The business-to-business scenario is related to services for business partners. Unlike the business-to-consumer scenario, consumer self-registration is not allowed, and the administrator of the company is usually the one that triggers the user registration process.
The administrator invites partners or registers them on their behalf.
This scenario includes the following features:
Authentication with user name and password
A secure SSO to cloud applications
Social sign-on to cloud applications
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Invitation of partners by administrators
On-behalf registration of partners by administrators
Branding elements on all the forms for logon, password update, and account activation
Customized privacy policy and terms of use documents
Partner security policy
User import and export
Donna Moore is a tenant administrator at company A. This company is a goods and services retailer. She would like to invite five transportation companies to join her organization in helping the distribution of goods and services to distant locations. The distributors will purchase from the Company A Distribution application. For this purpose, Donna registers these distributors on their behalf, logs on to the administration console for SAP Cloud Identity Services, navigates to Applications > Company A Distribution page, and chooses Authentication and Access > User Application Access. She selects the Private radio button in order to restrict access to just these users. The partners then activate their registration via the on-behalf registration email and can log on to the Company A Distribution application.
- Invites or registers partner.
- Activates account.
- Provides credentials.
- Delegates authentication.
- Confirms authentication.
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