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Scripting Library: Constants

Naim edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 6 revisions

Locations, positions, sequences

Value Name Description
0x1 LOCATION_DECK The Deck. If it is used as Location Redirect, the card is placed on the top. (decimal value= 1)
0x2 LOCATION_HAND The hand (decimal value= 2)
0x4 LOCATION_MZONE The Monster Zone (decimal value= 4)
0x8 LOCATION_SZONE The Spell|Trap Zones. It includes the Field Spell Zone and the Pendulum Zones (<=MR3). (decimal value= 8)
0x10 LOCATION_GRAVE The graveyard|GY (decimal value= 16)
0x20 LOCATION_REMOVED The area where banished card go (decimal value= 32)
0x40 LOCATION_EXTRA The Extra Deck (decimal value= 64)
0x80 LOCATION_OVERLAY The location for cards attached as Xyz Material. Also the location used for "stacked" cards (for anime-only cards) (decimal value= 128)
0x0c LOCATION_ONFIELD All locations on the field. The sum of LOCATION_MZONE+LOCATION_SZONE. (decimal value= 192 )
0x3c LOCATION_PUBLIC Used for scripting purposes. The sum of locations (LOCATION_ONFIELD+LOCATION_REMOVED+LOCATION_GRAVE) where cards are, usually, public knowledge.
0x10001 LOCATION_DECKBOT The Bottom of Deck. Used only in Location Redirect
0x20001 LOCATION_DECKSHF Location for cards that are place in Deck and then the Deck is shuffled. Used only in Location Redirect
0x100 LOCATION_FZONE The Field Spell zone
0x200 LOCATION_PZONE The Pendulum Zone
0x400 LOCATION_STZONE The Spell|Trap Zone (without the Field Zone). Symbolic location. Can be used in functions expecting a location and also in SetRange (except with trigger effects)
0x800 LOCATION_MMZONE The Main Monster Zones. Symbolic location. Can be used in functions expecting a location and also in SetRange (except with trigger effects)
0x1000 LOCATION_EMZONE The Extra Monster Zones. Symbolic location. Can be used in functions expecting a location and also in SetRange (except with trigger effects)
0x1f ZONES_MMZ Constant to be used as mask to filter for main monster zones
0x60 ZONES_EMZ Constant to be used as mask to filter for extra monster zones
0 SEQ_DECKTOP Sequence to be used with Duel.SendtoDeck. Sends the card to the top of the Deck
1 SEQ_DECKBOTTOM Sequence to be used with Duel.SendtoDeck. Sends the card to the bottom of the Deck
2 SEQ_DECKSHUFFLE Sequence to be used with Duel.SendtoDeck. Sends the card to the top of the Deck, then suffles it
0 COIN_HEADS Value for coin results
1 COIN_TAILS Value for coin results
0x5 POS_FACEUP Face-up position, attack + defense if on field. (decimal value= 5)
0xa POS_FACEDOWN Face-down position, attack + defense if on field (decimal value= 10)
0x1 POS_FACEUP_ATTACK Face-up attack position (decimal value= 1)
0x2 POS_FACEDOWN_ATTACK Face-down attack position. Used with "Darkness Approaches" (Pre-Errata)
0x4 POS_FACEUP_DEFENSE Face-up defense position (decimal value= 4)
0x8 POS_FACEDOWN_DEFENSE Face-down defense position (decimal value= 8)
0x3 POS_ATTACK Attack position, face-up + face-down (decimal value= 3)
0xc POS_DEFENSE Defense position, face-up + face-down (decimal value= 12)
0x10000 NO_FLIP_EFFECT Applies position change without triggering FLIP effects

Card types, attributes and monster type

Value Name Description
0x1 TYPE_MONSTER A Monster card (decimal value= 1)
0x2 TYPE_SPELL A Spell card (decimal value= 2)
0x4 TYPE_TRAP A Trap card (decimal value= 4)
0x10 TYPE_NORMAL A Normal monster (decimal value= 16)
0x20 TYPE_EFFECT A card with effect (decimal value= 32)
0x40 TYPE_FUSION A Fusion (monster) (decimal value= 64)
0x80 TYPE_RITUAL A Ritual card (decimal value= 128)
0x100 TYPE_TRAPMONSTER A Trap monster, e.g. Embodiment of Apophis. NOTE: This is not used in addition to the default card types. (decimal value= 256)
0x200 TYPE_SPIRIT Spirit monster (decimal value= 512)
0x400 TYPE_UNION Union monster (decimal value= 1024)
0x800 TYPE_GEMINI A Gemini monster (decimal value= 2048)
0x1000 TYPE_TUNER Tuner (decimal value=4096)
0x2000 TYPE_SYNCHRO A Synchro (decimal value= 8192)
0x4000 TYPE_TOKEN A token (decimal value= 16384)
0x8000 TYPE_MAXIMUM A Maximum Monster (decimal value= 32768)
0x10000 TYPE_QUICKPLAY A Quick Play card (decimal value= 65536)
0x20000 TYPE_CONTINUOUS A Continuous card (decimal value=131072 )
0x40000 TYPE_EQUIP An equip card (decimal value= 262144)
0x80000 TYPE_FIELD A field card (decimal value= 524288)
0x100000 TYPE_COUNTER A counter card, used for Counter Trap cards (decimal value=1048576 )
0x200000 TYPE_FLIP Flip (decimal value= 2097152)
0x400000 TYPE_TOON Toon (decimal value= 4194304)
0x800000 TYPE_XYZ An Xyz (decimal value= 8388608)
0x1000000 TYPE_PENDULUM Pendulum (decimal value= 16777216)
0x2000000 TYPE_SPSUMMON An Special Summon-only monster. Used for Nomi|Semi-Nomi Main Deck monsters (decimal value= 33554432)
0x4000000 TYPE_LINK A Link (decimal value= 67108864)
0x8000000 TYPE_SKILL A Skill Card. (decimal value= 134217728)
0x10000000 TYPE_ACTION An Action card. (decimal value= 268435456)
0x4011 TYPES_TOKEN Constant used to simplify cards that summon tokens. Sum of the following values: Monster + Normal + Token (decimal value= 16401)
0x4802040 TYPE_EXTRA And extra deck monster card that. This is the summon of TYPE_FUSION+TYPE_SYNCHRO+TYPE_XYZ+TYPE_LINK (decimal value= 75505728)
0x20000000 TYPE_PLUS Plus Type, only usable if 419 is called
0x40000000 TYPE_MINUS Minus Type, only usable if 419 is called
0x80000000 TYPE_ARMOR Armor Type, only usable if 419 is called
0x1 ATTRIBUTE_EARTH The EARTH attribute for monsters (decimal value= 1)
0x2 ATTRIBUTE_WATER The WATER attribute for monsters (decimal value= 2)
0x4 ATTRIBUTE_FIRE The FIRE attribute for monsters (decimal value= 4)
0x8 ATTRIBUTE_WIND The WIND attribute for monsters (decimal value= 8)
0x10 ATTRIBUTE_LIGHT The LIGHT attribute for monsters (decimal value= 16)
0x20 ATTRIBUTE_DARK The DARK attribute for monsters (decimal value= 32)
0x40 ATTRIBUTE_DIVINE The DIVINE attribute for monsters (decimal value= 64)
0x80 ATTRIBUTE_LAUGH The LAUGH attribute, only usable if the 419 script is called
0x7f ATTRIBUTE_ALL The sum of all official monster attributes (including divine)
0x3ffffff RACE_ALL A constant that includes all monster types from Warrior to Illusionist
0x1 RACE_WARRIOR Warrior type monster (decimal value= 1)
0x2 RACE_SPELLCASTER Spellcaster type monster (decimal value= 2)
0x4 RACE_FAIRY Fairy type monster (decimal value= 4)
0x8 RACE_FIEND Fiend type monster (decimal value= 8)
0x10 RACE_ZOMBIE Zombie type monster (decimal value= 16)
0x20 RACE_MACHINE Machine type monster (decimal value= 32)
0x40 RACE_AQUA Aqua type monster (decimal value=64 )
0x80 RACE_PYRO Pyro type monster (decimal value=128 )
0x100 RACE_ROCK Rock type monster (decimal value= 256)
0x200 RACE_WINGEDBEAST Winged Beast type monster (decimal value= 512)
0x400 RACE_PLANT Plant type monster (decimal value= 1024)
0x800 RACE_INSECT Insect type monster (decimal value= 2048)
0x1000 RACE_THUNDER Thunder type monster (decimal value=4096)
0x2000 RACE_DRAGON Dragon type monster (decimal value= 8192)
0x4000 RACE_BEAST Beast type monster (decimal value= 16384)
0x8000 RACE_BEASTWARRIOR Beast-Warrior type monster (decimal value= 32768)
0x10000 RACE_DINOSAUR Dinosaur type monster (decimal value= 65536)
0x20000 RACE_FISH Fish type monster (decimal value= 131072)
0x40000 RACE_SEASERPENT Sea Serpent type monster (decimal value= 262144)
0x80000 RACE_REPTILE Reptile type monster (decimal value= 524288)
0x100000 RACE_PSYCHIC Psychic type monster (decimal value= 1048576)
0x200000 RACE_DIVINE Divine-Beast type monster (decimal value= 2097152)
0x400000 RACE_CREATORGOD Creator God type monster (decimal value= 4194304)
0x800000 RACE_WYRM The Wyrm monster type (decimal value= 8388608)
0x1000000 RACE_CYBERSE The Cyberse monster type (decimal value= 16777216)
0x2000000 RACE_ILLUSION The Illusion monster type (decimal value= 33554432)
0x4000000 RACE_CYBORG Rush duel monster type (race)
0x8000000 RACE_MAGICALKNIGHT Rush duel monster type (race)
0x10000000 RACE_HIGHDRAGON Rush duel monster type (race)
0x20000000 RACE_OMEGAPSYCHIC Rush duel monster type (race)
0x40000000 RACE_CELESTIALWARRIOR Rush duel monster type (race)
0x80000000 RACE_GALAXY Rush duel monster type (race)
0x4000000000000000 RACE_YOKAI Yokai type monster, only usable if token 419 is called.
0xc200 RACES_BEAST_BWARRIOR_WINGB Union of Beast, Beast-Warrior and Winged Beast types, for the many cards that support all 3 at once.

Reasons, summon types, status and assume values

Value Name Description
0x1 REASON_DESTROY The card being destroyed (decimal value= 1)
0x2 REASON_RELEASE The card being tributed (decimal value= 2)
0x4 REASON_TEMPORARY The card being temporary banished (decimal value= 4)
0x8 REASON_MATERIAL Used as Fusion/Synchro/Xyz/Link material, etc. (decimal value= 8)
0x10 REASON_SUMMON Used for a summon (decimal value= 16)
0x20 REASON_BATTLE The card being destroyed by battle (decimal value= 32)
0x40 REASON_EFFECT The reason that causes the event is a card effect (decimal value= 64)
0x80 REASON_COST The reason used for costs. It is also the same used to destroy/send to the GY cards that fail to pay their maintenance costs (decimal value= 128)
0x100 REASON_ADJUST Adjustment (Royal before the test) (decimal value= 256)
0x200 REASON_LOST_TARGET Equip Target stops being face-up, either by leaving the field or being flipped face-down (decimal value= 512)
0x400 REASON_RULE The value used for reasons associated with game mechanics (decimal value= 1024)
0x800 REASON_SPSUMMON The reason for the event is an Special Summon (decimal value= 2048)
0x1000 REASON_DISSUMMON The reason for the event is a Summon being negated (dissummon= disabled summon) (decimal value= 4096)
0x2000 REASON_FLIP Being flipped (decimal value= 8192)
0x4000 REASON_DISCARD The reason for the even is a card being discarded (decimal value= 16384)
0x8000 REASON_RDAMAGE Reversal Damage: gain LP becomes damage - used only in the core
0x10000 REASON_RRECOVER Reversal Recovery: damage becomes gain LP - used only in the core
0x20000 REASON_RETURN Return from banished to Graveyard (decimal value= 131072)
0x40000 REASON_FUSION Used for Fusion Summon (decimal value= 262144)
0x80000 REASON_SYNCHRO Used for Synchro Summon (decimal value= 524288)
0x100000 REASON_RITUAL Used for Ritual Summon (decimal value= 1048576)
0x200000 REASON_XYZ Used for Xyz Summon (decimal value= 2097152)
0x400000 REASON_REPLACE Event is happening because of an effect that states "If X would be destroyed, do this instead." (decimal value= 4194304)
0x800000 REASON_DRAW Event is a card being drawn (decimal value= 8388608)
0x1000000 REASON_REDIRECT Sent to a location other than intended, eg "Banish this card if it leaves the field." (decimal value= 16777216)
0x8000000 REASON_REVEAL Used by cards that require being sent to the GY after being excavated. See "Sylvan" monsters
0x10000000 REASON_LINK Used for Link Summon (decimal value= 67108864)
0x1 LOCATION_REASON_TOFIELD Default reason for Duel.GetLocationCount(), counts for Kaiser Colosseum
0x2 LOCATION_REASON_CONTROL Used by Card.IsControlerCanBeChanged()
0x4 LOCATION_REASON_COUNT Duel.GetLocationCount() for DisableField
0x10000000 SUMMON_TYPE_NORMAL Normal summoned (EFFECT_SUMMON_PROC, EFFECT_SET_PROC can use SetValue to modify the value)
0x11000000 SUMMON_TYPE_ADVANCE Tribute Summon, an specific type of Normal Summon.
0x12000000 SUMMON_TYPE_GEMINI Normal Summoned Gemini Monster.
0x20000000 SUMMON_TYPE_FLIP Flip Summon
0x40000000 SUMMON_TYPE_SPECIAL Special summon (EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC, EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC_G can use SetValue to modify the value)
0x43000000 SUMMON_TYPE_FUSION Fusion Summon
0x45000000 SUMMON_TYPE_RITUAL Ritual Summon
0x46000000 SUMMON_TYPE_SYNCHRO Synchro Summon
0x49000000 SUMMON_TYPE_XYZ Xyz Summon
0x4a000000 SUMMON_TYPE_PENDULUM Pendulum Summon
0x4c000000 SUMMON_TYPE_LINK Link Summon
0x4e000000 SUMMON_TYPE_MAXIMUM Maximum Summon (Rush duel summon type)
0x1 STATUS_DISABLED Effect is negated
0x2 STATUS_TO_ENABLE Effect negation would be removed
0x4 STATUS_TO_DISABLE Effect would be negated
0x8 STATUS_PROC_COMPLETE The card has been summoned properly (usually by its own condition)
0x10 STATUS_SET_TURN Spell/Traps set this turn
0x20 STATUS_NO_LEVEL The card is treated as having Level/Rank/Link 0
0x40 STATUS_BATTLE_RESULT Destroyed by battle at the end of damage calculation
0x80 STATUS_SPSUMMON_STEP Special Summon not yet finished aka "Step"
0x100 STATUS_FORM_CHANGED A monster that had his position manually changed in the current turn
0x200 STATUS_SUMMONING The timing for when a monster "Would be Summoned"
0x400 STATUS_EFFECT_ENABLED Usable card on field (has activated, already Summoned, effects applied)
0x800 STATUS_SUMMON_TURN The monster was Normal Summoned/Set in the current turn
0x1000 STATUS_DESTROY_CONFIRMED The card is going to be destroyed
0x2000 STATUS_LEAVE_CONFIRMED After the chain resolves, an activated card with this status would immediately go to Graveyard
0x4000 STATUS_BATTLE_DESTROYED Already destroyed by battle (during battle)
0x8000 STATUS_COPYING_EFFECT A card with this status is copying the effect of another card
0x10000 STATUS_CHAINING A card wiith this status has one of its effects on the current Chain
0x20000 STATUS_SUMMON_DISABLED A monster which had its summon negated
0x40000 STATUS_ACTIVATE_DISABLED A card that had its activation negated
0x80000 STATUS_EFFECT_REPLACED A card affected by ReplaceEffect
0x100000 STATUS_FUTURE_FUSION Future Materials wouldn't trigger after Fusion Monster is Summoned
0x200000 STATUS_ATTACK_CANCELED Attack was negated
0x400000 STATUS_INITIALIZING Cards which are at "initial_effect" state
0x1000000 STATUS_JUST_POS A monster that had just changed its position
0x2000000 STATUS_CONTINUOUS_POS Set again after changing to other positions
0x4000000 STATUS_FORBIDDEN A card that cannot be used (for example, if it was declared by Prohibition or Psi-Blocker)
0x8000000 STATUS_ACT_FROM_HAND A card with this sattus can be activated from hand
0x10000000 STATUS_OPPO_BATTLE Has destroyed an opponent's monster by battle
0x20000000 STATUS_FLIP_SUMMON_TURN A card with this status was Flip Summoned in the current turn
0x40000000 STATUS_SPSUMMON_TURN A card with this status was Special Summoned in the current turn
1 ASSUME_CODE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given code (ID/name)
2 ASSUME_TYPE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given Type
3 ASSUME_LEVEL Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given level
4 ASSUME_RANK Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given rank
5 ASSUME_ATTRIBUTE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given attribute
6 ASSUME_RACE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given race
7 ASSUME_ATTACK Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given ATK
8 ASSUME_DEFENSE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given DEF
9 ASSUME_LINK Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given Link Rating
10 ASSUME_LINKMARKER Temporarily assumes that the affected card has given Link Markers

link markers, counter permissions, phases and players

Value Name Description
0x1 LINK_MARKER_BOTTOM_LEFT Has this link arrow: ↙
0x2 LINK_MARKER_BOTTOM Has this link arrow: ⬇
0x4 LINK_MARKER_BOTTOM_RIGHT Has this link arrow: ↘
0x8 LINK_MARKER_LEFT Has this link arrow: ⬅
0x20 LINK_MARKER_RIGHT Has this link arrow: ➡
0x40 LINK_MARKER_TOP_LEFT Has this link arrow: ↖
0x80 LINK_MARKER_TOP Has this link arrow: ⬆
0x100 LINK_MARKER_TOP_RIGHT Has this link arrow: ↗
0x1000 COUNTER_WITHOUT_PERMIT Added to counter value to allow counters for any card (does not require Card.EnableCounterPermit)
0x2000 COUNTER_NEED_ENABLE Added to counter value to require target to require its effects not negated
0x01 PHASE_DRAW The Draw Phase of a player (decimal value= 1)
0x02 PHASE_STANDBY The Standby Phase (decimal value= 2)
0x04 PHASE_MAIN1 The Main Phase 1 (decimal value= 4)
0x08 PHASE_BATTLE_START The Start Step, first step of the Battle Phase (decimal value= 8)
0x10 PHASE_BATTLE_STEP The Battle Step (decimal value= 16)
0x20 PHASE_DAMAGE The Damage Step (decimal value= 32)
0x40 PHASE_DAMAGE_CAL The Damage Calculation (decimal value= 64)
0x80 PHASE_BATTLE Battle Phase/End of Battle Phase (decimal value= 128)
0x100 PHASE_MAIN2 The Main Phase 2 (decimal value= 256)
0x200 PHASE_END The End Phase of a turn (decimal value= 512)
2 PLAYER_NONE No player
3 PLAYER_ALL Both players
4 PLAYER_EITHER Any player


Value Name Description
0x2 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_EFFECT The effect that triggered the current Chain Link
0x4 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_PLAYER The player that triggered the current Chain Link
0x8 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_CONTROLER The controller of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x10 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_LOCATION The location of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x20 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_SEQUENCE The sequence (zone within a location) that triggered the current Chain Link
0x40 CHAININFO_TARGET_CARDS Cards targeted by the effect of the current Chain Link
0x80 CHAININFO_TARGET_PLAYER Player targeted by the effect of the current Chain Link
0x100 CHAININFO_TARGET_PARAM Get Value set in Duel.SetTargetParam()
0x200 CHAININFO_DISABLE_REASON The reason that disabled the effect/card/summon
0x400 CHAININFO_DISABLE_PLAYER The player that disabled the effect/card/summon
0x1000 CHAININFO_TYPE Chain type
0x2000 CHAININFO_EXTTYPE Chain extra type
0x4000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_POSITION The position of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x8000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_CODE The id of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x40000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_LEVEL The level of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x80000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_RANK The rank of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x100000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_ATTRIBUTE The attribute of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x200000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_RACE The type (warrior, zombie, etc) of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x400000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_ATTACK The attack of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x800000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_DEFENSE The defense of the card that triggered the current Chain Link

Reset values

Value Name Description
0x1000 RESET_EVENT Reset when a given event occurs (add the event value)
0x2000 RESET_CARD Reset Owner to specify the effect of the card
0x4000 RESET_CODE Reset the single effect of the specified Code (excluding EFFECT_FLAG_SINGLE_RANGE)
0x8000 RESET_COPY Reset to copy the effect achieved
0x10000 RESET_DISABLE Reset when the card's effect is negated
0x20000 RESET_TURN_SET Reset when turned face-down ("Set")
0x40000 RESET_TOGRAVE Reset when the card goes to the graveyard
0x80000 RESET_REMOVE Reset when the card is banished
0x100000 RESET_TEMP_REMOVE Reset when the card is temporarily banished
0x200000 RESET_TOHAND Reset when the card is sent to the hand
0x400000 RESET_TODECK Reset when the card is sent to the deck
0x800000 RESET_LEAVE Resets when the card leaves the field (the card moves to a different location from LOCATION_MZONE or LOCATION_SZONE)
0x1000000 RESET_TOFIELD Reset when the card moves to the field (the card moves to LOCATION_MZONE or LOCATION_SZONE from a different location. Returning to the field is not included)
0x2000000 RESET_CONTROL Reset when control of the card changes
0x4000000 RESET_OVERLAY Reset when the card is used as Xyz Material
0x8000000 RESET_MSCHANGE Reset when moving between the monster zones and spell/trap zones (MoveToField(), Crystal Beasts)
0x10000000 RESET_SELF_TURN Reset on your turn
0x20000000 RESET_OPPO_TURN Reset on the opponent's turn
0x40000000 RESET_PHASE Resets at a given phase (add the phase value)
0x80000000 RESET_CHAIN Reset at the end of the resolving Chain
0x01ff0000 RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE Complex reset. The sum of RESETS_STANDARD+RESET_DISABLE, used with RESET_EVENT. Used for effects that need to reset when the monster's effects are negated (eg a monster changing its ATK/DEF or Level with its own effect).
0x17e0000 RESETS_CANNOT_ACT Complex reset. The sum of RESETS_STANDARD-RESET_LEAVE, used in thing like ancient gear drill and troymare maybe.
0x17a0000 RESETS_STANDARD_EXC_GRAVE Complex reset. The sum of RESETS_STANDARD-RESET_TOGRAVE-RESET_LEAVE, mainly used for card that negate effect of card they destroy by battle.

Effect types and effect flags

Value Name Description
0x1 EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE An effect that applies only to itself. When used with trigger effects, this makes the card look for the event only when it happens to itself.
0x2 EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD An effect that applies to the whole field.When used with trigger effects, this makes the effect look for the event when it happens to anything
0x4 EFFECT_TYPE_EQUIP An effect that applies when the card is an Equip card.
0x8 EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIONS Effects that trigger. (Added to effects automatically)
0x10 EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE Spell/Trap Activation
0x20 EFFECT_TYPE_FLIP Trigger effect that adds EFFECT_TYPE_TRIGGER_F to SetType and EVENT_FLIP to SetCode by default
0x40 EFFECT_TYPE_IGNITION An effect that the turn player chooses to apply during their Main Phase, in a open game state. It is Speed Spell 1
0x80 EFFECT_TYPE_TRIGGER_O Optional Trigger effect
0x100 EFFECT_TYPE_QUICK_O Optional Quick effect
0x200 EFFECT_TYPE_TRIGGER_F Mandatory Trigger effect
0x400 EFFECT_TYPE_QUICK_F Mandatory Quick Effect (such as Light and Darkness Dragon)
0x800 EFFECT_TYPE_CONTINUOUS Auxiliary effect / persistent effect triggered by an event
0x1000 EFFECT_TYPE_XMATERIAL Applies an effect to a monster that has this card as Xyz Material (see "Zoodiac" cards)
0x2000 EFFECT_TYPE_GRANT Provides an effect to other cards (see "The Weather" cards)
0x4000 EFFECT_TYPE_TARGET Currently not used by any cards. Evaluated by the core in the following functions: effect::is_target, effect::is_available, card::add_effect and card::remove_effect
0x1 EFFECT_FLAG_INITIAL Original effect of a card (automatically applied)
0x2 EFFECT_FLAG_FUNC_VALUE The Value property of this effect is a function
0x4 EFFECT_FLAG_COUNT_LIMIT The number of times an effects can be triggered
0x8 EFFECT_FLAG_FIELD_ONLY This effect is registered to the global environment
0x10 EFFECT_FLAG_CARD_TARGET The effect includes targetting a card
0x20 EFFECT_FLAG_IGNORE_RANGE Card affecting all areas "(Prohibition", "Imperial Iron Wall")
0x40 EFFECT_FLAG_ABSOLUTE_TARGET Target Range does not change due to changes in control
0x80 EFFECT_FLAG_IGNORE_IMMUNE Effect applies regardless of a card being "Unaffected by card effects"
0x100 EFFECT_FLAG_SET_AVAILABLE Effect applies to face-down ("Set") cards
0x200 EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_NEGATE For effects that say "This effect cannot be negated." in their text
0x400 EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_DISABLE Effect cannot be negated
0x800 EFFECT_FLAG_PLAYER_TARGET Effect targets a player (Mystical Refpanel)
0x800 EFFECT_FLAG_BOTH_SIDE Effect affects both sides of the field
0x2000 EFFECT_FLAG_COPY_INHERIT Effect is inherited by a card that copies it
0x4000 EFFECT_FLAG_DAMAGE_STEP Effect can activate during the Damage Step
0x8000 EFFECT_FLAG_DAMAGE_CAL Effect can activate during Damage Calculation, a sub-step of the Damage Step.
0x10000 EFFECT_FLAG_DELAY By adding this delay flag, the effect is prevented from missing the timing
0x20000 EFFECT_FLAG_SINGLE_RANGE The effect that has this flag is only valid for the card itself
0x40000 EFFECT_FLAG_UNCOPYABLE The effect that has this flag cannot be copied
0x80000 EFFECT_FLAG_OATH Oath effect
0x100000 EFFECT_FLAG_SPSUM_PARAM Flag to indicate in a special summon in which zone(s) of the field and to which player. (eg. SetTargetRange in "Lava Golem")
0x200000 EFFECT_FLAG_REPEAT God's incarnation's attack power is double counted
0x400000 EFFECT_FLAG_NO_TURN_RESET Flag used for effects that "can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field", e.g. Wind-Up monsters.
0x800000 EFFECT_FLAG_EVENT_PLAYER As the other player's effect (action?)
0x1000000 EFFECT_FLAG_OWNER_RELATE Continues to be the object
0x2000000 EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_INACTIVATE An effect with this flag cannot have its activation negated
0x4000000 EFFECT_FLAG_CLIENT_HINT A client prompt/description
0x10000000 EFFECT_FLAG_LIMIT_ZONE When this flag is added to an effect, using that effect would cause the number of zones available to decrease (see Draco Face-off). The SetValue must be used to define the zones that will still be available with the activation.
0x80000000 EFFECT_FLAG_IMMEDIATELY_APPLY The effect of the card immediately when launched (Toon Kingdom)
0x001 EFFECT_FLAG2_CONTINUOUS_EQUIP This flag allows Continuous Traps that equip themselves to use their trigger/quick effects while equipped
0x0002 EFFECT_FLAG2_COF Normal Spell that activates during the Standby Phase (Curse of Fiend)
0x80000000 EFFECT_FLAG2_MAJESTIC_MUST_COPY If flag is used, effect will be copied in MajesticCopy wherein normally only trigger effects will be copied.

Effect codes

Value Name Description
1 EFFECT_IMMUNE_EFFECT Affected card is unaffected by card effects. The SetValue of this effect takes the following parameters: e: this effect itself re: the effect that would affect the card. c: the card that would be affected (uncertain, to be confirmed)
2 EFFECT_DISABLE Ineffective (skills extraction)
3 EFFECT_CANNOT_DISABLE The affected card cannot have its effects negated
4 EFFECT_SET_CONTROL The affected card's control is set to a given player. The player should be defined in SetValue (SetValue receives e and c)
5 EFFECT_CANNOT_CHANGE_CONTROL Control of the affected card cannot change. Does not take a SetTarget or Setvalue.
6 EFFECT_CANNOT_ACTIVATE The affected player(s) cannot activate the effects that match this effect's SetValue. SetValue takes the following parameters: e = this effect re = the effect would be activated tp = the player that would activate the effect
7 EFFECT_CANNOT_TRIGGER The affected card cannot activate its effects. Usually used as EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE. If a field version is used, cards that return true for the SetTarget are the ones that cannot activate their effects. In this card, SetTarget receives e and c as parameters.
8 EFFECT_DISABLE_EFFECT The affected card has its effects negated
9 EFFECT_DISABLE_CHAIN Affected card has its activation negated
12 EFFECT_CANNOT_INACTIVATE Affected cards (single range or via set target range) cannot have the activation of their effect(s) negated. If SetValue is used, it receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself chaincount:
13 EFFECT_CANNOT_DISEFFECT Affected cards cannot have the resolution of their effects negated. If SetValue is used, it receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself chaincount: the chain associated with the effect. Can be used in Duel.GetChainInfo
14 EFFECT_CANNOT_CHANGE_POSITION Affected card cannot change its battle position. Usually used as a single effect but if a field version is used, SetTarget receives e and c as parameters.
15 EFFECT_TRAP_ACT_IN_HAND The affected Trap Card can be activated from the hand. If the card is not TYPE_TRAP, this effect is skipped. Usually used as EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE if a field version is used SetTarget receives e and c as parameters. It is suggested that SetDescription is also applied with this effect, for the scenarios where multiple similar effects are available, to allow the player to choose which one to apply.
16 EFFECT_TRAP_ACT_IN_SET_TURN Affected Trap Card can be activated the turn it was set. If the card is not TYPE_TRAP and/or does not have STATUS_SET_TURN, this effect is skipped. The property EFFECT_FLAG_SET_AVAILABLE should be set. Usually used as EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE if a field version is used SetTarget receives e and c as parameters. It is suggested that SetDescription is also applied with this effect, for the scenarios where multiple similar effects are available, to allow the player to choose which one to apply.
17 EFFECT_REMAIN_FIELD Affected card remains on the field (e.g. Swords of Revealing Light)
18 EFFECT_MONSTER_SSET The affected monster can be placed in the Spell/Trap zone. SetValue should hold the type the card is set as (for example, TYPE_SPELL). See Artifact monsters
19 EFFECT_QP_ACT_IN_SET_TURN Allows Quick-Play Spells to be activated the turn they are set. This effect is skipped if any of the following 3 tests is false: the card is TYPE_SPELL, the card is TYPE_QUICKPLAY or has EFFECT_BECOME_QUICK, the card has STATUS_SET_TURN. Usually used as EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE if a field version is used SetTarget receives e and c as parameters. It is suggested that SetDescription is also applied with this effect, for the scenarios where multiple similar effects are available, to allow the player to choose which one to apply.
20 EFFECT_CANNOT_SUMMON The affected player cannot Normal Summon. A field effect that requires EFFECT_FLAG_PLAYER_TARGET to be set and the players to be defined in SetTargetRange. SetTarget receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself c: the card that would be summoned sump: the player that would Summon sumtyp: the summon type sumpos: the summon position (fixed as POS_FACEUP in the core) tp: the target player (the player that would get the monster)
21 EFFECT_CANNOT_FLIP_SUMMON The affected player cannot Flip Summon.The target function of this effect receives the following parameters:
c = the card that would be affected by it (the ones that cannot be Special Summoned)
playerid = the player that would do the summon
22 EFFECT_CANNOT_SPECIAL_SUMMON The affected player cannot Special Summon. Requires the property EFFECT_FLAG_PLAYER_TARGET and the players defined via SetRange. The target function of this effect receives the following parameters: e = this effect (EFFECT_CANNOT_SPECIAL_SUMMON) c = the card that would be affected by it (the ones that cannot be Special Summoned) playerid = the player that would do the summon sumtype = the type of the summon sumpos = the position in which the monster would be summoned in toplayer = the player that would receive the monster sumeff = the effect that would summon
23 EFFECT_CANNOT_MSET Affected player cannot Set monsters. This effect's SetTarget takes the following parameters: -e: this effect itself -c: the cards affected by it -playerid: the player that would Set -sumtype: the summon type -toplayer: the player that would receive the monster -sumpos: the position in which the monsters would be summoned (fixed as POS_FACEDOWN by the core)
24 EFFECT_CANNOT_SSET The affected player (set via SetTargetRange, with EFFECT_FLAG_PLAYER_TARGET as property) cannot set Spell/Trap cards. If a target function is used, the following parameters are passed to it: -e: this effect itself -c: the card(s) that cannot be set -tp: the player that cannot set (to be confirmed, might be player whose field cannot have cards set)
25 EFFECT_CANNOT_DRAW The affected player cannot draw cards
26 EFFECT_CANNOT_DISABLE_SUMMON The affected monster cannot have its Normal Summon negated
27 EFFECT_CANNOT_DISABLE_SPSUMMON The affected monster cannot have its Special Summon negated
28 EFFECT_SET_SUMMON_COUNT_LIMIT Limit the number of monsters placed per turn
29 EFFECT_EXTRA_SUMMON_COUNT Increases the number of Normal Summons the player can make. The value should be set in SetValue.
30 EFFECT_SPSUMMON_CONDITION The affected monster has an Special Summon condition that must be fulfilled. Cards/effects that return true for the SetValue are allowed to Special Summmon the monster. SetValue for this function takes the following parameters: -effect: this effect itself -sum_effect: the effect that would summon -sum_player: the player that would summon -sum_type: the summon type what would be used for the summon -sum_pos: the position in which the monster would be summoned -toplayer: the player that would receive the monster
31 EFFECT_REVIVE_LIMIT The affected card must be Special Summoned properly before being Special Summoned from public locations
32 EFFECT_SUMMON_PROC Specifies a special method through which the affected card can be Normal Summoned
33 EFFECT_LIMIT_SUMMON_PROC Specifies a special method through which the affected card must be Normal Summoned
34 EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC Specifies a special method through which the affected card can be Special Summoned
35 EFFECT_EXTRA_SET_COUNT Increase the number of monsters the player can set (usually 1 Normal Summon/Set per turn)
36 EFFECT_SET_PROC Specifies a special method through which the affected card can be Normal Set
37 EFFECT_LIMIT_SET_PROC Specifies a special method through which the affected card must be Normal Set
38 EFFECT_LIGHT_OF_INTERVENTION Monsters can be Normal Summoned in face-up Defense Position (Light of Intervention).
39 EFFECT_CANNOT_DISABLE_FLIP_SUMMON The Flip Summon of the affected monster cannot be negated (Spell Wall)
40 EFFECT_INDESTRUCTABLE Affected card cannot be destroyed. SetValue receives the following parameters:
e: this effect itself
re: reason effect, the effect that would cause the destruction
r: reason, always considered as REASON_EFFECT by the core rp: reason player
41 EFFECT_INDESTRUCTABLE_EFFECT Affected card cannot be destroyed by card effect. SetValue receives the following parameters:
e: this effect itself
re: reason effect, the effect that would cause the destruction
rp: reason player, the player that would cause the destruction
c: this card (to be confirmed)
42 EFFECT_INDESTRUCTABLE_BATTLE Affected card cannot be destroyed by battle
43 EFFECT_UNRELEASABLE_SUM Affected card cannot be tributed for a Tribute Summon. SetValue in this effect receives only e and c as parameters.
44 EFFECT_UNRELEASABLE_NONSUM Affected card cannot be tributed for effects. SetValue in this effect receives only e and c as parameters.
45 EFFECT_DESTROY_SUBSTITUTE Required alternative to destruction (this card is destroyed with other cards instead). SetValue receives the following parameters:
e: this effect itself
re: reason effect (confirm in the core, might default to current.reason_effect) r: reason (confirm in the core, might default to current.reasont)
rp: reason player (confirm in the core, might default to current.reason_player)
46 EFFECT_CANNOT_RELEASE Affected player cannot tribute monsters. Requires the players to be set via SetTargetRange (and the EFFECT_FLAG_PLAYER_TARGET flag). Cards that return true for the SetTarget in this effect cannot be tributed by that player. SetTarget takes the following parameters: -e: this effect itself -c: the card(s) that would be tributed (to be confirmed) -tp: the player that would tribute
47 EFFECT_INDESTRUCTABLE_COUNT Affected card cannot be destroyed up to a given number of times. SetValue receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself re: reason effect, the effect that would cause the destruction rp: reason player, the player that would cause the destruction c: this card (to be confirmed)
48 EFFECT_UNRELEASABLE_EFFECT Affected card cannot be Tributed by card effects. SetValue receives the following parameters:
e: this effect itself
re: reason effect, the effect that would tribute the card
rp: reason player, the player that would tribute the card
c: this card (to be confirmed)
50 EFFECT_DESTROY_REPLACE If the affected card would be destroyed, perform a given operation instead
51 EFFECT_RELEASE_REPLACE If the affected card would be Tributed, perform a given operation instead
52 EFFECT_SEND_REPLACE Card is sent to some location instead of another (Madolche Chateau)
55 EFFECT_CANNOT_DISCARD_HAND Affected player cannot send cards from their hand to the graveyard. SetTarget receives the following parameters: -e: this effect itself -c: the card that would be discarded -re: the effect that would discard the cards -r: the reason for the discard
56 EFFECT_CANNOT_DISCARD_DECK Affected player cannot send cards from their deck to the graveyard. SetTarget is not used in this effect
57 EFFECT_CANNOT_USE_AS_COST The affected card cannot be used as Cost. Usually used as a single effect. Does not use SetTarget
58 EFFECT_CANNOT_PLACE_COUNTER The affected player cannot place counters (See Gate Blocker). The SetTarget in this effect takes the following parameters: -e: this effect itself -c: the cards that cannot receive the counters (to be confirmed) -tp: the player that cannot place the counters -ctype: the type of the counter that cannot be placed -count: the ammount of counters that cannot be placed
59 EFFECT_CANNOT_TO_GRAVE_AS_COST The affected card cannot be sent to the GY.
60 EFFECT_LEAVE_FIELD_REDIRECT If the affected card would leave the field, sends it to another given location instead. The location must be set in SetValue
61 EFFECT_TO_HAND_REDIRECT If the affected card would go to the hand, sends it to another given location instead. The location must be set in SetValue
62 EFFECT_TO_DECK_REDIRECT If the affected card would go to the deck, sends it to another given location instead. The location must be set in SetValue
63 EFFECT_TO_GRAVE_REDIRECT If the affected card would go to the graveyard, sends it to another given location instead. The location must be set in SetValue
64 EFFECT_REMOVE_REDIRECT If the affected card would be removed, sends it to another given location instead. The location must be set in SetValue.
65 EFFECT_CANNOT_TO_HAND Affected card cannot be send to the hand. If it is used as a field effect, cards that return true for the SetTarget cannot be sent to the hand. SetTarget receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself c: the card that would be sent to the hand tp: the player that would send the card re: reason effect (defaults to core.reason_effect, to be confirmed)
66 EFFECT_CANNOT_TO_DECK Affected card cannot be sent to the deck. If it is used as a field effect, cards that return true for the SetTarget cannot be sent to the hand. SetTarget receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself c: the card that would be sent to the Deck tp: the player that would send the card
67 EFFECT_CANNOT_REMOVE Affected card cannot be banished. If it is used as a field effect, cards that return true for the SetTarget cannot be banished. SetTarget receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself c: the card that would be banished tp: the player that would banish re:the reason that would be applied to the banishing re: reason effect (defaults to core.reason_effect, to be confirmed)
68 EFFECT_CANNOT_TO_GRAVE The affected card(s) cannot be sent to the Graveyard. If used as a field effect, only e and c are passed to SetTarget
69 EFFECT_CANNOT_TURN_SET The affected card cannot be turned face-down ("Set"). If used as a field effect, only e and c are passed to SetTarget
70 EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_BATTLE_TARGET The affected card cannot be targeted for an attack
71 EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_EFFECT_TARGET Affected card cannot be targeted by card effects. When used as a single effect, SetTarget takes: e, re, rp
72 EFFECT_IGNORE_BATTLE_TARGET Affected card cannot be targeted for an attack, but it doesn't prevent direct attack.
73 EFFECT_CANNOT_DIRECT_ATTACK Affected card cannot attack directly
74 EFFECT_DIRECT_ATTACK Affected card can make a direct attack.
75 EFFECT_DUAL_STATUS Affected card is a Gemini Monster that has its effect
76 EFFECT_EQUIP_LIMIT Equipment object restrictions
77 EFFECT_DUAL_SUMMONABLE Affected card can be Normal Summon on the field as a Gemini Monster
80 EFFECT_REVERSE_DAMAGE If the affected player would take damage, they gain that much LP instead. SetValue in this effect receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself re: reason effect r: reason rp: reason player rc: reason card
81 EFFECT_REVERSE_RECOVER If the affected player would gain LP, they take that much damage instead. SetValue in this effect receives the following parameters:
e: this effect itself
r: reason
rp: reason player
82 EFFECT_CHANGE_DAMAGE Modify the amount of damage the affected player would take
83 EFFECT_REFLECT_DAMAGE If the affected player would take damage, their opponent takes damage instead. SetValue in this effect receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself amount: the amount of damage re: reason effect r: reason rp: reason player rc: reason card
85 EFFECT_CANNOT_ATTACK Affected card cannot attack
86 EFFECT_CANNOT_ATTACK_ANNOUNCE Affected card cannot declare attacks (but can finish conducting an attack responded to with this effect, Threatening Roar)
87 EFFECT_CANNOT_CHANGE_POS_E Affected card's battle position cannot be changed by card effects (Raging Cloudian)
90 EFFECT_ACTIVATE_COST Affected player must pay a cost to activate effects
91 EFFECT_SUMMON_COST The affected player must pay a cost to Normal Summon. The parameters this effect's target receives are: e = this effect itself c = this card tp = the player that would summon
92 EFFECT_SPSUMMON_COST The affected player must pay a cost to Special Summon. The parameters this effect's target receives are: e = this effect itself c = this card tp = the player that would summon sumtype = the type of the summon
93 EFFECT_FLIPSUMMON_COST Affected player must pay a cost to Flip Summon. The parameters this effect's target receives are: e = this effect itself c = this card tp = the player that would summon
94 EFFECT_MSET_COST The affected player must pay a cost to Set monsters. The parameters this effect's target receives are: e = this effect itself c = this card tp = the player that would set the monsters
95 EFFECT_SSET_COST The affected player must pay a cost to Set Spell/Traps. The parameters this effect's target receives are:
e = this effect itself
c = this card
tp = the player that would Set the cards
96 EFFECT_ATTACK_COST The affected player must pay a cost to attack. The parameters this effect's target receives are:
e = this effect itself
c = this card
tp = the player that would attack
100 EFFECT_UPDATE_ATTACK Changes the ATK of a monster by a value (taken from the return in Effect.SetValue())
101 EFFECT_SET_ATTACK Sets the current ATK of a monster to a value evaluated in Effect.SetValue()
102 EFFECT_SET_ATTACK_FINAL Set the attack of a monster, overriding other changes (taken from the return in Effect.SetValue())
103 EFFECT_SET_BASE_ATTACK Set the original attack of a monster
104 EFFECT_UPDATE_DEFENSE Change the defense of a monster by a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
105 EFFECT_SET_DEFENSE Set the defense of a monster
106 EFFECT_SET_DEFENSE_FINAL Set the defense of a monster, overriding other changes (written into Effect.SetValue())
107 EFFECT_SET_BASE_DEFENSE Set the original defense of a monster
108 EFFECT_REVERSE_UPDATE Any change to ATK and DEF is reversed (For the effects of 'Reverse Trap')
109 EFFECT_SWAP_AD Swap the affected card's ATK and DEF
110 EFFECT_SWAP_BASE_AD Swap the affected card's original ATK and DEF
111 EFFECT_SWAP_ATTACK_FINAL Set the final attack (used to exchange offensive and defensive)
112 EFFECT_SWAP_DEFENSE_FINAL Set the final defense (for exchange of offensive and defensive)
113 EFFECT_ADD_CODE Treats a Card(s) as another Card by adding one additional Code (ID) to it (written into Effect.SetValue())
114 EFFECT_CHANGE_CODE Treats a Card(s) as one different Card by overwriting its Code(s) (ID(s)) it currently has (written into Effect.SetValue())
115 EFFECT_ADD_TYPE Treats a Card(s) as a additional type(s) (written into Effect.SetValue())
116 EFFECT_REMOVE_TYPE Treats a Card(s) as not a type(s) (written into Effect.SetValue())
117 EFFECT_CHANGE_TYPE Treats a Card(s) as another type overwriting its type (written into Effect.SetValue())
120 EFFECT_ADD_RACE Treats a Card(s) as a additional race(s) (written into Effect.SetValue())
121 EFFECT_REMOVE_RACE Treats a Card(s) as not a race(s) (written into Effect.SetValue())
122 EFFECT_CHANGE_RACE Treats a Card(s) as another type overwriting its type (written into Effect.SetValue())
125 EFFECT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE Treats a Card(s) as a additional element(s) (written into Effect.SetValue())
126 EFFECT_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE Treats a Card(s) as not a element(s) (written into Effect.SetValue())
127 EFFECT_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE Treats a Card(s) as another element overwriting its element (written into Effect.SetValue())
130 EFFECT_UPDATE_LEVEL Increase/decrease affected card's level by a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
131 EFFECT_CHANGE_LEVEL Set affected card's level to a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
132 EFFECT_UPDATE_RANK Increase/decrease affected card's rank by a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
133 EFFECT_CHANGE_RANK Set affected card's rank to a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
134 EFFECT_UPDATE_LSCALE Increase/decrease affected card's left pendulum scale (blue scale) by a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
135 EFFECT_CHANGE_LSCALE Set affected card's left pendulum scale (blue scale) to a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
136 EFFECT_UPDATE_RSCALE Increase/decrease affected card's right pendulum scale (red scale) by a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
137 EFFECT_CHANGE_RSCALE Set affected card's right pendulum scale (red scale) to a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
140 EFFECT_SET_POSITION Set affected card's battle position to a given value
141 EFFECT_SELF_DESTROY Affected card destroys itself
142 EFFECT_SELF_TOGRAVE Affected card sends itself to the graveyard, requires enabling GLOBALFLAG_SELF_TOGRAVE
150 EFFECT_DOUBLE_TRIBUTE Treats a card as 2 tributes for a tribute summon
151 EFFECT_DECREASE_TRIBUTE Decreases the ammount of tributes to perform a Tribute Summon
152 EFFECT_DECREASE_TRIBUTE_SET Decreases the ammount of tributes to perform a Tribute Set
153 EFFECT_EXTRA_RELEASE The affected card must be used when performing a tribute (Soul Exchange)
154 EFFECT_TRIBUTE_LIMIT The affected card has restriction for the tribute summon
155 EFFECT_EXTRA_RELEASE_SUM Allows, optionally, to tributed the affected card (Monarch's Stormforth, Vampire Sucker)
156 EFFECT_TRIPLE_TRIBUTE Treats a card as 2 and 3 tributes for a tribute summon
157 EFFECT_ADD_EXTRA_TRIBUTE The affected card can use as tribute other cards (than the default ones). Requires SetTargetRange and SetTarget
158 EFFECT_EXTRA_RELEASE_NONSUM The affected card can be tributed (by a cost ?) even if it is controled by the opponent. SetValue in this effect receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself re: reason effect (to be confirmed: defaults to core.reason_effect) rp: reason player(to be confirmed: defaults to core.reason_player)
160 EFFECT_PUBLIC Affected card becomes public knowledge
0x10000 EFFECT_COUNTER_PERMIT Allow placement of counter type
0x20000 EFFECT_COUNTER_LIMIT Allowed to place the number of counters
0x30000 EFFECT_RCOUNTER_REPLACE Instead of removing the counter
170 EFFECT_LPCOST_CHANGE Modify the amount of LP a given player must pay for a cost
171 EFFECT_LPCOST_REPLACE If the affected player would pay LP for a cost, perform a given operation instead
180 EFFECT_SKIP_DP Skip affected player's draw phase (used with SetTargetRange(tp value,1-tp value), 0 for not affected, 1 for affect)
181 EFFECT_SKIP_SP Skip affected player's standby phase (used with SetTargetRange(tp value,1-tp value), 0 for not affected, 1 for affect)
182 EFFECT_SKIP_M1 Skip affected player's main phase 1 (used with SetTargetRange(tp value,1-tp value), 0 for not affected, 1 for affect)
183 EFFECT_SKIP_BP Skip affected player's battle phase (used with SetTargetRange(tp value,1-tp value), 0 for not affected, 1 for affect)
184 EFFECT_SKIP_M2 Skip affected player's main phase 2 (used with SetTargetRange(tp value,1-tp value), 0 for not affected, 1 for affect)
185 EFFECT_CANNOT_BP The affected player cannot enter the Battle Phase
186 EFFECT_CANNOT_M2 The affected player cannot enter the Main Phase 2
187 EFFECT_CANNOT_EP The affected player cannot enter the End Phase
188 EFFECT_SKIP_TURN The affected player's whole next turn is skipped
189 EFFECT_SKIP_EP The affected player's End Phase is skipped
190 EFFECT_DEFENSE_ATTACK Affected card can attack while in defense position. The stats it uses depends on Effect.Setvalue (if any), where it applies DEF if effect value is 1 and atk if it is 0 or doesn't exist.
191 EFFECT_MUST_ATTACK Affected card must attack if able
192 EFFECT_FIRST_ATTACK Affected card must attack before its controller's other monsters
193 EFFECT_ATTACK_ALL Affected card can attack all valid attack targets once each. SetValue receives the following parameters: e: this effect itself c: the cards that can be attack target
194 EFFECT_EXTRA_ATTACK Affected card can make a given number of additional attacks
196 EFFECT_ONLY_BE_ATTACKED Only the affected card can be attacked
197 EFFECT_ATTACK_DISABLED The affected card's attack has been negated (shows application of Duel.NegateAttack() )
198 EFFECT_CHANGE_BATTLE_STAT Changes the values used to calculate damage, during damage calculation only. Doesnt actually change the values, only what is calculated
200 EFFECT_NO_BATTLE_DAMAGE No battle damage is dealt when the affected card battles
201 EFFECT_AVOID_BATTLE_DAMAGE The controller of the affected card does not take battle damage when it battles
202 EFFECT_REFLECT_BATTLE_DAMAGE If the controller of the affected card would take battle damage from a battle involving that card, the opponent takes the damage
203 EFFECT_PIERCE The affected monster deals piercing battle damage
204 EFFECT_BATTLE_DESTROY_REDIRECT If the affected card is destroyed by battle, send it to a given location
205 EFFECT_BATTLE_DAMAGE_TO_EFFECT The affected card deals effect damage when it battles (Gravekeeper's Vassal)
206 EFFECT_BOTH_BATTLE_DAMAGE Both players take the battle damage. See Double-Edged Sword
207 EFFECT_ALSO_BATTLE_DAMAGE The opponent also takes the battle damage. See Lyrilusc - Recital Starling
220 EFFECT_TOSS_COIN_REPLACE If an effect requires a coin toss, replace it with a given result instead
221 EFFECT_TOSS_DICE_REPLACE If an effect requires a dice roll, replace it with a given result instead
230 EFFECT_FUSION_MATERIAL Can be used as Fusion material
231 EFFECT_CHAIN_MATERIAL When Fusion Summoning, the affected player can banish materials from the hand, field, deck or graveyard instead (Chain Material)
232 EFFECT_SYNCHRO_MATERIAL Can be used as Synchro material
233 EFFECT_XYZ_MATERIAL Can be used as Xyz material
234 EFFECT_FUSION_SUBSTITUTE When Fusion Summoning, the affected card can be used to substitute for any specifically named material
235 EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_FUSION_MATERIAL Affected card cannot be used as Fusion material
236 EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_SYNCHRO_MATERIAL Affected card cannot be used as Synchro material. SetValue takes the following parameters:
e: this effect
c: the card(s) for which this card cannot be used as material
237 EFFECT_SYNCHRO_MATERIAL_CUSTOM Coexistence of material constraints
238 EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_XYZ_MATERIAL Affected card cannot be used as Xyz material. SetValue takes the following parameters: e: this effect c: the card(s) for which this card cannot be used as material
239 EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_LINK_MATERIAL Cannot be used as Link Material. SetValue takes the following parameters: e: this effect c: the card(s) for which this card cannot be used as material
240 EFFECT_SYNCHRO_LEVEL Affected card can be treated as a given level if used for a Synchro Summon
241 EFFECT_RITUAL_LEVEL Affected card can be treated as a given level if used for a Ritual Summon
242 EFFECT_XYZ_LEVEL Affected card can be treated as a given level if used for an Xyz Summon
243 EFFECT_EXTRA_RITUAL_MATERIAL Affected card can be used for a Ritual Summon in addition to what the Ritual Spell states (e.g. Sphere Kuriboh). If used as EFFECT_FLAG_SINGLE_RANGE, use SetValue , which takes the following parameters: e: this effect rc: the monster that would be summoned using this card. If used as EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD, SetValue is not considered. SetTarget should be used instead, which takes the following parameters: e: this effect c: the card(s) that can be used as extra ritual materials (the cards affected by this effect)
244 EFFECT_NONTUNER Affected card can be treated as a non-Tuner despite being a Tuner (Phantom King Hydride). When used as a single effect, SetValue receives the following parameters: e: this effect sc: the monster that would use this card as material
245 EFFECT_OVERLAY_REMOVE_REPLACE Replaces detaching Xyz materials from monsters by some other operation. SetCondition must be used to match the exact effects that can be replaced. SetOperation must return something.
248 EFFECT_CANNOT_BE_MATERIAL The card cannot be used as material. Requires the summon type for which the material can't be used to be defined via SetValue. SetValue takes the following parameters: -sum_type -playerid
250 EFFECT_PRE_MONSTER Can access the monster's value (Card.AddMonsterAttribute () only)
251 EFFECT_MATERIAL_CHECK Applies a check to the materials used. The SetValue in this effect takes as parameter e and c
260 EFFECT_DISABLE_FIELD Given card zones cannot be used. The zones affected must be defined via SetOperation
261 EFFECT_USE_EXTRA_MZONE Card uses an additional Monster zone
262 EFFECT_USE_EXTRA_SZONE Card uses an additional Spell/Trap zone
263 EFFECT_MAX_MZONE The maximum number of monsters
264 EFFECT_MAX_SZONE Maximum number of Spell/Trap zone
265 EFFECT_FORCE_MZONE Forces a zone to be used (see Dai Dance).The target function of this effect receives the following parameters: e = this effect (EFFECT_FORCE_MZONE) c = the card that would be affected by it (the ones that cannot be Special Summoned) playerid = the player that would do the summon sumtype = the type of the summon toplayer = the player that would receive the monster sumef = the effect that would summon
266 EFFECT_BECOME_LINKED_ZONE Makes a zone linked
270 EFFECT_HAND_LIMIT Change the maximum number of cards the affected player can have in their hand during the End Phase. The new value should be provided via SetValue.
271 EFFECT_DRAW_COUNT Change the number of cards the affected player draws for their Draw Phase
280 EFFECT_SPIRIT_DONOT_RETURN Affected card does not return to the hand in the End Phase even if a Spirit Monster
281 EFFECT_SPIRIT_MAYNOT_RETURN Affected card optionally may not return to the hand in the End Phase even if a Spirit Monster
290 EFFECT_CHANGE_ENVIRONMENT The active Field Spell is treated as a given card if none exists (Maiden of the Aqua, Gravekeeper's Priestess)
291 EFFECT_NECRO_VALLEY Cannot affect cards in the Graveyard (Necrovalley)
292 EFFECT_FORBIDDEN Card cannot be used (Prohibition, Psi-Blocker)
293 EFFECT_NECRO_VALLEY_IM Affected card is unaffected by the effects of Necrovalley
294 EFFECT_REVERSE_DECK Flip affected player's deck upside-down, used with GLOBALFLAG_DECK_REVERSE_CHECK, set the player afected with SetTargetRange(,)
295 EFFECT_REMOVE_BRAINWASHING Control of all monsters is returned to their owner
296 EFFECT_BP_TWICE The affected player can conduct two Battle Phases (e.g. Weather Report)
297 EFFECT_UNIQUE_CHECK There can only be one on the field (Card.SetUniqueOnField () only)
300 EFFECT_MATCH_KILL When the affected card reduces its controller's opponent's LP to 0 by a direct attack, its controller wins the match.
310 EFFECT_SYNCHRO_CHECK Genomix Fighter
311 EFFECT_QP_ACT_IN_NTPHAND A Quick Play Spell affected can be activated from the hand during the turn of the opponent's turn
313 EFFECT_TO_GRAVE_REDIRECT_CB If the affected card would be sent to the graveyard, executes another operation instead (Crystal Beast monsters)
314 EFFECT_CHANGE_LEVEL_FINAL Set affected card's level to a value, overriding other changes
315 EFFECT_CHANGE_RANK_FINAL Set affected card's rank to a value, overriding other changes
320 EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC_G Pendulum Summon rules (e.g. Harmonic Oscilation)
330 EFFECT_SPSUMMON_COUNT_LIMIT Limit for the number of Special Summons
331 EFFECT_LEFT_SPSUMMON_COUNT The remaining number of Summoning (e.g Summon Breaker)
332 EFFECT_CANNOT_SELECT_BATTLE_TARGET The affected cards cannot be chosen to be an attack target
333 EFFECT_CANNOT_SELECT_EFFECT_TARGET The affected cards cannot activate their effects that target. SetValue takes the following parameters: e: this effect re: the effect that would be activated c: the cards that cannot activate the effect
334 EFFECT_ADD_SETCODE Adds a setcode (archetype) to the affected card
335 EFFECT_NO_EFFECT_DAMAGE The affected player does not take damage from card effects
336 EFFECT_UNSUMMONABLE_CARD The affected card cannot be Normal Summoned
337 EFFECT_DISABLE_CHAIN_FIELD Deprecated and removed effect. See core's "effect.h"
338 EFFECT_DISCARD_COST_CHANGE Counter trap cards cost change (Guilding Ariadne)
339 EFFECT_HAND_SYNCHRO Can Synchro Summon using monsters in the hand (e.g. Tatsunoko)
343 EFFECT_ONLY_ATTACK_MONSTER Affected card can only attack monster.
344 EFFECT_MUST_ATTACK_MONSTER Affected card must attack a monster, if abble.
345 EFFECT_PATRICIAN_OF_DARKNESS The affected player chooses the targets of their opponent's attacks
346 EFFECT_EXTRA_ATTACK_MONSTER Affected card can make a given number of additional attacks on monsters
350 EFFECT_CHANGE_SETCODE The affected card's setcode is changed to the new value, replacing the SetCode(s) it currently has
351 EFFECT_ALWAYS_ATTACK Deprecated and removed effect. See core's "effect.h"
352 EFFECT_EXTRA_FUSION_MATERIAL Allows using affected cards as Fusion Materials
354 EFFECT_ADD_LINK_CODE Deprecated and removed effect. See core's "effect.h". Add a code (ID/name) for the affected monster to have if used for a Link Summon
355 EFFECT_ADD_LINK_SETCODE Deprecated and removed effect. See core's "effect.h". Add a setcode (archetype) for the affected monster to have if used for a Link Summon
358 EFFECT_EXTRA_MATERIAL Deprecated and removed effect. See core's "effect.h". Allows the use of an extra material in a group of materials to summon a monster (e.g. "Micro Coder). This effect is not defined in the core. See the utility for its implementation
400 EFFECT_CANNOT_LOSE_DECK Prevent losing via Deckout
401 EFFECT_CANNOT_LOSE_LP Prevent losing while LP is 0
402 EFFECT_CANNOT_LOSE_EFFECT Prevent losing via card effects
403 EFFECT_BP_FIRST_TURN Allows entering Battle Phase during the first turn
404 EFFECT_UNSTOPPABLE_ATTACK Prevents the affected monster's attack from being negated
405 EFFECT_ALLOW_NEGATIVE Allows the affected card to have negative levels
406 EFFECT_SELF_ATTACK Allows players to attack themselves using monsters they control
407 EFFECT_BECOME_QUICK The affected Spell cards can be played like Quick-Play spells
408 EFFECT_LEVEL_RANK Gives Rank to an affected monster with a Level
409 EFFECT_RANK_LEVEL Gives Level to an affected monster with a Rank
410 EFFECT_LEVEL_RANK_S Gives Rank to an affected monster with a Level, Level and Rank are always synced.
411 EFFECT_RANK_LEVEL_S Gives Level to an affected monster with a Rank, Level and Rank are always synced.
420 EFFECT_UPDATE_LINK Increase/decrease affected card's Link Value by a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
421 EFFECT_CHANGE_LINK Set affected card's Link Value by a value (written into Effect.SetValue())
422 EFFECT_CHANGE_LINK_FINAL Set affected card's Link Value to a value, overriding other changes
423 EFFECT_ADD_LINKMARKER Add Link Markers to the affected card
424 EFFECT_REMOVE_LINKMARKER Remove Link Markers from the affected card
425 EFFECT_CHANGE_LINKMARKER Set's the affected card's Link Markers to the value provided
427 EFFECT_FORCE_SPSUMMON_POSITION This effect's SetTarget takes the following parameters: eff, pcard, playerid, sumtype, sumpos, toplayer, peffect
428 EFFECT_DARKNESS_HIDE The affect players cannot see/confirm their face-down cards
73941492+TYPE_FUSION EFFECT_FUSION_MAT_RESTRICTION 73941492+TYPE_FUSION. Used by the Fusion Summon procedure as an implementation of Harmonizing Magician's effect
73941492+TYPE_SYNCHRO EFFECT_SYNCHRO_MAT_RESTRICTION 73941492+TYPE_SYNCHRO. Used by the Synchro Summon procedure as an implementation of Harmonizing Magician's effect
73941492+TYPE_XYZ EFFECT_XYZ_MAT_RESTRICTION 73941492+TYPE_XYZ. Used by the XyzSummon procedure as an implementation of Harmonizing Magician's effect


Value Name Description
1000 EVENT_STARTUP This event is raised once, at the start of the duel
1001 EVENT_FLIP This event is raised when a card is flipped face-up
1002 EVENT_FREE_CHAIN An event that describes a timing at any valid response window or open game state
1010 EVENT_DESTROY This event is raised when a card is destroyed
1011 EVENT_REMOVE This event is raised when a card is banished
1012 EVENT_TO_HAND This event is raised when a card is sent to the hand (includes draw, search and return)
1013 EVENT_TO_DECK This event is raised when a card is sent to the deck
1014 EVENT_TO_GRAVE This event is raised whenn a card is sent to the graveyard
1015 EVENT_LEAVE_FIELD This event is raised when a card leaves the field
1016 EVENT_CHANGE_POS This event is raised when a card changes battle position
1017 EVENT_RELEASE This event is raised when a card is Tributed (includes tributing for a tribute summon, tributing by an effect and tributing by costs)
1018 EVENT_DISCARD This event is raised when a card is discarded
1019 EVENT_LEAVE_FIELD_P This event is raised when a card would leave the field (but before it actually leaves, so it still contains info on the field). Example of usage: in "Predaplanet", it is used to check if the card has Predacounters imediatelly before it leaves the field.
1020 EVENT_CHAIN_SOLVING This event is raised when a Chain Link is resolving
1021 EVENT_CHAIN_ACTIVATING This event is raised when a Chain Link is activating
1022 EVENT_CHAIN_SOLVED This event is raised after a Chain Link resolves
1024 EVENT_CHAIN_NEGATED This event is raised when a chain link has its activation negated (after EVENT_CHAIN_ACTIVATING)
1025 EVENT_CHAIN_DISABLED This event is raised when the effect of a Chain Link is negated
1026 EVENT_CHAIN_END This event is raised when a Chain has fully resolved
1027 EVENT_CHAINING This event is raised when a chain is being built
1028 EVENT_BECOME_TARGET This event is raised when a card is targeted for an effect
1029 EVENT_DESTROYED This event is raised after a card is destroyed
1030 EVENT_MOVE This event is raised when a card moves from one location or sequence to another
1040 EVENT_ADJUST This event is raised when the game state changes (effectively working as some sort of EVENT_ANYCHANGE)
1100 EVENT_SUMMON_SUCCESS This event is raised when a monster is successfully Normal Summoned (which is timing for cards like Trap Hole)
1101 EVENT_FLIP_SUMMON_SUCCESS This event is raised when a monster is successfully Flip Summoned (which is timing for cards like Trap Hole)
1102 EVENT_SPSUMMON_SUCCESS This event is raised when a monster is successfully Special Summoned (which is timing for cards like Torrential Tribute)
1103 EVENT_SUMMON This event is raised when a monster is being Normal Summoned (this is an attempt to perform a Normal Summon, aka "when a monster would be Summoned", for example, Bending Destiny's timing)
1104 EVENT_FLIP_SUMMON This event is raised when a monster is being Flip Summoned (this is an attempt to perform a Flip Summon, for example, Solemn Warning's timing)
1105 EVENT_SPSUMMON This event is raised when a monster is being Special Summoned (this is an attempt to perform a Special Summon, aka "when a monster would be Special Summoned", for example, Solemn Strike's timing)
1106 EVENT_MSET This event is raised when a monster is Set
1107 EVENT_SSET This event is raised when a Spell/Trap is set
1108 EVENT_BE_MATERIAL This event is raised when a card is used as material (e.g. for a Synchro Summon)
1109 EVENT_BE_PRE_MATERIAL Will be used as a fusion / ceremony of the same tune / excessive material
1110 EVENT_DRAW This event is raised when a card is drawn
1111 EVENT_DAMAGE This event is raised when a player takes damage, either by battle or by a card effect.
1112 EVENT_RECOVER When LP is gained
1113 EVENT_PREDRAW At the start of the Draw Phase
1114 EVENT_SUMMON_NEGATED This event is raised when a Summon is negated, to be detected by Witch's Strike.
1115 EVENT_FLIP_SUMMON_NEGATED This event is raised when a Flip Summon is negated
1116 EVENT_SPSUMMON_NEGATED This event is raised when a Special Summon is negated
1120 EVENT_CONTROL_CHANGED When control of a card changes
1121 EVENT_EQUIP This event is raised when a card is equipped
1130 EVENT_ATTACK_ANNOUNCE This event is raised when an attack is declared
1131 EVENT_BE_BATTLE_TARGET This event is raised when a monster is targeted for an attack
1132 EVENT_BATTLE_START The start of the damage step
1133 EVENT_BATTLE_CONFIRM This event is raised when a monster battles another monster
1134 EVENT_PRE_DAMAGE_CALCULATE Before the damage calculation
1136 EVENT_PRE_BATTLE_DAMAGE Before battle damage applies
1138 EVENT_BATTLED After battle
1139 EVENT_BATTLE_DESTROYING This event is raised when a monster is destroyed by battle
1140 EVENT_BATTLE_DESTROYED This event is raised after a monster is destroyed by battle
1141 EVENT_DAMAGE_STEP_END At the end of the Damage Step
1142 EVENT_ATTACK_DISABLED This event is raised when an attack is negated
1143 EVENT_BATTLE_DAMAGE This event is raised when battle damage is taken
1150 EVENT_TOSS_DICE This event is raised when dice are rolled
1151 EVENT_TOSS_COIN This event is raised when coins are flipped
1152 EVENT_TOSS_COIN_NEGATE This event is raised when coin tosses happen again, replacing previous result
1153 EVENT_TOSS_DICE_NEGATE This event is raised when dice are re-rolled
1200 EVENT_LEVEL_UP This event is raised when the level of monster increases (might also be raised for general level changes, but only for single effect. check the core's implementation for details)
1201 EVENT_PAY_LPCOST This event is raised when LP is paid as a cost
1202 EVENT_DETACH_MATERIAL This event is raised when Xyz materials are detached (only the card that detaches the materials is availble in the event group, not the detached cards)
1203 EVENT_RETURN_TO_GRAVE Deprecated and removed event. See core's "effect.h". Card is being returned to the Graveyard
1210 EVENT_TURN_END This event is raised when the turn ends
0x1000 EVENT_PHASE This event is raised when a certain phase is reached (the required Phase value must be added to it, for example EVENT_PHASE+PHASE_END)
0x2000 EVENT_PHASE_START This event is raised at the start of a certain phase (the required Phase value must be added to it)
0x10000 EVENT_ADD_COUNTER This event is raised when a counter is placed on cards
0x20000 EVENT_REMOVE_COUNTER This event is raised when a counter is removed from cards
0xx10000000 EVENT_CUSTOM For custom events (Eg. Activate an effect of a card indicating EVENT_CUSTOM + in Duel.RaiseEvent)

Categories, hints and card hints

Value Name Description
0x1 CATEGORY_DESTROY Describes that an effect destroys cards
0x2 CATEGORY_RELEASE Describes that an effect tributes
0x4 CATEGORY_REMOVE Describes that an effect banishes
0x8 CATEGORY_TOHAND Describes that an effect adds a card to the hand (from any location)
0x10 CATEGORY_TODECK Describes that an effect adds a card to the Deck (from any location)
0x20 CATEGORY_TOGRAVE Describes that an effect sends a card to the Graveyard (from any location)
0x40 CATEGORY_DECKDES Describes that an effect removes a card(s) from the Deck (to move them to the Graveyard or to banish them)
0x80 CATEGORY_HANDES Describes that an effect removes a card(s) from the hand (to move them to the Graveyard or to banish them)
0x100 CATEGORY_SUMMON Describes that an effect Normal Summons a monster(s)
0x200 CATEGORY_SPECIAL_SUMMON Describes that an effect Special Summons a monster(s)
0x400 CATEGORY_TOKEN Describes that an effect Special Summons a token(s)
0x800 CATEGORY_FLIP Describes a FLIP effect
0x1000 CATEGORY_POSITION Describes an effect that changes a card's battle position
0x2000 CATEGORY_CONTROL Describes that an effect takes or switches control
0x4000 CATEGORY_DISABLE Describes an effect that negates a card effect (not an effect's activation)
0x8000 CATEGORY_DISABLE_SUMMON Describes an effect that negates the summon of a monster
0x10000 CATEGORY_DRAW Describes that a card draws
0x20000 CATEGORY_SEARCH Describes that a card searches
0x40000 CATEGORY_EQUIP Describes that a card equips
0x80000 CATEGORY_DAMAGE Describes that a card deals damage
0x100000 CATEGORY_RECOVER Describes that a card recovers life points
0x200000 CATEGORY_ATKCHANGE Describes that a card changes ATK
0x400000 CATEGORY_DEFCHANGE Describes that a card changes DEF
0x800000 CATEGORY_COUNTER Describes an effect that places Counters
0x1000000 CATEGORY_COIN Describes that a card uses a coin
0x2000000 CATEGORY_DICE Describes that a card uses a dice
0x4000000 CATEGORY_LEAVE_GRAVE Describes an effect that causes a card to leave the Graveyard
0x8000000 CATEGORY_LVCHANGE Describes an effect that changes a card's level
0x10000000 CATEGORY_NEGATE Describes an effect that negates the activation of an effect
0x20000000 CATEGORY_ANNOUNCE Describes an effect that requires declaring a card name
0x40000000 CATEGORY_FUSION_SUMMON Describes an effect that Fusion Summons
0x80000000 CATEGORY_TOEXTRA Describes an effect that sends/return a card to the Extra Deck
1 HINT_EVENT used by the core
3 HINT_SELECTMSG The message that appears when the given player next selects a card
4 HINT_OPSELECTED The message that appears on screen to tell a player which option their opponent selected
6 HINT_RACE Called when selecting/declaring a monster type
7 HINT_ATTRIB Called when selecting/declaring an attribute
8 HINT_CODE Used with "Booster Draft Duel"
9 HINT_NUMBER Called when a player has to pick/declare a number
10 HINT_CARD Called when you need to display the picture of the card (Trickstar Lycoris)
11 HINT_ZONE To be used when the player selects a zone (e.g. Dai Dance).
200 HINT_SKILL Sets the code of a skill card. If it is called first, the skill is created face-up.
201 HINT_SKILL_COVER Sets the cover and id for a skill card. Cover is value & 0xffffffff, code is (value>>32) & 0xffffffff. If it iscalled first, the skill is created face-down.
202 HINT_SKILL_FLIP Changes the position of the skill face-down/face-up, updating the code as well. The code is value&0xffffffff. 0x100000000 is face-up and 0x200000000 is face-down.


See the definition of opcode here.

Value Name Description
0x40000000 OPCODE_ADD Operation of addition, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000001 OPCODE_SUB Operation of subtraction, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000002 OPCODE_MUL Operation of multiplication, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000003 OPCODE_DIV Operation of division, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000004 OPCODE_AND Operation of logical AND, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000005 OPCODE_OR Operation of logical OR, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000006 OPCODE_NEG Operation of bitwise negation, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000007 OPCODE_NOT Operation of changing sign (+/-), to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000008 OPCODE_BAND
0x40000009 OPCODE_BOR
0x40000010 OPCODE_BNOT
0x40000011 OPCODE_BXOR
0x40000012 OPCODE_LSHIFT
0x40000013 OPCODE_RSHIFT
0x40000100 OPCODE_ISCODE Operation of the function Card.IsCode, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000101 OPCODE_ISSETCARD Operation of the function Card.IsSetCard, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000102 OPCODE_ISTYPE Operation of the function Card.IsType, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000103 OPCODE_ISRACE Operation of the function Card.IsRace, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000104 OPCODE_ISATTRIBUTE Operation of the function Card.IsAttribute, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000105 OPCODE_GETCODE Operation of the function Card.GetCode, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000106 OPCODE_GETSETCARD Operation of the function Card.GetSetCard, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000107 OPCODE_GETTYPE Operation of the function Card.GetType, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000108 OPCODE_GETRACE Operation of the function Card.GetRace, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.
0x40000109 OPCODE_GETATTRIBUTE Operation of the function Card.GetAttribute, to be used in an AnnounceCard filter.

Hint messages

Value Name Description
500 HINTMSG_RELEASE Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to tribute"
501 HINTMSG_DISCARD Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to discard"
502 HINTMSG_DESTROY Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to destroy"
503 HINTMSG_REMOVE Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to banish"
504 HINTMSG_TOGRAVE Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to send to Graveyard"
505 HINTMSG_RTOHAND Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to return to hand"
506 HINTMSG_ATOHAND Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to add to your hand"
507 HINTMSG_TODECK Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to return to Deck"
508 HINTMSG_SUMMON Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to Normal Summon"
509 HINTMSG_SPSUMMON Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to Special Summon"
510 HINTMSG_SET Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to Set to the field"
511 HINTMSG_FMATERIAL Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to use as Fusion Material"
512 HINTMSG_SMATERIAL Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to use as Synchro Material"
513 HINTMSG_XMATERIAL Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to use as Xyz Material"
514 HINTMSG_FACEUP Shows the following hint message: "Select a face-up card(s)"
515 HINTMSG_FACEDOWN Shows the following hint message: "Select a face-down card(s)"
516 HINTMSG_ATTACK Shows the following hint message: "Select a monster(s) in Attack Position"
517 HINTMSG_DEFENSE Shows the following hint message: "Select a monster(s) in Defense Position"
518 HINTMSG_EQUIP Shows the following hint message: "Select a card(s) to equip"
519 HINTMSG_REMOVEXYZ Shows the following hint message: "Select the Xyz Material(s) to detach"
520 HINTMSG_CONTROL Shows the following hint message: "Select the monster(s) to change control"
521 HINTMSG_DESREPLACE Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to replace"
522 HINTMSG_FACEUPATTACK Shows the following hint message: "Select a face-up Attack Position monster(s)"
523 HINTMSG_FACEUPDEFENSE Shows the following hint message: "Select a face-up Defense Position monster(s)"
524 HINTMSG_FACEDOWNATTACK Shows the following hint message: "Select a face-down Attack Position monster(s)"
525 HINTMSG_FACEDOWNDEFENSE Shows the following hint message: "Select a face-down Defense Position monster(s)"
526 HINTMSG_CONFIRM Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to reveal"
527 HINTMSG_TOFIELD Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to place on the field"
528 HINTMSG_POSCHANGE Shows the following hint message: "Select a monster to change its battle position"
529 HINTMSG_SELF Shows the following hint message: "Select your card"
530 HINTMSG_OPPO Shows the following hint message: "Select an opponent's card"
531 HINTMSG_TRIBUTE Shows the following hint message: "Select monsters for Tribute Summon"
532 HINTMSG_DEATTACHFROM Shows the following hint message: "Select the monster(s) to detach Xyz Material(s) from"
533 HINTMSG_LMATERIAL Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to use as Link Material"
549 HINTMSG_ATTACKTARGET Shows the following hint message: "Select an attack target"
550 HINTMSG_EFFECT Shows the following hint message: "Select the effect you want to activate"
551 HINTMSG_TARGET Shows the following hint message: "Select the target(s) of the effect"
552 HINTMSG_COIN Shows the following hint message: "Select heads or tails"
553 HINTMSG_DICE Shows the following hint message: "Select dice results"
554 HINTMSG_CARDTYPE Shows the following hint message: "Declare 1 card type"
555 HINTMSG_OPTION Shows the following hint message: "Select an option"
556 HINTMSG_RESOLVEEFFECT Shows the following hint message: "Select effect to apply/resolve"
560 HINTMSG_SELECT Shows the following hint message: "Select"
561 HINTMSG_POSITION Shows the following hint message: "Select the battle position"
562 HINTMSG_ATTRIBUTE Shows the following hint message: "Declare an Attribute"
563 HINTMSG_RACE Shows the following hint message: "Declare a Type"
564 HINTMSG_CODE Shows the following hint message: "Declare a card name"
565 HINTMSG_NUMBER Shows the following hint message: "Declare a number"
566 HINTMSG_EFFACTIVATE Shows the following hint message: "Select the effect to activate"
567 HINTMSG_LVRANK Shows the following hint message: "Declare a Level/Rank"
568 HINTMSG_RESOLVECARD Shows the following hint message: "Select a card to resolve"
569 HINTMSG_ZONE Shows the following hint message: "Select the zone to place "card name""
570 HINTMSG_DISABLEZONE Shows the following hint message: "Select the zone(s) to become unusable"
571 HINTMSG_TOZONE Shows the following hint message: "Select the zone to move the card to"
572 HINTMSG_COUNTER Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to place a counter on"
575 HINTMSG_NEGATE Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to negate its effects"
576 HINTMSG_ATKDEF Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to change its ATK/DEF"
577 HINTMSG_APPLYTO Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to apply the effect to"
578 HINTMSG_ATTACH Shows the following hint message: "Select the card(s) to attach as material"

Effect timings

Value Name Description
0x1 TIMING_DRAW_PHASE During the Draw Phase
0x2 TIMING_STANDBY_PHASE During the Standby Phase
0x4 TIMING_MAIN_END When the Main Phase is about to end, while moving to the Battle/End phase
0x8 TIMING_BATTLE_START When the Battle Phase has just started
0x10 TIMING_BATTLE_END When the Battle Phase is about to end, while moving to the Main Phase 2/End Phase
0x20 TIMING_END_PHASE During the End Phase of a turn
0x40 TIMING_SUMMON When a monster is Summoned
0x80 TIMING_SPSUMMON When a monster is Special Summoned
0x100 TIMING_FLIPSUMMON When a monster is Flip Summoned
0x200 TIMING_MSET When a monster is Set
0x400 TIMING_SSET When a Spell/Trap is Set
0x800 TIMING_POS_CHANGE When a position changes
0x1000 TIMING_ATTACK When an attack is declared
0x2000 TIMING_DAMAGE_STEP During the Damage Step
0x4000 TIMING_DAMAGE_CAL When performing Damage Calculation
0x8000 TIMING_CHAIN_END When a chain ends
0x10000 TIMING_DRAW When someplayer draws (not only in the Draw Phase)
0x20000 TIMING_DAMAGE When a player takes damage
0x40000 TIMING_RECOVER When a player gains LP
0x80000 TIMING_DESTROY When something is destroyed
0x100000 TIMING_REMOVE This event is raised when a card is removed
0x200000 TIMING_TOHAND When you add a hand (retrieve, recycle, etc.)
0x400000 TIMING_TODECK This event is raised when a card is sent to the deck
0x800000 TIMING_TOGRAVE This event is raised when a card is sent to the graveyard
0x1000000 TIMING_BATTLE_PHASE During the Battle Phase
0x2000000 TIMING_EQUIP This event is raised when a card is equipped to another
0x4000000 TIMING_BATTLE_STEP_END When the steps in a battle have finished
0x1c0 TIMINGS_CHECK_MONSTER When a monster is placed on te field
0x1e0 TIMINGS_CHECK_MONSTER_E When a monster is placed on the field and also during the End Phase

Global flgas

Value Name Description
0x2 GLOBALFLAG_BRAINWASHING_CHECK This flags is used with Removing Brainshwashing
0x10 GLOBALFLAG_DETACH_EVENT This flag is required when using EVENT_DETACH_MATERIAL
0x40 GLOBALFLAG_SPSUMMON_COUNT A flag related with a limit a player can attempt Special Summons. Used with El Shaddoll Winda
0x80 GLOBALFLAG_XMAT_COUNT_LIMIT Allows EFFECT_TYPE_XMATERIAL to take SetCountLimit into account
0x100 GLOBALFLAG_SELF_TOGRAVE Allows checking the Graveyard in the middle of a resolving chain. Flag required to use EFFECT_SELF_TOGRAVE
0x200 GLOBALFLAG_SPSUMMON_ONCE Cards that can only be special Summoned once per turn. This flga is related to Card.SetSPSummonOnce ()

SetCountLimit codes

Value Name Description
0x1 EFFECT_COUNT_CODE_OATH A flag to be used with SetCountLimit. An effect that receives this can only be ACTIVATED a given number of times (activations that are negated do not count)
0x2 EFFECT_COUNT_CODE_DUEL A flag to be used with SetCountLimit. The effect that receives this flag can only be used a given amount of times per duel.
0x4 EFFECT_COUNT_CODE_SINGLE A flag to be used with SetCountLimit. Usually used with multiple effects of the same card, the value set is the maximum count among all those effects. Example: "Once per turn: You can activate 1 of these effects."
0x8 EFFECT_COUNT_CODE_CHAIN A flag to be used with SetCountLimit. Can be used when the effect should only be activatable once per chain (per copy of the card)

Duel mode flags

Value Name Description
0x1 DUEL_TEST_MODE A flag for duel modes. You can control the AI/Opponent
0x2 DUEL_ATTACK_FIRST_TURN A flag for duel modes. You can attack on the first turn
0x4 DUEL_USE_TRAPS_IN_NEW_CHAIN A flag for duel modes. Deprecated flag in Edopro's 8.0 core
0x8 DUEL_OBSOLETE_RULING A flag for duel modes. Applies First turn draw and ignition priority
0x10 DUEL_PSEUDO_SHUFFLE A flag for duel modes. The deck is not shuffled
0x40 DUEL_SIMPLE_AI A flag for duel modes. The AI/Opponent will activate effects whenever prompted
0x400 DUEL_1_FIELD Use this constant name in the scripts (internally called DUEL_1_FACEUP_FIELD)
0x800000 DUEL_DRAW_UNTIL_5
0 DUEL_MODE_GOAT A composite flag for duel modes. (DUEL_MODE_MR1


Value Name Description
1 ACTIVITY_SUMMON Refers to the action of attempting to perform Summons of any kind
2 ACTIVITY_NORMALSUMMON Refers to the action of performing a Normal Summon
3 ACTIVITY_SPSUMMON Refers to the action of performing Special Summons
4 ACTIVITY_FLIPSUMMON Refers to the action of performing Flip Summons
5 ACTIVITY_ATTACK Refers to the action of declarion attacks
6 ACTIVITY_BATTLE_PHASE Refers to the act of conducting a battle phase. This activity is not available with custom counter
7 ACTIVITY_CHAIN An activity only available with custom counter

Win reasons

Value Name Description
0x10 WIN_REASON_EXODIA The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Exodia, the Forbidden One"
0x11 WIN_REASON_FINAL_COUNTDOWN The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Countdown"
0x12 WIN_REASON_VENNOMINAGA The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Vennominage, Deity of the Poisonous Snakes"
0x13 WIN_REASON_CREATORGOD The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Holactie the Creator of Light"
0x14 WIN_REASON_EXODIUS The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord"
0x15 WIN_REASON_DESTINY_BOARD The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Destiny Board"
0x16 WIN_REASON_LAST_TURN The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Last Turn"
0x17 WIN_REASON_PUPPET_LEO The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo"
0x18 WIN_REASON_DISASTER_LEO The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Number C88: Gimmick Puppet Disaster Leo"
0x19 WIN_REASON_JACKPOT7 The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Jackpot 7"
0x1a WIN_REASON_RELAY_SOUL The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Relay Soul"
0x1b WIN_REASON_GHOSTRICK_MISCHIEF The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Ghostrick Angel of Mischief"
0x1c WIN_REASON_PHANTASM_SPIRAL The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Phantasm Spiral Assault"
0x1d WIN_REASON_FA_WINNERS The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "F.A. Winners"
0x1e WIN_REASON_FLYING_ELEPHANT The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Flying Elephant"
0x1f WIN_REASON_EXODIA_DEFENDER The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Exodia, the Legendary Defender"
0x20 WIN_REASON_MATCH_WINNER Not used by cards.
0x21 WIN_REASON_TRUE_EXODIA The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "True Exodia"
0x22 WIN_REASON_FINAL_DRAW The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Final Draw"
0x30 WIN_REASON_CREATOR_MIRACLE The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Creator of Miracles"
0x51 WIN_REASON_EVIL_1 Not used by cards.
0x52 WIN_REASON_NUMBER_Ci1000 The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Number iC1000: Numeronius Numeronia"
0x53 WIN_REASON_ZERO_GATE The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Zero Gate of the Void"
0x54 WIN_REASON_DEUCE The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Number iC1000: Numeronius Numeronia"
0x56 WIN_REASON_DECK_MASTER The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by the rules of Deck Masters
0x57 WIN_REASON_DRAW_OF_FATE The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Draw of Fate"
0x58 WIN_REASON_MUSICAL_SUMO The hexadecimal value for a duel win caused by "Musical Sumo Dice Games"

Other constants

Value Name Description
0x7 ANNOUNCE_CARD Declaration card
0x8 ANNOUNCE_CARD_FILTER Declaration card with filters
1 REGISTER_FLAG_DETACH_XMAT Effect that activates with cost of detaching own Xyz material, for Tachyon Unit (Card.RegisterEffect)
2 REGISTER_FLAG_CARDIAN Cardian's effects to Special Summon a Cardian, for anime Cardians (Card.RegisterEffect)
4 REGISTER_FLAG_THUNDRA Thunders Dragon monster's effects that activates by discarding themselves, for Thunder Dragon Thunderstormech (Card.RegisterEffect)
8 REGISTER_FLAG_ALLURE_LVUP Allure Queen's effect to Special Summon the next level, for Allure Palace (Card.RegisterEffect)
16 REGISTER_FLAG_TELLAR An effect registered with this flag will be available to be applied by Tellarknight Constellar Caduceus
0x100 FUSPROC_NOTFUSION Flag used for the various filters in the fusion procedure.
0x200 FUSPROC_CONTACTFUS Flag used for the various filters in the fusion procedure.
0x400 FUSPROC_LISTEDMATS Flag used for the various filters in the fusion procedure.
0x1000 FUSPROC_CANCELABLE Flag used in the fusion procedure. Allows the selection of fusion materials to be canceled
0x1 RITPROC_EQUAL Flag used for the type of Ritual Summon procedure
0x2 RITPROC_GREATER Flag used for the type of Ritual Summon procedure
0x1<<32 MATERIAL_FUSION Value= 0x1<<32
0x2<<32 MATERIAL_SYNCHRO Value= 0x2<<32
0x4<<32 MATERIAL_XYZ Value= 0x4<<32
0x8<<32 MATERIAL_LINK Value= 0x8<<32
0x80000000 DOUBLE_DAMAGE Double piercing damage, used as the value of EFFECT_PIERCE
0x80000001 HALF_DAMAGE Half piercing damage, used as the value of EFFECT_PIERCE
60 SELECT_HEADS Display "Heads". Used as description when an effect required the player to select heads/tails
61 SELECT_TAILS Display "Tails". Used as description when an effect required the player to select heads/tails