- Add Support for Custom Chains
- Abstract away SessionStorageClient and SessionIDInfo
- fix referenceValue padding
- fix process.env bug
b9b2077: Sessions DevEx
- Improved DevEx related to the creating and using of sessions chore: sessions dx
Added transferOwnership and gasOffsets
- added transferOwnerhsip() method on the Smart Account
- added gasOffsets parameter to increase gas values
- Improved getBalances utility helper (da340f)
- Added 1271 Signature support (fd832fe)
- Added withdrawal utility helper (7a93d87)
- Reduce bundle size (7c594fa)
- Integrate AAErrors (7c594fa)
- Added 6492 Signature support (fd832fe)
- Added Token Balances to getSupportedTokens payload (869436)
- Added gas estimates utility helper (950a521)
- Added dummy pnd override (8d34d14)
- Modernise tooling (7c594fa)
- Add changesets
- Migrate tests to Amoy
- Add pr lint
- Add size report
- Add tree shaking
- Add code of conduct
- Update README (table of contents)
- Replace prettier with biome
- Replace yarn with bun
- Remove deprecated Base class
- Added "NEXT_PUBLIC_BICONOMY_SDK_DEBUG" to support NextJS debugging information
- Replace jest with vitest
- Added size threshold checks to PRs
- Added test coverage checks to PRs
- Added tsdoc auto-deploy
- Fix wrong falsy check for user op nonce (f2567)
- Added Speed optimisation, removing redundant gasEstimate call to bundler (2371b2)
- Added smartAccount.getBalances() method (4b8bae)
- Added smartAccount.getSupportedTokens() method (6d2fb27)
- Added smartAccount.deploy() method (be9dc4)
- Increased checking of the chainId from the bundler, paymaster and the provider (5d2f3)
- Added entity name to Logger calls (9278ec)
- Export a 'getChain' by id helper, which returns a viem chain (ab2ba)
- Add "stateOverride" optional param (20fd54)
- Fix for encodeAbiParameters inside batched session module (b27061)
- added flag to skip calldata approval patch (75698)
- Fixed the particle auth build
- Added tests for ecdsa module (1a8f29)
- Increased test coverage (329003)
- Improved issue reporting guidelines (8b9fb5d)
- Added e2e tests for optimism, ran from GH actions (5051ba)
- Added ABI SVM test (49c96)
- Added tests for batched session router testing (2eb9765)
VERSION Bump Only.
Particle Auth Fix
- Fix for RPC endpoints (Quiknode, Blast Sepolia etc) failing to respond because of custom headers being set
- Export bundler / paymaster instances + helpers from master package (1d1f9d)
- Export modules aliases from master package (d6205c)
- Added sendTransaction abstraction for buildUserOp + sendUserOp (335c6e)
- Reduced bundle size (765a3e3)
- Added bundler abstraction during SmartAccount init (591bbb4)
- Added e2e tests that speak with prod bundler / paymasters (4b4a53a)
- Added support for simultaneous ethers + viem signers (8e4b2c8)
- E2E tests for multichain modules (ecc86e2)
- E2E tests for session validation modules (4ad7ea7)
- Added TSDoc (638dae)
- Make txs more typesafe and default with valueOrData (b1e5b5e)
- Added createSmartAccountClient alias (232472)
- Improve dx of using paymster to build userOps (bb54888)
- Add ethers v6 signer support (9727fd)
- Improved dx of using gas payments with erc20 (741806)
- Removed SmartAccount Base class in favour of Alchemy's (be82732)
- Migrate to viem v2 (8ce04a)
- Remove common + core-types dependencies (673514)
- Reincluded simulation flags (25d2be)
- Make silently failing paymaster calls throw an error instead (693bf0)
- Added string as a supported Transaction value type (b905dc)
- Removed skipBundlerGasEstimation option (b905dc)
- Ingest rpcUrl from SupportedSigners (ethers + viem) (f56b4d)
VERSION Bump Only.
- Make entryPointAddress optional in config(cf35c4a)
- use undefined in place of ! + check on limits returned by paymaster and throw (0376901)
- change receipt status type from boolean to string to be compatible with bundler response. (317f986)
- optimistic implementation for getNonce() and cache for isAccountDeployed (5b1d4bf)
- update paymaster check in estimateUserOpGas (2eb0237)
Modular Account Abstraction is here. Contains BiconomySmartAccountV2 - an API for modular smart account.
- add 10sec timeout limit for a test (5d12fe7)
- avoid sending populated values of gas prices when estimating from bundler (c58c9fc)
- BiconomySmartAccountV2 API Specs (69a580e)
- build errors (9fb0475)
- comments #296 (55b7376)
- estimation without bundler (5e49473)
- gitInitCode cache issue (4df3502)
- lint warning and errors (2135498)
- unshift error for batch (4d090e8)
- get fee quote or data method in biconomy paymaster (47748a6)
- update responses to support calculateGasLimits flag + update interfaces (55bbd38)
- using hybrid paymaster interface (5fc56a7)
VERSION Bump Only.
Modular SDK - consists stable version of below updates done in Alphas.
VERSION Bump Only.
- avoid sending populated values of gas prices when estimating from bundler (c58c9fc)