rm size from icons another a11y audit:
- id generation;
- labelledby can contain few ids;
- focusable and aria-hidden combinations
- https://pattern-library.dequelabs.com/components/selects
- https://t.co/klHVgkbadG?amp=1
- https://t.co/kmIIM9zIIs?amp=1
- check a11y dropdowns display
- check expand display none
- add a11y notes to each component screenshot testing
MediaQuery Image OptionsGroup for Select ProgressBar ProgressSteps ContextMenu Slider subscribe-ui-event mod
aria attributes
role=group role=tooltip + id + aria-describedby aria-expanded - on toggler aria-hidden - on content role=region - on content role=listbox and option role=menu and menuitem nav for pagination aria-current=page aria-disabled table scope row col aria-required and required aria-selected