2.0.0 (2023-12-07)
- paypal: Switches the immediate unit of coin from USD to VND
- execute printing request: executing a printing request is now restricted to students only
- coin: add bonus coin for each 100,000 VND base on configurarion (c53bef4)
- coin: implement new handler and API dor bonusCoinPer100000VND configuration (78b5f60)
- coin: implement new handler and API for coin to VND configuration (b2edfad)
- configuration printing: save file after approving configuration on Minio for preview (f3a0a35)
- configuration: implement serving fee configuration and missing get configuration APIs (456d240)
- coin: convert from amount VND to USD rounded to two decimal places (8466bcf)
- coin: round VND conversion from USD to avoid missing bonus coin (4f8d8f3)
- execute printing request: decrease appropriate user's remain coins base on printing request (83074d2)
- permission: change permission of get configuration APIs to be accessible by all roles (56b1ac6)
- printer: let CUPS choose a printer (7073e3d)
- printing request: adjust coins and pages with changes in amount of pages when config changes (6968c22)
- printing: change synchronize handler of execute printing request to use a for loop (68495ae)
- printing: send only buffer to printer in development environment (7d0a346)
- paypal: change amount of create PayPal Order to VND; use VND as immediate unit of coin (cd79516)
- env.ts: Changing to using process.env instead of envs (envalid). Need to fix later.
- printing request: change from node-thermal-printer to node-printer
- auth: implement API for logout (1143d44)
- auth: implement authorization with admin and student (565a308)
- cd: implement CD for cloned containers to ensure the success of development deployments (c0d9f07)
- configuration: create new table for saving configurations (8ca0d88)
- configuration: implement API for getting all configurations and updating accepted extensions (ac726ec)
- configuration: move dollar to coin config to db (6416e91)
- dev-dependency: add commitlint and commitizen for conventional commit (413d4f1)
- docker-compose: modify docker-compose to using .env file and using ssps external network (2040e31)
- edit pdf file: uncomple edit pdf file for config printing file (e37593f)
- edit pdf: change select page custom from array to comma-separated string (46a03ff)
- edit pdf: implement a comprehensive function wrapping the entire setting functionality (516be6a)
- edit pdf: implement landscape with page per sheet parameter (0c01474)
- edit pdf: implement portrait with page per sheet parameter (7d7ca4b)
- edit pdf: implement setting for two-sided short or long edge (f4ea167)
- google oauth: implement handler logic for google oauth callback (3e1c192)
- home page: implement an api to send slide image urls of home page (a37c900)
- printing request: change to use node-printer, implement logic print whole printing request (07fbc16)
- printing request: create new table of file, add roll back mechanism for add new file (6ee011e)
- printing request: implement an api for get all printing request of an user (192a999)
- printing request: implement API for canceling printing requests (8e92aff)
- printing request: implement API for changing the print quantity of files (acc795d)
- printing request: implement api for create printing request (1515e35)
- printing request: implment get all and remove specific file apis for printing request (9657185)
- printing request: upload numPages and numFiles in file uploads (fdad29d)
- printing-config: implement API for adjusting copies of a single file (4d5a5f6)
- printing: complete handler for configuring print file and sending it to printer (953d97a)
- printingrequest: split upload file and config api to two seperate apis (4e19fba)
- priting request: implement api for upload file to priting request (7a9cf05)
- purchase coin: implement PayPal Coin Purchase APIs (6999d15)
- upload file: create schema body for upload file api to it can work in swagger (1a33700)
- user: implement api for get current remain coins of user (5fb7e7f)
- workflows: split cd for deploy of development and product (8fd3c62)
- cd: adjust name of docker compose file in dev-deploy (e8868bf)
- cd: separate ports and docker-compose file for test deployment service and developer service (46e5410)
- cd: update developer CD for new Docker Compose settings (3882c49)
- configuration: convert DB configuration getter to arrow function (94f5cfa)
- configuration: put retrieve configuration in db from configs folder to handlers (94c78ba)
- configuration: save value of DOLLAR_TO_COIN in code instead of database (366a64f)
- cors: cors is true for any incoming request on developer server (0dfda11)
- deployment: change CMD in docker container and fix random port when starting server (7a4fde6)
- dockerfile: add python3 and cup-devs to package of step 2 (5d3e42b)
- docker: install neccesary packets for node-printer at development stage of Dockerfile (123ae77)
- env.ts: accessing env variable via 'process.env' and implementing Google Oauth (1983de2)
- env.ts: resolve circular dependencies among configs, constants, utils, and repository modules (e698ae9)
- google oauth: add response in gg redirect schema; fix catch handler (fc534b5)
- printing config: remove duplicate increase of coins and pages in printing request (7ff7a0a)
- printing config: update coins of printing request base on number of copies in upload config API (e6ed59c)
- printing config: update numOfCopies increase numCoins; increase max file upload in the system (88b2472)
- printing file: retrieve all files of printing requests ordered by creation time (420d9eb)
- release.yml: ensure image name don't have capitalize (420637a)
- release.yml: remove needs of release job for buld and deploy jobs (e74f22f)
- role: create corresponding student when user has the 'student' role (1b347df)
- server.ts: add credentials equal true to config of fastify/cors (3d06865)
- upload file: increase limits of fastify multipart (4fab935)
- user.handler.ts: change return of api/user to {id, email} (b7fb5a3)
1.6.0 (2023-08-22)
- dtos: migrate from
(ab84294) - error handler: catch more cases (c746a39)
1.5.0 (2023-08-07)
- update template structures & code quality (114ed2e)
1.4.0 (2023-06-07)
- envs: add validations using
1.3.0 (2023-05-23)
- request: write custom type for authenticated request (9340448)
- routes: disable exposing HEAD route for each GET method (5825529)
1.2.4 (2023-05-20)
- release.yml: good fix (ca14e0f)
1.2.3 (2023-05-20)
- release.yml: fuking shit (6e70795)
1.2.2 (2023-05-20)
- ci: remove print release step outputs (a1c7bb4)
1.2.1 (2023-05-20)
- github actions cannot read
job's outputs (7264e4f)
1.2.0 (2023-05-20)
- ci: adapt new ci workflows (89ec5dc)
1.1.0 (2023-05-20)
- add bot's PR header (062e6ec)
1.0.1 (2023-05-20)
- dependabot.yml: disable version updates for npm dependencies (a003e1a)
- manage tags and versions (fd15413)