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Scripting Library: Constants

Naim edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 6 revisions

Locations, positions, sequences, card types, attributes and monster type

Value Name Description
val name desc
0x1 LOCATION_DECK The Deck. If it is used as Location Redirect, the card is placed on the top. (decimal value= 1)
0x2 LOCATION_HAND The hand (decimal value= 2)
0x4 LOCATION_MZONE The Monster Zone (decimal value= 4)
0x8 LOCATION_SZONE The Spell/Trap Zones. It includes the Field Spell Zone and the Pendulum Zones (<=MR3). (decimal value= 8)
0x10 LOCATION_GRAVE The graveyard/GY (decimal value= 16)
0x20 LOCATION_REMOVED The area where banished card go (decimal value= 32)
0x40 LOCATION_EXTRA The Extra Deck (decimal value= 64)
0x80 LOCATION_OVERLAY The location for cards attached as Xyz Material. Also the location used for "stacked" cards (for anime-only cards) (decimal value= 128)
0x0c LOCATION_ONFIELD All locations on the field. The sum of LOCATION_MZONE+LOCATION_SZONE. (decimal value= 192 )
0x3c LOCATION_PUBLIC Used for scripting purposes. The sum of locations (LOCATION_ONFIELD+LOCATION_REMOVED+LOCATION_GRAVE) where cards are, usually, public knowledge.
0x10001 LOCATION_DECKBOT The Bottom of Deck. Used only in Location Redirect
0x20001 LOCATION_DECKSHF Location for cards that are place in Deck and then the Deck is shuffled. Used only in Location Redirect
0x100 LOCATION_FZONE The Field Spell zone
0x200 LOCATION_PZONE The Pendulum Zone
0x400 LOCATION_STZONE The Spell/Trap Zone (without the Field Zone). Symbolic location. Can be used in functions expecting a location and also in SetRange (except with trigger effects)
0x800 LOCATION_MMZONE The Main Monster Zones. Symbolic location. Can be used in functions expecting a location and also in SetRange (except with trigger effects)
0x1000 LOCATION_EMZONE The Extra Monster Zones. Symbolic location. Can be used in functions expecting a location and also in SetRange (except with trigger effects)
0x1f ZONES_MMZ Constant to be used as mask to filter for main monster zones
0x60 ZONES_EMZ Constant to be used as mask to filter for extra monster zones
0 SEQ_DECKTOP Sequence to be used with Duel.SendtoDeck. Sends the card to the top of the Deck
1 SEQ_DECKBOTTOM Sequence to be used with Duel.SendtoDeck. Sends the card to the bottom of the Deck
2 SEQ_DECKSHUFFLE Sequence to be used with Duel.SendtoDeck. Sends the card to the top of the Deck, then suffles it
0 COIN_HEADS Value for coin results
1 COIN_TAILS Value for coin results
0x5 POS_FACEUP Face-up position, attack + defense if on field. (decimal value= 5)
0xa POS_FACEDOWN Face-down position, attack + defense if on field (decimal value= 10)
0x1 POS_FACEUP_ATTACK Face-up attack position (decimal value= 1)
0x2 POS_FACEDOWN_ATTACK Face-down attack position. Used with "Darkness Approaches" (Pre-Errata)
0x4 POS_FACEUP_DEFENSE Face-up defense position (decimal value= 4)
0x8 POS_FACEDOWN_DEFENSE Face-down defense position (decimal value= 8)
0x3 POS_ATTACK Attack position, face-up + face-down (decimal value= 3)
0xc POS_DEFENSE Defense position, face-up + face-down (decimal value= 12)
0x10000 NO_FLIP_EFFECT Applies position change without triggering FLIP effects
0x1 TYPE_MONSTER A Monster card (decimal value= 1)
0x2 TYPE_SPELL A Spell card (decimal value= 2)
0x4 TYPE_TRAP A Trap card (decimal value= 4)
0x10 TYPE_NORMAL A Normal monster (decimal value= 16)
0x20 TYPE_EFFECT A card with effect (decimal value= 32)
0x40 TYPE_FUSION A Fusion (monster) (decimal value= 64)
0x80 TYPE_RITUAL A Ritual card (decimal value= 128)
0x100 TYPE_TRAPMONSTER A Trap monster, e.g. Embodiment of Apophis. NOTE: This is not used in adding to the default card types. (decimal value= 256)
0x200 TYPE_SPIRIT Spirit monster (decimal value= 512)
0x400 TYPE_UNION Union monster (decimal value= 1024)
0x800 TYPE_GEMINI A Gemini monster (decimal value= 2048)
0x1000 TYPE_TUNER Tuner (decimal value=4096)
0x2000 TYPE_SYNCHRO A Synchro (decimal value= 8192)
0x4000 TYPE_TOKEN A token (decimal value= 16384)
0x8000 TYPE_MAXIMUM A Maximum Monster (decimal value= 32768)
0x10000 TYPE_QUICKPLAY A Quick Play card (decimal value= 65536)
0x20000 TYPE_CONTINUOUS A Continuous card (decimal value=131072 )
0x40000 TYPE_EQUIP An equip card (decimal value= 262144)
0x80000 TYPE_FIELD A field card (decimal value= 524288)
0x100000 TYPE_COUNTER A counter card, used for Counter Trap cards (decimal value=1048576 )
0x200000 TYPE_FLIP Flip (decimal value= 2097152)
0x400000 TYPE_TOON Toon (decimal value= 4194304)
0x800000 TYPE_XYZ An Xyz (decimal value= 8388608)
0x1000000 TYPE_PENDULUM Pendulum (decimal value= 16777216)
0x2000000 TYPE_SPSUMMON An Special Summon-only monster. Used for Nomi/Semi-Nomi Main Deck monsters (decimal value= 33554432)
0x4000000 TYPE_LINK A Link (decimal value= 67108864)
0x8000000 TYPE_SKILL A Skill Card. (decimal value= 134217728)
0x10000000 TYPE_ACTION An Action card. (decimal value= 268435456)
0x4011 TYPES_TOKEN Constant used to simplify cards that summon tokens. Sum of the following values: Monster + Normal + Token (decimal value= 16401)
0x4802040 TYPE_EXTRA Extra Deck cards: TYPE_FUSION+TYPE_SYNCHRO+TYPE_XYZ+TYPE_LINK. The sum of (0x40+0x2000+0x4000000+0x800000) (decimal value= 75505728)
0x20000000 TYPE_PLUS Plus Type, only usable if 419 is called
0x40000000 TYPE_MINUS Minus Type, only usable if 419 is called
0x80000000 TYPE_ARMOR Armor Type, only usable if 419 is called
0x1 ATTRIBUTE_EARTH The EARTH attribute for monsters (decimal value= 1)
0x2 ATTRIBUTE_WATER The WATER attribute for monsters (decimal value= 2)
0x4 ATTRIBUTE_FIRE The FIRE attribute for monsters (decimal value= 4)
0x8 ATTRIBUTE_WIND The WIND attribute for monsters (decimal value= 8)
0x10 ATTRIBUTE_LIGHT The LIGHT attribute for monsters (decimal value= 16)
0x20 ATTRIBUTE_DARK The DARK attribute for monsters (decimal value= 32)
0x40 ATTRIBUTE_DIVINE The DIVINE attribute for monsters (decimal value= 64)
0x80 ATTRIBUTE_LAUGH The LAUGH attribute, only usable if the 419 script is called
0x7f ATTRIBUTE_ALL The sum of all official monster attributes (including divine)
0x3ffffff RACE_ALL A constant that includes all monster types from Warrior to Illusionist
0x1 RACE_WARRIOR Warrior type monster (decimal value= 1)
0x2 RACE_SPELLCASTER Spellcaster type monster (decimal value= 2)
0x4 RACE_FAIRY Fairy type monster (decimal value= 4)
0x8 RACE_FIEND Fiend type monster (decimal value= 8)
0x10 RACE_ZOMBIE Zombie type monster (decimal value= 16)
0x20 RACE_MACHINE Machine type monster (decimal value= 32)
0x40 RACE_AQUA Aqua type monster (decimal value=64 )
0x80 RACE_PYRO Pyro type monster (decimal value=128 )
0x100 RACE_ROCK Rock type monster (decimal value= 256)
0x200 RACE_WINGEDBEAST Winged Beast type monster (decimal value= 512)
0x400 RACE_PLANT Plant type monster (decimal value= 1024)
0x800 RACE_INSECT Insect type monster (decimal value= 2048)
0x1000 RACE_THUNDER Thunder type monster (decimal value=4096)
0x2000 RACE_DRAGON Dragon type monster (decimal value= 8192)
0x4000 RACE_BEAST Beast type monster (decimal value= 16384)
0x8000 RACE_BEASTWARRIOR Beast-Warrior type monster (decimal value= 32768)
0x10000 RACE_DINOSAUR Dinosaur type monster (decimal value= 65536)
0x20000 RACE_FISH Fish type monster (decimal value= 131072)
0x40000 RACE_SEASERPENT Sea Serpent type monster (decimal value= 262144)
0x80000 RACE_REPTILE Reptile type monster (decimal value= 524288)
0x100000 RACE_PSYCHIC Psychic type monster (decimal value= 1048576)
0x200000 RACE_DIVINE Divine-Beast type monster (decimal value= 2097152)
0x400000 RACE_CREATORGOD Creator God type monster (decimal value= 4194304)
0x800000 RACE_WYRM The Wyrm monster type (decimal value= 8388608)
0x1000000 RACE_CYBERSE The Cyberse monster type (decimal value= 16777216)
0x2000000 RACE_ILLUSION The Illusion monster type (decimal value= 33554432)
0x4000000 RACE_CYBORG Rush duel monster type (race)
0x8000000 RACE_MAGICALKNIGHT Rush duel monster type (race)
0x10000000 RACE_HIGHDRAGON Rush duel monster type (race)
0x20000000 RACE_OMEGAPSYCHIC Rush duel monster type (race)
0x40000000 RACE_CELESTIALWARRIOR Rush duel monster type (race)
0x80000000 RACE_GALAXY Rush duel monster type (race)
0x4000000000000000 RACE_YOKAI Yokai type monster, only usable if token 419 is called.
0xc200 RACES_BEAST_BWARRIOR_WINGB Union of Beast, Beast-Warrior and Winged Beast types, for the many cards that support all 3 at once.

Reasons, summon types, status and assume values

Value Name Description
0x1 REASON_DESTROY The card being destroyed (decimal value= 1)
0x2 REASON_RELEASE The card being tributed (decimal value= 2)
0x4 REASON_TEMPORARY The card being temporary banished (decimal value= 4)
0x8 REASON_MATERIAL Used as Fusion/Synchro/Xyz/Link material, etc. (decimal value= 8)
0x10 REASON_SUMMON Used for a summon (decimal value= 16)
0x20 REASON_BATTLE The card being destroyed by battle (decimal value= 32)
0x40 REASON_EFFECT The reason that causes the event is a card effect (decimal value= 64)
0x80 REASON_COST The reason used for costs. It is also the same used to destroy/send to the GY cards that fail to pay their maintenance costs (decimal value= 128)
0x100 REASON_ADJUST Adjustment (Royal before the test) (decimal value= 256)
0x200 REASON_LOST_TARGET Equip Target stops being face-up, either by leaving the field or being flipped face-down (decimal value= 512)
0x400 REASON_RULE The value used for reasons associated with game mechanics (decimal value= 1024)
0x800 REASON_SPSUMMON The reason for the event is an Special Summon (decimal value= 2048)
0x1000 REASON_DISSUMMON The reason for the event is a Summon being negated (dissummon= disabled summon) (decimal value= 4096)
0x2000 REASON_FLIP Being flipped (decimal value= 8192)
0x4000 REASON_DISCARD The reason for the even is a card being discarded (decimal value= 16384)
0x8000 REASON_RDAMAGE Reversal Damage: gain LP becomes damage - used only in the core
0x10000 REASON_RRECOVER Reversal Recovery: damage becomes gain LP - used only in the core
0x20000 REASON_RETURN Return from banished to Graveyard (decimal value= 131072)
0x40000 REASON_FUSION Used for Fusion Summon (decimal value= 262144)
0x80000 REASON_SYNCHRO Used for Synchro Summon (decimal value= 524288)
0x100000 REASON_RITUAL Used for Ritual Summon (decimal value= 1048576)
0x200000 REASON_XYZ Used for Xyz Summon (decimal value= 2097152)
0x400000 REASON_REPLACE Event is happening because of an effect that states "If X would be destroyed, do this instead." (decimal value= 4194304)
0x800000 REASON_DRAW Event is a card being drawn (decimal value= 8388608)
0x1000000 REASON_REDIRECT Sent to a location other than intended, eg "Banish this card if it leaves the field." (decimal value= 16777216)
0x8000000 REASON_REVEAL Used by cards that require being sent to the GY after being excavated. See "Sylvan" monsters
0x10000000 REASON_LINK Used for Link Summon (decimal value= 67108864)
0x1 LOCATION_REASON_TOFIELD Default reason for Duel.GetLocationCount(), counts for Kaiser Colosseum
0x2 LOCATION_REASON_CONTROL Used by Card.IsControlerCanBeChanged()
0x4 LOCATION_REASON_COUNT Duel.GetLocationCount() for DisableField
0x10000000 SUMMON_TYPE_NORMAL Normal summoned (EFFECT_SUMMON_PROC, EFFECT_SET_PROC can use SetValue to modify the value)
0x11000000 SUMMON_TYPE_ADVANCE Tribute Summon, an specific type of Normal Summon.
0x12000000 SUMMON_TYPE_GEMINI Normal Summoned Gemini Monster.
0x20000000 SUMMON_TYPE_FLIP Flip Summon
0x40000000 SUMMON_TYPE_SPECIAL Special summon (EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC, EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC_G can use SetValue to modify the value)
0x43000000 SUMMON_TYPE_FUSION Fusion Summon
0x45000000 SUMMON_TYPE_RITUAL Ritual Summon
0x46000000 SUMMON_TYPE_SYNCHRO Synchro Summon
0x49000000 SUMMON_TYPE_XYZ Xyz Summon
0x4a000000 SUMMON_TYPE_PENDULUM Pendulum Summon
0x4c000000 SUMMON_TYPE_LINK Link Summon
0x4e000000 SUMMON_TYPE_MAXIMUM Maximum Summon (Rush duel summon type)
0x1 STATUS_DISABLED Effect is negated
0x2 STATUS_TO_ENABLE Effect negation would be removed
0x4 STATUS_TO_DISABLE Effect would be negated
0x8 STATUS_PROC_COMPLETE The card has been summoned properly (usually by its own condition)
0x10 STATUS_SET_TURN Spell/Traps set this turn
0x20 STATUS_NO_LEVEL The card is treated as having Level/Rank/Link 0
0x40 STATUS_BATTLE_RESULT Destroyed by battle at the end of damage calculation
0x80 STATUS_SPSUMMON_STEP Special Summon not yet finished aka "Step"
0x100 STATUS_FORM_CHANGED A monster that had his position manually changed in the current turn
0x200 STATUS_SUMMONING The timing for when a monster "Would be Summoned"
0x400 STATUS_EFFECT_ENABLED Usable card on field (has activated, already Summoned, effects applied)
0x800 STATUS_SUMMON_TURN The monster was Normal Summoned/Set in the current turn
0x1000 STATUS_DESTROY_CONFIRMED The card is going to be destroyed
0x2000 STATUS_LEAVE_CONFIRMED After the chain resolves, an activated card with this status would immediately go to Graveyard
0x4000 STATUS_BATTLE_DESTROYED Already destroyed by battle (during battle)
0x8000 STATUS_COPYING_EFFECT A card with this status is copying the effect of another card
0x10000 STATUS_CHAINING A card wiith this status has one of its effects on the current Chain
0x20000 STATUS_SUMMON_DISABLED A monster which had its summon negated
0x40000 STATUS_ACTIVATE_DISABLED A card that had its activation negated
0x80000 STATUS_EFFECT_REPLACED A card affected by ReplaceEffect
0x100000 STATUS_FUTURE_FUSION Future Materials wouldn't trigger after Fusion Monster is Summoned
0x200000 STATUS_ATTACK_CANCELED Attack was negated
0x400000 STATUS_INITIALIZING Cards which are at "initial_effect" state
0x1000000 STATUS_JUST_POS A monster that had just changed its position
0x2000000 STATUS_CONTINUOUS_POS Set again after changing to other positions
0x4000000 STATUS_FORBIDDEN A card that cannot be used (for example, if it was declared by Prohibition or Psi-Blocker)
0x8000000 STATUS_ACT_FROM_HAND A card with this sattus can be activated from hand
0x10000000 STATUS_OPPO_BATTLE Has destroyed an opponent's monster by battle
0x20000000 STATUS_FLIP_SUMMON_TURN A card with this status was Flip Summoned in the current turn
0x40000000 STATUS_SPSUMMON_TURN A card with this status was Special Summoned in the current turn
1 ASSUME_CODE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given code (ID/name)
2 ASSUME_TYPE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given Type
3 ASSUME_LEVEL Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given level
4 ASSUME_RANK Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given rank
5 ASSUME_ATTRIBUTE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given attribute
6 ASSUME_RACE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given race
7 ASSUME_ATTACK Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given ATK
8 ASSUME_DEFENSE Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given DEF
9 ASSUME_LINK Temporarily assumes that the affected card has a given Link Rating
10 ASSUME_LINKMARKER Temporarily assumes that the affected card has given Link Markers

link markers, counter permissions, phases and players

Value Name Description
0x1 LINK_MARKER_BOTTOM_LEFT Has this link arrow: ↙
0x2 LINK_MARKER_BOTTOM Has this link arrow: ⬇
0x4 LINK_MARKER_BOTTOM_RIGHT Has this link arrow: ↘
0x8 LINK_MARKER_LEFT Has this link arrow: ⬅
0x20 LINK_MARKER_RIGHT Has this link arrow: ➡
0x40 LINK_MARKER_TOP_LEFT Has this link arrow: ↖
0x80 LINK_MARKER_TOP Has this link arrow: ⬆
0x100 LINK_MARKER_TOP_RIGHT Has this link arrow: ↗
0x1000 COUNTER_WITHOUT_PERMIT Added to counter value to allow counters for any card (does not require Card.EnableCounterPermit)
0x2000 COUNTER_NEED_ENABLE Added to counter value to require target to require its effects not negated
0x01 PHASE_DRAW The Draw Phase of a player (decimal value= 1)
0x02 PHASE_STANDBY The Standby Phase (decimal value= 2)
0x04 PHASE_MAIN1 The Main Phase 1 (decimal value= 4)
0x08 PHASE_BATTLE_START The Start Step, first step of the Battle Phase (decimal value= 8)
0x10 PHASE_BATTLE_STEP The Battle Step (decimal value= 16)
0x20 PHASE_DAMAGE The Damage Step (decimal value= 32)
0x40 PHASE_DAMAGE_CAL The Damage Calculation (decimal value= 64)
0x80 PHASE_BATTLE Battle Phase/End of Battle Phase (decimal value= 128)
0x100 PHASE_MAIN2 The Main Phase 2 (decimal value= 256)
0x200 PHASE_END The End Phase of a turn (decimal value= 512)
2 PLAYER_NONE No player
3 PLAYER_ALL Both players
4 PLAYER_EITHER Any player


Value Name Description
0x2 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_EFFECT The effect that triggered the current Chain Link
0x4 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_PLAYER The player that triggered the current Chain Link
0x8 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_CONTROLER The controller of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x10 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_LOCATION The location of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x20 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_SEQUENCE The sequence (zone within a location) that triggered the current Chain Link
0x40 CHAININFO_TARGET_CARDS Cards targeted by the effect of the current Chain Link
0x80 CHAININFO_TARGET_PLAYER Player targeted by the effect of the current Chain Link
0x100 CHAININFO_TARGET_PARAM Get Value set in Duel.SetTargetParam()
0x200 CHAININFO_DISABLE_REASON The reason that disabled the effect/card/summon
0x400 CHAININFO_DISABLE_PLAYER The player that disabled the effect/card/summon
0x1000 CHAININFO_TYPE Chain type
0x2000 CHAININFO_EXTTYPE Chain extra type
0x4000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_POSITION The position of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x8000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_CODE The id of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x40000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_LEVEL The level of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x80000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_RANK The rank of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x100000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_ATTRIBUTE The attribute of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x200000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_RACE The type (warrior, zombie, etc) of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x400000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_ATTACK The attack of the card that triggered the current Chain Link
0x800000 CHAININFO_TRIGGERING_DEFENSE The defense of the card that triggered the current Chain Link

Reset values

Value Name Description
0x1000 RESET_EVENT Reset when a given event occurs (add the event value)
0x2000 RESET_CARD Reset Owner to specify the effect of the card
0x4000 RESET_CODE Reset the single effect of the specified Code (excluding EFFECT_FLAG_SINGLE_RANGE)
0x8000 RESET_COPY Reset to copy the effect achieved
0x10000 RESET_DISABLE Reset when the card's effect is negated
0x20000 RESET_TURN_SET Reset when turned face-down ("Set")
0x40000 RESET_TOGRAVE Reset when the card goes to the graveyard
0x80000 RESET_REMOVE Reset when the card is banished
0x100000 RESET_TEMP_REMOVE Reset when the card is temporarily banished
0x200000 RESET_TOHAND Reset when the card is sent to the hand
0x400000 RESET_TODECK Reset when the card is sent to the deck
0x800000 RESET_LEAVE Resets when the card leaves the field (the card moves to a different location from LOCATION_MZONE or LOCATION_SZONE)
0x1000000 RESET_TOFIELD Reset when the card moves to the field (the card moves to LOCATION_MZONE or LOCATION_SZONE from a different location. Returning to the field is not included)
0x2000000 RESET_CONTROL Reset when control of the card changes
0x4000000 RESET_OVERLAY Reset when the card is used as Xyz Material
0x8000000 RESET_MSCHANGE Reset when moving between the monster zones and spell/trap zones (MoveToField(), Crystal Beasts)
0x10000000 RESET_SELF_TURN Reset on your turn
0x20000000 RESET_OPPO_TURN Reset on the opponent's turn
0x40000000 RESET_PHASE Resets at a given phase (add the phase value)
0x80000000 RESET_CHAIN Reset at the end of the resolving Chain
0x01ff0000 RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE Complex reset. The sum of RESETS_STANDARD+RESET_DISABLE, used with RESET_EVENT. Used for effects that need to reset when the monster's effects are negated (eg a monster changing its ATK/DEF or Level with its own effect).
0x17e0000 RESETS_CANNOT_ACT Complex reset. The sum of RESETS_STANDARD-RESET_LEAVE, used in thing like ancient gear drill and troymare maybe.
0x17a0000 RESETS_STANDARD_EXC_GRAVE Complex reset. The sum of RESETS_STANDARD-RESET_TOGRAVE-RESET_LEAVE, mainly used for card that negate effect of card they destroy by battle.

effect types and effect flags

Value Name Description
0x1 EFFECT_TYPE_SINGLE An effect that applies only to itself. When used with trigger effects, this makes the card look for the event only when it happens to itself.
0x2 EFFECT_TYPE_FIELD An effect that applies to the whole field.When used with trigger effects, this makes the effect look for the event when it happens to anything
0x4 EFFECT_TYPE_EQUIP An effect that applies when the card is an Equip card.
0x8 EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIONS Effects that trigger. (Added to effects automatically)
0x10 EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE Spell/Trap Activation
0x20 EFFECT_TYPE_FLIP Trigger effect that adds EFFECT_TYPE_TRIGGER_F to SetType and EVENT_FLIP to SetCode by default
0x40 EFFECT_TYPE_IGNITION An effect that the turn player chooses to apply during their Main Phase, in a open game state. It is Speed Spell 1
0x80 EFFECT_TYPE_TRIGGER_O Optional Trigger effect
0x100 EFFECT_TYPE_QUICK_O Optional Quick effect
0x200 EFFECT_TYPE_TRIGGER_F Mandatory Trigger effect
0x400 EFFECT_TYPE_QUICK_F Mandatory Quick Effect (such as Light and Darkness Dragon)
0x800 EFFECT_TYPE_CONTINUOUS Auxiliary effect / persistent effect triggered by an event
0x1000 EFFECT_TYPE_XMATERIAL Applies an effect to a monster that has this card as Xyz Material (see "Zoodiac" cards)
0x2000 EFFECT_TYPE_GRANT Provides an effect to other cards (see "The Weather" cards)
0x4000 EFFECT_TYPE_TARGET Currently not used by any cards. Evaluated by the core in the following functions: effect::is_target, effect::is_available, card::add_effect and card::remove_effect
0x1 EFFECT_FLAG_INITIAL Original effect of a card (automatically applied)
0x2 EFFECT_FLAG_FUNC_VALUE The Value property of this effect is a function
0x4 EFFECT_FLAG_COUNT_LIMIT The number of times an effects can be triggered
0x8 EFFECT_FLAG_FIELD_ONLY This effect is registered to the global environment
0x10 EFFECT_FLAG_CARD_TARGET The effect includes targetting a card
0x20 EFFECT_FLAG_IGNORE_RANGE Card affecting all areas "(Prohibition", "Imperial Iron Wall")
0x40 EFFECT_FLAG_ABSOLUTE_TARGET Target Range does not change due to changes in control
0x80 EFFECT_FLAG_IGNORE_IMMUNE Effect applies regardless of a card being "Unaffected by card effects"
0x100 EFFECT_FLAG_SET_AVAILABLE Effect applies to face-down ("Set") cards
0x200 EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_NEGATE For effects that say "This effect cannot be negated." in their text
0x400 EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_DISABLE Effect cannot be negated
0x800 EFFECT_FLAG_PLAYER_TARGET Effect targets a player (Mystical Refpanel)
0x800 EFFECT_FLAG_BOTH_SIDE Effect affects both sides of the field
0x2000 EFFECT_FLAG_COPY_INHERIT Effect is inherited by a card that copies it
0x4000 EFFECT_FLAG_DAMAGE_STEP Effect can activate during the Damage Step
0x8000 EFFECT_FLAG_DAMAGE_CAL Effect can activate during Damage Calculation, a sub-step of the Damage Step.
0x10000 EFFECT_FLAG_DELAY By adding this delay flag, the effect is prevented from missing the timing
0x20000 EFFECT_FLAG_SINGLE_RANGE The effect that has this flag is only valid for the card itself
0x40000 EFFECT_FLAG_UNCOPYABLE The effect that has this flag cannot be copied
0x80000 EFFECT_FLAG_OATH Oath effect
0x100000 EFFECT_FLAG_SPSUM_PARAM Flag to indicate in a special summon in which zone(s) of the field and to which player. (eg. SetTargetRange in "Lava Golem")
0x200000 EFFECT_FLAG_REPEAT God's incarnation's attack power is double counted
0x400000 EFFECT_FLAG_NO_TURN_RESET Flag used for effects that "can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field", e.g. Wind-Up monsters.
0x800000 EFFECT_FLAG_EVENT_PLAYER As the other player's effect (action?)
0x1000000 EFFECT_FLAG_OWNER_RELATE Continues to be the object
0x2000000 EFFECT_FLAG_CANNOT_INACTIVATE An effect with this flag cannot have its activation negated
0x4000000 EFFECT_FLAG_CLIENT_HINT A client prompt/description
0x10000000 EFFECT_FLAG_LIMIT_ZONE When this flag is added to an effect, using that effect would cause the number of zones available to decrease (see Draco Face-off). The SetValue must be used to define the zones that will still be available with the activation.
0x80000000 EFFECT_FLAG_IMMEDIATELY_APPLY The effect of the card immediately when launched (Toon Kingdom)
0x001 EFFECT_FLAG2_CONTINUOUS_EQUIP This flag allows Continuous Traps that equip themselves to use their trigger/quick effects while equipped
0x0002 EFFECT_FLAG2_COF Normal Spell that activates during the Standby Phase (Curse of Fiend)
0x80000000 EFFECT_FLAG2_MAJESTIC_MUST_COPY If flag is used, effect will be copied in MajesticCopy wherein normally only trigger effects will be copied.