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File metadata and controls

570 lines (432 loc) · 24.1 KB

Contributing to the DataPLANT website

Independent of the type of contribution you want to make, make sure to first understand the general page and content structure.

Then, we have dedicated sections for content creators and developers.

General Page and Content Structure

Page structure

In general, the page has (with some exceptions) 3 'Levels' of content:

  • MainPageCards: 1st level content, which is displayed on the main landing page as cards that link to subpages.
  • SubPages: 2nd level content, which is displayed as a subpage with:
    • a hero (large header content)
    • a feature collection (a matrix of features that either link to external or 3rd level content).
  • Articles: 3rd level content, which is displayed as a single page with a hero and the content of the article, event, news or publication.

All of these are generated from markdown files. Generally, these markdown files contain a frontmatter section that defines metadata about the content in yaml format, e.g. the background color of a mainPageCard. The content itself is usually written below the frontmatter in markdown syntax.

There are some exceptions to this structure, for example when pages are generated from data or the 3 level structure does not make sense. These currently are:

  • /arc-data-hub: Subpage without mainpage card
  • /toolbox: Subpage without mainpage card
  • publications:
    • no mainpage card
    • generated from bibtex files
    • 2nd level subpage /publications has special format with a list of featured and all publications grouped by year.
  • events:
    • no mainpage card
    • generated from event markdown content files
    • 2nd level subpage /events has special format with a list of events that can be filtered.
    • each event has a specialy formatted 3rd level page with a detailed description of the event.
  • news:
    • no mainpage card, but a special DataPLANT News section is generated from the 6 most recent newsitems
    • generated from event markdown content files
    • 2nd level subpage /news has special format with a grid with a preview of all news items ordered by most recent.
    • each newsitem has a specialy formatted 3rd level page with the full newsitem text.
  • community and partners
    • no mainpage card
    • 2nd level subpage /community-and-partners is generated from csv files participants.csv, projects.csv and places.csv in src/assets/data. This page contains an interactive map showing the location of all participants and projects, as well as a readable list below the map.

Content structure

  • Most of the content in src/content maps 1-to-1 on the page structure:

    ├───articles       // content files for 3rd level articles
    ├───events         // content files for events
    ├───mainpagecards  // content files for mainpage cards
    ├───news           // content files for news items
    ├───publications   // bibtex files for publications
    ├───subpage        // configuration files for subpages (hero + included features)
    └───subpageContent // content files for features on 2nd level subpages          
        ├───about      // content files for features on the about subpage
        ├───...        // etc.
  • Images are stored in src/assets/images

  • Data is stored in src/assets/data.

For Content Creators


please make sure that you have read the general page structure section before continuing


For the addition of publications, events, news items, and participants we offer issue templates

To contribute content, you generally have to understand the frontmatter that is expected for each type of content. Then, you can start by creating a markdown file in the appropriate folder.

Mainpage Cards

Mainpage cards are generated from markdown files in src/content/mainpagecards.

The frontmatter for a mainpage card looks like this:

title: About DataPLANT
subtitle: Towards democratization of plant research.
image: /src/assets/images/subpage/about/about-mainpage.svg
index: 1
linkTo: about
  glass: true
  bgColor: mint
  textColor: black
  buttonColor: darkblue
  buttonTextColor: white
  textPosition: left

with these fields:

Field name description Note
title The title of the card Mandatory
subtitle A subtitle for the card Mandatory
image The path to the image Mandatory
index The order of the card on the main page Mandatory
linkTo The link to the subpage Mandatory
styling The styling of the card Mandatory

styling is an object with the following fields:

Field name description Note
glass Whether the card should have a glass effect Mandatory
bgColor The background color of the card Mandatory
textColor The text color of the card Mandatory
buttonColor The color of the button Mandatory
buttonTextColor The text color of the button Mandatory
textPosition The position of the text one of left, right, top, bottom, text-only, Mandatory


Subpages are generated from two types of markdown files that both need to be created to generate a valid subpage:

SubPage Configuration

The configuration file for a subpage are located at src/content/subpage. The frontmatter for a subpage configuration file looks like this:

title: About DataPLANT
tagline: Towards democratization of plant research.
description: 'Towards democratization of plant research.'
image: /src/assets/images/subpage/about/about-mainpage.svg
  titleColor: darkblue
  bgColor: mint
  textColor: black
  textPosition: bottom
  - about/our-mission
  - about/community-and-partners
  - about/governance
  - about/task-areas
  - about/rdm-concept
  - about/testimonials
  - about/nfdi

with these fields:

Field name description Note
title The title of the subpage hero Mandatory
description A subtitle for the subpage hero Mandatory
tagline A tagline for the subpage hero, must be short Optional
image The path to the image for the subpage hero Mandatory
styling The styling of the subpage hero Mandatory
content The content of the subpage feature section Mandatory

styling is an object with the following fields:

Field name description Note
titleColor The color of the title Optional
bgColor The background color of the subpage hero Optional
textColor The text color of the subpage hero Optional
textPosition The position of the text one of left, right, top, bottom, text-only, Mandatory

content is an array of strings that reference the subpage content files in src/content/subpageContent.

Any markdown content below the frontmatter will be rendered as a text block in the SubPage hero.

SubPage Content

The content files for a subpage are located at src/content/subpageContent. These files contain the individual feature links in the feature collection grid of the subpage.


All markdown content below the frontmatter in these files will be ignored.

The frontmatter for a subpage content file looks like this:

title: Our Task Areas
icon: "tabler:subtask"
href: /articles/task-areas
summary: "DataPLANT is organized into four task areas, each with a specific focus and set of objectives."

with these fields:

Field name description Note
title The title of the feature Mandatory
icon The icon of the feature format <icon collection>:<icon name>, feel free to request additional icon packages, Mandatory
href The link to the feature Mandatory
summary A summary of the feature Mandatory


Articles are generated from markdown files in src/content/articles. They have minimal frontmatter, as the focus is on the content of the article.

The frontmatter for an article looks like this:

title: DataPLANT Task Areas
description: Overview of the DataPLANT Task Areas

with these fields:

Field name description Note
title The title of the article Mandatory
description A summary of the article Mandatory


Events are generated from markdown files in src/content/events.

The frontmatter for an event looks like this:

title: ARCify your research project
description: 'Learn how to move your datasets into ARCs, share them via the DataHUB, and annotate them with metadata.'
category: Training
mode: 'OfflineEventAttendanceMode'
audience: [Users, DataStewards]
  start: 2024-10-24T09:00:00
  end: 2024-10-24T12:00:00
  # -- or for repeating events --
  # - 
  #  start: 2024-10-24
  #  end: 2024-10-25
  # - 
  #  start: 2024-11-24
  #  end: 2024-11-25
  - Dominik Brilhaus (CEPLAS)
  - Sabrina Zander (MibiNet)
image: ~/assets/images/events/ceplas-ARCs.drawio.png
  name: Dominik Brilhaus
  affiliation: CEPLAS Data
  short: HHU
  description: 'First-come-first-serve. Members of CEPLAS have priority. Everyone else is welcome, if seats are available.' 
  url: ''
  deadline: 2024-10-17
  seats: 12

with these fields:

Field name description Note
title The title of the event Mandatory
description A brief description of the event Mandatory
category The category of the event one of Conference', 'Hackathon', 'Webinar', 'Training', Mandatory
when Event instantiation(s) Either a single object or an array of 'when's , containing the start and end date and time of the event in ISO 8601 format. Mandatory
mode The mode of the event (e.g., online, OfflineEventAttendanceMode) one of 'OfflineEventAttendanceMode', 'OnlineEventAttendanceMode', 'MixedEventAttendanceMode', Mandatory
audience The intended audience of the event array of 'Users', 'DataStewards', 'Developers', 'Everyone', Mandatory
location The location information for the event Mandatory
image The path to the image associated with the event Optional
tutors A list of tutors conducting the event Optional
organizer Information about the organizer Optional
registration Details regarding event registration Optional
external An external url Optional

location is an object with the following fields:

Field name description Note
name A short name or abbreviation of the location Mandatory
url The URL with directions or location info Optional
address The address of the location in freetext Optional

tutors is an array of strings listing the names and affiliations of event tutors.

organizer is an object with the following fields:

Field name description Note
name The name of the event organizer Optional
affiliation The affiliation of the organizer Optional
url A URL to the organizer's page or profile Optional

registration is an object with the following fields:

Field name description Note
description A description of the registration process Optional
url The registration URL Optional
deadline The deadline for registration in YYYY-MM-DD format Optional
seats The number of available seats Optional

when can be either a single object or an array of objects, each containing the start and end date and time of the event in ISO 8601 format.


  start: 2024-10-24T09:00:00
  end: 2024-10-24T12:00:00


Using a list of objects will create multiple instances of the event. This is useful for events that repeat on a regular basis.

    start: 2024-10-24T09:00:00
    end: 2024-10-25T12:00:00
    start: 2024-11-24T09:00:00
    end: 2024-11-25T12:00:00

You can give optional props to single instantiantions of a event using the syntax below. The props object can have any field the base type has, but it is not mandatory to provide all fields.


If you replace any object field, for example registration, you must provide all subfields for this object you want to use. You cannot partially replace an object field.

    start: 2024-10-24T09:00:00
    end: 2024-10-25T12:00:00
    start: 2024-11-24T09:00:00
    end: 2024-11-25T12:00:00
        description: 'First-come-first-serve. Members of CEPLAS have priority. Everyone else is welcome, if seats are available.' 
        url: ''
        deadline: 2024-11-17
        seats: 42

In this example the event on 2024-11-24 has a specific different registration object.


News are generated from markdown files in src/content/news.

The frontmatter for a news item looks like this:

date: 2019-05-15
title: BioDATEN and DaPLUS+ at NFDI conference in Bonn
description: Both the not yet started Science Data Center "BioDATEN" and the DaPLUS+ initiative were present at the two days NFDI conference held in mid of May in Bonn.

with these fields:

Field name description Note
date The date of the news item Mandatory
title The title of the news item Mandatory
description A brief description of the news item Mandatory


Publications are generated from bibtex files in src/content/publications.


There must be one bibtex file per publication, so make sure that citekeys are not reused between files.

The bibtex file for a publication looks like this:

author = {Weil, Heinrich Lukas and Schneider, Kevin and Tschöpe, Marcel and Bauer, Jonathan and Maus, Oliver and Frey, Kevin and Brilhaus, Dominik and Martins Rodrigues, Cristina and Doniparthi, Gajendra and Wetzels, Florian and Lukasczyk, Jonas and Kranz, Angela and Grüning, Björn and Zimmer, David and Deßloch, Stefan and von Suchodoletz, Dirk and Usadel, Björn and Garth, Christoph and Mühlhaus, Timo},
title = {PLANTdataHUB: a collaborative platform for continuous FAIR data sharing in plant research},
journal = {The Plant Journal},
volume = {116},
number = {4},
pages = {974-988},
keywords = {ARC Annotated research context, DataHUB, FAIR, FAIR digital object, research data management},
doi = {},
url = {},
eprint = {},
abstract = {...},
year = {2023},
note = {open access},

The following bibtex fields are currently used:

Field name description Note
id the citekey, e.g. weil2023 Mandatory
type the type of publication, e.g article Mandatory
author the authors of the publication Mandatory
abstract the abstract of the publication Optional
title the title of the publication Mandatory
journal the journal the publication was published in Optional
doi the doi of the publication Optional, note that one of doi or url must be set
url the url of the publication Optional, note that one of doi or url must be set
year the year of publication Mandatory
note used here to signify open access via note = {open access} Optional


Add new participants to the participants.csv file in src/assets/data.

Add new projects to the projects.csv file in src/assets/data.

Add new places to the places.csv file in src/assets/data.

Note that participants or projects must always point to an existing place.

For Developers


please make sure that you have read the general page structure section before continuing



Where possible, content is implemented via astro content collections All frontmatter of content files can be further defined in src/content/config.js!


These files will be used to generate mainpage cards on index.astro. The file responsible for generating the respective layout is /src/pages/index.astro.

src/content/subpage and src/content/subpageContent


This content generates what we call "LEVEL 2" content.

All files found here will be used to generate a file structure like /:slug. The slug is automatically generated from the filename. The file responsible for generating the respective layout is /src/pages/[...slug]/index.astro.

This content type is the most complex as it references another content type found in src/content/subpageContent. All subpage content is defined in src/content/subpageContent and can be referenced using the frontmatter content:

  - information/news
  - information/events



This content generates what we call "LEVEL 3" content.

All files found here will be used to generate a file structure like /articles/:slug. The slug is automatically generated from the filename. The file responsible for generating the respective layout is /src/pages/articles/[slug].astro.


All files found here are used to generate the page /events/... structure. Multiple pages are created for this content:

  • /events is a list of all events (from /src/pages/events/index.astro)
  • /events/[slug], where slug is the file name or a frontmatter slug property. This can be any of two, a detailed view on a single event or a list of events for repeating events (when is array, from /src/pages/[event]/index.astro).
  • /events/[slug]/[dd-MM-yyyy], slug as above, dd-MM-yyyy is when.start of the specific event instantiation (e.g. 13-11-2024). This is always a detailed view on a single event (from src/pages/events/[event]/[date].astro).


All files found here will be used to generate a file structure like /news/:slug. The slug is automatically generated from the filename. The file responsible for generating the respective layout is /src/pages/news/[...slug].astro.

All content news are display in /src/pages/news/index.astro.


Publications do not follow standard astro collection structure. Instead a bibtex parser is used to read these files. The file responsible for generating the respective layout is /src/pages/publications.astro.


Astro creates one url from any file placed in src/pages. The file structure is automatically converted to a url. For example, src/pages/test.astro will be available at localhost:3000/test. This can be used to create and design special pages not covered by the content collection structures.


Tailwind + Daisy UI

We added support for Tailwind together with the more opinionated daisyUI.


This site uses Astro as static site generator. It is highly adaptable and can be used with any frontend framework. Currently we added support for .astro, .md, .mdx files. But astro can work with any frontend framework like React, Vue, Svelte, Preact etc.

Will paste the astro readme part below:

Click to expand


🚀 Project Structure

Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│   └── favicon.svg
├── src/
│   ├── components/
│   │   └── Card.astro
│   ├── layouts/
│   │   └── Layout.astro
│   └── pages/
│       └── index.astro
└── package.json

Astro looks for .astro or .md files in the src/pages/ directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name.

There's nothing special about src/components/, but that's where we like to put any Astro/React/Vue/Svelte/Preact components.

Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public/ directory.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CLI

👀 Want to learn more?

Feel free to check our documentation or jump into our Discord server.