Group: Remote Application Programming (RAPI) - Library: rapi
Pocket PC: custom RAPI class for operating with the Object Store Databases
CEOID CeWriteRecordProps(
HANDLE hDbase,
CEOID oidRecord,
DECLARE INTEGER CeWriteRecordProps IN rapi;
INTEGER hDbase,;
INTEGER oidRecord,;
hDbase [in] Handle to an open database. The database must have been opened by a previous call to the CeOpenDatabase function.
oidRecord [in] Object identifier of the record to which the specified properties are to be written. If this parameter is 0, a new record is created and filled in with the specified properties.
cPropID [in] Number of properties in the array specified by the rgPropVal parameter. The cPropID parameter must not be 0.
rgPropVal [in] Pointer to an array of CEPROPVAL structures that specify the property values to be written to the specified record.
The object identifier of the record to which the properties were written indicates success. Zero indicates failure.
To delete a property set the CEDB_PROPDELETE flag in the appropriate property value. Even if you have all properties for the record deleted, it still stays in the database. Use CeDeleteRecord function to delete a record.
See also: CeReadRecordProps, CeOpenDatabase, CeDeleteRecord functions.