Hangfire background job activator based on Autofac IoC Container. It allows you to use instance methods of classes that define parametrized constructors:
public class EmailService
private DbContext _context;
private IEmailSender _sender;
public EmailService(DbContext context, IEmailSender sender)
_context = context;
_sender = sender;
public void Send(int userId, string message)
var user = _context.Users.Get(userId);
_sender.Send(user.Email, message);
// Somewhere in the code
BackgroundJob.Enqueue<EmailService>(x => x.Send(1, "Hello, world!"));
Improve the testability of your jobs without static factories!
Hangfire.Autofac is available as a NuGet Package. Type the following command into NuGet Package Manager Console window to install it:
Install-Package Hangfire.Autofac
The package provides an extension method for IGlobalConfiguration
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Services registered with InstancePerHttpRequest()
directive will be unavailable
during job activation, you should re-register these services without this
is also not available during the job performance.
Don't use it!