An Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a protocol between a sender S and a receiver R that allows R to obtain a message mi from a set of messages M = {m0,...,mn} held by S without S learning which message R obtained and with R only learning mi and no other messages in M.
OT protocols have applications in areas such as secure multiparty computation and private set intersection.
It this project, a pure Rust Implementation of a 1-to-n OT protocol based on ElGamal Cryptosystem is implemented.
Given a cyclic group G of prime order n and one of its generator g, ElGamal Cryptosystem is a triple of polynomial time algorithms (Gen, Enc, Dec) with the following properties:
- The key generation algorithm Gen samples at random a value x belonging to the set Z*n(set of integers using modular n arithmetic, i.e., modulo n is applied on all operations) and computes y=gx mod n. The value x is the secret key and the value y is the public key.
- The encryption algorithm Enc takes as input a public key y and a message m belonging to the group G. Then, it samples at random a secret value r belonging to Z*n. After, it computes c1 = gr mod n and c2 = m.yr mod n = m.gx.r mod n. Finally, it outpus (c1, c2).
- The decryption algorithm Dec takes as inputs a secret key x and a tuple of ciphertexts (c1, c2). Then, it computes k = c1xmod n = gx.r mod n. Using k, it computes m = c2.k-1mod n = m.gx.r.g-(x.r) mod n
Following is a diagram that depicts the execution of the protocol:
Have the following components installed:
- Rust >= version 1.45
- OpenSSL >= version 1.1.1
Once the different environment dependencies have been installed, create an RSA private key and a signed certificate for the server (both in PEM format) using OpenSSL and place those files in src/keyfile folder.
Next, With the terminal working directory set to the project director, run the command cargo build --release
- To launch the Server/Sender program, executes the command
- To launch the Client/Receiver program, executes the command
Following is an example between a client and a server: As we can see, The client selected message at index 3, and after, it is only able to obtain a plaintext version of message at index 3.
Thus, 1-n OT protocol is respected.
- D. Boneh and V. Shoup, "A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography", Chapter 11