The income distribution explorer is a tool which can be used to understand income distribution for households and families in New Zealand.
The tool allows users to explore and compare the income distribution for subgroups of interest, for example households with individuals aged over 65, households with (and without) children, and households in receipt of different welfare payments.
1) Maximise window to full screen.
2) Select the input data from the excel file provided using the Browse... button.
3) Select Population Type: either Households or Families.
4) Select Population Sub Groups using the drop down menu, for example, Couple with children and Couple without children. We suggest that no more than 4 subgroups are selected otherwise the plots become difficult to interpret.
5) Select the Income type: either Equivalised Disposable Income, Taxable Income, Disposable Income or Total Income.
This tab displays the income distribution for the subgroups and income measure selected by ventiles and fixed income bands. See Definitions for more detail on the income boundaries used in this tool. To download a plot, hover the mouse over the plot which will cause several icons to appear in the top right corner of the plot. Click on the little camera icon to download a plot.
This tab displays the data which is used to create the ventile and income band plots. A Download Data button is available to save the data as a CSV file. Note if there is an 'S' or a blank space in the tables, this means the population was too small to be released from the IDI and has been suppressed.