🎓 Push Data: Another approach to ingest data is to push data into SAP Data Warehouse Cloud.
SAP Data Warehouse Cloud comes by default with a preconfigured SAP HANA Cloud database, on which the repository for all created models resides. However, that repository is strictly protected and completely managed by SAP system only.
In order to write data into the underlying database, we have to create a dedicated Database Access User and a database schema (Open SQL Schema), which is fully isolated and independent from the SAP managed repository. Then, the database schema can be used to apply database operations and SQL commands. It can be accessed with the preinstalled SAP HANA Database Explorer or any third party tool (e.g. the open source database client DBeaver).
For more information plese refer to SAP Help documentation.
- Navigate to the Space Management
- Navigate to the Database Access section and create a new database user.
- In the database user dialog please maintain the following fields: