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UrbanSim Parcel Version

Paul Waddell edited this page Jul 8, 2014 · 9 revisions

A Parcel-Based Version of UrbanSim

UrbanSim can be configured to run at a parcel and building level of spatial detail. The description below is based on the parcel-level UrbanSim configuration that is being used, with some variations, in the metropolitan areas of Detroit, Phoenix, San Francisco, and Seattle, and others in progress.

Significant efforts have been made to generalize and make the OPUS platform highly modular and flexible. One motivation for this was the desire to be able to adapt the model system from the initial gridcell application used in most early UrbanSim applications, to use parcels, or alternatively, zones, as alternative configurations. This effort has now been completed, and we have created both a parcel-level version of the model system documented in this section of the website, as well as a zone-level version of the model system documented in the Documentation.Zone/WebHome section of the documentation.

Models in the Parcel Version of UrbanSim

Below are the models used in the zone version of !UrbanSim. Each model name links to a more detailed description of its objective, algorithm, configuration and data.

Model Name Abbreviation Description
Scheduled Development Events Model SDEM Handles Scheduled Development Events
Scheduled Employment Events Model SEEM Handles Scheduled Employment Events
Real Estate Price Model REPM Predicts price per unit for each building
Expected Sales Price Model ESPM Predicts sale prices for proposed development projects
Development Proposal Choice Model DPCM Predicts which development proposals will be constructed
Building Construction Model BCM Constructs selected development projects, using a schedule (velocity function)
HouseholdTransitionModel HTM Adds New Households or Removes Households to Match Control Totals
EmploymentTransitionModel ETM Adds New Jobs or Removes Jobs to Match Control Totals
HouseholdRelocationModel HRM Predicts Households Decision to Relocate Within Region
HouseholdLocationChoiceModel HLCM Predicts Location Choices for New or Moving Households
EmploymentRelocationModel ERM Predicts Job (Employer) Decision to Relocate Within Region
EmploymentLocationChoiceModel ELCM Predicts Location Choices for New or Moving Jobs
Distribute Unplaced Jobs Model DUJM Allocates sectors of employment (e.g. Military) proportionally
Refinement Model RM Refine simulation results according to user specified conditions
Work-at-home Choice Model WAHCM Models whether a worker primarily work from home
Workplace Choice Model WCM Models workplace for out-of-home workers

Data Used in the Parcel Version of UrbanSim

Table Descriptions

Below is a compilation of all the tables used in the parcel version of UrbanSim. Each table name links to a description of the columns within the table. The tables are listed alphabetically.

Table Name Required Brief Description
annual_employment_control_totals Y Control totals containing the aggregate targets for employment by sector
annual_household_control_totals Y Control totals containing the aggregate targets for households by type
annual_household_relocation_rates Y Annual relocation rates for households by category
annual_job_relocation_rates Y Annual relocation rates for jobs by employment sector
buildings Y Individual buildings on a parcel
building_sqft_per_job Y Non-residential sqft used by each job
building_types Y Building types as classified by the user, usually at least 2 residential types and several non-residential types
cities N List of cities within the region, primarily for indicators
counties N List of counties within the region, primarily for indicators
demolition_cost_per_sqft Y Demolition cost per square foot, for redevelopment of existing structures
development_constraints Y Regulatory constraints on development, from comprehensive plans or other sources
development_event_history N Development projects that have been built over a historical period of (for example) 10 years. Not used in Development Proposal Choice Model
development_project_proposals Y Proposals for development projects, either user-specified or simulated
development_templates Y User-provided templates describing different types of development projects
development_template_components Y Descriptions of components of development templates
employment_adhoc_sector_groups N Aggregations of employment sectors into groups such as basic, retail, service
employment_adhoc_sector_group_definitions N Definitions (textual) of ad-hoc sector groups
employment_sectors Y Employment sectors, defined by the user as aggregations of an industrial classification, e.g. NAICS or SIC
fazes N Optional geographic table that provides a zone aggregation, used mainly for indicators
generic_land_use_types Y Broad classifications of land uses
home_based_status Y Indicator table for jobs that are home-based
household_characteristics_for_ht Y Household characteristics used in the Household Transition Model
households Y Household data, for socioeconomic and density variables
households_for_estimation N Households table used in estimation, from a household survey with recent movers, if available
jobs Y Employment data, for accessibility and density variables
jobs_for_estimation N Jobs table used in estimation, from sample of newly locating jobs, if available
large_areas N Optional higher level geography, aggregations of FAZ geography (user-determined), for indicators
land_use_types Y land use types, classification of land use
parcels Y Parcels, usually based on property ownership, which may contain 0, 1 or more buildings
persons N Optional persons table, used for workplace choice model and activity-based travel model integration
plan_types Y Plan types are a composite of development regulations, represented as polygons in a GIS layer
race_names N Optional names for race groups defined in the synthetic population
target_vacancies Y Structural or target vacancies - trigger development when vacancies fall below this
travel_data Y Zone-to-zone skims from the travel model, for accessibility variables
velocity_functions Y Velocity functions describe the schedule for development of development projects spanning multiple years
zones Y Zones used in the travel model, for accessibility and density variables


Scheduled Development Events Model (SDEM)


The Scheduled Development Events Model (SDEM) handles development events (projects) that are scheduled to happen in specified simulation years.


It modifies the buildings table according to specified action of each events in the scheduled_development_events table. See the sample scheduled_development_events table below for actions that are supported.


OPUS path to model code


Model Parameters

The configuration of the SDEM in the zone model system is summarized in the following table:

Element Setting
Dataset Buildings
Model Type User specified, deterministic


scheduled_development_events table is used by the Scheduled Development Events Model. Below is a sample scheduled_development_events table that demonstrates the functions of scheduled_development_events_model. The optional __notes__ column explains what each event does. Column year, action, attribute, and amount is required; users can remove one or all columns building_id, zone_id,building_type_id or add extra columns that are primary or computed attributes of building dataset.

year action attribute amount building_id zone_id building_type_id *__notes__*
2010 add_value residential_units 5000 1009 -1 -1 add 5000 residential_units to building 1009
2010 subtract_value non_residential_sqft 100000 1009 -1 -1 reduce 100000 non_residential_sqft from building_id 1009
2011 set_value residential_units_capacity 10000 7002 -1 -1 set the residential_unit_capacity to 10000 for building 7002
2011 multiply_value average_value_per_unit 1.2 -1 700 -1 multiply the average_value_per_unit by 1.2 for all buildings in zone 700
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