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aplaice edited this page Dec 5, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the CrowdAnki wiki!

The wiki is intended to contain, among other things:

  1. Descriptions of various (fixed or not yet fixed) bugs.
  2. Debug console scripts to help diagnose or sometimes fix such bugs (if, for whatever reason it's not possible to make CrowdAnki fix the bugs automatically).
  3. Various tips and tricks.
  4. Links to associated tools, such as Brain-Brew, CrowdAnki-diff or Anki Deck Manager (Python port thereof).
  5. Links to decks using CrowdAnki.

Please feel free to contribute anything from the above categories or anything else that you feel might be useful to other users of CrowdAnki!


We're not yet sure about the best structure for the wiki, so please feel free to create new pages as you feel fit (or, if in doubt — or if you have suggestions! — open a new issue in the main repo). Please don't be offended if we end up moving things around, though. (We won't delete anything unless it's extremely out-dated or actively misleading.)

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