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Windows development setup

The Windows development setup since SkyTemple 1.5.0 uses the "normal" Python for Windows and GTK using gvsbuild. Previously Msys2 + MingW was used, but this is no longer the case. The setup is now MSVC based, and as such requires Microsoft Visual Studio to be installed, but these instructions will guide you through it.

A lot of these steps are (sometimes directly) taken from the gvsbuild README. If something here does not seem to work, you may want to cross-reference this and open an issue in the SkyTemple repository about it. You can also cross-reference the GitHub Actions Workflow for the Windows build, as this is most-likely going to be up-to-date. But note that this focuses on bundling SkyTemple in an installer, but it still needs to do the same preperations to get there.

1. Choco

These steps will be using Chocolately as a package manager.

To install it, open PowerShell as an administrator, then execute:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

All following commands should also be run in an Administrator PowerShell for now.

You may need to restart PowerShell after this command.

If you do not want to use it, in the following steps, install the required software manually.

2. Dependencies

Install Git, Visual Studio, MSys2, Python (regular Windows release) and the VC Redistributable 2013:

choco install -y git visualstudio2022-workload-vctools msys2 python vcredist2013

You may need to restart PowerShell.

Again, you can also install any of these manually or skip installing them using this command, should you already have some of these installed.

The -y option will auto-accept all install scripts. If you are unsure, omit it and confirm them manually.

3. Install gvsbuild

The recommended way to install gvsbuild is with pipx. Open a new regular user PowerShell terminal and execute:

python -m pip install --user pipx
python -m pipx ensurepath
pipx install gvsbuild

Alternatively, you can also use git to clone the repository and install it. Open a new regular user PowerShell terminal and execute:

mkdir C:\gtk-build\github
cd C:\gtk-build\github
git clone
cd C:\gtk-build\github\gvsbuild
python -m venv .venv
pip install .

Either way you may need to restart the shell multiple times. You may also need to update your PATH environment variable. Follow the on-screen instructions.

3b. Python SSL stuff

You probably want to make sure Python has an up to date certificate chain, I at least had trouble with Python fetching HTTPS content out of the box.

In the end, I downloaded the Curl cacert.pem ( and set an envrionment varibale:


This seemed to resolve SSL related issues

4. Compile GTK and related packages

Compile GTK3 with GI and with the Python PyGObject Wheels.

gvsbuild build --enable-gi --py-wheel gtk3 pygobject openssl gettext gtksourceview4 hicolor-icon-theme adwaita-icon-theme

This may take a while.

5. Update environment variables

Set the Path, LIB and INCLUDE environment variables so GTK binaries and libraries are found.

$env:Path = "C:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\bin;" + $env:Path
$env:LIB = "C:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\lib;" + $env:LIB
$env:INCLUDE = "C:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\include;C:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\include\cairo;C:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\include\glib-2.0;C:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\include\gobject-introspection-1.0;C:\gtk-build\gtk\x64\release\lib\glib-2.0\include;" + $env:INCLUDE

You may want to set these envrionment variables system-wide so they are restored on boot. If you don't, you may need to set these variables up every time you want to work on SkyTemple.

6. Create the SkyTemple Virtualenv (optional)

From now on you no longer need an administrator shell. You will need to have the environment setup correctly though.

It's recommended you setup a dedicated Python virtual environment for SkyTemple. You can skip this and install the packages directly in your system/user-wide Python environment.

One way to setup a virtualenv manually is:

mkdir <some-directory-for-skytemple-dev>
cd <some-directory-for-skytemple-dev>
python -m venv .venv

But you can use whatever tools you want for it.

7. Clone SkyTemple repos and install dependencies

Setup a directory for SkyTemple development. You may have already done this in the previous step (<some-directory-for-skytemple-dev>).

If you have created a virtualenv, make sure it is activated.

Make sure the Python wheel package is installed.

pip install wheel

Now install the previously built Python PyGObject and pycairo wheels.

cd <some-directory-for-skytemple-dev>
pip install --force-reinstall (Resolve-Path C:\gtk-build\build\x64\release\pygobject\dist\PyGObject*.whl)
pip install --force-reinstall (Resolve-Path C:\gtk-build\build\x64\release\pycairo\dist\pycairo*.whl)

The SDL2 library is also required for the built-in emulator. Download it from and place it on <some-directory-for-skytemple-dev>/.venv/Lib/site-packages. If you did not create a virtual environment, place it somewhere that is included in your system's PATH so Windows can find it when needed.

You can now clone any SkyTemple repo and install it in editable mode. Some are:

Inside each of the repositories listed above (IN THE SAME ORDER AS LISTED*), execute:

pip install -e .

This installs the package in "editable" mode, meaning changes you make to it will be applied directly; the package is installed directly from source (under Linux it uses Symlinks, don't know how it does it for Windows).

*: You can also skip cloning some repositories. For example if you only clone SkyTemple and run the above command, all of the other sub-projects will be downloaded from PyPi. You won't be able to work on them then.

Some of the repositories may have additional requirements should you decide to clone and install them in editable mode, such as skytemple-rust requiring a Rust compiler to be installed.

Some packages have some additional extra features.

For skytemple-files you most likely want to run the following command instead to also get SpriteCollab features:

pip install -e '.[spritecollab]'

For skytemple you want to run this command for eventserver support (required for the Textbox tool) and Discord presence support:

pip install -e '.[eventserver,discord]'

Full example if you only clone skytemple and used the Virtualenv setup above:

cd <some-directory-for-skytemple-dev>
git clone
cd skytemple
pip install -e '.[eventserver,discord]'

You can then run SkyTemple and everything should work.

# Run SkyTemple main UI:
python -m skytemple.main
# Run the randomizer
python -m skytemple_randomizer.frontend.gtk.main


  • I get an "armips could not be found" error when trying to apply ASM patches
    • A: Add the path to the armips executable ( to your PATH. You can also copy the executable into skytemple-files/skytemple_files/_resources.