movement of a card (Card c). If false, enforce the rule that it must go from the field to Graveyard instead.
bool Card.CanChainAttack(Card c[, int ac = 2, bool monsteronly = false]) Checks if a card (Card c) can make a follow-up attack. Specifying the integer ac checks whether it can attack that number of times. Setting monsteronly to true checks only the possibility of follow-up attack to monster
bool Card.CanSummonOrSet(...) Returns if the card passed can be normal summoned or normal set.
Return type Function Description
Effect[, Group, int, int, Effect, int, int] Card.CheckActivateEffect(Card c, bool neglect_con, bool neglect_cost, bool copy_info) Checks a card (Card c)'s EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE effect while checking for whether it can be activated. Returns nil if effect condition is not met. Set neglect_con to true to ignore condition checking. Set neglect_cost to true to ignore cost payable checking. Set copy_info to true to return the activate effect's supposed info, for other than EVENT_FREE_CHAIN usually (eg,ep,ev,r,re,rp)
bool Card.CheckAdjacent(card c) Returns if either of the sequences next to the card c's sequence is available. Already handles the Extra monster zone (sequence > 4). Limited to Monster Zones.
bool Card.CheckEquipTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Checks if a Card (Card c1) has another Card (Card c2) as equip target
bool Card.CheckFusionMaterial(Card c[, Group g, Card gc|nil, int chkf=PLAYER_NONE]) Check if g contains a set of fusion material that c needs [must contain gc]## Check the Condition function for the effect of EFFECT_FUSION_MATERIAL according to the type of c
bool Card.CheckFusionSubstitute(Card c, Card fc) Checks if a card (Card c) can be treated as a substitute for one of a Fusion Monster's (Card fc) Fusion Material.
bool Card.CheckRemoveOverlayCard(Card c, int player, int count, int reason) Checks if the player (int player) can remove a number (int count) of Xyz materials from a Card c for a specific reason (int reason)
bool Card.CheckUniqueOnField(Card c,int check_player) Checks if a card's (Card c) going to a player's (int player) field would violate the "Can only control 1" clause
void Card.ClearEffectRelation(Card c) Clears any relation between a card (Card c) and all effects and chains
void|int Card.Code(Card c[, int code]) Changes (Card c)'s original card name if (int code) is inputted, else returns the current original card name.
void Card.CompleteProcedure(Card c) Makes a card (Card c) be considered that it's Summon procedure is complete
int Card.CopyEffect(Card c, int code, int reset_flag[, int reset_count]) Temporarily adds to a card (Card c) the effect of card with the specified card code (int code) that resets according to the ascribed reset flag (int reset_flag)
void Card.CreateEffectRelation(Card c, Effect e) Creates a relation between a card (Card c) and an effect (Effect e)
void Card.CreateRelation(Card c1, Card c2, int reset_flag) Creates a relation between the first card (Card c1) and the second card (Card c2), which will be reset when the first card hits the reset flag
void|int Card.Defense(Card c[, int val]) Changes (Card c)'s original DEF if (int val) is inputted, else returns the current card's original DEF.
void Card.EnableCounterPermit(Card c, int countertype[, int location]) Makes the card (Card c) able to hold a type of counter (int countertype). If a location is provided (int location), the card will be able to hold counter only when in the specified location.
void Card.EnableGeminiState(Card c) Enables the Gemini effect of a card (Card c).
void Card.EnableReviveLimit(Card c) Makes a card (Card c) unsummonable except with its own procedure, or after it's Summon procedure is complete
void Card.EnableUnsummonable(Card c) Makes a card (Card c) unsummonable except with its own procedure
Card Card.FromLuaRef(int ref) Returns a Card object from a given lua reference. The function errors out if the reference is invalid or does not refer to a Card object.
Effect Card.GetActivateEffect(Card c) Gets a card (Card c)'s EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE effect
int Card.GetAttack(Card c) Returns the current ATK of "c".
Return type Function Description
Group,bool Card.GetAttackableTarget(Card c) Gets a card's (Card c) valid attack targets
int Card.GetAttackAnnouncedCount(Card c) Gets the number of attacks declared by Card c, set to 0 before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetAttackedCount(Card c) Gets the number of successful(not negated) attacks done by Card c, set to 0 before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
Group Card.GetAttackedGroup(Card c) Gets a group of cards attacked by Card c, cleared before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetAttackedGroupCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards attacked by Card c, set to 0 before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetAttribute(Card c[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Returns the current Attribute of "c" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
int Card.GetBaseAttack(Card c) Returns the original ATK of "c".
int Card.GetBaseDefense(Card c) Returns the original DEF of "c".
Group Card.GetBattledGroup(Card c) Gets a Group of cards that are battled (all the attacking and the attacked cards), cleared at predraw and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetBattledGroupCount(Card c) Gets the count of cards that has battled (all the attacking and the attacked cards)
int Card.GetBattlePosition(Card c) Returns the position of "c" at the start of the Damage Step (see "Marshmallon").
Card Card.GetBattleTarget(Card c) Gets a card's (Card c) current battle target
Effect, ... Card.GetCardEffect(Card c, [, int effect_code]) Returns all the effects with that code (int effect_code) registered to card (Card c). With no effect_code (type or effect_code=0) it will return all the effects registered. [effect_code refers to "EFFECT_" constants, eg: EFFECT_NECRO_VALLEY]
int Card.GetCardID(Card c) Returns the internal card ID that "c" has. This will be unique per card and won't change during the course of the duel.
Group Card.GetCardTarget(Card c) Gets the group of cards that a card (Card c) is assigned targets to
int Card.GetCardTargetCount(Card c) Gets the number of targets that a card (Card c) is assigned to
int[,int] Card.GetCode(Card c) Returns the current code (ID/name) of the card "c".
Group Card.GetColumnGroup(Card c[, int left|nil, int right|nil]) Returns a group with all the cards that are in the same column as "c". If "left" or "right" are provided, the returned group will also include the cards from the N columns on the left or right of "c" respectively, where N is the number passed for the "left" or "right" parameter.
int Card.GetColumnGroupCount(Card c[, int left|nil, int right|nil]) Returns the number of cards that are in the same column as "c". If "left" or "right" are provided, the returned number will also include the cards from the N columns on the left or right of "c" respectively, where N is the number passed for the "left" or "right" parameter.
int Card.GetColumnZone(Card c, int loc[, int left|nil, int right|nil, int cp = c:GetControler()|nil]) Returns all the zones in the same column as "c" that are part of the location "loc". If "cp" is provided, the returned zones will only include the ones that belong to player "cp". If "left" or "right" are provided, the returned zones will also include the ones from the N columns on the left or right of "c" respectively, where N is the number passed for the "left" or "right" parameter.
int Card.GetControler(Card c) Returns the controller of "c".
Return type Function Description
int Card.GetCounter(Card c, int countertype) Returns the number of counters of a specific type (int countertype) on a card (Card c).
int Card.GetDefense(Card c) Returns the current DEF of "c".
int Card.GetDestination(Card c) Returns the location that "c" would be sent to (e.g. when it would be destroyed).
int Card.GetEffectCount(Card c, int code) Gets the amount of an Effect (EFFECT_x) registered to a Card (Card c)
int Card.GetEquipCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards equipped to a Card (Card c)
Group Card.GetEquipGroup(Card c) Gets a Group of Cards equipped to a Card (Card c)
Card Card.GetEquipTarget(Card c) Gets the Card that a Card (Card c) is equipped to
int Card.GetFieldID(Card c) Returns the field ID of "c" when it was placed on the field.
Card Card.GetFirstCardTarget(Card c) Get the first of a card (Card c)'s target cards. A bit faster than Card.GetCardTarget(Card c):GetFirst()
int Card.GetFlagEffect(Card c, int code) Returns the amount of flag effects with (int code) as the effect code that are registered to a card (Card c)
int,... Card.GetFlagEffectLabel(Card c, int code) Gets the integer labels to the flag effect attached to a card (Card c) with (int code) as the effect code, returns nil if there is no integer label.
int Card.GetFreeLinkedZone(Card c) Returns all the zones that "c" points to that are not occupied by a card.
int, int ... Card.GetFusionCode(Card c) Returns the code/ID that "c" has as a Fusion Material (see "Fusion Tag").
int ... Card.GetFusionSetCard(Card c) Returns the archetype(s) that "c" is a part of if it is to be used as a Fusion Material.
int Card.GetLeaveFieldDest(Card c) Returns the location that "c" would be sent to when it leaves the field, while taking into account effects that redirect that location (e.g. "but banish it if it leaves the field").
int Card.GetLeftScale(Card c) Returns the current left Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int Card.GetLevel(Card c) Returns the current Level of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Level, e.g. Xyz/Link.)
int Card.GetLink(Card c) Returns the current Link Rating of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Link Rating.)
int, int ... Card.GetLinkCode(Card c) Returns the code/ID that "c" has as a Link Material (see "Formud Skipper").
Group Card.GetLinkedGroup(Card c) Returns a group with all the cards that "c" points to. (Returns an empty group if it does not point to any cards.)
int Card.GetLinkedGroupCount(Card c) Returns the number of cards that "c" points to.
int Card.GetLinkedZone(Card c[, int cp = c:GetControler()]) Returns all the zones that "c" points to (on the field of player "cp").
int Card.GetLocation(Card c) Returns the location of "c".
int Card.GetLuaRef(Card c) Returns an integer representing the internal value used by lua to access the Card c.
Group Card.GetMaterial(Card c) Gets the material which was used as cost for a Card (Card c)
int Card.GetMaterialCount(Card c) Gets the number of materials used as cost for a Card (Card c)
table Card.GetMetatable(card c, code current_code) Similar to Duel.GetMetatable, but if current_code is true it behaves as if it were Duel.GetMetatable(c:GetCode()), otherwise it returns the __index field of the card's object (this difference only matters when a card's id is not its original one, like when copying names via effect or having an alias)
Group Card.GetMutualLinkedGroup(Card c) Returns a group with all the cards that are co-linked with "c". (Returns an empty group if there are none.)
int Card.GetMutualLinkedGroupCount(Card c) Returns the number of cards that are co-linked with "c".
Return type Function Description
int Card.GetMutualLinkedZone(Card c, int cp = c:GetControler()) Gets all zones that (Card c) points to as part of a co-Link, that belong to player (int cp)
int Card.GetOriginalAttribute(Card c) Returns the original Attribute of "c".
int Card.GetOriginalCode(Card c) Returns the original printed code (ID/name) of the card "c".
int, int Card.GetOriginalCodeRule(Card c) Returns the original code (ID/name) of the card "c" while taking into account name clauses/alias (used for the "original name" wording).
int Card.GetOriginalLeftScale(Card c) Returns the original left Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int Card.GetOriginalLevel(Card c) Returns the original Level of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Level, e.g. Xyz/Link.)
int Card.GetOriginalRace(Card c) Returns the original Monster Type of "c".
int Card.GetOriginalRank(Card c) Returns the original Rank of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Rank.)
int Card.GetOriginalRightScale(Card c) Returns the original right Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int ... Card.GetOriginalSetCard(Card c) Returns the original archetype(s) that "c" is a part of.
int Card.GetOriginalType(Card c) Returns the original card type (Monster/Spell/Trap) of "c".
int Card.GetOverlayCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards overlayed to a Card (Card c)
Group Card.GetOverlayGroup(Card c) Gets the cards overlayed to a Card (Card c)
Card Card.GetOverlayTarget(Card c) Gets the card that (Card c) is an overlay of
int Card.GetOwner(Card c) Returns the owner of "c".
Group Card.GetOwnerTarget(Card c) Gets a group of cards (including equips) that a card (Card c) is a target of
int Card.GetOwnerTargetCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards (including equips) that a card (Card c) is a target of
int Card.GetPosition(Card c) Returns the current position of "c".
Return type Function Description
int Card.GetPreviousAttackOnField(Card c) Returns the ATK that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousAttributeOnField(Card c) Returns the Attribute that "c" had when it was on the field.
int, int Card.GetPreviousCodeOnField(Card c) Returns the code/ID that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousControler(Card c) Returns the previous controller of "c".
int Card.GetPreviousDefenseOnField(Card c) Returns the DEF that "c" had when it was on the field.
Card Card.GetPreviousEquipTarget(Card c) Gets the Card that a Card (Card c) was equipped to
int Card.GetPreviousLevelOnField(Card c) Returns the Level that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousLocation(Card c) Returns the previous location of "c".
int Card.GetPreviousPosition(Card c) Returns the previous position of "c".
int Card.GetPreviousRaceOnField(Card c) Returns the Monster Type that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousRankOnField(Card c) Returns the Rank that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousSequence(Card c) Gets the sequence/order of the location of (Card c)
int ... Card.GetPreviousSetCard(Card c) Returns the archetype(s) that "c" was part of previously.
int Card.GetPreviousTypeOnField(Card c) Returns the card type that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetRace(Card c[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Returns the current Monster Type of "c" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
int Card.GetRank(Card c) Returns the current Rank of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Rank.)
int Card.GetRealFieldID(Card c) Returns the unique field ID that "c" has.
int Card.GetReason(Card c) Returns the reason for an event that happened to "c" (e.g. cost, effect).
Card Card.GetReasonCard(Card c) Returns the card which is the reason that an event happened to "c".
Effect Card.GetReasonEffect(Card c) Returns the effect which is the reason for an event that happened to "c".
int Card.GetReasonPlayer(Card c) Returns the player that is the reason for an event that happened to "c".
int Card.GetRightScale(Card c) Returns the current right Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int Card.GetRitualLevel(Card c, Card rc) Returns the Level of "c" if it would be Tributed for the Ritual Summon of "rc".
int Card.GetScale(Card c) Returns the scale value that (Card c) has. If c is not TYPE_PENDULUM, returns 0. Runs on the assumption that both scales have the same value, returning the value for the left scale if the card is not on the Pendulum Zone. For cards with different values for the scales (no official card at the moment), returns the left scale if the card is in the left Pendulum Zone or the right scale, if it is in the right Pendulum Zone.
Return type Function Description
int Card.GetSequence(Card c) Gets the sequence/order of the location of (Card c)
int ... Card.GetSetCard(Card c[, Card|nil scard, int sumtype=0, int playerid=PLAYER_NONE]) Returns the archetype(s) that "c" has (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
int Card.GetSummonLocation(Card c) Returns the location that "c" was summoned from.
int Card.GetSummonPlayer(Card c) Returns the player that summoned "c".
int Card.GetSummonType(Card c) Gets the type in which (Card c) was Summoned
int Card.GetSynchroLevel(Card c, Card sc) Returns the Level of "c" if it would be used as a Synchro Material for "sc".
int Card.GetTextAttack(Card c) Returns the original printed ATK of "c".
int Card.GetTextDefense(Card c) Returns the original printed DEF of "c".
int Card.GetToBeLinkedZone(group g, card c, int tp[, bool clink = false, bool emz = false]) Iterates group g with "Card.GetToBeLinkedZone" operations.
int,int Card.GetTributeRequirement(Card c) Give a min and a max tribute requirement of a card
int Card.GetTurnCounter(Card c) Gets the turn counter of a Card (Card c)
int Card.GetTurnID(Card c) Returns the turn that "c" was sent/placed to its current location.
int Card.GetType(Card c[, Card|nil scard, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Gets the current type of a Card (Card c) where (Card scard) if provided checks the monster that (Card c) would be used as material, (int sumtype) is for checking the summon type and (int playerid) is the player checking the type.
int Card.GetUnionCount(Card c) Gets Amount of Union monsters equipped to a Card (Card c)
bool Card.HasLevel(Card c) Returns if a Card (Card c) has a level. for Links: false; for Xyzs: false, except if affected by "EFFECT_RANK_LEVEL..." or similar effects; for Dark Synchros: true, because they have a negative level; for level 0 monsters: true, because 0 is a value.
bool Card.IsAbleToChangeControler(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is capable of having it's control changed. Checks only whether the card is affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_CHANGE_CONTROL.
bool Card.IsAbleToDeck(Card c) Return if the card c can be returned to the Deck (return true or false)
bool Card.IsAbleToDeckAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Deck as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToDeckOrExtraAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to either the Deck or the Extra Deck as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToExtra(Card c) Return if the card c can be returned to the Extra Deck (return true or false)
bool Card.IsAbleToExtraAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Extra Deck as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToGrave(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Graveyard
bool Card.IsAbleToGraveAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Graveyard as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToHand(Card c) Return if the card c can be returned to the hand (return true or false)
bool Card.IsAbleToHandAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Hand as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToRemove(Card c[, int player]) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to be banished
bool Card.IsAbleToRemoveAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to be banished as a cost
bool Card.IsAllColumn(Card c) Checks if all the zones of the column that "c" is on are occupied.
Return type Function Description
bool Card.IsAttack(Card c, int value) Returns if a card (Card c) has an ATK equal to int value
bool Card.IsAttackAbove(Card c, int atk) Checks if a card (Card c) has ATK equal or above the specified number (int attack), will return false if the card has ? ATK and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsAttackBelow(Card c, int atk) Checks if a card (Card c) has ATK equal or below the specified number (int attack), will return false if the card has ? ATK and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsAttackPos(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is in Attack position
bool Card.IsAttribute(Card c, int attribute[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if the Attribute of "c" is "attribute" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
bool Card.IsBattleDestroyed(Card c) Returns if (Card c) has been confirmed to be destroyed by battle
bool Card.IsCanAddCounter(Card c, int countertype, int count[, bool least_one=false, int loc = 0]) Checks if a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) can be added to a card (Card c). When the number of added counter would exceed the limit for that card, if "least_one" is set to true, then it will return true if at least one more counter can be added otherwise it will return false. If location is specified, it return if it could receive counter when placed on that location.
bool Card.IsCanAttack(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) can attack
bool Card.IsCanBeBattleTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Checks if a card (Card c1) is a valid battle target for another card (Card c2)
bool Card.IsCanBeEffectTarget(Card c, Effect e) Checks if a card (Card c) is targetable by an effect (Effect e)
bool Card.IsCanBeFusionMaterial(Card c[, Card fc, bool ignore_mon=false]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be a Fusion material. If (Card fc) is provided, checks if it can be a Fusion Material for that card. If ignore_mon is true, it does not check whether the card is a monster.
bool Card.IsCanBeLinkMaterial(Card c, [Card linkc, int player]) Checks if (Card c) can be used as material for a (Card linkc). "player" is only an additional parameter, is used to send it to the functions as an additional parameter, such as target (function in SetTarget) or operation (function in SetOperation).
bool Card.IsCanBeMaterial(Card c, int summontype) Checks if a effect_spsummon_condition is beign applied and is false. It is the generic IscanbeXmaterial
bool Card.IsCanBeRitualMaterial(Card c[, Card sc]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be used as Tribute for Ritual Summon. If (Card sc) is provided, checks if it can be used as Tribute for that card's Ritual Summon.
bool Card.IsCanBeSpecialSummoned(Card c, Effect e, int sumtype, int sumplayer, bool nocheck, bool nolimit[, int sumpos=POS_FACEUP, int target_player=sumplayer]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Special Summoned by (Effect e), by a summon of type (int sumtype), by player (int sumplayer), in position (int sumpos), to (int target_player)'s side of the field. If (bool nocheck) is true, it will check for a summon ignoring conditions. If (bool nolimit) is true, it will check for a summon ignoring the revive limit.
bool Card.IsCanBeSynchroMaterial(Card c[, Card sc, Card tuner]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be used as a Synchro Material. If (Card sc) is provided, checks if it can be a Synchro Material for that card. If (Card tuner) is also provided, also checks if it can be a Synchro Material if the tuner if that card.
bool Card.IsCanBeXyzMaterial(Card c, Card sc|nil) Checks if a card (Card c) can be used as an Xyz Material. If (Card sc) is provided, checks if it can be used for that card's Xyz Summon.
bool Card.IsCanChangePosition(Card c) Checks if the given (Card c) can change its battle position
bool Card.IsCanRemoveCounter(Card c, int player, int countertype, int count, int reason) Checks if a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) can be removed from a card (Card c), with reason described by (int reason)
Return type Function Description
bool Card.IsCanTurnSet(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) can be made to face-down position (Set)
bool Card.IsCode(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" has at least 1 code/ID among the "..." list.
bool Card.IsColumn(Card c, int seq, int tp, int loc) Checks (Card c) its column using the data of another card which allows checking even if the other card has already left the field using its Sequence (int seq), controller (int tp) and location (int loc)
bool Card.IsControler(Card c, int controler) Checks if a card (Card c) has player (int p) as it's controller
bool Card.IsControlerCanBeChanged(Card c[, bool ign = false, int zone = 0xff]) Checks if a card (Card c) can change control. Checks whether the card is in Monster Zone and whether the opposing player has enough space, in addition of checking for EFFECT_CANNOT_CHANGE_CONTROL. if a zone is provided, it uses only these zones as references. (also ign is supposed to be ignore monster zone checking)
bool Card.IsDefense(Card c, int value) Returns if a card (Card c) has an DEF equal to int value
bool Card.IsDefenseAbove(Card c, int def) Checks if a card (Card c) has DEF equal or above the specified number (int defense), will return false if the card has ? DEF and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsDefenseBelow(Card c, int def) Checks if a card (Card c) has DEF equal or below the specified number (int defense), will return false if the card has ? DEF and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsDefensePos(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is in Defense position
bool Card.IsDeleted(Card c) Returns if the Card object got internally deleted and remained as dangling reference inside the lua state.
bool Card.IsDestructable(Card c[, Effect e]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be destroyed; if an effect (effect e) is given, checks whether the card can be destroyed by that effect
bool Card.IsDifferentAttribute(Card c, int att) Returns if (Card c) does not have attribute (int att)
bool Card.IsDifferentAttribute(Card c, int race) Returns if (Card c) does not have Race (int race)
bool Card.IsDirectAttacked(Card c) Checks if a Card (Card c) has successfully attacked directly
bool Card.IsDisabled(Card c) Checks whether a card (Card c) is disabled, equivalent with c:IsStatus(STATUS_DISABLED)
bool Card.IsDiscardable(Card[, int reason=REASON_COST]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be discarded for (int reason).
bool Card.IsEvenScale(Card c) Returns if a pendulum card (Card c) is a card with an even value for the scale, using Card.GetScale to get the value.
bool Card.IsExtraLinked(Card c) Checks if a card is Extra Linked, uses aux.ExtraLinked which obtains 2 Extra Monster Zone monsters of each player and checks if (Card c) is included in the chain of co-linked cards.
bool Card.IsFacedown(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is face-down
bool Card.IsFaceup(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is face-up
bool Card.IsForbidden(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is forbidden to be used (equal to calling c:IsStatus(STATUS_FORBIDDEN))
bool Card.IsFusionCode(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" has a specific code from the "..." list as a Fusion Material.
bool Card.IsFusionSetCard(Card c, int setname) Checks if "c" is part of the archetype "setname" if it is to be used as a Fusion Material.
bool Card.IsFusionSummonableCard  
Return type Function Description
bool Card.IsGeminiState(Card c) Checks if a Card (Card c) is a Gemini monster with its effect enabled.
bool Card.IsHasCardTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Checks whether the second card (Card c2) is a target of the first card (Card c1)
Effect|nil Card.IsHasEffect(Card c, int code) Checks if a Card (Card c) has an Effect (EFFECT_x)
bool Card.IsImmuneToEffect(Card c, Effect e) Checks if a card (Card c) is not affected by an effect (Effect e)
bool Card.IsInExtraMZone(Card c, int tp) Return if (Card c) is in an Extra Monster Zone. If (int tp) is provided, also returns if (Card c) is of that controller.
bool Card.IsInMainMZone(Card c, int tp) Return if (Card c) is in a Main Monster Zone. If (int tp) is provided, also returns if (Card c) is of that controller.
bool Card.IsLevel(Card c, int lv) Checks if "c" has a Level equal to "lv".
bool Card.IsLevelAbove(Card c, int level) Checks if a card (Card c) has level equal or above the specified number (int level), will return false if the card has no level.
bool Card.IsLevelBelow(Card c, int level) Checks if a card (Card c) has level equal or below the specified number (int level), will return false if the card has no level.
bool Card.IsLink(Card c, int lk) Checks if "c" has a Link Rating equal to "lk".
bool Card.IsLinkAbove (Card c, int link_rating) Checks if (Card c) has a Link Rating (link_rating) equal or greater than the given number
bool Card.IsLinkBelow (Card c, int link_rating) Checks if (Card c) has a Link Rating (link_rating) equal or lower than the given number
bool Card.IsLinkCode(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" has a specific code from the "..." list as a Link Material.
bool Card.IsLinked(Card c) Checks if "c" is linked. (A card is linked if it is pointing to another card, or if another card is pointing to it.)
bool Card.IsLinkMarker(Card c, int markers) Checks if (Card c) has the Link markers represented by (int markers)
bool Card.IsLinkMonster(card c) Returns if Card C is a Link Monster. This function was added due to the introduction of Link Spells that makes checking only for IsType==TYPE_LINK not accurate depending on the effect used.
bool Card.IsLinkSetCard(Card c, int setname) Checks if "c" is part of the archetype "setname" as a Link Material.
bool Card.IsLinkSpell(card c) Returns if Card C is a Link Spell.
bool Card.IsLinkSummonable(Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" can be Link Summoned using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Link Summon.
bool Card.IsLocation(Card c, int location) Checks if a card (Card c) is located on the specified location (int location)
bool Card.IsMonster(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a monster type card
bool Card.IsMSetable(Card, bool ignore_count, Effect e|nil[, int min=0]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Normal Set as a monster. Setting ignore_count to true makes it ignore the standard once per turn summon limit. If an effect (Effect e) is given, checks whether it can be Normal Summoned by that effect. The last value denotes the minimum tribute amount.
Return type Function Description
bool Card.IsNonEffectMonster(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Monster and does not have TYPE_EFFECT
bool Card.IsNotTuner(Card c) Checks if "c" is a non-Tuner monster.
bool Card.IsOddScale(Card c) Returns if a pendulum card (Card c) is a card with an odd value for the scale, using Card.GetScale to get the value.
bool Card.IsOnField(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is located on the field
bool Card.IsOriginalAttribute(Card c, int val) Checks if (Card c) is of original attribute (int val)
bool Card.IsOriginalCode(Card c, int cd) Checks if (Card c) has original card name of (int cd)
bool Card.IsOriginalCodeRule(Card c, int cd) Checks if (Card c) has original code rule of (int cd)
bool Card.IsOriginalRace(Card c, int val) Checks if (Card c) is of original monster type (int val)
bool Card.IsOriginalSetCard(Card c, int setname) Checks if "c" is originally part of the archetype "setname".
bool Card.IsOriginalType(Card c, int val) Checks if (Card c) is of original card type (int val)
bool Card.IsPosition(Card c, int pos) Checks if a card (Card c) is in the specified position (int pos)
bool Card.IsPreviousControler(Card c, int tp) Checks if (Card c) is previous controlled by player (int tp)
bool Card.IsPreviousLocation(Card c, int location) Checks if a card (Card c) is previously located on the specified location (int location)
bool Card.IsPreviousPosition(Card c, int pos) Checks if a card (Card c) is previously in the specified position (int pos)
bool Card.IsPreviousSetCard(Card c, int setname) Checks if "c" was previously part of the archetype "setname".
bool Card.IsProcedureSummonable(Card c, int cardtype, int sumtype[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" or type "cardtype" can be Summoned according to the "sumtype" procedure using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Xyz Summon
bool Card.IsPublic(Card c) Checks if a card's (Card c) information is known to both players. In practice, about the same as c:IsPosition(POS_FACEUP)
bool Card.IsRace(Card c, int race[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if the Monster Type of "c" is "race" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
bool Card.IsRank(Card c, int rk) Checks if "c" has a Rank equal to "rk".
bool Card.IsRankAbove(Card c, int rank) Checks if a card (Card c) has rank equal or above the specified number (int rank), will return false if the card has no rank
bool Card.IsRankBelow(Card c, int rank) Checks if a card (Card c) has rank equal or below the specified number (int rank), will return false if the card has no rank
Return type Function Description
bool Card.IsReason(Card c, int reason) Checks if the reason for an event that happened to "c" is "reason" (REASON_x).
bool Card.IsReincarnationSummoned(Card c) Interacts with the functions for "Salamangreat" Reincarnation procedure. Returns if card c has CARD_SALAMANGREAT_SANCTUARY as FlagEffect
bool Card.IsRelateToBattle(Card c) Checks whether a card (Card c) is related to battle (either as attacker or as an attack target)
bool Card.IsRelateToCard(Card c1, Card c2) Checks whether a card (Card c1) is related to another card (Card c2) (That results from c1:CreateRelation(c2))
bool Card.IsRelateToChain(Card c, int chainc) Checks whether a card (Card c) is related to the chain numbered (int chainc)
bool Card.IsRelateToEffect(Card c, Effect e) Checks whether a card (Card c) is related to an effect (Effect e)
bool Card.IsReleasable(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to be Tributed
bool Card.IsReleasableByEffect(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to be Tributed by a card effect
bool Card.IsRitualMonster(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Ritual Monster.
bool Card.IsRitualSpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Ritual Spell.
bool Card.IsSequence(c, ...) Returns if a Card (Card c) is located at any of the sequences passed as arguments
bool Card.IsSetCard(Card c, int setname[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if "c" is part of the archetype "setname" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
bool Card.IsSpecialSummonable(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is summonable by it's summon procedure
bool Card.IsSSetable(Card c[, bool ignore_field=false]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Set in S/T zone. Setting ignore_field to true makes it not check for free space in the S/T Zone.
bool Card.IsStatus(Card c, int status) Checks if "c" has the given status (STATUS_x)
bool Card.IsSummonable(Card c, bool ignore_count, Effect e|nil[, int min=0]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Normal Summoned. Setting ignore_count to true makes it ignore the standard once per turn summon limit. If an effect (Effect e) is given, checks whether it can be Normal Summoned by that effect. The last value denotes the minimum tribute amount.
bool Card.IsSummonableCard(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is normally summonable, returns false when the card is subject of Card.EnableUnsummonable or Card.EnableReviveLimit
bool Card.IsSummonCode(Card c, Card sc|nil, int sumtype, int playerid, int ...) Checks if "c" has a specific code from the "..." list if it is to be used as material for the Summon type "sumtype" of "sc" performed by the player "playerid".
bool Card.IsSummonLocation(Card c, int loc) Checks if (Card c) is summoned from location (int loc)
bool Card.IsSummonPlayer(Card c, int tp) Checks if (Card c) is summoned by player (int tp)
bool Card.IsSummonType(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" is Summoned by one of the summon types in the "..." list.
bool Card.IsSynchroSummonable(Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" can be Synchro Summoned using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Synchro Summon. How this works is that the script would check for all EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC that has SUMMON_TYPE_SYNCHRO as it's Value, then checks the effects' Condition with the provided arguments. Check out "aux.SynCondition" in "proc_synchro.lua" for how this is handled.
Return type Function Description
bool Card.IsType(Card c, int type[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if the card type of "c" is "type" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
bool Card.IsXyzLevel(Card c, Card xyzc, int lv) Checks if "c" would be Level "lv" if it was to be used as Xyz Material for "xyzc".
bool Card.IsXyzSummonable(Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" can be Xyz Summoned using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Xyz Summon
void|int Card.Level(Card c[, int level]) Changes (Card c)'s original level if (int level) is inputted, else returns the current card's original level
void|int Card.LinkMarker(Card c[, int linkmarker]) Changes (Card c)'s original Link Markers if (int linkmarker) is inputted, else returns the current card's original Link Markers.
void|int Card.Lscale(Card c[, int scale]) Changes (Card c)'s original right scale if (int scale) is inputted, else returns the current card's original right scale.
bool Card.MoveAdjacent(card c) Executes a move operation for card c, to one of its available adjacent sequences (int the Monster Zone)
void|int Card.Race(Card c[, int race]) Changes (Card c)'s original monster type(s)/race(s) if (int race) is inputed, else returns the current card's original monster type(s)/race(s).
void Card.Recreate(Card c, int code[, int|nil alias, int|nil setcode, int|nil type, int|nil level, int|nil attribute, int|nil race, int|nil atk, int|nil def, int|nil lscale, int|nil rscale, bool|nil replace_effect=false]) Changes (Card c) into a card with (int code) as its original card number from the database. If any of the parameters are included, that stat is also changed. If (bool replace_effect) is set to true, its effect also changes to the effects of (int code).
int Card.RegisterEffect(Card c, Effect e[, bool forced=false, ...]) Registers an Effect (Effect e) (usually an Effect created with Effect.CreateEffect()) to a Card (Card c), ... is a list of integers which Registers further effects in the utility.
Effect Card.RegisterFlagEffect(Card c, int code, int reset_flag, int property, int reset_count[, int label, int desc]) Registers a flag effect to a card (Card c) with (int code) that resets with (int reset_flag), as the effect code. (int reset_flag).
void Card.ReleaseEffectRelation(Card c,Effect e) Releases any relation between a card (Card c) and an effect (Effect e)
void Card.ReleaseRelation(Card c1, Card c2) Releases the relation between the first card (Card c1) and the second card (Card c2). Does not release relation from the second card that is resulting from c2:CreateRelation(c1)
void Card.RemoveCounter(Card c, int player, int countertype, int count, int reason) Remove a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) from a card (Card c), with reason described by (int reason)
bool Card.RemoveOverlayCard(Card c, int player, int min, int max, int reason) Makes player (int Player) remove overlay cards from a Card (Card c), with minimum of (int min) and maximum of (int max) with (int reason) as reason
int Card.ReplaceEffect(Card c, int code, int reset_flag[, int reset_count]) Temporarily replace all effects of a card (Card c) with the effect of card with the specified card code (int code) that resets according to the ascribed reset flag (int reset_flag)
void Card.ResetEffect(Card c, int reset_code, int reset_type) Resets all effects of a Card (Card c) (e.g. "c:ResetEffect(RESET_DISABLE,RESET_EVENT)")
void Card.ResetFlagEffect(Card c, int code) Resets a flag with (int code) as the effect code from a card (Card c)
void Card.ResetNegateEffect(Card c[, int code1,...]) Reset a card c affected by the effect of cards whose card number is code1, code2 ...
void Card.ReverseInDeck(Card c) Reverse a card (Card c) in Deck (make it face-up)
void|int Card.Rscale(Card c[, int scale]) Changes (Card c)'s original left scale if (int scale) is inputted, else returns the current card's original left scale.
Return type Function Description
void Card.SetCardTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Sets the second card (Card c2) as a target of the first card (Card c1)
void|int Card.Setcode(Card c[, int setcode]) Changes (Card c)'s original archetype(s)/setcode(s) if (int setcode) is inputted, else returns the current card's original archetype(s)/setcode(s).
void Card.SetCounterLimit(Card c, int countertype, int count) Sets the limit (int count) of how many counter of a type (int countertype) can be held by a card (Card c)
bool Card.SetFlagEffectLabel(Card c, int code, int label) Assigns an integer (int label) number to the flag effect attached to a card (Card c) with (int code) as the effect code. Returns true if a flag effect with such code existed and the label was set.
void Card.SetHint(Card c, int type, int value) Sets a card (Card c) hint displaying, type is CHINT_* and value is the appropriate value depending on the type
void Card.SetMaterial(Card c, Card|Group|nil materials) Sets the Material of a Card (Card c) to the passed ones. If nil is passed, the material group of the card is cleared.
void Card.SetReason(Card c, int reason[, bool keep=false]) Sets the reason of "c" as "reason". If "keep" is set to true "c" will maintain the previous reason that it had.
void Card.SetReasonCard(Card c, Card rc) Sets "rc" as the card that was the reason of an event that happened to "c".
void Card.SetReasonEffect(Card c, Effect re) Sets "re" as the effect that was the reason of an event that happened to "c".
void Card.SetReasonPlayer(Card c, int rp) Sets "rp" as the player that was the reason of an event that happened to "c".
void Card.SetSPSummonOnce(Card c, int spsummon_code) Make a card (Card c) can only be Special Summoned when the turn has not Special Summoned another card with the same code (int code) as its Card.SetSpecialSummonOnce. Basically, makes the "You can only Special Summon "Some Monster" once per turn" condition
void Card.SetStatus(Card c, int status, bool enable) Sets the status (STATUS_x) of a Card (Card c) and possibly enables it
void Card.SetTurnCounter(Card c, int counter) Sets the turn counter of a Card (Card c) to a value (int count)
void Card.SetUniqueOnField(Card c, int s, int o, int unique_code[, int unique_location=LOCATION_ONFIELD]) Sets a card's (Card c) "Can only control 1" clause, int s denotes checking of the would-be owner's field, int o denotes checking the opposing field. unique_location denotes the location the card is unique (setting location outside the field has no meaning)
void|int Card.Type(Card c[, int type]) Changes (Card c)'s original type(s) if (int type) is inputted, else returns the current card's original type(s).
int Card.UpdateAttack(card c, int amount, int reset, [card rc]) Applies an ATK change to card c, equal to int amt, with resets defined in int reset. If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the ammount of ATK sucessfully changed.
int Card.UpdateDefense(card c, int amount, int reset, [card rc]) Applies a DEF change to card c, equal to int amt, with resets defined in int reset. If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the ammount of DEF sucessfully changed.
int Card.UpdateLevel(card c, int amount, int reset, [card rc]) Applies a level change to card c, equal to int amt, with resets defined in int reset. If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the ammount of levels sucessfully changed.
int Card.UpdateLink(card c, int amount, int reset, [card rc]) Applies a link change to card c, equal to int amt, with resets defined in int reset. If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the ammount of links sucessfully changed.
int Card.UpdateRank(card c, int amount, int reset, [card rc]) Applies a rank change to card c, equal to int amt, with resets defined in int reset. If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the ammount of ranks sucessfully changed.
int Card.UpdateScale(card c, int amount, int reset, [card rc]) Applies a scale change to card c, equal to int amt, with resets defined in int reset. If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the ammount of scales sucessfully changed.

Debug functions

Return type Function Description
Card Debug.AddCard(int code, int owner, int player, int location, int seq, int pos[, bool proc=false]) Add a card of (int code), owned by (int owner) and under (int player)'s control, to (int seq) of (int location) in (int pos) position. If (bool proc) is true, it will be treated as properly summoned for the purposes of revive limits.
void Debug.Message(any msg) Sends (any msg) as a script error to the logs
void Debug.PreAddCounter(Card c, int counter_type, int count) Add (int count) counters of (int counter_type) to (Card c)
bool Debug.PreEquip(Card equip_card, Card target) Equip (Card equip_card) to (Card target)
void Debug.PreSetTarget(Card c, Card target) Set (Card c)'s target card to (Card target) (e.g. Call of the Haunted)
void Debug.PreSummon(Card c, int sum_type[, int sum_location=0]) Treat (Card c) as if it was summoned by (int sum_type), to (int sum_location)
void Debug.ReloadFieldBegin(int flag, int rule) Begin loading the field for a puzzle, with DUEL_ constants in (int flag) under Master Rule (int rule)
void Debug.ReloadFieldEnd() Stop loading the field for a puzzle.
void Debug.SetAIName(string name) Set the name of the AI to (string name)
void Debug.SetPlayerInfo(int playerid, int lp, int startcount, int drawcount) Set (int playerid) to have (int lp) LP, start with a (in startct) card hand, and draw (int drawcount) during the Draw Phase.
void Debug.ShowHint(string msg) Display a message on screen, saying (string msg)

Duel methods

Return type Function Description
void Duel.Activate(Effect e) Activates an effect in a new chain link. If the effect is the activate effect of a spell/trap, that card is also activated.
void Duel.AddCustomActivityCounter(int counter_id, int activity_type, function f) Register an activity with type int activity_type, with id int counter_id, that matches function f
void Duel.AdjustInstantly([Card c]) Adjust the game state checking self destroy effects, continuous negation effects being applied, etc. If a card is passed, it also adjust immediately the properties of that card and cards related to it.
int Duel.AnnounceAttribute(int player, int count, int available) Asks (int player) to announce (int count) number of Attributes, amongst those specified in (int available).
int Duel.AnnounceCard(int player[, ?]) Makes the player declare a card name. With no extra parameters, the function allows declaring any monster, spell and trap card names. If a single int parameter is passed as second parameter, that parameter will be used to limit the types that are declarable (for example passing TYPE_MONSTER to only declare monster cards). If 3 or more parameters are passed, the function will use the OPCODE_ constants to build a filter based on the reverse polish notation to allow declaring cards with more specific restrictions (for example declaring cards of a specific archetype only). The opcode parameters can also be passed all in a table as the second parameter.
int Duel.AnnounceCoin(int player) Asks (int player) to call heads or tails
int|nil,int|nil Duel.AnnounceLevel(int player[,int min = 1,int max=12, int exception=nil,...]) Asks (int player) to announce a number between (int min) and (int max), except any (int exception)s. Returns the chosen number, and the index of that number amongst the choices.
int,int Duel.AnnounceNumber(int player, int number, ...) Asks (int player) to announce a number found amongst (int number)s. Returns the chosen number and its index amongst the options
int|nil,int|nil Duel.AnnounceNumberRange(int player[,int min = 1,int max=12, int exception=nil,...]) Asks (int player) to announce a number between (int min) and (int max), except any (int exception)s. Returns the chosen number, and the index of that number amongst the choices.
int Duel.AnnounceRace(int player, int count, int available) Asks (int player) to announce (int count) number of Races, amongst those specified in (int available).
int Duel.AnnounceType(int player) Makes int player declare a type
void Duel.AssumeReset() Manually resets assume effects. Usually used in syncro summon. (eg: it resets the applied effect of "Influence Dragon (Anime)" on the other materials in the Synchro Summon.)
void Duel.AttackCostPaid([int paid=1]) Register the status of payment of attack cost. A value of 2 means that the attack cost was not paid, 1 means the attack cost was paid.
void Duel.BreakEffect() Separates an effect for the purposes of timing (Reflects the effects of the conjunctives "then" and "also after that")
void Duel.CalculateDamage(Card c1, Card c2|nil) Conduct damage calculation between (Card c1) as attacker and (Card c2) or opponent player (nil)
bool Duel.CanPlayerSetMonster(int player[, Card sumcard, int sumtype]) Returns if player can set a monster, if sumcard and sumtype are passed, those parameterers are also passed to the EFFECT_CANNOT_MSET effects.
bool Duel.CanPlayerSetSpellTrap(int player[, Card setcard]) Returns if player can set a spell/trap card, if setcard is passed, that parameterer is also passed to the EFFECT_CANNOT_SSET effects.
Return type Function Description
void Duel.ChainAttack([Card c]) Makes the currently attacking card attacks able to declare a consecutive attack after the current one. If a card is passed, the next attack will have to be against that specific card.
void Duel.ChangeAttacker(Card c[, int ign = false]) Changes the current monster attacking to another card (Card c), if ignore counts is set to true (int ign) it will ignore if the card can still attack.
bool Duel.ChangeAttackTarget(Card c|nil) Changes the current monster being attacker to another card (or makes the attack a direct attack in case of no card being passed)
void Duel.ChangeBattleDamage(int player, int value[, bool check=true]) Changes the battle damage (int player) would take to (int value). If (bool check) == false, you are able change the battle damage that originally is 0.
void Duel.ChangeChainOperation(int chain_idx, function f) Replaces the operation executed by the effect at the specific chain index with the passed function.
int Duel.ChangePosition(Card|Group targets, int au[, int ad=au, int du=au, int dd=au, bool noflip=false]) Changes the battle position of (Card|Group targets). (int au), (int ad), int (du) and (int dd) are the positions cards in face-up attack, face-down attack, face-up defense, and face-down defense positions will be changed to, respectively. If (bool noflip) is true, FLIP effects will not be activated by this change. Returns the number of cards successfully affected.
void Duel.ChangeTargetCard(int chainc, Group g) Change the target cards for the specific chain link (0 is the currently resolving one). This alters the value that that chain link set with Duel.SetTargetCards
void Duel.ChangeTargetParam(int chainc, int param) Change the target parameter for the specific chain link (0 is the currently resolving one). This alters the value that that chain link set with Duel.SetTargetParam
void Duel.ChangeTargetPlayer(int chainc, int player) Change the target player for the specific chain link (0 is the currently resolving one). This alters the value that that chain link set with Duel.SetTargetPlayer
bool Duel.CheckChainTarget(int chainc, Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) can be a target for a chain's (int chainc) effect (via calling target(chkc) function of the effect)
bool Duel.CheckChainUniqueness() Checks if there is no card with the same name in the current chain
bool[, Group, int, int, Effect, int, int] Duel.CheckEvent(int event[, bool get_info]) Returns if, at the activation timing, the (int event) passed is available. If (bool get_info) is set to true, all the even info are returned as extra return values
bool Duel.CheckLocation(int player, int location, int seq) Checks if there is an position (int seq) available for the player (int player) in the location (int location). (The sequence (int seq) is used to indicate the specific position of the location, for example in the location of monsters the sequence would go from 0 to 7., etc.)
bool Duel.CheckLPCost(int player, int cost) Checks if a player (int player) can pay an amount (int cost) of LP
bool Duel.CheckPhaseActivity() Checks if the an "activity" was not performed yet which means that the player is at "the start" of the current phase. Used for effects like Pot of Extravagance, Soundproofed and Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant.
Return type Function Description
bool Duel.CheckReleaseGroup(int player, function f, int count[, bool use_hand=false, int max=min, bool check_field=false, Card card_to_check=nil, int to_player=player, int zone=0xff, bool use_oppo=false], Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Check if there is a monster that can be used as tribute from the int player, that satisfies function, having a min and a max of the count specified with the exception of some card/group if specified, ... are extra arguments. If use_hand is true, then cards in the hand are considered for the tribute. If use_oppo is true, opponent's cards are also considered for the tribute. If check_field is true and card_to_check is passed, the function will also take in account to check if there are free zones (int zone) left on to_player's field to summon that card after tributing the cards. Also effects of cards like "Lair of Darkness" are taken into account when performing those checks.
bool Duel.CheckReleaseGroupCost(int player, function f, int minc[, int maxc=minc], bool use_hand, function spcheck, Card|Group|nil ex,...) Check if the player can tribute cards on the field, excluding "ex" to activate the effect of a monster while also checking for applied effects of cards like "Lair of Darkness" (behaviour now also implemented in the normal CheckReleaseGroup). If function f is passed, the cards returned by Duel.GetReleaseGroup are filtered based on that function. The function spcheck is a callback function that gets passed the current checked group (sg) as first parameter, the checking player (tp) as second parameter, a group containing opponent's cards affected by EFFECT_EXTRA_RELEASE_NONSUM or EFFECT_EXTRA_RELEASE (exg) and the extra parameters passed to the function (...). The spcheck function has to return 1 or 2 boolean values indicating if the passed group (sg) satisfy the requirements as first return value and as optional second parameter to indicate if no matter how many new cards are added to (sg), the condition will never return true.
bool Duel.CheckReleaseGroupEx(int player, function f, int count[, bool use_hand=true, int max=min, bool check_field=false, Card card_to_check=nil, int to_player=player, int zone=0xff, bool use_oppo=false], Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Same as Duel.CheckReleaseGroup, except that the hand is included by default.
bool Duel.CheckReleaseGroupSummon(card c, int player, effect e, function fil, int min, int max, function last,...)  
bool Duel.CheckRemoveOverlayCard(int player, int s, int o, int count, int reason[, Group ocard]) Returns if (int player) can remove a total of (int count) cards attached, for reason (int reason) from your field (int s == 1) and/or opponent's (int o == 1). If group (ocard) is provided, only checks if cards can be detached from monsters that match said group.
bool Duel.CheckSummonedCount([Card c]) Check if the current reason player can still normal summon other monsters or has used that turn's summons, or if a card is passed and that card is affected by an EFFECT_EXTRA_SUMMON_COUNT effect allowing it to be summoned.
bool Duel.CheckTiming(int timing) Returns true if the current activation hint timing is one of the passed timings.
bool Duel.CheckTribute(Card c, int min[, int max=min, Group|nil mg, int tp=c:GetControler(), int zone=0x1f]) Check if there are valid tributes on the field to summon Card c to tp's field in the zones specified by zone using the rules of a normal tribute summon.
void Duel.ClearOperationInfo(int chainc) Clear all the informations that were set by Duel.SetOperationInfo for the passed chain.
void Duel.ClearTargetCard() Remove all the targeted cards corresponding to the current resolving/building chain.
void Duel.ConfirmCards(int player, Card|Group targets) Reveals the passed cards to the passed player if they are in a private knoweledge state.
void Duel.ConfirmDecktop(int player, int count) Reveals a number (int count) of cards from the top of a player's (int player) Deck to both players
void Duel.ConfirmExtratop(int tp, int count) Reveals a number (int count) of facedown cards from the top of a player's (int player) Extra Deck to both players. (faceup pendulum monsters are ignored)
Card Duel.CreateToken(int player, int code) Creates a new instance of a card owned by player (int player) with card code (int code).
int Duel.Damage(int player, int value, int reason[, bool is_step=false]) Damages/Decreases player's (int player) Life Points by an amount (int value) for a reason (REASON_x). Setting is_step to true made the damage considered dealt at the call of Duel.RDComplete()
int Duel.Destroy(Card|Group targets, int reason[ ,int dest = LOCATION_GRAVE]) Destroys a card or group (Card|Group targets) with (int reason) as reason, and sends the card in the location specified by (int dest). Returns the number of cards successfully destroyed.
Return type Function Description
void Duel.DisableSelfDestroyCheck([bool disable=true]) If disable is true, prevents the core from performing the checks for cards that self destroy themselves (like "Burning Abyss" monsters). This behaviour persists until it's manually enabled again by passing false.
void Duel.DisableShuffleCheck([disable=true]) If disable is true, makes an action that adds/removes a card(s) from/to Deck/hand not trigger the shuffle check at the end of the the current routine execution. Putting false would revert to normal behavior.
int Duel.DiscardDeck(int player, int count, int reason) A player (int player) sends the top n cards (int count) to the Graveyard (discard mechanic) with a reason (int reason)
int Duel.DiscardHand(int player, function f|nil, int min, int max, int reason, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Makes (int player) Discard between (int min) and (int max) cards from their hand for which (function f) returns true, except (Group|Card ex), for (int reason)
int Duel.Draw(int player, int count, int reason) Player (int player) draws a specific amount (int count) of Cards for a reason (REASON_x)
void Duel.EnableGlobalFlag(int global_flag) Enables the specified global flags (int global_flag) for the rest of the Duel (GLOBALFLAG_x).
bool Duel.Equip(int player, Card c1, Card c2[, bool up=true, bool is_step=false]) A Player (int player) equips a Card (Card c1) to another Card (Card c2). When up==false, the equip card will not have its position changed face-up. Is_step is for using with Duel.EquipComplete. Returns true if the equip is successful.
void Duel.EquipComplete() Concludes a series of Equips (Always used with 'is_step = true' in Duel.Equip())
void Duel.ForceAttack(Card c1, Card c2) Last Turn's specific effect: after the chain resolves, switches to a standalone Battle Phase and makes card (card c1) attack (card c2). After that, returns to the previous phase.
int,... Duel.GetActivityCount(int player, int activity_type, ...) Get the number of times (int player) has performed activities of (int activity_type). (See ACTIVITY_XXX constants,)
Card Duel.GetAttacker() Get the attacking card (or nil if there is no attacker)
Card|nil Duel.GetAttackTarget() Gets the attack target card (or nil if there's no attack target/the attack is a direct attack)
int Duel.GetBattleDamage(int player) Gets the battle damage (int player) would take
int Duel.GetBattledCount(int player) Get the number of battles (int player) has been involved in this turn
Card|nil,Card|nil Duel.GetBattleMonster(int tp) Returns as first value the monster that is currently battling from the perspective of tp (nil if tp has no currently battling monsters), as second value returns the battling monster from the perspective of 1-tp.
Card Duel.GetCardFromCardID(int cardid) Returns the card whose internal id matches cardid, if no card matches, nil is returned.
Group|nil, int, int, Effect, int, int Duel.GetChainEvent(int chain) Returns the elements associated with the event that caused the current chain link to form, in order:The group containing the cards that were associated with that eventThe player associated with that eventThe value associated with that eventThe reason Effect associated with that eventThe reason associated with that eventThe reason player associated with that event
... Duel.GetChainInfo(int chainc, ...) Returns the chain link properties (aka, chain Info, described by constant group CHAININFO_) of the passed chain link (int chainc), or current chain if it's 0.
Effect Duel.GetChainMaterial(int player) Gets the EFFECT_CHAIN_MATERIAL field effect that is applied to a player (int player). Would only get the first effect it founds.
int, int, int, int, int Duel.GetCoinResult() Returns 5 values corresponding to the results of the last coins tosses.
Return type Function Description
bool Duel.GetControl(Card|Group targets, int player[, int reset_phase=0, int reset_count=0, int zone = 0xff, int chose_player = reason_player]) Give control of a card/group (Card|Group targets) to a player (int player). If reset_phase and reset_count is specified, will behave like other effects with those resets (and so, the control will be returned when the effect has expired). Works only for monsters in Monster Zone, if zone is specified, if moves monster to that zones only or destroy if they are full. If chose_player is provided, the player selecting the zone is the passed value, if PLAYER_NONE is passed, the player performing the selection is player (int player), otherwise the selecting player will be the current reason player.
int Duel.GetCounter(int player, int s, int o, int countertype) Gets the number of counter (int countertype) on the field, from a player's (int player) perspective. The variables int s and int o are the player's and the opponent's field, respectively, 0 to exclude and 1 (or higher) to include.
int Duel.GetCurrentChain([bool real_chain=false]) Returns the number of the current chain link. If real chain is true, then it will return the number of ACTUAL chains that have already formed, so in a target or cost function, it will not include the current chain in this count, while with that parameter as false the current chain will be included as well. Set this when you need to check for the current chain in an effect condition.
int Duel.GetCurrentPhase() Gets the current Phase of the game (corresponds to PHASE_x in constants.lua)
int Duel.GetCustomActivityCount(int counter_id, int player, int activity_type) Same behaviour as Duel.GetActivityCount with the difference that returns the count of the activities that were registered with the specific counter_id as Duel.AddCustomActivityCounter.
Group Duel.GetDecktopGroup(int player, int count) Gets a group of a player's (int player) top n (int count) cards of their Deck
int, int, int, int, int Duel.GetDiceResult() Returns 5 values corresponding to the results of the last dice rolls.
int Duel.GetDrawCount(int player) Gets the draw count for normal draw for a player (int player)
int, int Duel.GetEnvironment() Gets the environment code for the applied field card (the same as the Field Spell's code, usually). Returns the code, then the controlling player. Prioritizes the first player. deprecated and should be avoided
Group Duel.GetExtraTopGroup(int player, int count) Gets a group of a player's (int player) top n (int count) facedown cards of their Extra Deck
Card Duel.GetFieldCard(int player, int location, int seq) Gets a card in certain location at a certain sequence
Group Duel.GetFieldGroup(int player, int s, int o) Gets a group containing cards from a specified location of a player (int player), s denotes the player's side of the field, o denotes opposing player's side of the field
int Duel.GetFieldGroupCount(int player, int s, int o) Counts the number of cards from a specified location of a player (int player), s denotes the player's side of the field, o denotes opposing player's side of the field
int Duel.GetFieldGroupCountRush(int player, int s, int o) Same as Duel.GetFieldGroupCount but exclude the left and right pieces of a summoned maximum monster
Card Duel.GetFirstMatchingCard(function f, int player, int s, int o, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Get the first card in locations (int s) (on (int player)'s side of the field) and (int o) (on their opponent's) for which (function f) returns true, except (Card ex)
Card,... Duel.GetFirstTarget() Returns all the cards that got targeted in the current chain link as separate return values, Duel.GetChainInfo(0,CHAININFO_TARGET_CARDS) is an equivalent alternative that directly returns a group. Duel.GetTargetCards() is a better alternative that returns a group and of target cards that are filtered depending on their relation to the effect.
Return type Function Description
int Duel.GetFlagEffect(int player, int code) Gets the flag effect with (int code) as the effect code that is registered to a player (int player), returns 0 if no effect, a positive integer otherwise
void Duel.GetFlagEffectLabel(int player, int code) Gets the integer labels to the flag effect registered to the player (int player) with (int code) as the effect code, returns nil if there is no integer label.
int Duel.GetFreeLinkedZone(int player) Gets all the unoccupied zones that (int player) has that Link Monsters points to
Group Duel.GetFusionMaterial(int player) Returns a group of cards that are usable as fusion materials by the players, those cards consist of cards in the player's monster zone and also in the player's hand, GY and spell/trap zone that are affected by an EFFECT_EXTRA_FUSION_MATERIAL effect.
Group Duel.GetLinkedGroup(int player, int location1, int location2) Returns the group of cards in the specified locations that are pointed by a link card.
int Duel.GetLinkedGroupCount(int player, int location1, int location2) Returns the number of cards that would be returned by Duel.GetLinkedGroup
int Duel.GetLinkedZone(int player) Gets all the zones that (int player) has that Link Monsters points to
int, int flag Duel.GetLocationCount(int player, int location[, int use_player = reason player, int reason = LOCATION_REASON_TOFIELD, int zone = 0xff]) Returns 2 values. First the number of zones that a player (target_player) has available in a location of the field (int location)[, that can be used by the player (use_player), with intention of (reason), among certain zones (zone)]. Second return is a flag with the available zones.
int, int flag Duel.GetLocationCountFromEx(int player, [int rplayer = reason_player, Group|Card sg=nil, Card|int lc=nil, int zone=0xff]) Gets the number of available zones that (int player) has to perform a Special Summon from the Extra Deck. Optional Parameters: int rplayer is the player performing the summon , by default comes from the player that activates the effect itself; sg are material(s) or tribute(s) for the special summon, it's included when the effect requires the cost of one or more cards; lc is the card that will be special summoned, it's included when it's a specific card which will be special summon). If lc is group, it cannot be passed directly. Instead, pass the type of the monsters in that group (e.g. TYPE_FUSION, see "Construct Element"), which is limited to a single type and will not work properly if the group has different types. The zone parameter is used to limit the check to only some specific zones of the field. The second return is a flag with the available zones.
int Duel.GetLP(int player) Gets a specified player's (int player) current Life Point
Group Duel.GetMatchingGroup(function f, int player, int s, int o, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Gets all cards in locations (int s) (on (int player)'s side of the field) and (int o) (on their opponent's) for which (function f) returns true, except (Card ex)
int Duel.GetMatchingGroupCount(function f, int player, int s, int o, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Returns the number of cards that would be returned by Duel.GetMatchingGroup
int Duel.GetMatchingGroupCountRush(function f, int player, int s, int o, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Same as Duel.GetMatchingGroupCount but exclude the left and right pieces of a summoned maximum monster
table Duel.GetMetatable(int code) Equivalent of calling _G["c" .. code], returns the global metatable associated with that card's code (the "s" returned by GetID)
int, int flag Duel.GetMZoneCount(int target_player[, card|group ex = nil, int use_player = target_player, int reason = LOCATION_REASON_TOFIELD, int zone = 0xff]) Gets the number of available Main Monster Zones of a player (target_player)[, excluding card|group (ex), that can be used by the player (use_player), with intention of (reason), among certain zones (zone)] {note: Basically it is Duel.GetLocationCount that excludes}. The second return is a flag with the available zones.
Group Duel.GetOperatedGroup() Gets the last group of operated cards (from last call of some functions, ex. calling this after Duel.Draw would return a group of the drawn cards)
int Duel.GetOperationCount(int chainc) Get the amount of operation info set by previous calls to Duel.SetOperationInfo for the corresponding chain.
bool, Card|Group, int, int, int Duel.GetOperationInfo(int chainc, int category) Returns the corresponding values that were set by a previous call to Duel.SetOperationInfo for the corresponding category. If the first return value is true that means that operation info was set and then there will be 4 extra return values corresponding to the parameters of SetOperationInfo, otherwise only a single false value is returned.
Return type Function Description
int Duel.GetOverlayCount(int player, int s, int o) Return the number of cards that would be returned by Duel.GetOverlayGroup
Group Duel.GetOverlayGroup(int player, int s, int o) Return the Group composed of cards that are currently Overlaid in the passed player's fields ("s" or "o" =1 means to include that side of the field, 0 means to ignore)
Effect, ... Duel.GetPlayerEffect (int player[, int effect_type]) Returns all the effect with that code (int effect_type) applied on the player. With no effect_type or effect_type=0 it will return all the effects applied on the player. [effect_type refer to "EFFECT_" constants, eg: EFFECT_REVERSE_DAMAGE, EFFECT_CANNOT_MSET]
int Duel.GetPlayersCount(int team) Get the amount of player for that specific team. (Can be used to deduce if the duel is an "n vs m" duel and also in conjunction with Duel.TagSwap to "iterate" all the players in the duel.)
bool, Card|Group, int, int, int Duel.GetPossibleOperationInfo(int chainc, int category) Behaviour similar to Duel.GetOperationInfo, but returns the value set by Duel.SetPossibleOperationInfo instead
int Duel.GetRandomNumber([int min = 0,]int max) Gets a random number between min (default is 0) and max.
Group Duel.GetReleaseGroup(int player[, bool use_hand=false, bool use_oppo=false]) Returns the group of cards that can be used as tribute NOT for a Tribute Summon
int Duel.GetReleaseGroupCount(int player[, bool use_hand=false, bool use_oppo=false]) Returns the number of cards that would be returned by Duel.GetReleaseGroup
Group Duel.GetRitualMaterial(int player, bool checklevel = true) Returns cards that are usable by player as ritual materials, if checklevel is set, only cards with level >0 will be returned
int Duel.GetStartingHand(int player) Gets a specified player's (int player) starting hand
Group Duel.GetTargetCards(Effect e) Returns a group containing the targeted cards of (Effect e)'s activation and that are still related to that specific effect
int Duel.GetTargetCount(function f, int player, int s, int o, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Returns the number of targets, except (Group/Card ex), that match (function f), taking (int player) as the referential player, in locations defined in (int s) for your cards and (int o) for opponent's.
int Duel.GetTributeCount(Card c[, Group mg=nil, bool ex=false]) Returns the number of cards that are usable for a tribute summon by c's controller. By default it only check the controller's field and oponent's cards with an extra release effecta applied to them. If ex is true then all the cards on the opposing side of the field are considered regardless. If mg is passed, the cards are picked only among that group. deprecated and should not be used
Group Duel.GetTributeGroup(Card c) Returns the cards that are usable for a tribute summon of c.
int Duel.GetTurnCount([int tp]) Gets the turn count, if tp is passed, it returns the turn count for that specific player (so if the current turn count is 5, a player's turn count woudl be 2 or 3)
int Duel.GetTurnPlayer() Returns the turn player (0 for the player who went first, 1 for the other)
int Duel.GetUsableMZoneCount(int target_player[, int using_player=reason_player]) Gets the number of Monster Zones that are usabled by using_player on target_player's field
int Duel.GetZoneWithLinkedCount(int count, int tp) Returns a zone flag including the tp's zones that are pointed by at least "count" Link Monsters.
void Duel.GoatConfirm(int tp, int loc) Used for goat versions of cards, handle the "fail to find" scenario. It confirms tp's LOCATION_DECK or LOCATION_HAND (passed in loc), the hand is revealed to the opposing player, the deck is revealed to tp.
Group Duel.GrabSelectedCard () Returns the group of cards that was set by a previous Duel.SetSelectedCard call. The group of selected cards is cleared in the core.
Return type Function Description
void Duel.Hint(int hint_type, int player, int desc) Creates a message for the "player" which has "type" as key and "desc" as value. It is entirely up to the client to interpret say data, the most common case is setting the selection message with, "type" being "HINT_SELECTMSG" and "desc" being a stringId. It is also used to implement Skill Cards visually. Check the "HINT_XXX" constants for their behaviour.
void Duel.HintSelection(Card|Group selection[, bool log_as_selection=false]) If log_as_selection is true, that selection will be logged by the client as "card(s) selected" rather than "card(s) targeted"
void Duel.IncreaseSummonedCount([Card c]) Increases the number of normal summons/sets performed by the turn player. If a card is passed and that card has an EFFECT_EXTRA_SUMMON_COUNT applied to it, that effect is used instead of increasing teh count of the turn player.
bool Duel.IsAbleToEnterBP() Checks if the player can enter BP this turn.
int Duel.IsAttackCostPaid() Return the status of payment of attack cost for a card (e.g. Mist Valley Falcon). A return value of 0 means that the attack cost hasn't been paid yet, so it can be canceled by the current effect, 1 means the attack cost has been paid by at least 1 previous card, so it HAS TO be paid and cannot be canceled, 2 means that the attack cost has been canceled by a previous effect and thus HAS TO NOT be paid nor canceled, just ignored.
bool Duel.IsBattlePhase() Returns if the current phase is the Battle Phase (between PHASE_BATTLE_START and PHASE_BATTLE)
bool Duel.IsCanAddCounter(int player[, int countertype, int count, Card c]) If only platyer is passed, it only checks if that player is not affected by "EFFECT_CANNOT_PLACE_COUNTER" that doesn't have a specific target (and thus no extra checks). If all the other 3 parameters are provided, it checks the applied "EFFECT_CANNOT_PLACE_COUNTER" effects with those parameters as arguments.
bool Duel.IsCanRemoveCounter(int player, int s, int o, int countertype, int count, int reason) Checks if a player (int player) can remove counter(s) (int countertype) (int count) from the field with a reason (int reason). The variables int s and int o are the player's and the opponent's field, respectively, 0 to exclude and nonzero to include.
bool Duel.IsChainDisablable(int chainc) Check if a chain's (int chainc) effect can be disabled (Negate Effect)
bool Duel.IsChainNegatable(int chainc) Check if a chain's (int chainc) effect activation can be negated (Negate Activation)
bool Duel.IsDamageCalculated() Returns true if damage has been calculated during the current (or previous) damage calculation, otherwise returns false
bool Duel.IsDuelType(int flag) Check if the current duel flags match the passed ones. (Check the "DUEL_XXX" constants for the available flags)
bool Duel.IsEnvironment(int code[, int player=PLAYER_ALL, int location=LOCATION_ONFIELD|LOCATION_FZONE]) Depending on the location and player passed check if there's:a field spell with its effects applied in the field zone.a card with its effects applied that correspond to the code.If there are no field spells in play and LOCATION_FZONE or LOCATION_SZONE are passed, effects that treats as if a field spell is in play (e.g. "Maiden of the Aqua") are also checked.
bool Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard(function f, int player, int s, int o, int count, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Checks if (int count) cards exist in locations (int s) (on (int player)'s side of the field) and (int o) (on their opponent's) for which (function f) returns true, except (Card ex)
bool Duel.IsExistingTarget(function f, int player, int s, int o, int count, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) This function's behaviour is equivalent of calling Duel.IsExistingMatchingCard with the same arguments and filtering cards with Card.IsCanBeEffectTarget with the current reason effect as parameter (internal to the core, but most of the time corresponds to the effect itself)
bool Duel.IsMainPhase() Returns if the current phase is either Main Phase 1 or Main Phase 2.
Return type Function Description
Effect | nil Duel.IsPlayerAffectedByEffect(int player, int code) Return the first instance of an effect affecting the player corresponding to the passed code, nil if there's none. The return can be used as boolean check with an Effect being returned as true and nil being returned as fallse.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanAdditionalSummon(int player) Returns if the player can perform an additional normal summon via a EFFECT_EXTRA_SUMMON_COUNT (e.g. "Fire Formation - Tensu")
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanDiscardDeck(int player, int count) Checks if a player (int player) can mill a number of cards (int count) from their Deck
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanDiscardDeckAsCost(int player, int count) Checks if a player (int player) can mill a number of cards (int count) from their Deck as cost
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanDraw(int player[, int count=0]) Checks if (int player) can draw (int count) cards from their deck
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanFlipSummon(int player, Card c) Checks if (int player) can Flip Summon (Card c)
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanPendulumSummon(int player) Returns if the player can perform a pendulum summon. (equivalent of calling Duel.IsPlayerCanProcedureSummonGroup(player,SUMMON_TYPE_PENDULUM))
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanProcedureSummonGroup(int player, int sumtype) Checks if the player is affected by a EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC_G effect whose summon type value is sumtype.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanRelease(int player[, Card c]) If c is not passed, only checks if the player can is not affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_RELEASE, otherwise checks if the player can Tribute the passed card.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanRemove(int player[, Card c]) If c is not passed, only checks if the player can is not affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_REMOVE, otherwise checks if the player can banish the passed card.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanSendtoDeck(int player[, Card c]) If c is not passed, only checks if the player can is not affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_TO_DECK, otherwise checks if the player can return the passed card to the deck.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanSendtoGrave(int player[, Card c]) If c is not passed, only checks if the player can is not affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_TO_GRAVE, otherwise checks if the player can send the passed card to the GY.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanSendtoHand(int player[, Card c]) If c is not passed, only checks if the player can is not affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_TO_HAND, otherwise checks if the player can send the passed card to the Hand.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanSpecialSummon(int player[, int sumtype, int sumpos, int target_player, Card c]) If only the player is passed as parameter, it checks if the player is affected by any effect that would prevent him to special summon a monster, otherwise checks if the player can Special Summon "c" as "sumtype", to "target_player"'s field in the passed position.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanSpecialSummonCount(int player, int count) Checks if the player can Special Summon "count" times.
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanSpecialSummonMonster(int player, int code[, int table setcode, int type, int atk, int def, int level, int race, int attribute, int pos=POS_FACEUP, int target_player=player, int sumtype=0])
bool Duel.IsPlayerCanSummon(int player[, int sumtype, Card c]) If only the palyer is passed, checks if the player is not affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_SUMMON, otherwise checks if the player can Normal Summon the passed card as the passed summon type.
bool Duel.IsSummonCancelable() Returns if the current summon procedure is cancelable, as in it's a summon done outside a chain in an open game state and it's not being performed during a chain or as a part of a separate effect.
bool Duel.IsTurnPlayer(int player) Checks if the current turn is (int player)'s turn.
Return type Function Description
void Duel.LinkSummon(int player, Card c[, Group Card
void Duel.LoadCardScript(string int code)
bool,object/nil Duel.LoadScript (string file_name[, bool forced=false]) Loads into the current enviroment (duel/puzzle) (file_name)'s script, and return true or false depending on the script loading success. If "forced" is false, the file name is loaded only if it hasn't been loaded before. If "forced" is true, other than loading the script regardless if it has been loaded previously, the 2nd returned value will be whatever was set as the global variable "edopro_export" from the loaded script.
void Duel.MajesticCopy(Card c1, Card c2[, int reset_value, int reset_count=1) Copies c1's effect to c2 allowing c2 to use c1's activated effects. If reset_value and reset_count are provided, use those parameter as reset parameters for the copied effects (reset_value default value is RESET_EVENT
void Duel.MoveSequence(Card c, int seq) Move a card (Card c) to a different sequence within its location (int seq)
void Duel.MoveToDeckBottom(int Card
void Duel.MoveToDeckTop(Card Group targets)
bool Duel.MoveToField(Card c, int move_player, int target_player, int dest, int pos, bool enabled[, int zone = 0xff]) A player (int move_player) moves a card (Card c) to the target player's field. The destination must be either LOCATION_MZONE or LOCATION_SZONE (maybe LOCATION_ONFIELD too). It will be sent with the given position (int pos). Its effects will either be enabled or disabled according to the last parameter (bool enabled), if zone is specified, it can only place the card in these zones.
void Duel.MSet(int player, Card c, bool ignore_count, Effect e nil[, int min=0, int zone=0x1f])
bool Duel.NegateActivation(int chainc) Negates the activation of an effect in a chain corresponding to that specific chain link.
bool Duel.NegateAttack() Negates the current attack. Has no effect if the game has confirmed battle (about to enter Damage Step)
bool Duel.NegateEffect(int chainc) Negates the effect in a chain corresponding to that specific chain link.
void Duel.NegateRelatedChain(Card c, int reset) Negates all effects activation in a chain related to a card. This effect negation is reset based on the reset flag passed. (e.g. with RESET_TURN_SET the activations would not be disabled if the card were to be set facedown in that chain.)
void Duel.NegateSummon(Card|Group targets) Negates the summon of a card or a group of cards
void Duel.Overlay(Card c, Card|Group of_card, [bool send_to_grave=false]) Attachs (Card|Group of_card) to (Card c). By default, if any card in the 2nd parameter has materials attached to it as well, they'll also be attached to (Card c) automatically. If send_to_grave is true, they will instead be sent to the graveyard with REASON_RULE, if you want to do something else with those cards, you have to move them before calling this function.
void Duel.PayLPCost(int player, int cost) Make a player (int player) pay an amount (int cost) of LP
void Duel.PendulumSummon(int player) Makes the player perform a Pendulum Summon. (equivalent to calling Duel.ProcedureSummon(player,SUMMON_TYPE_PENDULUM)
void Duel.ProcedureSummon(int player, int sumtype, Card c[, Group Card
void Duel.ProcedureSummonGroup(int player, int sumtype) Makes the player perform a summon using a field effect EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC_G
void Duel.RaiseEvent(Group Card eg, int code, Effect re, int r, int rp, int ep, int ev)
void Duel.RaiseSingleEvent(Card ec, int code, Effect re, int r, int rp, int ep, int ev) Raises a specific event that will raise effects of type EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE on the specific ec, by relying re,r,rp,ep,ev as the arguments of that event.
Return type Function Description
void Duel.RDComplete() Complete Damage/Recover step (for simultaneous damage/recovery)
void Duel.Readjust() Makes the game do the adjustments ( win, disable, control, self destroy, equip, position, trap monster). Calling this while adjusting (most likely, in EVENT_ADJUST) four times with the same card (calling this will raise EVENT_ADJUST at the end, so it is possible to loop) will make the card instantly destroyed.
int Duel.Recover(int player, int value, int reason[, bool is_step=false]) Increases player's (int player) Life Points by an amount (int value) for a reason (REASON_x). Setting is_step to true made the recovery considered being done at the call of Duel.RDComplete()
void Duel.RegisterEffect(Effect e, int player) Register an effect (Effect e) to a player (int player)
Effect Duel.RegisterFlagEffect(int player, int code, int reset_flag, int property, int reset_count[, int label = 0]) Registers a flag effect to a player (int player) with (int code) as the effect code
int Duel.Release(Card Group targets, int reason)
void Duel.ReleaseRitualMaterial(Group g) Tributes monsters from group g for a Ritual Summon
int Duel.Remove(Card Group targets, int
void Duel.RemoveCards(Card Group cards)
bool Duel.RemoveCounter(int player, int s, int o, int countertype, int count, int reason) Makes a player (int player) remove counter(s) (int countertype) (int count) from the field with a reason (int reason). The variables int s and int o are the player's and the opponent's field, respectively, 0 to exclude and 1 (or higher) to include.
bool Duel.RemoveOverlayCard(int player, int s, int o, int min, int max, int reason) Player (int player) removes cards attached, from your field (int s) and/or opponent's (int o), with a minimum of (int min), and a maximum of (int max), with reason (int reason)
void Duel.ResetFlagEffect(int player, int code) Resets a flag with (int code) as the effect code from a player (int player)
bool Duel.ReturnToField(Card c[, int pos, int zone = 0xff]) Return a card (Card c) to the field (only valid for cards that leaves the field with REASON_TEMPORARY, pos denotes the return position (if not specified, uses the card's previous position on field)
int Duel.RockPaperScissors([bool repeat=true]) Has players play a game of Rock Paper Scissors. Return player (winner or PLAYER_NONE). If repeat == true, RPS continues until there is a winner, otherwise RPS is only played once.
Return type Function Description
table[int,int], ...|int, ... Duel.SelectCardsFromCodes(int sel_player, int min, int max, bool cancelable, bool return_index, int code1, ...) Make (int sel_player) select between (int min) and (int max) cards among the passed card codes. If cancelable is true and the selection is canceled nil will be returned. If return_index is true a number of tables equal to the number of selected cards will be returned, each table will have the selected code index (starting by 1) as the first element and the code itself as second element. Otherwise the selected codes will be returned as multiple return values.
int Duel.SelectDisableField(int player, int count, int location_player, int location_oppo[, int filter=0xe0e0e0e0, bool all_field=false]) Asks (int player) to select zones to be disabled, a number of zones up to (int count), in locations (location_player) for the player and (location_oppo) for their opponent, that are bitmasked by (int filter) <in another word, zones that are not filter>. If all_field is true the player can select any zones, including Pendulum and Extra Monster Zone which are normally not allowed.
bool Duel.SelectEffectYesNo(int player, Card c[, int description=3]) Asks (int player) Yes or No, with the question being specified by (int desc) highlighting the passed card (Card c). The default string ask the player if they want to use the effect of "card x"
int Duel.SelectFieldZone(int player, int count, int s, int o[, int filter=0xe0e0e0e0]) Asks (int player) to choose a number of Zones up to (int count), in locations (int s) for the player and (int o) for their opponent, that are bitmasked by (int filter) <in another word, zones that are not filter>. This function allows the player to select ANY field zone, even those that are currently occupied by other cards.
Group Duel.SelectFusionMaterial(int player, Card c, Group materials[, Card|Group|nil must_use, int chkf=PLAYER_NONE]) Makes the player select the fusion materials among the passed group for the fusion summon of the passed card and returns such group (this function filters the various EFFECT_FUSION_MATERIAL effects registered on the card). If must_use is provided, those cards should be materials forced for that fusion summon, chkf is a value keeping the player whose field is to check, with optional FUSPROC_XX flags or'ed to it.
Group Duel.SelectMatchingCard(int sel_player, function f, int player, int s, int o, int min, int max[, cancelable=false], Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Make (int sel_player) select between (int min) and (int max) cards in locations (int s) (on (int player)'s side of the field) and (int o) (on their opponent's) for which (function f) returns true, except (Card ex). If cancelable is true and the selection is canceled nil will be returned. If both cancelable and a minimum of 0 are passed, the result is unspecified.
int Duel.SelectOption(int player[,bool confirm_dialog=true], int desc1, ...) Allows (int player) to choose between any number of options, starting with (int desc1). Returns the index of the chosen option, e.g. desc1 returns 0, the second option returns 1, etc. If confirm_dialog is set to false, the announce will be performed, but the optselected hint won't be shown
int Duel.SelectPosition(int player, Card c, int pos) Makes int player select a position int pos for card c
Group Duel.SelectReleaseGroup(int sel_player, function f, int min, int max[, bool use_hand=false, bool cancelable=false, bool check_field=false, Card card_to_check=nil, int to_player=player, int zone=0xff, bool use_oppo=false], Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Selects monsters to be tributed by int sel_player, applying the same filtering rules as Duel.CheckReleaseGroup. If cancelable is true and the selection is canceled nil will be returned.
Group Duel.SelectReleaseGroupCost(int player, function f, int min, int max, bool use_hand, function specialchk, card|group ex|nil,...) Selects monsters to be tributed by int sel_player, applying the same filtering rules as Duel.CheckReleaseGroupCost.
Group Duel.SelectReleaseGroupEx(int player, function f, int min, int max[, bool use_hand=false, bool cancelable=false, bool check_field=false, Card card_to_check=nil, int to_player=player, int zone=0xff, bool use_oppo=false], Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Selects monsters to be tributed by int sel_player, applying the same filtering rules as Duel.CheckReleaseGroupEx. If cancelable is true and the selection is canceled nil will be returned.
bool Duel.SelectReleaseGroupSummon(card c, int player, effect e, function fil, int min, int max, function last, ...)  
Group Duel.SelectTarget(int sel_player, function f, int player, int s, int o, int min, int max[, bool cancelable=false], Group|Card ex|nil, ...) This function's behaviour is equivalent of calling Duel.SelectMatchingCard with the same arguments and filtering cards with Card.IsCanBeEffectTarget with the current reason effect as parameter (internal to the core, but most of the time corresponds to the effect itself)
Group Duel.SelectTribute(int player, Card c, int min, int max[, Group mg, int to_player=player, int zone=0x1f, bool cancelable=false]) Makes (int player) select a (int min) and (int max) number of tributes to be used for (Card c) to be summoned in the passed zones to to_player's field by also forcefully selecting the cards from mg. If cancelable is true and the selection is canceled, nil will be returned.
bool Duel.SelectYesNo(int player, int desc) Asks (int player) Yes or No, with the question being specified by (int desc)
Return type Function Description
int Duel.Sendto(Card|Group, int location, int reason,[int pos=POS_FACEUP, int player=PLAYER_NONE, int sequence=0]) Sends a card or group (Card|Group targets) to the location (int location) with (int reason) as reason in (ins pos) position (only applies in Extra Deck and Banish). If (int player) is supplied, the destination would be that player's location. A seq value of 0 means it's put on the top, 1 means it's put on the bottom, other values means it's put on the top, and the if it is Deck, it will be shuffled after the function resolution except if Duel.DisableShuffleCheck() is set to true beforehand. Returns the number of cards successfully sent.
int Duel.SendtoDeck(Card|Group targets, int player|nil=PLAYER_NONE, int seq, int reason) Sends a card or group (Card|Group targets) to the Deck with (int reason) as reason, if (int player) is supplied, the destination would be that player's Deck. Available seq values (SEQ_DECKTOP, SEQ_DECKBOTTOM and SEQ_DECKSHUFFLE). If SEQ_DECKSHUFFLE or other values are used for the sequence, the card is put on the top, and the Deck will be shuffled after the function resolution, except if Duel.DisableShuffleCheck() is set to true beforehand. Returns the number of cards successfully sent to the Deck.
int Duel.SendtoExtraP(Card|Group targets, int player|nil=PLAYER_NONE, int reason) Sends a card or group (Card|Group targets) to the Extra Deck face-up with (int reason) as reason, if (int player) is supplied, the destination would be that player's Extra Deck (for Pendulum monsters only). Returns the number of cards successfully sent.
int Duel.SendtoGrave(Card|Group targets, int reason[, int player=PLAYER_NONE]) Sends a card or group (Card|Group targets) to the Graveyard with (int reason) as reason, if (int player) is supplied, the destination would be that player's Graveyard. Returns the number of cards successfully sent.
int Duel.SendtoHand(Card|Group targets, int player|nil=PLAYER_NONE, int reason) Sends a card or group (Card|Group targets) to the Hand with (int reason) as reason, if (int player) is supplied, the destination would be that player's Hand. Returns the number of cards successfully sent.
void Duel.SetChainLimit(function f) Sets a function for limiting effects that could chain from this point in the chain, removed when an effect is chained to the current chain. Function f accepts at most 3 parameters [f(e,tp,p)] in which e is the effect that would be chained, tp is the same tp from the effect function where this function is called, and p is the player who would activate the would-be chaining effect.
void Duel.SetChainLimitTillChainEnd(function f) Sets a function for limiting effects that could chain from this point for the chain until the end of the chain. Function f accepts at most 3 parameters [f(e,tp,p)] in which e is the effect that would be chained, tp is the same tp from the effect function where this function is called, and p is the player who would activate the would-be chaining effect.
void Duel.SetCoinResult(int res, ... ) Changes the results of the latest executed coin tosses to the provided values.
void Duel.SetDiceResult(int res, ...) Changes the result of the latest executed dice rolls to the provided values.
bool Duel.SetFlagEffectLabel(int player, int code, int label) Assigns an integer (int label) number to the flag effect registered to the player (int player) with (int code) as the effect code. Returns true if a flag effect with such code existed and the label was set.
void Duel.SetFusionMaterial(Group g) Sets the internal group of selected fusion materials, this function is to be used in EFFECT_SUMMON_MATERIAL after the materials are selected, as this group is what will then be returned from Duel.SetFusionMaterial
void Duel.SetLP(int player, int lp) Sets a specified player's (int player) current Life Point to (int lp). (Used by effects that "make the LP become X")
void Duel.SetOperationInfo(int chainc, int category, Card|Group targets, int count, int target_player, int target_param) Sets informations about the operation being performed in the current (int chainc = 0) chain, belonging to (int category), with a total of (int count) of card(s) from (Card|Group targets) being affected. These are used with GetOperationInfo. Also, the parameter passed here are checked if any of the summon related activities are checked like ACTIVITY_SUMMON, ACTIVITY_NORMALSUMMON, ACTIVITY_SPSUMMON and ACTIVITY_FLIPSUMMON.
void Duel.SetPossibleOperationInfo(int chainc, int category, Card|Group targets, int count, int target_player, int target_param) Behaviour similar to Duel.SetOperationInfo, but those properties are stored separately and are meant to be set for cards that "could" perform such action (for example for cards that include an effect and can be negated by Ghost Belle)
void Duel.SetSelectedCard(Card|Group cards) Set the current selected cards that are to be used by Group.Select/CheckWithSumGreater and Group.Select/CheckWithSumEqual, also by Duel.CheckReleaseGroup and Duel.CheckReleaseGroupEx
void Duel.SetTargetCard(Card|Group targets) Sets the cards tarrgeted by the current effect and creates a relation to them.
void Duel.SetTargetParam(int value) Stores an arbitrary integer as the "target parameter" for the currently resolving chain, its uses vary depending on the type of effect, but for example with cards that damage/recover LP this value corresponds to the amount to gain/lose, so that other effects that change those amounts can access and change this value
void Duel.SetTargetPlayer(int player) Used to set the "target player" for the currently resolving chain, its uses vary depending on the type of effect, but it's mostly used to indicate which player will be affected by such effect (see "Mystical Refpanel")
Return type Function Description
void Duel.ShuffleDeck(int player) Shuffles the deck of (int player). Handled automatically if a card is sent to deck sequence -2.
void Duel.ShuffleExtra(int player) Shuffles the Extra Deck of (int player). Must be used after confirming cards in the Extra Deck.
void Duel.ShuffleHand(int player) Shuffles the hand of (int player). Handled automatically after Duel.ConfirmCards().
void Duel.ShuffleSetCard(Group g) Shuffles the set cards in (Group g). (Shifting Shadows). All the cards must be from the same location. The only supported locations are the Main Monster Zone and the Spell & Trap Zone.
void Duel.SkipPhase(int player, int phase, int reset_flag, int reset_count[, int value=0]) Makes the specified player (int player) skips the encountered phase (int phase), the effect is reset when reset_flag is met reset_count times. (int value) sets the skip effect's value (don't know what it's used for though...)
void Duel.SortDeckbottom(int sort_player, int target_player, int count) Player (int sort_player) sorts an amount of cards (int count) of a player's (int target_player) deck bottom
void Duel.SortDecktop(int sort_player, int target_player, int count) Player (int sort_player) sorts an amount of cards (int count) of a player's (int target_player) deck top
int Duel.SpecialSummon(Card|Group targets, int sumtype, int sumplayer, int target_player, bool nocheck, bool nolimit, int pos[, int zone=0xff]) A player (int sumplayer) Special Summons a card/group of cards (Card|Group targets) with summon type described with SUMMON_TYPE_x (int sumtype) to a player's (int target_player) field in the specific zone (here zone 0xff, means the default zones). If (bool nocheck) is true, it will summon ignoring conditions. If (bool nolimit) is true, it will summon ignoring the revive limit. Returns the number of cards successfully summoned.
void|int Duel.SpecialSummonComplete() Completes Special Summons conducted with Duel.SpecialSummonStep. This has to be called even if all the Duel.SpecialSummonStep fails.
void Duel.SpecialSummonRule(int player, Card c[, int sumtype=0]) A player (int player) Special Summons a card (Card c) using Special Summon proc that the card has that matches the provided summon type (0 means any).
bool Duel.SpecialSummonStep(Card c, int sumtype, int sumplayer, int target_player, bool nocheck, bool nolimit, int pos[, int zone=0xff]) A player (int sumplayer) Special Summons a card (Card c) with summon type described with SUMMON_TYPE_x (int sumtype) to a player's (int target_player) field in the specific zone (here zone 0xff, means the default zones). If (bool nocheck) is true, it will summon ignoring conditions. If (bool nolimit) is true, it will summon ignoring the revive limit. When a card is summoned this way, its summon is not considered complete until a call to Duel.SpecialSummonComplete is performed, this is useful when effects are to be applied to the card after it is "summoned" but before it "reaches the field".
void|int Duel.SSet(int player, Card|Group targets[, int target_player = player, bool confirm=true]) A player Sets a cards(s) (Card|Group target) to the Spell/Trap Card Zone on target_player's field, if confirm is true, the card(s) set are revealed - for confirmation - to the opponent.
void Duel.Summon(int player, Card c, bool ignore_count, Effect e|nil[, min=0, int zone=0x1f]) Makes a player (int player) Normal Summons a card (Card c) using the Normal Summon procedure that the card has. If (ignore_count) is set to true, the Summon would not count towards the standard limit of Normal Summon/Set. If an effect (Effect e) is provided, the Normal Summon is counted as a Summon by that effect. If (min) is greater than 0, the Summon proc must need that amount or more tributes. If zone is provided, the card will be summonable only to the specific zones.
void Duel.SummonOrSet(tp, ...) Helper function that automatically handle both Duel.Summon and Duel.MSet. the parameters are the same as the 2 functions. The function first checks if the cards can be set or summoned, and in case makes the player choose the action to perform.
bool Duel.SwapControl(Card|Group c1, Card|Group c2[, int reset_phase=0, int reset_count=0]) Swaps control of 2 cards or 2 groups. If groups are provided they must contain the same number of cards and each group must contains cards on the same side of the field. If reset_phase and reset_count is specified, will behave like other effects with those resets (and so, the control will be returned when the effect has expired). Works only for monsters in Monster Zone.
void Duel.SwapDeckAndGrave(int player) Swaps the cards from (int player)'s GY with the cards from his deck. This is an ad hoc function for Exchange of the Spirit.
void Duel.SwapSequence(Card c1, Card c2) Exchanges the positions of two cards in the same location on the same side of the field.
void Duel.SynchroSummon(int player, Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int minc=0, int maxc=0]) A player (int player) Synchro Summons a card (Card c) using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Summon
void Duel.TagSwap(int team) If the current team has more than 1 player, switches to the next player of that team.
... Duel.TossCoin(int player, int count) Tosses (int count) coins on behalf of (int player). Returns all the results of the tosses.
... Duel.TossDice(int player, int count1[, int count2 = 0]) Rolls (int count1) dice on behalf of (int player) and (int count1) dice on behalf of the opponent of (int player). Returns all the results ot the rolls.
void Duel.Win(int player, int win_reason) Player (int player) wins the Duel for a reason (REASON_x). If the player is affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_LOSE_EFFECT the duel keeps going on.
void Duel.XyzSummon(int player, Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int minc=0, int maxc=0]) A player (int player) Xyz Summons a card (Card c) using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Summon

Effect methods

Return type Function Description
bool Effect.CheckCountLimit(int tp) Checks if the effect can still be used by tp or the player has finished its uses.
Effect Effect.Clone(Effect e) Clone an effect object (Effect e), duplicating all except register status and assigned labels.
Effect Effect.CreateEffect(Card c) Create a new effect object with a card (Card c) as it's owner
Effect Effect.FromLuaRef(int ref) Returns a Effect object from a given lua reference. The function errors out if the reference is invalid or does not refer to a Effect object.
int Effect.GetActivateLocation(Effect e) Get (Effect e)'s location when it was activated.
int Effect.GetActivateSequence(Effect e) Get (Effect e)'s sequence when it was activated.
int Effect.GetActiveType(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) card type of activation effect. Activation type is often the effect handler's card type, or the owner's if not attached to a card. Exception for Pendulum scale activation (would return TYPE_SPELL+TYPE_PENDULUM).
int Effect.GetCategory(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) category
int Effect.GetCode(Effect e) Gets (Effect e)'s code
function Effect.GetCondition(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) condition function, returns nil if no function was set
function Effect.GetCost(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) cost function, returns nil if no function was set
int, int, int, int, int, int Effect.GetCountLimit(Effect e) Get (Effect e)'s:remaining usagesmaximum count limitits hopt identifier (e.g. detect "The effect of "card name" can only be used once per turn, almost always you'd want to use the card's own id to be sure it's unique.)its count flags (e.g. EFFECT_COUNT_CODE_DUEL to indicate an effect that is n times per duel)its hopt index (that is used to handle cards that have multiple hopt effects where each can be used once, the first will have an index of 0, the second an index of 1, etc,)
int Effect.GetDescription(Effect e) Gets (Effect e)'s assigned description string id
int Effect.GetFieldID(Effect e) Gets a unique ID representing a certain instance of an effect.
Card Effect.GetHandler(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) card handler (that being the card on which the effect is registered on), if the effect is not attached to a card (i.e. registered to player) it returns its owner.
int Effect.GetHandlerPlayer(Effect e) Returns the controller of the handler of the effect (Effect e). If the effect is registered to a player, it returns the player it's registered to instead.
int,... Effect.GetLabel(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) internal labels. If no labels are present, it will return 0.
Card|Group|Effect|table Effect.GetLabelObject(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) internal label object
int Effect.GetLuaRef(Effect e) Returns an integer representing the internal value used by lua to access the Effect e.
function Effect.GetOperation(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) operation function, returns nil if no function was set
Card Effect.GetOwner(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) card owner. If the effect was created as GlobalEffect then it returns an internal card object that shouldn't be used by the scripts.
int Effect.GetOwnerPlayer(Effect e) Returns the controller of the owner of the effect (Effect e). If the effect is registered to a player, it returns the player it's registered to instead. If the owner was changed by Effect.SetOwnerPlayer, then it will return the value set by that function.
int,int Effect.GetProperty(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) property
int, int Effect.GetReset(Effect e) Gets (Effect e)'s reset flag and reset count.
function Effect.GetTarget(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) target function, returns nil if no function was set
int Effect.GetType(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) type
function|int Effect.GetValue(Effect e) Gets an effect's (Effect e) value or value function, returns nil if no function was set
Effect Effect.GlobalEffect() Create a new effect object not owned by a specific card.
bool Effect.IsActivatable(Effect e, int player[, bool ignore_location=false, bool ignore_target=false]) Checks if an effect (Effect e) can be activated by a player (int player). If ignore location is true, the handler of the effect is not checked to be in a valid location for that effect to be activated. If ignore target is true, then the target function is not executed to check if the effect can be activated.
bool Effect.IsActivated(Effect e) Checks if an effect (Effect e) is an activated effect (not continuous and is a triggering effect)
bool Effect.IsActiveType(Effect e, int type) Compares (with OR) an effect's (Effect e) card type of activation effect with supplied type (int type). Activation type is often the handler's card type, or the owner's if not attached to a card. Exception for Pendulum scale activation (would return TYPE_SPELL+TYPE_PENDULUM).
Return type Function Description
bool Effect.IsDeleted(Effect e) Returns if the Effect object got internally deleted and remained as dangling reference inside the lua state.
bool Effect.IsHasCategory(Effect e, int cate) Returns true if the effect (Effect e) has any category listed in (int cate), otherwise returns false
bool Effect.IsHasProperty(Effect e, int prop1[, int prop2]) Returns true if the effect (Effect e) has any property listed in (int prop1) or (int prop2), otherwise returns false
bool Effect.IsHasType(Effect e, int type) Returns true if the effect (Effect e) has any type listed in (int type), otherwise returns false
void Effect.Reset(Effect e) Reset an effect (Effect e) and makes it collectible by the garbage collector. Even if the effect seems to be usable it SHOULD NOT be used in other places after calling this function.
void Effect.SetAbsoluteRange(Effect e, int playerid, int s_range, int o_range) Sets an effect's (Effect e) target range in perspective of the supplied player (int playerid), s_range denotes the supplied player's range and o_range denotes the opponent's.
void Effect.SetCategory(Effect e, int cate) Sets an effect's (Effect e) category. Refer to constant.lua for valid categories.
void Effect.SetCode(Effect e, int code) Sets an effect's (Effect e) code. Refer to constant.lua and card scripts that has been already there for valid codes (or ask someone).
void Effect.SetCondition(Effect e, function con_func) Sets (Effect e)'s condition function
void Effect.SetCost(Effect e, function cost_func) Sets (Effect e)'s cost function
void Effect.SetCountLimit(Effect e, int count[, int code=0|{ int code, int hopt_index }, int flag = 0]) Sets an effect's (Effect e) use limit per turn to (int count). If "code" is supplied, then it would count toward all effects with the same count limit code (i.e. Hard OPT). If a card has multiple HOPT effects on it, then instead of passing "code" as integer, a table can be used as parameter, the first element of this table will be still "code", the second element will instead be the HOPT index of that effect, this is done to prevent the passed code from clashing with other HOPT effects. (e.g. calling "e:SetCountLimit(1,1234)" is the same as calling "e:SetCountLimit(1,{1234,0})". The flag parameter consists of the "EFFECT_COUNT_CODE_XXX" constants.
void Effect.SetDescription(Effect e, int desc) Sets an effect's (Effect e) description string id with (int desc), you can use aux.StringId() to reference strings in your database, use the "HINTMSG_XXX" constants, or directly put the string number you want (it's not always recomented, but it's needed if you need to use a system string that is defined in the strings.conf file but doesn't have an equivalent "HINTMSG_XXX" constant).
void Effect.SetHintTiming(Effect e, int s_time[, int o_time=s_time]) Sets an activated (Effect e)'s client usage hint timing
void Effect.SetLabel(Effect e, int label[, int ...]) Sets an effect's (Effect e) internal labels to the integers passed as parameter. This would replace the previously stored labels.
void Effect.SetLabelObject(Effect e, Card|Group|Effect|table labelobject) Sets an effect's (Effect e) internal label object to label object. This would replace the previously stored label object.
void Effect.SetOperation(Effect e, function op_func) Sets (Effect e)'s operation function
void Effect.SetOwnerPlayer(Effect e, int player) Sets player as teh effect's owner player.
void Effect.SetProperty(Effect e, int prop1[, int prop2]) Sets an effect's (Effect e) property. Refer to constant.lua and card scripts that has been already there for valid properties (or ask someone).
void Effect.SetRange(Effect e, int range) Sets an effect's (Effect e) effective range (int range) i.e. LOCATION_MZONE. The location is the effect handler's location.
void Effect.SetReset(Effect e, int reset_flag[, int reset_count=1]) Sets the timing that the effect (Effect e) would be erased (with reset_flag)
void Effect.SetTarget(Effect e, function targ_func) Sets (Effect e)'s target function
void Effect.SetTargetRange(Effect e, int s_range, int o_range) Sets (Effect e)'s target range, s_range denotes the effect's handler player's range and o_range denotes the opponent's. If the effect has "EFFECT_FLAG_PLAYER_TARGET" as property, then here 1 as "s_range" would mean it affect the handler and 0 would mean it doesn't, and "o_range" would refer to the opponent of the handler.
void Effect.SetType(Effect e, int type) Sets an effect's (Effect e) type. Refer to constant.lua and card scripts that has been already there for valid types (or ask someone).
void Effect.SetValue(Effect e, function|int|bool val) Sets (Effect e)'s value, or value function
void Effect.UseCountLimit(Effect e, int p [,int count=1, bool oath_only=false]) Decreases the remaning usages of the effect by the player "p" by "count", if "oath_only" is true, the function will do nothing unless the effect is an OATH effect.

Fusion-related functions

Return type Function Description
void Fusion.AddContactProc(Card c, function group, function op, function sumcon, function|nil condition, int sumtype = 0, int|nil desc) Adds a Contact Fusion Procedure to a Fusion monster which is a Summoning Procedure without having to use "Polymerization". (function group) is a function with (int tp) parameter which returns a Group of usable materials. (function op) is the operation that will be applied to the selected materials. (function sumcon) adds a limitation on a Fusion monster which applies to EFFECT_SPSUMMON_CONDITION. (function condition) is an additional condition to check. (int sumtype) is the Summon Type of the Contact Fusion, which defaults to 0. (int desc) is the description of the Summoning Procedure when selecting it.
void Fusion.AddProcCode2(c,code1,code2,sub,insf) Recipe for Fusion monsters that have code1 + code2 as materials. Exampe: Beast Machine King Barbaros Ür (Manga)
void Fusion.AddProcCode2FunRep(c,code1,code2,f,minc,maxc,sub,insf) Fusion monster, name + name + condition * minc to maxc
void Fusion.AddProcCode3(c,code1,code2,code3,sub,insf) Recipe for Fusion monsters that have code1+ code2 + code3 as materials. Not used by any cards.
void Fusion.AddProcCode4(c,code1,code2,code3,code4,sub,insf) Recipe for Fusion monsters that have code1+ code2 + code3 + code4 as materials. Not used by any cards.
void Fusion.AddProcCodeFun(c,code1,f,cc,sub,insf) Fusion monster, name + condition * n
void Fusion.AddProcCodeFunRep(c,code1,f,minc,maxc,sub,insf) Fusion monster, name + condition * minc to maxc
void Fusion.AddProcCodeRep(c, code1, n, sub, insf) Recipe for Fusion monsters that have n "code1" cards as material. Not directly called by any card.
void Fusion.AddProcCodeRep2(c,code1,minc,maxc,sub,insf) Fusion monster, name * minc to maxc. nnot used by any card
void Fusion.AddProcFun2(c,f1,f2,insf) Fusion monster, condition + condition
void Fusion.AddProcFunFun(c,f1,f2,cc,insf) Fusion monster, condition1 + condition2 * n
void Fusion.AddProcFunFunRep(c,f1,f2,minc,maxc,insf) Fusion monster, condition1 + condition2 * minc to maxc
void Fusion.AddProcFunRep(c,f,cc,insf) Fusion monster, condition * n
void Fusion.AddProcFunRep2(c,f,minc,maxc,insf) Fusion monster, condition * minc to maxc
void Fusion.AddProcMix(Card c, bool sub, bool insf, int|function ...) Adds a Fusion Procedure where (bool sub) is a check if Fusion Substitutes are allowed. (bool insf) is a check if using no materials are allowed (e.g. Instant Fusion). (int|function ...) is a list of any number of codes/conditions as Fusion Materials. Member function from the Fusion namespace. Definition available in proc_fusion.lua.
void Fusion.AddProcMixN(Card c, bool sub, bool insf, int|function, int ...) Adds a Fusion Procedure where (bool sub) is a check if Fusion Substitutes are allowed. (bool insf) is a check if using no materials are allowed (e.g. Instant Fusion). (int|function ...) is a list of any number of codes/conditions as Fusion Materials, by pairs wherein the first value is int/function which is the code or condition, and the second value is an int which corresponds to the number of fixed materials.
void Fusion.AddProcMixRep(Card c, bool sub, bool insf, function fun1, int minc, int maxc, int|function ...) Adds a Fusion Procedure where (bool sub) is a check if Fusion Substitutes are allowed. (bool insf) is a check if using no materials are allowed (e.g. Instant Fusion). (function fun1) is a condition for a Fusion Material with a minimum (int minc) and maximum (int maxc) and (int|function ...) is a list of any number of codes/conditions as Fusion Materials.
void Fusion.AddProcMixRepUnfix(c,sub,insf,...)  
void Fusion.AddShaddolProcMix(Card c, bool insf, function f, int att) Adds a Fusion Procedure where (bool insf) is a check if using no materials are allowed (e.g. Instant Fusion) and accepts 1 condition (function f) and 1 Attribute (int att).
Return type Function Description
void Fusion.BanishMaterial(e,tc,tp,group sg) Banishes (group sg), face-up, with REASON_EFFECT+REASON_MATERIAL+REASON_FUSION. Then clears the group sg. Used by the Fusion Summon procedure.
nil|function Fusion.CheckAdditional A variable used temporarily to add further checks (e.g. only up to 2 materials from the Extra Deck: Odd-Eyes Fusion)
nil|int Fusion.CheckExact A variable used temporarily to limit the usable materials' number
bool Fusion.CheckWithHandler(fun,...) Used by the Fusion Summon procedure.
effect Fusion.CreateSummonEff(card c, function fusfilter, function matfilter, function extrafil ,extraop, gc, function stage2, int exactcount, int value, int location, chkf, string desc) Function that generates a Fusion Summon effect, called from the Fusion Summon Procedure defined in "proc_fusion.lua" and "proc_fusion2.lua". By default it's usable for Spells/Traps; usage in monsters requires changing type and code afterwards. [Card c] is card that uses the effect, [fusfilter] is the filter for the monster to be Fusion Summoned, [matfilter] is a function with the restrictions on the default materials returned by GetFusionMaterial, [extrafil] is a function that returns a group of extra cards that can be used as fusion materials, and as second optional parameter an additional filter function, [extraop] is function called right before sending the monsters to the graveyard as material, [gc] is mandatory card or function returning a group to be used (Soprano the Melodious Songtress, etc), [stage2] is a function called after the monster has been summoned (Necro Fusion, Shaddol Ruq, Instant Fusion, Flash Fusion, etc.), [exactcount] is the exact number of materials that must be used if the effect requires it (Ostinato, etc.), [int location] is the location where to summon Fusion monsters from (by default, LOCATION_EXTRA), [chkf] are FUSPROC flags for the fusion summon and [desc] calls a string for the summon effect description.
bool Fusion.ForcedHandler(effect e) Used by the Fusion Summon procedure.
bool Fusion.InHandMat(filter,...) Used by the Fusion Summon procedure.
bool Fusion.IsMonsterFilter(function f,...) Used by the Fusion Summon procedure.
bool Fusion.OnFieldMat(filter,...) Used by the Fusion Summon procedure.
void Fusion.ShuffleMaterial(e,tc,tp,group sg) Sends (group sg) to the Deck with REASON_EFFECT+REASON_MATERIAL+REASON_FUSION. Then clears the group sg. Used by the Fusion Summon procedure.


Return type Function Description
table, int GetID() Returns two values, a card object and its ID, used before the initial effect.

Group methods

Return type Function Description
Group Group.AddCard(Group g, Card|Group other) Add a card or group (Card|Group other) to a group (Group g). Returns the group itself.
Group Group.AddMaximumCheck(Group g) Returns a group containing all the maximum parts of cards that are in maximum mode in the group g,
bool,void Group.CheckDifferentProperty(Group g, function f, ...) function to check if every card in a group has at least a different property from the others with a function that stores the properties in multiple returns form
bool Group.CheckDifferentPropertyBinary(Group g, function f, ...) Function to check if every card in a group has at least a different property from the others with a function that stores the properties in binary form.
bool Group.CheckSameProperty(g, f, ...) Returns if the members of (Group g) share a same property, provided in (Function f)
bool, bool Group.CheckWithSumEqual(Group g, function f, int sum, int min, int max, ...) Checks if there is a combination of cards, with a minimum and maximum, that has the sum of f(c,...) result equal to (int sum) in a group (Group g). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...). with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer. The second returned value indicates wheter the check failed because of overtributing (in which case it will be true), or beause of undertributing.
bool, bool Group.CheckWithSumGreater(Group g, function f, int sum, ...) Checks if there is a combination of cards, with a minimum and maximum, that has the sum of f(c,...) result greater than or equal to (int sum) in a group (Group g). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer. The second returned value indicates wheter the check failed because of overtributing (in which case it will be true), or beause of undertributing.
void Group.Clear(Group g) Removes all the elements from a group (Group g)
Group Group.Clone(Group g) Create a copy of a group (Group g) with the same members
Group Group.CreateGroup() Create a new Group object
void Group.DeleteGroup(Group g) Makes a group that was kept alive be collectable (Group g)
bool Group.Equal(Group g1, Group g2) Checks if the first group (Group g1) has the same members with the second group (Group g2)
Return type Function Description
Group Group.Filter(Group g, function f, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Create a new group with members from another group (Group g) filtered according to a function (function f). Excludes a card/group (Group/Card ex) if not nil. Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the card will be included if f(c,...) returns true.
int Group.FilterCount(Group g, function f, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Counts the amount of members of a group (Group g) which meets the function (function f). Excludes a card (Card ex) if not nil. Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the card will be included if f(c,...) returns true.
Group Group.FilterSelect(Group g, int player, function f, int min, int max[, bool cancelable=false], Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Make a player (int player) select members of a group (Group g) which meets the function (function f), with a minimum and a maximum, then outputs the result as a new Group. Excludes a card (Card ex) if not nil. Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the card will be included if f(c,...) returns true. If cancelable is true and the selection is canceled nil will be returned.
void Group.ForEach(Group g, function f, ...) Executes a function for each card in a group (Group g), function f should accept one parameter (e.g. f(c, ...), with c as each member of the group and ... can be any number of parameters)
Group Group.FromCards(Card c[, ...]) Create a new Group object and populate it with cards (Card c, ...)
Group Group.FromLuaRef(int ref) Returns a Group object from a given lua reference. The function errors out if the reference is invalid or does not refer to a Group object.
{ int, int, ... } Group.GetClass(Group g, function f, ...) Returns a table containing all the different values returned by applying the function f to all the members of the Group g,
int Group.GetClassCount(Group g, function f, ...) Gets the count of different f(c,...) results from all members of a group (Group g). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer.
int Group.GetCount(Group g) Returns the number of cards in a group (Group g)
Card/nil Group.GetFirst(Group g) Gets the first member of Group g (also resets the internal enumerator). Returns nil if the group is empty.
int Group.GetLinkedZone(Group g, int cp) Returns all the zones that all the cards in g point to (on the field of player "cp").
int Group.GetLuaRef(Group g) Returns an integer representing the internal value used by lua to access the Group g.
Group,int/nil Group.GetMaxGroup(Group g, function f, ...) Create a new group with members from another group (Group g) which has the maximum result from f(c,...). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer, if the group g have no element, that function will return nil.
Group,int/nil Group.GetMinGroup(Group g, function f, ...) Create a new group with members from another group (Group g) which has the minimum result from f(c,...). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer, if the group g have no element, that function will return nil.
Card/nil Group.GetNext(Group g) Gets then next member of Group g (moves the internal enumerator by a step). Returns nil when the whole group was iterated.
int Group.GetSum(Group g, function f, ...) Gets the sum of f(c,...) result from all members of a group (Group g). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer.
int Group.GetToBeLinkedZone(card tc, card c, int tp[, bool clink = false, bool emz = false]) Returns the zone(s) of a player "tp" such that "c" would point to "tc" if "tc" would be summoned. If "clink" is set to true it will only return the zone(s) so that "c" and "tc" would be co-linked. Set "emz" to true if the summoned monster could be placed in the Extra Monster Zone so that the possibility of Extra Linking is accounted for (see "G Golem Crystal Heart" for an example use).
bool Group.Includes(Group g1, Group g2) Checks if (Group g1) contains all cards in (Group g2)
bool Group.IsContains(Group g, Card c) Checks if a group (Group g) contains a specified card (Card c)
Return type Function Description
bool Group.IsDeleted(Group g) Returns if the Group object got internally deleted and remained as dangling reference inside the lua state.
bool Group.IsExists(Group g, function f, int count, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Checks if at least a number (int count) of members of a group (Group g) meet the function (function f). Excludes a card (Card ex) if not nil. Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the card will be included if f(c,...) returns true.
iterator Group.Iter(Group g) Iterates over the cards in (Group g) for use with for loops
void Group.KeepAlive(Group g) Make a group (Group g) not be collected upon exiting the function
Group Group.Match(Group g, function f, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) It has the same behaviour as Group.Filter but the changes are done to the Group g and no new group is created.
Group Group.Merge(Group g1, Card|Group other) Add a card or group (Card|Group other) to a group (Group g). Returns the group itself.
Group Group.RandomSelect(Group g, int player, int count) Make a player (int player) randomly select (int amount) members of a group (Group g).
Group Group.Remove(Group g, function f, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Removes members of a group (Group g) that meets the function (function f). Excludes a card (Card ex) from removal if not nil. Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the card will be included if f(c,...) returns true. Returns the group g.
Group Group.RemoveCard(Group g, Card|Group other) Remove a card or group (Card|Group other) from a group (Group g). Returns the group itself.
Card Group.SearchCard(Group g, function f, ...) Gets the first card found in a group (Group g) which f(c,...) returns true. Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and must return a boolean.
Group Group.Select(Group g, int player, int min, int max[, bool cancelable=false] Group|Card ex|nil) Make a player (int player) select members of a group (Group g), with a minimum and a maximum, then outputs the result as a new Group. Excludes a card (Card ex) if not nil. If cancelable is true and the selection is canceled nil will be returned.
Card Group.SelectUnselect(Group g1, Group g2, int player[, bool finishable, bool cancelable, int min, int max]) Selects cards in a loop that allows unselection/cancellation. (Group g1) is the group of not selected cards, (Group g2) is the group of already selected cards, (int player) is the player who selects the card, (bool finishable) indicates that the current selection has met the requirements and thus can be finished with the right click, (bool cancelable) indicates that the selection can be canceled with the right click (in the procedures this is set when the selected group is empty and no chain is going on), (int max) and (int min) does nothing to the function, they are only the max and min values shown in the hint. Every card in both the groups can be selected. The function returns a single card
Group Group.SelectWithSumEqual(Group g, int player, function f, int sum, int min, int max, ...) Makes a player (int player) select members of a group (Group g) which results in a combination of cards, with a minimum and maximum, that has the sum of f(c,...) result equal to (int sum). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer.
Group Group.SelectWithSumGreater(Group g, int player, function f, int sum, ...) Makes a player (int player) select members of a group (Group g) which results in a combination of cards, with a minimum and maximum, that has the sum of f(c,...) result greater than or equal to (int sum). Function f accepts at least one parameter (f(c,...), with c as each member of the group), and the return value should be integer.
Group, Group Group.Split(Group g, function f, Group|Card ex|nil, ...) Returns 2 groups, the first group will contain cards matched with the same behaviour as Gruop.Filter, the second group will contain the remaining cards from the Group g.
Group Group.Sub(Group g1, Card|Group other) Remove a card or group (Card|Group other) from a group (Group g). Returns the group itself.
Card/nil Group.TakeatPos(Group g, int pos) Returns the card at the index specified (int pos) in the group. Returns nil if the index is greater than the size of the group.

initial effect

Return type Function Description
void initial_effect(Card c) The function that will be called for each card's initialization.

Link-related functions

Return type Function Description
void Link.AddProcedure(Card c, function|nil f, int min, int max = c:GetLink(), function|nil specialchk, int desc) Adds a Link Procedure where (function f) is the required material with a minimum (int min) and maximum (int max) where (function specialchk) is an additional check after obtaining all materials (e.g. Akashic Magician) and (int desc) is the description to its Link Summoning Procedure

Pendulum-related functions

Return type Function Description
void Pendulum.AddProcedure(Card c[, bool reg=true, int|nil desc]) Applies all the effects necessary for a Pendulum card to be used as one to (Card c). Setting (bool reg) to false, will not register the activation effect, which is used in cards that cannot be activated since you don't have them in your hand (e.g. Xyz/Pendulums). (int desc) is an optional parameter adding a description to your Pendulum Activation.

Ritual-related functions

Return type Function Description
effect Ritual.AddProc(card c,int _type, function filter, int lv, string desc, function extrafil, function extraop, function matfilter, function stage2, int location,group forcedselection, function customoperation,group specificmatfilter)  
effect Ritual.AddProcCode(card c, int _type, int lv, string desc, ...)  
void Ritual.AddProcEqual(Card c, function filter, int lv[, string desc, function extrafil, function extraop, matfilter, function stage2, int location, forcedselection, customoperation, function specificmatfilter]) Adds a Ritual Summoning activation, requring Tributes that meet (function filter), and with levels exactly equal to the Ritual Monster's level or if (int lv) is provided, with level equal to that value. (int desc) is the description when activating the Ritual Spell.
void Ritual.AddProcEqualCode(Card c, int lv, int desc, [...]) Adds a Ritual Summoning activation, requring Tributes with any of the card names of code (int ...), and with levels exactly equal to the Ritual Monster's level or if (int lv) is provided, with level equal to that value. (int desc) is the description when activating the Ritual Spell when provided.
effect Ritual.AddProcGreater(Card c, function filter, int lv, string desc, function extrafil, function extraop, function matfilter, function stage2, int location, forcedselection, function customoperation, function specificmatfilter) Adds a Ritual Summoning activation requring Tributes that meet (function filter), and with levels equal to or greater than the Ritual Monster's level
void Ritual.AddProcGreaterCode(Card c, int lv, string desc,...) Adds a Ritual Summoning activation requring Tributes for a Ritual monster with any of the card names of code (int ...), and with levels equal to or greater than the Ritual Monster's level
effect Ritual.AddWholeLevelTribute(card c, function cond) The current total level to match for the monster being summoned, to be used with monsters that can be used as whole tribute
effect Ritual.CreateProc(card c,int _type, function filter, int lv, string desc, function extrafil, function extraop, function matfilter, function stage2,int location,group forcedselection, function customoperation, function specificmatfilter)  

Synchro-related functions

Return type Function Description
void Synchro.AddDarkSynchroProcedure(Card c, function f1, function f2, int plv, int nlv, function ...) Adds a Synchro Procedure to (Card c) used by Dark Synchros where (function f1) is the first material, usually used by the non-Tuner and (function f2) as the Dark Tuner, whose Level to be subtracted from the first material. (int plv) is the target level when both materials are of positive value while (int nlv) is the target value if the first material is affected by Dark Wave. (int plv) defaults to the Synchro monster's level while (int nlv) defaults to the (int plv) if not supplied. (function ...) is the list of required materials during the Summon.
void Synchro.AddMajesticProcedure(Card c, function f1, bool cbt1, function f2, bool cbt2, function f3, bool cbt3, function ...) Adds a Synchro Procedure to (Card c) used by Majestic Star Dragon where (function f1, f2 and f3) are the required material and (bool cbt1, cbt2 and cbt3) are a check if the respective material can be used as the Tuner in the Summon since rulings for Majestic Star/Red Dragon state that either or both Majestic Dragon (f1) and/or Stardust Dragon/Red Dragon Archfiend (f2) can be used as the Tuner, but the non-Tuner, for the case of using Phantom King Hydride (f3) cannot be treated as the Tuner for the Summon. You require a minimum of 1 among these 3 to be the Tuner. (function ...) is the list of required materials during the Summon.
void Synchro.AddProcedure(Card c, function f1, int min1, int max1, function f2, int min2, int max2, function sub1, function sub2, function req1, int reqct1, function req2, int reqct2, function reqm) Adds a Synchro Procedure to (Card c) where (function f1) is the required Tuner, with a minimum (int min1) and maximum (int max1). (function f2) is the second material (which usually is a non-Tuner, with a minimum (int min2) and maximum (int max2). (function sub1) is a Tuner substitute (e.g. Nirvana High Paladin) while (function sub2) is a substitute to the second material(s). (function req1) are required Tuners to be used in that Summon, with a fixed number (int reqct1) on how many are needed to be used. (function req2) follows the same pattern but for the secondary material (e.g. Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon (Anime)). (function reqm) is the required material needed to be used in that Summon regardless if it's a Tuner or the second material (e.g. function overwrite by Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow (Anime)).
bool Synchro.NonTuner(function f, a, b, c) A filter used in a Synchro procedure when a material is supposed to be non-Tuner. It also has to satisfy condition of (function f) if provided with (a, b, c) parameters.
bool Synchro.NonTunerCode(table params) Used in the Synchro Summon procedure.
bool Synchro.NonTunerEx(function f, int val) A filter used in a Synchro procedure when a material is supposed to be non-Tuner. It also has to satisfy condition of (function f) which has to be Card.IsRace, Card.IsAttribute or Card.IsType, or a function that would use any of these 3. Also, (int val) is a parameter that is used in checking the (function f).
int Synchro.Send a number representing how and where the Synchro Materials would be sent. 0 - (default) to grave, 1- to grave, returned from banished, 2 - banished face-up, 3 - banished face-down, 4 - sent to hand, 5, sent to Deck, 6 - destroyed.

Xyz-related functions

Return type Function Description
void Xyz.AddProcedure(Card c, function|nil f, int|nil lv, int ct, f|nil alterf, int desc, int maxct=ct, function op, bool mustbemat, function exchk) Adds an Xyz Procedure where (function f) is the required Xyz Material, and (int lv) is the required level, but it can also be nil if there is no required Level. (int ct) is the required number of materials. (function alterf) is the alternate material, e.g. Number C39: Utopia Ray. (int desc) is the description shown when attempting to Xyz Summon using (function alterf). (int maxct) is the maximum number of materials, which defaults to (int ct). (function op) is used by some monsters do something else in addition to using an Xyz Material (e.g. Digital Bug Corebage (detach 2 materials) or Number 99: Utopic Dragon (discard 1 "Rank-Up-Magic")). (bool mustbemat) is used if you can only use the listed materials during the Xyz Summon, this disallows Anime effects such as Orichalcum Chain (minus 1 material) or Triangle Evolution (triple material). (function exchk) is an additional check at the end of selecting materials (e.g. Number F0: Utopic Future (checks if the materials have the same Rank)