Analysis Pipeline for "Novel Neuronal Identities Derived by Misexpression of the POU IV Sensory Determinant in a Proto-Vertebrate"
- This code is compatible with Seurat version 2.3.4.
- Additional supplemental code for new visualizations and analyses is present in "final_pou4_revision_code.Rmd", which is compatible with Seurat version 4.0.4.
- As mentioned in "Materials and Methods" section, OE Cell refers to a cell in POU IV-misexpressed epidermis (ME). OE and ME are used interchangeably, and all code/lists use OE nomenclature.
- "agg_data_dir_url" contains an object URL to zipped directory "pou4_OE" that contains aggregate data files from control and POU IV-misexpressed embryos. This zipped file is present in an Amazon S3 bucket.
- Raw and processed data can be accessed from GEO Accession Number GSE192645.
- Note: "agg" refers to the fact that this single-cell data contains cells from both WT and POU IV-misexpressed embryos.
# NOTE: Seurat v2.3.4, edgeR v3.22.3.
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: cowplot
## Attaching package: 'cowplot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
## ggsave
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Loading required package: limma
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Get zip file from Amazon AWS.
agg_data_dir_url <- ""
# Download in /tmp.
download.file(agg_data_dir_url, destfile = "/tmp/")
unzip("/tmp/", exdir = "/tmp")
# Directory for use in downstream analyses.
agg_data_dir = "/tmp/pou4_OE/outs/raw_gene_bc_matrices_mex/ci_kh_ghostdb_mchsv40_cfpsv40"
# General Tissue Markers
epi_markers <- c("KH2012:KH.C1.611", "KH2012:KH.C8.844")
cns_markers <- c("KH2012:KH.C14.4", "KH2012:KH.C1.127", "KH2012:KH.C7.59", "KH2012:KH.C6.224")
dopa_markers <- c("KH2012:KH.C10.200", "KH2012:KH.C3.666")
# Sensory Neuron Markers
pou4 <- "KH2012:KH.C2.42"
## BTN
asic1b <- "KH2012:KH.C1.215"
synaphin <- "KH2012:KH.L164.21"
btn_markers <- c(asic1b, synaphin, "KH2012:KH.C13.14")
## aATEN
gnrh2 <- "KH2012:KH.C9.484"
gshr <- "KH2012:KH.C1.315"
aaten_markers <- c(gnrh2, gshr)
# additional aATEN marker
six_12 = "KH2012:KH.C3.553"
## PSC
islet <- "KH2012:KH.L152.2"
sp8 <- "KH2012:KH.C13.22"
foxg <- "KH2012:KH.C8.774"
psc_markers <- c(islet, sp8, foxg)
klf <- "KH2012:KH.C5.154"
ng <- "KH2012:KH.C6.129"
b_thymosine <- "KH2012:KH.C2.140"
agg_data_mat <- Read10X(agg_data_dir)
agg_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject( = agg_data_mat, min.cells = 3, min.genes = 200)
agg_seurat <- NormalizeData(agg_seurat)
agg_seurat <- ScaleData(agg_seurat, use.umi = TRUE)
## Scaling data matrix
agg_seurat <- FindVariableGenes(object = agg_seurat,
do.plot = FALSE)
pc_num <- 10
agg_seurat <- RunPCA(agg_seurat, pcs.compute = pc_num, do.print = FALSE)
agg_seurat <- RunTSNE(agg_seurat, dims.use = 1:pc_num)
agg_seurat <- FindClusters(object = agg_seurat,
reduction.type = 'pca',
dims.use = 1:pc_num,
print.output = FALSE)
TSNEPlot(agg_seurat, do.label = TRUE)
# 7799
all_cells <- agg_seurat@cell.names
# OE cells have barcode with "-1". e.g. ACTGAGTTCTGGTGTA-1".
# 3884
oe_cells_logic <- grepl("-1", all_cells)
oe_cells <- all_cells[oe_cells_logic]
# WT cells have barcode with "-2". e.g. "ACTGAGTTCTGGTGTA-2"
# 3915
wt_cells_logic <- grepl("-2", all_cells)
wt_cells <- all_cells[wt_cells_logic]
raw_mat <-
# genes x cells = 13657 x 3915
wt_mat <- raw_mat[, wt_cells]
# 12600 x 3915
wt_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject( = wt_mat,
min.cells = 3,
min.genes = 200)
wt_seurat <- NormalizeData(wt_seurat)
wt_seurat <- ScaleData(wt_seurat, use.umi = TRUE)
## Scaling data matrix
wt_pc_num <- 10
wt_seurat <- FindVariableGenes(object = wt_seurat,
do.plot = FALSE)
wt_seurat <- RunPCA(wt_seurat, pcs.compute = wt_pc_num, do.print = FALSE)
wt_seurat <- RunTSNE(wt_seurat, dims.use = 1:wt_pc_num)
wt_seurat <- FindClusters(object = wt_seurat,
reduction.type = 'pca',
dims.use = 1:wt_pc_num,
plot.SNN = TRUE,
print.output = FALSE)
TSNEPlot(wt_seurat, do.label = TRUE)
# Clusters 0, 2, 3, 8
features.plot = epi_markers,
no.legend = TRUE)
# Clusters 4, 5, 6, 9
features.plot = cns_markers,
no.legend = FALSE)
# Cluster 9
features.plot = btn_markers,
no.legend = FALSE)
# 1735
wt_epi_cells <- WhichCells(wt_seurat, ident = c(8, 0, 3, 2))
# 917
wt_cns_cells <- WhichCells(wt_seurat, ident = c(9, 4, 5, 6))
# Contains all epi cells and 1 CNS cluster that contains BTNs (Cluster 9)
# 1888
wt_epi_cns9_cells <- WhichCells(wt_seurat, ident = c(9, 8, 0, 3, 2))
# 13657 x 1888
wt_epi_cns9_mat <- raw_mat[, wt_epi_cns9_cells]
# 11543 x 1888
wt_epi_cns9_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject( = wt_epi_cns9_mat,
min.cells = 3,
min.genes = 200)
wt_epi_cns9_seurat <- NormalizeData(wt_epi_cns9_seurat)
wt_epi_cns9_seurat <- ScaleData(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, use.umi = TRUE)
## Scaling data matrix
wt_epi_cns9_pc_num <- 10
wt_epi_cns9_seurat <- FindVariableGenes(object = wt_epi_cns9_seurat,
do.plot = FALSE)
wt_epi_cns9_seurat <- RunPCA(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, pcs.compute = wt_epi_cns9_pc_num, do.print = FALSE)
wt_epi_cns9_seurat <- RunTSNE(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, dims.use = 1:wt_epi_cns9_pc_num)
wt_epi_cns9_seurat <- FindClusters(object = wt_epi_cns9_seurat,
reduction.type = 'pca',
dims.use = 1:wt_epi_cns9_pc_num,
plot.SNN = TRUE,
resolution = 0.6,
print.output = FALSE)
# BTNs present in Cluster 5
features.plot = c(btn_markers),
no.legend = FALSE)
# 11
btn_cells <- intersect(WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = asic1b,
accept.low = 0.01),
WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = synaphin,
accept.low = 0.01))
# 4
aaten_cells <- intersect(WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = aaten_markers[1],
accept.low = 0.01),
WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = aaten_markers[2],
accept.low = 0.01))
# 21
psc_cells <- intersect(
intersect(WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = psc_markers[1],
accept.low = 0.01),
WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = psc_markers[2],
accept.low = 0.01)),
WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = psc_markers[3],
accept.low = 0.01))
pou4_cesn_cells <- WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = pou4,
accept.low = 0.01,
ident = 2)
klf_cesn_cells <- WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = klf,
accept.low = 0.01,
ident = 2)
b_thymosine_cesn_cells_low <- WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = b_thymosine,
ident = 2,
accept.low = 0.01)
ng_cesn_cells <- WhichCells(wt_epi_cns9_seurat, = ng,
accept.low = 0.01,
ident = 2)
# 26
cesn_3 <- intersect(pou4_cesn_cells,
intersect(klf_cesn_cells, b_thymosine_cesn_cells_low))
# 26
cesn_3 <- setdiff(cesn_3, ng_cesn_cells)
# 1683
only_wt_epi_cells <- setdiff(wt_epi_cells, c(aaten_cells, btn_cells, cesn_3, psc_cells))
# 26
cesn_3 <- setdiff(cesn_3, only_wt_epi_cells)
cesn_cells <- cesn_3
length(intersect(aaten_cells, btn_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(aaten_cells, cesn_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(aaten_cells, psc_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(aaten_cells, only_wt_epi_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(btn_cells, cesn_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(btn_cells, psc_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(btn_cells, only_wt_epi_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(cesn_cells, psc_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(cesn_cells, only_wt_epi_cells))
## [1] 0
length(intersect(psc_cells, only_wt_epi_cells))
## [1] 0
# 13567 x 11
aaten_raw_mat <- wt_mat[, aaten_cells]
# 11
btn_raw_mat <- wt_mat[, btn_cells]
# 26
cesn_raw_mat <- wt_mat[, cesn_cells]
# 21
psc_raw_mat <- wt_mat[, psc_cells]
# 1683
only_wt_epi_raw_mat <- wt_mat[, only_wt_epi_cells]
# 13657 x 3884
oe_mat <- raw_mat[, oe_cells]
# 13137 x 3884
oe_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject( = oe_mat,
min.cells = 3,
min.genes = 200)
oe_seurat <- NormalizeData(oe_seurat)
oe_seurat <- ScaleData(oe_seurat, use.umi = TRUE)
## Scaling data matrix
oe_pc_num <- 16
oe_seurat <- FindVariableGenes(object = oe_seurat,
do.plot = FALSE)
oe_seurat <- RunPCA(oe_seurat, pcs.compute = oe_pc_num, do.print = FALSE)
oe_seurat <- RunTSNE(oe_seurat, dims.use = 1:oe_pc_num)
oe_seurat <- FindClusters(object = oe_seurat,
reduction.type = 'pca',
dims.use = 1:oe_pc_num,
plot.SNN = TRUE,
print.output = FALSE)
TSNEPlot(oe_seurat, do.label = TRUE)
# Clusters 1, 2, 3, 9
features.plot = epi_markers,
no.legend = TRUE,
cols.use = c("lightgrey", "#6C3483"))
# 1570
oe_epi_cells <- WhichCells(oe_seurat, ident = c(1, 2, 3, 9))
# 13657 x 1570
oe_epi_raw_mat <- oe_mat[, oe_epi_cells]
# 12127 x 1570
oe_epi_seurat <- CreateSeuratObject( = oe_epi_raw_mat,
min.cells = 3,
min.genes = 200)
oe_epi_seurat <- NormalizeData(oe_epi_seurat)
oe_epi_seurat <- ScaleData(oe_epi_seurat, use.umi = TRUE)
## Scaling data matrix
oe_epi_pc_num <- 8
oe_epi_seurat <- FindVariableGenes(object = oe_epi_seurat,
do.plot = FALSE)
oe_epi_seurat <- RunPCA(oe_epi_seurat, pcs.compute = oe_epi_pc_num, do.print = FALSE)
oe_epi_seurat <- RunTSNE(oe_epi_seurat, dims.use = 1:oe_epi_pc_num)
oe_epi_seurat <- FindClusters(object = oe_epi_seurat,
reduction.type = 'pca',
dims.use = 1:oe_epi_pc_num,
resolution = 0.5,
plot.SNN = TRUE,
print.output = FALSE)
TSNEPlot(oe_epi_seurat, do.label = TRUE)
oe_epi_0 = WhichCells(oe_epi_seurat, ident = 0)
oe_epi_1 = WhichCells(oe_epi_seurat, ident = 1)
oe_epi_2 = WhichCells(oe_epi_seurat, ident = 2)
oe_epi_3 = WhichCells(oe_epi_seurat, ident = 3)
oe_epi_4 = WhichCells(oe_epi_seurat, ident = 4)
oe_epi_5 = WhichCells(oe_epi_seurat, ident = 5)
oe_epi_6 = WhichCells(oe_epi_seurat, ident = 6)
edgeR_pipeline <- function(pair_mat, rep_1, rep_2) {
# Computes differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between two samples.
# These DEGs are for rep_1 sample with respect to rep_2 sample.
# Args:
# pair_mat: matrix with raw gene expression values of the two samples.
# e.g. psc_cesn_mat.
# rep_1 and rep_2: numbers in each sample.
# Returns:
# edgeR_deg_df: dataframe with logFC, logCPM, F, PValue
# statistics for the DEGs.
# e.g. "psc_v_cesn_res" is a dataframe that contains DEGs and mentioned
# statistics for PSCs when expression values of CESNs are used as
# the background.
group = factor(c(rep(1, rep_1), rep(2, rep_2)))
y = DGEList(counts=pair_mat, group=group)
y = calcNormFactors(y)
design = model.matrix(~group)
y = estimateDisp(y, design)
fit <- glmQLFit(y,design)
qlf <- glmQLFTest(fit,coef=2)
edgeR_deg_df <- qlf$table
edgeR_res <- edgeR_deg_df
adj_adjust_p = function(edgeR_res) {
# Returns edgeR_deg_df with an additional column with adjusted p values.
# e.g. "psc_v_cesn_res_p"
adj_p_vals <- p.adjust(edgeR_res$PValue, method="fdr", nrow(edgeR_res))
edgeR_res$adj_PValue = adj_p_vals
filter_edgeR_markers_pval <- function(edgeR_res) {
filtered_res = edgeR_res[which(edgeR_res$adj_PValue < 0.05), ]
filter_edgeR_markers <- function(edgeR_res) {
filtered_res = edgeR_res[which(edgeR_res$logFC < 0), ]
cesn_psc_mat <- as.matrix(cbind(cesn_raw_mat, psc_raw_mat))
# Do edgeR.
cesn_v_psc_res <- edgeR_pipeline(cesn_psc_mat, ncol(cesn_raw_mat), ncol(psc_raw_mat))
# Add the adj p-value column.
cesn_v_psc_res_p <- adj_adjust_p(cesn_v_psc_res)
# Filter based on adj p-vals < 0.05.
# We get 48 DEGs.
cesn_v_psc_res_p_1 <- filter_edgeR_markers_pval(cesn_v_psc_res_p)
# Filter and Order by logFC.
cesn_v_psc_res_p_1b <- filter_edgeR_markers(cesn_v_psc_res_p_1)
cesn_v_psc_res_p_1c <- cesn_v_psc_res_p_1b[order(cesn_v_psc_res_p_1b$logFC), ]
# Take top 50 = putative DEGs.
putative_CESN_degs <- rownames(cesn_v_psc_res_p_1c)[1:48]
psc_cesn_mat <- as.matrix(cbind(psc_raw_mat, cesn_raw_mat))
# Do edgeR.
psc_v_cesn_res <- edgeR_pipeline(psc_cesn_mat, ncol(psc_raw_mat), ncol(cesn_raw_mat))
# Add the adj p-value column.
psc_v_cesn_res_p <- adj_adjust_p(psc_v_cesn_res)
# Filter based on adj p-vals < 0.05.
psc_v_cesn_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers_pval(psc_v_cesn_res_p)
# Filter and Order by logFC.
psc_v_cesn_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers(psc_v_cesn_res_p)
psc_v_cesn_res_p_2 <- psc_v_cesn_res_p[order(psc_v_cesn_res_p$logFC), ]
# Take top 50.
putative_PSC_degs <- rownames(psc_v_cesn_res_p_2)[1:50]
not_aaten_mat <- cbind(cesn_raw_mat, psc_raw_mat)
aaten_v_all_mat <- as.matrix(cbind(aaten_raw_mat, not_aaten_mat))
# Do edgeR.
aaten_v_all_res <- edgeR_pipeline(aaten_v_all_mat, ncol(aaten_raw_mat), ncol(not_aaten_mat))
# We do not adjust because we are left with only ~10 DEGs.
aaten_v_all_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers(aaten_v_all_res)
# Order by logFC.
aaten_v_all_res_p_2 <- aaten_v_all_res_p[order(aaten_v_all_res_p$logFC), ]
# Take top 50.
putative_aaten_degs <- rownames(aaten_v_all_res_p_2)[1:50]
not_btn_mat <- cbind(aaten_raw_mat, cesn_raw_mat, psc_raw_mat, only_wt_epi_raw_mat)
btn_v_all_mat <- as.matrix(cbind(btn_raw_mat, not_btn_mat))
# Do edgeR.
btn_v_all_res <- edgeR_pipeline(btn_v_all_mat, ncol(btn_raw_mat), ncol(not_btn_mat))
# Add the adj p-value column.
btn_v_all_res_p <- adj_adjust_p(btn_v_all_res)
# Filter based on adj p-vals < 0.05.
btn_v_all_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers_pval(btn_v_all_res_p)
# Fiter and Order by logFC.
btn_v_all_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers(btn_v_all_res_p)
btn_v_all_res_p_2 <- btn_v_all_res_p[order(btn_v_all_res_p$logFC), ]
# Take top 50.
putative_BTN_degs <- rownames(btn_v_all_res_p_2)[1:50]
not_wt_epi_mat <- cbind(aaten_raw_mat, btn_raw_mat, cesn_raw_mat, psc_raw_mat)
wt_epi_v_all_mat <- as.matrix(cbind(only_wt_epi_raw_mat, not_wt_epi_mat))
# Do edgeR.
wt_epi_v_all_res <- edgeR_pipeline(wt_epi_v_all_mat, ncol(only_wt_epi_raw_mat), ncol(not_wt_epi_mat))
# We do not adjust because we are left with only 28 DEGs.
wt_epi_v_all_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers(wt_epi_v_all_res)
# Order by logFC.
wt_epi_v_all_res_p_2 <- wt_epi_v_all_res_p[order(wt_epi_v_all_res_p$logFC), ]
# Take top 50.
putative_WT_EPI_degs <- rownames(wt_epi_v_all_res_p_2)[1:50]
not_oe_epi_mat <- cbind(aaten_raw_mat, btn_raw_mat, cesn_raw_mat, psc_raw_mat, only_wt_epi_raw_mat)
oe_epi_v_all_mat <- as.matrix(cbind(oe_epi_raw_mat, not_oe_epi_mat))
# Do edgeR.
oe_epi_v_all_res <- edgeR_pipeline(oe_epi_v_all_mat, ncol(oe_epi_raw_mat), ncol(not_oe_epi_mat))
# Add the adj p-value column.
oe_epi_v_all_res_p <- adj_adjust_p(oe_epi_v_all_res)
# Filter based on adj p-vals < 0.05
oe_epi_v_all_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers_pval(oe_epi_v_all_res_p)
# Filter and Order by logFC.
oe_epi_v_all_res_p <- filter_edgeR_markers(oe_epi_v_all_res_p)
oe_epi_v_all_res_p_2 <- oe_epi_v_all_res_p[order(oe_epi_v_all_res_p$logFC), ]
# Take top 50
putative_OE_EPI_degs <- rownames(oe_epi_v_all_res_p_2)[1:50]
- "putative_txn_profile_300" contains 50 DEGs from all 6 cell populations.
- "putative_txn_profile_250" contains 50 DEGs from all cell populations except from OE Cells. This profile will be used for downstream Linear Model Analysis.
putative_txn_profile_300 <- c(putative_aaten_degs, putative_BTN_degs, putative_CESN_degs, putative_PSC_degs, putative_WT_EPI_degs, putative_OE_EPI_degs)
putative_txn_profile_250 <- c(putative_aaten_degs, putative_BTN_degs, putative_CESN_degs, putative_PSC_degs, putative_WT_EPI_degs)
# 298
cleaned_putative_txn_profile_300 <- putative_txn_profile_300[!]
# 248
cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250 <- putative_txn_profile_250[!]
genes.use = cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250,
do.plot = TRUE,
group.spacing = 1,
draw.line = TRUE, = NULL,
slim.col.label = TRUE,
remove.key = FALSE,
cells.use = btn_cells,
disp.min = -0.5,
disp.max = 1.5,
title = "Heatmap")
test <- DoHeatmap(wt_seurat,
genes.use = cleaned_putative_txn_profile_300,
do.plot = TRUE,
group.spacing = 1,
draw.line = TRUE, = NULL,
slim.col.label = TRUE,
remove.key = FALSE,
cells.use = btn_cells,
disp.min = -0.5,
disp.max = 1.5,
title = "Heatmap")
## BTNs
# TFs
hnf6 <- "KH2012:KH.C6.185"
mta2 <- "KH2012:KH.C1.198"
sir_4_5 <- "KH2012:KH.S555.6"
coe <- "KH2012:KH.L24.10"
jnk <- "KH2012:KH.C14.416"
# Signaling Molecules
fgf_11_12 <- "KH2012:KH.L28.8"
apc <- "KH2012:KH.C8.457"
gna_1_2_3 <- "KH2012:KH.C2.872"
# Effectors
# asic1b, synaphin
annexin <- "KH2012:KH.C13.14"
## PSCs
# TFs
emx <- "KH2012:KH.L142.14"
islet <- "KH2012:KH.L152.2"
sp8 <- "KH2012:KH.C13.22"
foxg <- "KH2012:KH.C8.774"
eya <- "KH2012:KH.C7.703"
egf_like <- "KH2012:KH.C11.293"
smad_2_6_7 <- "KH2012:KH.C3.230"
rxfp1 <- "KH2012:KH.L124.11"
bmp_2_3 <- "KH2012:KH.C2.421"
# Effectors
sulfotrans <- "KH2012:KH.C9.423"
crystallin <- "KH2012:KH.S605.3"
msh1 <- "KH2012:KH.C10.264"
btn_battery <- c(hnf6, mta2, sir_4_5, pou4, jnk, ng, fgf_11_12, apc, gna_1_2_3, asic1b, synaphin, annexin)
psc_battery <- c(emx, islet, sp8, foxg, eya, egf_like, smad_2_6_7, rxfp1, bmp_2_3, sulfotrans, crystallin, msh1)
genes.use = c(btn_battery, psc_battery),
do.plot = TRUE,
group.spacing = 1,
draw.line = TRUE, = NULL,
slim.col.label = TRUE,
remove.key = FALSE,
cells.use = oe_epi_5,
disp.min = -0.5,
disp.max = 1.5,
title = "Heatmap")
# dir <- "DEGs/"
# write.table(cesn_cells, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "cesn_cells" ))
# write.table(putative_aaten_degs, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "aaten_degs.csv" ))
# write.table(putative_BTN_degs, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "BTN_degs.csv" ))
# write.table(putative_CESN_degs, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "CESN_degs.csv" ))
# write.table(putative_PSC_degs, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "PSC_degs.csv" ))
# write.table(putative_WT_EPI_degs, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "WT_EPI_degs.csv" ))
# write.table(putative_OE_EPI_degs, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "OE_EPI_degs.csv"))
agg_data <- agg_seurat@data
aaten_data <- agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, aaten_cells]
btn_data <- agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, btn_cells]
cesn_data <- agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, cesn_cells]
psc_data <- agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, psc_cells]
only_wt_epi_data <- agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, only_wt_epi_cells]
oe0_data <- as.matrix(agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, oe_epi_0])
oe1_data <- as.matrix(agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, oe_epi_1])
oe2_data <- as.matrix(agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, oe_epi_2])
oe3_data <- as.matrix(agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, oe_epi_3])
oe4_data <- as.matrix(agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, oe_epi_4])
oe5_data <- as.matrix(agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, oe_epi_5])
oe6_data <- as.matrix(agg_data[cleaned_putative_txn_profile_250, oe_epi_6])
av_aaten = as.vector(rowMeans(aaten_data))
av_btn = as.vector(rowMeans(btn_data))
av_cesn = as.vector(rowMeans(cesn_data))
av_psc = as.vector(rowMeans(psc_data))
av_only_wt_epi = as.vector(rowMeans(only_wt_epi_data))
av_all_wt <- rbind(av_aaten, av_btn, av_cesn, av_psc, av_only_wt_epi)
# We will use the transpose of above in the MATLAB code.
av_all_wt_t <- t(av_all_wt)
# dir <- "LM_inputs/"
# write.table(av_all_wt_t, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "t_av_all_wt.csv" ))
# write.table(oe0_data, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "oe0_data.csv" ))
# write.table(oe1_data, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "oe1_data.csv" ))
# write.table(oe2_data, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "oe2_data.csv" ))
# write.table(oe3_data, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "oe3_data.csv" ))
# write.table(oe4_data, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "oe4_data.csv" ))
# write.table(oe5_data, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "oe5_data.csv" ))
# write.table(oe6_data, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep =",", file=paste0(dir, "oe6_data.csv" ))
- These code blocks were used to generate "Final_OE_khids_orthologs.csv" and "OE_human_orthologs.csv".
- "OE_human_orthologs.csv" was used in GO Term Analysis.
- Results of this Analysis can be found in "OE_DEG_Analysis" directory.
# This files contain khids and their respective human orthologs, according to
# annotations by Aniseed Database.
khid_to_human <- read.table("../ANISEED-Cirobu-GeneName-3bestBlastHitHuman.rnames",
sep = "\t",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
oe_degs <- read.table("../DEGs/OE_EPI_degs.csv",
sep = ",",
header = FALSE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
oe_degs <- oe_degs$V1
oe_degs_human_df <- khid_to_human %>% filter(Gene.ID %in% oe_degs)
setdiff(oe_degs, oe_degs_human_df$Gene.ID)
## [1] "CFPSV40" "KH2012:KH.S489.5" "KH2012:KH.C3.679"
## [4] "KH2012:KH.L171.8" "KH2012:KH.C6.106" "KH2012:KH.C8.44"
## [7] "KH2012:KH.C2.1033"
- This file will be used for downstream GO Term Analysis.
OE_human_orthologs <- khid_to_human$Gene.Name
# write.table(OE_human_orthologs,
# file = "OE_human_orthologs.csv",
# sep = ",",
# row.names = FALSE,
# quote = FALSE)
- This will not be used for downstream analysis. It is just for reference.
# write.table(oe_degs_human_df,
# file = "Final_OE_khids_orthologs.csv",
# sep = ",",
# row.names = FALSE)