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The pygame.Color
object can be used to convert between the RGB and [HSL/HSV](HSL and HSV) color schemes.
The hsva
Gets or sets the HSVA representation of the Color. The HSVA components are in the ranges H = [0, 360], S = [0, 100], V = [0, 100], A = [0, 100].
hsva = pygame.Color((red, green, blue, alpha)).hsva
color = pygame.Color(0)
color.hsva = (hue, saturation, value, alpha)
rgba = (color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
The hsla
Gets or sets the HSLA representation of the Color. The HSLA components are in the ranges H = [0, 360], S = [0, 100], V = [0, 100], A = [0, 100].
hsla = pygame.Color((red, green, blue, alpha)).hsla
color = pygame.Color(0)
color.hsla = (hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)
rgba = (color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
📁 Minimal example - Set HSLA color
Shifting the color value based on percentage from green to red using PyGame
Shifting the color value based on percentage from green to red using PyGame
Related Stack Overflow questions:
Pygame provides the pygame.Color
object. The object can construct a color from various arguments (e.g. RGBA color channels, hexadecimal numbers, strings, ...).
It also offers the handy method lerp
, that can interpolate 2 colors:
Returns a Color which is a linear interpolation between self and the given Color in RGBA space
The pygame.Color
object and the lerp
method can be used to interpolate a color form a list of colors:
def lerp_color(colors, value):
fract, index = math.modf(value)
color1 = pygame.Color(colors[int(index) % len(colors)])
color2 = pygame.Color(colors[int(index + 1) % len(colors)])
return color1.lerp(color2, fract)