password(string $password)
Set the password for opening the source file.
landscape(bool $bool)
Sets the paper orientation to landscape.
nativePageRanges(string $range)
Page ranges to print, e.g., '1-4' - empty means all pages.
If multiple files are provided, the page ranges will be applied independently to each file.
doNotExportFormFields(bool $bool)
Set whether to export the form fields or to use the inputted/selected content of the fields.
singlePageSheets(bool $bool)
Set whether to render the entire spreadsheet as a single page.
pdfFormat(Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Enumeration\PdfFormat $format)
Convert the resulting PDF into the given PDF/A format.
pdfUniversalAccess(bool $bool)
Enable PDF for Universal Access for optimal accessibility.
merge(bool $bool)
Merge alphanumerically the resulting PDFs.
files(string $paths)
Adds office files to convert (overrides any previous files).
metadata(array $metadata)
Resets the metadata.
addMetadata(string $key, string $value)
The metadata to write.
allowDuplicateFieldNames(bool $bool)
Specify whether multiple form fields exported are allowed to have the same field name.
doNotExportBookmarks(bool $bool)
Specify if bookmarks are exported to PDF.
exportBookmarksToPdfDestination(bool $bool)
Specify that the bookmarks contained in the source LibreOffice file should be exported to the PDF file as Named Destination.
exportPlaceholders(bool $bool)
Export the placeholders fields visual markings only. The exported placeholder is ineffective.
exportNotes(bool $bool)
Specify if notes are exported to PDF.
exportNotesPages(bool $bool)
Specify if notes pages are exported to PDF. Notes pages are available in Impress documents only.
exportOnlyNotesPages(bool $bool)
Specify, if the form field exportNotesPages is set to true, if only notes pages are exported to PDF.
exportNotesInMargin(bool $bool)
Specify if notes in margin are exported to PDF.
convertOooTargetToPdfTarget(bool $bool)
Specify that the target documents with .od[tpgs] extension, will have that extension changed to .pdf when the link is exported to PDF. The source document remains untouched.
exportLinksRelativeFsys(bool $bool)
Specify that the file system related hyperlinks (file:// protocol) present in the document will be exported as relative to the source document location.
exportHiddenSlides(bool $bool)
Export, for LibreOffice Impress, slides that are not included in slide shows.
skipEmptyPages(bool $bool)
Specify that automatically inserted empty pages are suppressed. This option is active only if storing Writer documents.
addOriginalDocumentAsStream(bool $bool)
Specify that a stream is inserted to the PDF file which contains the original document for archiving purposes.
losslessImageCompression(bool $bool)
Specify if images are exported to PDF using a lossless compression format like PNG or compressed using the JPEG format.
quality(int $quality)
Specify the quality of the JPG export. A higher value produces a higher-quality image and a larger file. Between 1 and 100.
reduceImageResolution(bool $bool)
Specify if the resolution of each image is reduced to the resolution specified by the form field maxImageResolution.
maxImageResolution(Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Enumeration\ImageResolutionDPI $resolution)
If the form field reduceImageResolution is set to true, tell if all images will be reduced to the given value in DPI. Possible values are: 75, 150, 300, 600 and 1200.
splitMode(?Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Enumeration\SplitMode $splitMode)
Either intervals or pages. (default None).
splitSpan(string $splitSpan)
Either the intervals or the page ranges to extract, depending on the selected mode. (default None).
splitUnify(bool $bool)
Specify whether to put extracted pages into a single file or as many files as there are page ranges. Only works with pages mode. (default false).
downloadFrom(array $downloadFrom)
webhookConfiguration(string $name)
Providing an existing $name from the configuration file, it will correctly set both success and error webhook URLs as well as extra_http_headers if defined.
webhookUrl(string $url, ?string $method)
Sets the webhook for cases of success.
Optionaly sets a custom HTTP method for such endpoint among : POST, PUT or PATCH.
errorWebhookUrl(?string $url, ?string $method)
Sets the webhook for cases of error.
Optionaly sets a custom HTTP method for such endpoint among : POST, PUT or PATCH.
webhookExtraHeaders(array $extraHeaders)
Extra headers that will be provided to the webhook endpoint. May it either be Success or Error.