Group: Shell Functions - Library: shell32
Retrieves the position of the mouse pointer at the time a file was dropped during a drag-and-drop operation.
Dragging files from Explorer window and dropping them on FoxPro control (requires VFP9)
BOOL DragQueryPoint(
HDROP hDrop,
DECLARE INTEGER DragQueryPoint IN shell32;
STRING @ lppt
hDrop Identifier of the structure that describes the dropped file.
lppt Address of a POINT structure that the function fills with the coordinates of the mouse pointer at the time the file was dropped.
Returns nonzero if the drop occurred in the client area of the window, or zero if the drop did not occur in the client area of the window.
The window for which coordinates are returned is the window that received the WM_DROPFILES message.
See also: DragAcceptFiles, DragQueryFile.