All actions should be able to be completed using only the API. In BBv1, actions are performed from the API and from the UI. To create a separable web application, all UI code should be decoupled from the API.
- User creates a user account
- User account permisions can be elevated/lowered using ACLs
- User views what purchases they have made
- Committee Chair enters a budget
- Committee Chair submits a budget
- Treasurer approves a budget
- User makes a purchase request
- Committee Approvers approve purchase request
- User completes purchase
- Treasurer reimburses purchase
- Income is reported by Officers OR Income is received by BOSO
- Treasurer marks income status
- Treasurer and President view all financial transactions
- Reports filterable based on committe, type, year
- Committee Chairs view transactions for specific committee
- Users view their current paid dues
- Committee Chairs view all dues paying members and enter members
- Treasurer marks dues as paid or exempt
Each endpoint is prefaced with /api/v2/
Authentication handled by API Token, Authorization handled by ACL on user account
: endpoint for setting ACLs/access/tresurers
- GET: get a list of all current treasurers
- POST: Add a new treasurer
- GET: get a list of all current officers
- POST: Add a new officer
- GET: get a list of all current internal leads
- POST: Add a new internal lead
- DELETE: remove approver from ACLs
: endpoint for user accounts/account/{user_id}
- GET: user details
- PUT: update account details
- POST: change account password
- GET: all user purchases
- GET: all purchases user can approve
- GET: all purchases user can complete
- GET: all purchases uer can reimburse
- GET: any checks currently being mailed to a user
- GET: all committee balances user can view
- GET: all committee where user has approval powers
- GET: any dues paid by the user
- GET: last committee for which a user made a purchase
- GET: last committee for which a user entered any income
: endpoint for budgets/budgets/years
- GET: view all fiscal years
- POST: submit a committee budget
- PUT: approve a committee budget
- GET: view all submitted budgets
: endpoint for committee finances- GET: list of all committees
- GET: list all committee budget categories
- GET: view total committee balance
- GET: view committee credit balance
- GET: view committee budget for an optional year
- GET: view committee expenses total for an optional year
- GET: view committee income total for an optional year
- GET: view committee expenses list for an optional year
- GET: view committee income list for an optional year
- GET: view committee financial summary for an optional year
- GET: export a CSV file of all committee purchases for a given time range
: endpoint for dues tracking- POST: add a new dues member
- GET: list all dues committees (different from fiscal committees)
- GET: list all dues amounts for the current year
- GET: view total counts of dues members for each committee
- GET: view all dues paying members for a year
- GET: view actual dues deposits for a given year, but results may be wrong
- GET: get expected total dues income for a given year, excluding 'Exempt' members
- PUT: update the dues payment status OR the dues member details
: endpoint for committee income- POST: report a new income
- GET: view all reported income
- GET: view details for a specific income
- PUT: update income status
: endpoint for user/pass authentication- POST: create new user account
- POST: login with username and password
- POST: find all usernames associated with an email
- POST: send password reset email to user
- POST: reset a user account password
: endpoint for OIDC authentication/oidc/login
- GET: start the login process
- GET: return here after the IdP Server authenticates the user
- GET: start the logout process
- GET: after redirecting to UI, get some info for the UI to complete the login process
- POST: register a new user account
: endpoint for purchasing- POST: create a new purchase request
- GET: return all processing or reimbursed purchases
- POST: reimburse purchases
- GET: view details of a purchase
- DELETE: cancel a purchase
- PUT: update a purchase if edited by a treasurer
- POST: expire a purchase if after the fiscal year
- POST: approve or deny purchase request
- POST: complete a purchase request
- POST: upload a new receipt for a purchase
- POST: mark a mailed check as received
: endpoint for purchase receipts/receipt/{file}
- GET: view a purchase receipt