Creating an Open dialog box to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open (Shell32 version)
This is exactly the same functionality as in another example using the GetOpenFileName function.
And it is achieved with less amount of more simple code, which is because of Shell32 functions being generally more friendly to developer :)
See also:
- How to position the GETPRINTER() dialog
- Using Extended MessageBox() Class
- Extended MessageBox Class
- How to change font name and size in the MessageBox dialog
- Creating the Open dialog box to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open
- Creating the Save dialog box to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to save
- How to display a dialog box that enables the user to select a folder (an alternative to the GETDIR)
DO decl
LOCAL lcFilename, lcPath, lcExt, lcFilter, lcTitle
lcTitle = a2u("Open a database file")
lcPath = a2u(SYS(5)+SYS(2003))
lcExt = a2u("DBC")
lcFilter = a2u("Database (*.dbc)" + Chr(0) + "*.dbc" + Chr(0) +;
"All files" + Chr(0) + "*.*" + Chr(0)+Chr(0))
#DEFINE cnBufsize 250 && provide a sufficient buffer
lcFilename = a2u(PADR("test.dbc", cnBufsize))
IF GetFileNameFromBrowse(GetActiveWindow(),;
@lcFilename, cnBufsize,;
lcPath, lcExt, lcFilter, lcTitle) <> 0
? "Returned:", u2a(lcFilename)
* end of main
FUNCTION u2a(cText)
* converting a Unicode string to an ANSI string
LOCAL lcBuffer, lnBufsize
cText = SUBSTR(cText, 1, AT(Chr(0)+Chr(0),cText))
* first calling to define required buffer size
lcBuffer = ""
lnBufsize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,;
cText, Len(cText), @lcBuffer, 0, "?", 0)
lcBuffer = Repli(Chr(0), lnBufsize)
= WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,;
cText, Len(cText), @lcBuffer, lnBufsize, "?", 0)
RETURN SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 1, AT(Chr(0),lcBuffer)-1)
FUNCTION a2u(cText)
* converting an ANSI string to a Unicode string
LOCAL lcBuffer, lnBufsize
* first calling to define required buffer size
lcBuffer = ""
lnBufsize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED,;
cText, Len(cText), @lcBuffer, 0)
lcBuffer = Repli(Chr(0), lnBufsize*2) && in wide chars
= MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED,;
cText, Len(cText), @lcBuffer, lnBufsize)
RETURN lcBuffer
DECLARE INTEGER GetActiveWindow IN user32
DECLARE INTEGER GetFileNameFromBrowse IN shell32;
INTEGER hwnd, STRING @pszFilePath, LONG cchFilePath,;
STRING pszWorkingDir, STRING pszDefExt,;
STRING pszFilters, STRING szTitle
DECLARE INTEGER WideCharToMultiByte IN kernel32;
STRING lpWideCharStr, INTEGER cchWideChar,;
STRING @lpMultiByteStr, INTEGER cbMultiByte,;
STRING lpDefaultChar, INTEGER lpUsedDefaultChar
DECLARE INTEGER MultiByteToWideChar IN kernel32;
INTEGER CodePage, LONG dwFlags, STRING lpMultiByteStr,;
INTEGER cbMultiByte, STRING @lpWideCharStr,;
INTEGER cchWideChar
Also in this example you can find two routines for converting strings from ANSI to Unicode and from Unicode to ANSI using MultiByteToWideChar and WideCharToMultiByte functions.