Group: Painting and Drawing - Library: gdi32
The GetBoundsRect function obtains the current accumulated bounding rectangle for a specified device context. The system maintains an accumulated bounding rectangle for each application. An application can retrieve and set this rectangle.
Obtaining the bounding rectangle for the specified device context
UINT GetBoundsRect(
HDC hdc, // handle to device context
LPRECT lprcBounds, // bounding rectangle
UINT flags // function options
DECLARE INTEGER GetBoundsRect IN gdi32;
STRING @ lprcBounds,;
hdc [in] Handle to the device context whose bounding rectangle the function will return.
lprcBounds [out] Pointer to the RECT structure that will receive the current bounding rectangle.
flags [in] Specifies how the GetBoundsRect function will behave.
The return value specifies the state of the accumulated bounding rectangle; it can be one of the following values.