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GeekPie OJ Project: Backend Part

⚠️ 建设中

This part provides a RESTful API of user management, course/assignment details for the GeekPie OJ Project. This project is devleloped using Python 3.x, Django 2.1.3 , Django RESTful Framework and Django OIDC RP.


This project use MySQL as its database. Before installing, make sure you has an accessiable MySQL server. Also, this project is designed to work with other micro-service to provide a git-based online programming homework grading system.

Deploying using Docker is recommended. Make sure you set the following environment variables correctly before staring the service.

environment variable description example
OJBN_DB_HOST the host where the database is hosted. localhost
OJBN_DB_NAME the database name. ojdb
OJBN_DB_USER the user used to acssess the database. geekpie
OJBN_DB_PASSWD the database password for the given user. gouliguojiashengsiyi
OJBN_HOSTNAME the host header allowed in a HTTP request.
OJBN_INTERNAL_HOSTNAME (optional) another host header allowed in a HTTP request, used for internal submission interface backend
OJBN_GITLAB_ADDR the address where the gitlab middleware is hosted. http://localhost:8080
OJBN_OAUTH_URL the URL of the OAuth service this service is using
OJBN_REDIS_ADDR the address of redis server. Follows the schema of redis-py redis://[:password]@localhost:6379/0
OJ_SUBMISSION_TOKEN token for auth betwwen oj-*-middleware and oj-backend for submission woshitoken
OJBN_STAGE the server is whether a test or a production server. When setted to production, the server will try to get the secret key from the environment variable. development or production
OJBN_SECRET_KEY the secret key. See imarandomstring
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID OpenID client ID see for the following varibles
OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET OpenID client secret

API Schema

The input/output below is for GET and DELETE. When creating/updating an object using POST, the uid filed could be omitted.

For all users

Login parameters

Supported method: GET

Registered at /user/auth/oidc/param

    "login_url": "",
    "logout_url": ""

In this example, frontend shall redirect user to for login .

User's role

Supported method: GET

Registered at /user/role

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "is_student": true,
    "is_insturctor": false

Claiming identity

See #11 for background.

Location: /user/<str:user_id>/instructor

Supported method:

  • GET: get the instructor associated with this user. The format is the same as what /course/<str:course_id>/instructor/<str:user_id> gives. It will return null with status code 404 when the user has not instructor associated with;
  • POST: claim "I'm TA". Post the enroll_email(same as email) and name of this user into this interface will make the backend create a new instructor object in database for this user.
    "uid": "2080083a-382c-11e9-ac7b-029eb86a7f02",
    "name": "Wei DaTa",
    "enroll_email": "[email protected]"

Location: /user/<str:user_id>/student

A similar API will also be provided as a fallback for students at /user/<str:user_id>/student in case the data from GAuth is faulty.

The format is the same as what /course/<str:course_id>/students/<str:user_id> gives.

    "uid": "2080083a-382c-11e9-ac7b-029eb86a7f02",
    "name": "Wang Dachui",
    "enroll_email": "[email protected]",
    "nickname": "hammerWang"

The newly added student/instructor is linked with no existing courses.

For student

Student's Basic Information

Supported method: POST, GET

  • POST: motify one’s own identity;
  • GET: retrive one’s own identity.

Registered at /student/<str:uid>/ where id is the uid of the student in the database.

It will return the student's basic information, inluding uid, name, email and student_id in the following format.

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "name": "王大锤",
    "nickname": "hammerWang",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "student_id": "19260817",
    "rsa_pub_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDwnExnO3zHIE16iR00SlZXSX468auyeGG7Vp2U5NRVdxXeeE1/Nn7HAWDzgB0Q8XNqcgkiobpBiCVvRO/H4tFi...."

Student's Courses List

Supported method: GET

Registered at /student/<str:uid>/course/.

It will return the courses in which the student with this uid enrolled in in the following format.

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "name": "Introduction to Computer Science",
        "code": "SI 100C",
        "semaster": "Fall",
        "year": 2017,
        "homepage": "",
        "instructor":["b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14", "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14"]

Student's submission history

This API is accessiable by instructor.

Supported method: GET

Registered at /student/<str:student_id>/course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/history/.

It provides student's submission history under an assignment.

state describes status of records.

state integer
        "state": 2,
        "commit_tag": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "message": "1. Accepted\n",
        "score": 10,
        "overall_score": 10,
        "submission_time": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "delta": 0

Student's submission history

This API is accessiable by instructor.

Supported method: GET

Registered at /student/<str:student_id>/course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/history/<str:commit_id>.

It provides student's one specific submission under an assignment.

        "git_commit_id": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "course_uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "message": "1. Accepted\n",
        "score": 10,
        "overall_score": 10,
        "submission_time": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "delta": 0

Student's Assignment Scoreboard

Supported method: GET

Registerd at /student/<str:student_id>/course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/scores/

        "nickname": "hammerWang",
        "score": 10,
        "overall_score": 10,
        "submission_time": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "delta": 0,
        "submission_count": 0

For Course

Course's Assignment List

Supported method: GET

Registered at /student/<str:student_id>/course/<str:course_id>/assignment/.

overall_score is the score the student get in his/she last commit.

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "course_uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "name": "Homework1: Postfix Calculator",
        "short_name": "hw1",
        "deadline":  "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "release_date": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "descr_link": "",
        "score": 3.14,
        "overall_score": 10.0

Pending assignment list

Supported method: GET.

Registerd at /course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/queue.

        "git_commit_id": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "course_uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "submission_time": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "submitter": "hammerWang"

Intructor's basic information

Supported method: GET

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/instructor/<str:instr_email>/

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "name": "Keyi Yuan",
    "email": "[email protected]"

For Instructor

NOTE: this part has not been fully implmented yet.

Instructor's Information

Supported method: POST, GET

  • POST: motify one’s own identity;
  • GET: retrive one’s own identity.

Registered at /instructor/<str:uid>/ where id is the uid of the student in the database.

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "name": "王大锤",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "rsa_pub_key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDwnExnO3zHIE16iR00SlZXSX468auyeGG7Vp2U5NRVdxXeeE1/Nn7HAWDzgB0Q8XNqcgkiobpBiCVvRO/H4tFi...."

Instructor's Course list

Supported method: POST, GET

  • POST: create a new course, with this user as one of the instructor;
  • GET: retrive course list

Registered at /instructor/<str:uid>/course/.

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "name": "Introduction to Computer Science",
        "code": "SI 100C",
        "semaster": "Fall",
        "year": 2017,
        "homepage": "",
        "instructor":["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

Course basic information

Supported method: POST, GET, DELETE

  • POST: motify a course. Only the name and homepage filed are allowed to be changed;
  • GET: retrive course’s information;
  • DELETE: delete one course.

Registered at /course/<str:uid>.

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "name": "Introduction to Computer Science",
    "code": "SI 100C",
    "semaster": "Fall",
    "year": 2017,
    "homepage": "",
    "instructor":["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

Course students list

Supported method: POST, GET

  • POST: add a student to a course;
  • GET: get the student list for the course.

Registered at /course/<str:uid>/students/.

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "name": "王大锤",
        "enroll_email": "[email protected]",
        "student_id": "19260817",

Caution: name, student_id and uid fileds may be omitted because we do not know those information before the user registered.

Course student

Supported method: POST, GET, DELETE

  • POST: add astudent to a course;
  • GET: get the student’s basic information if this student is in the course;
  • DELETE: delete a student from a course, removing all his repo on the git server.

Registered at /course/<str:uid>/students/<id:student_email>.

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "name": "王大锤",
    "enroll_email": "[email protected]",
    "student_id": "19260817",

Caution: name, student_id and uid fileds may be omitted because we do not know those information before the user registered.

Course instrctors list

Supported method: POST, GET

  • POST: add a instructor to a course;
  • GET: get the student list for the course.

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/instructor/

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "name": "Keyi Yuan",
        "enroll_email": "[email protected]"

Caution: name and uid fileds may be omitted because we do not know those information before the user registered.

Course instructor

Supported method: GET, POST, DELETE

  • POST: add astudent to a course;
  • GET: get the student list for the course;
  • DELETE: delete a student from a course, removing all his repo on the git server.

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/instructor/<str:instr_email>

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "name": "Keyi Yuan",
    "enroll_email": "[email protected]"

Caution: name and uid fileds may be omitted because we do not know those information before the user registered.

Course assignments list

Supported method: GET, POST

  • POST: add an assignment to a course;
  • GET: get the assignment list for the course.

Registered at /course/<str:uid>/assignment/

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "course_uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "name": "Homework1: Postfix Calculator",
        "short_name": "HW1",
        "deadline":  "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "release_date": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "grade": 100,
        "descr_link": ""

When creating a new assignment, an additional field ssh_url_to_repo is added to the response indicating the repo to the grading script.

TODO: export all assignments.

Course assignment

Supported method: GET, POST, DELETE

  • POST: modify an assignment;
  • GET: get the assignment infer;
  • DELETE: delete an assignment from a course, removing all his repo on the git server.

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>

Please be notified: the short_name will be used in the path of the git repo and SHALL ONLY contain numbers, ANSI characters (excluding blank and control characters).

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "course_uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "name": "Homework1: Postfix Calculator",
    "short_name": "HW1",
    "deadline":  "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
    "release_date": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
    "grade": 100,
    "descr_link": ""

Assignment Export script

Supported method: GET;

Get the script for downloading all student submission repos. See #25 for more details.

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/export

    "guidance": "<p>Desciption of how to use the script.</p>",
    "script": "#!/bin/sh\ngit clone [email protected]:/cs100-2019fall/hw0/wangdch.git"

Assignment Scoreboard

Supported method: GET

Registerd at /course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/scores/

        "nickname": "hammerWang",
        "name": "王大锤",
        "student_id": "19260817",
        "score": 10,
        "overall_score": 10,
        "submission_time": "2019-01-23 19:07:08",
        "delta": 0,
        "submission_count": 0

Course's default judges list

Supported method: GET, POST

Registered at /course/<str:uid>/judge/

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",

Course's default judge

Supported method: GET, POST, DELETE

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/judge/<str:judge_id>

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",

Assignment judges list

Supported method: GET, POST

  • GET: get the judge’s uid list for the assignment
  • POST: add an judge with the given uid to the judge list of this assignment.

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/judge/

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",

Assignment's judge

Supported method: GET, POST, DELETE

  • DELETE: remove an judge with the given uid to the judge list of this assignment.

Registered at /course/<str:course_id>/assignment/<str:assignment_id>/judge/<str:judge_id>

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",

Judge List

Suppoerted method: GET, POST

  • GET: get the judge list for this instructor.
  • POST: add an new judge.

NOTE: This interface WILL ONLY return judge list for the login user/instructor. Throw a request to this interface and the interface below will result in a 404 response.

Registered at /judge/

        "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
        "host": "",
        "client_cert": "thisisthecert",
        "cert_ca": "thisisthecert",
        "client_key": "thisisthekey",
        "max_job": 4


Supported method: GET, POST, DELETE

  • GET: get the judge for this instructor with the given uid;
  • POST: modify the given judge;
  • DELETE: delete the given judge.

Registered at /judge/<str:uid>

    "uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "host": "",
    "client_cert": "thisisthecert",
    "cert_ca": "thisisthecert",
    "client_key": "thisisthekey",
    "max_job": 4

Interface for internal communication

Interface with oj-middleware*

Supported method: POST

Registered at /internal/subbmission.

Authorization: Using a token located in the http header Authorization. The token shall be specified in the envrionmental variable OJ_SUBMISSION_TOKEN (discussed in the “Deploy" section).

    "assignment_uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "course_uid": "b3b17c00f16511e8b3dfdca9047a0f14",
    "upstream": "[email protected]/si100c-17f/hw1-diaozh.git",
    "additional_data": "this is additional data, put what you what."


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.