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Anomaly Sensor Detection - IMS Bearing NASA Acoustics and Vibration Database

PyCaret vs Custom BiLSTM (Bidirectional LSTM)


This project will use four unsupervised anomaly detection models from Pycaret to detect anomalies in sensor-bearing vibration signals. These models are Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine. In addition, a customed LSTM model will be built using the PyTorch Framework to autoencode and decode the signal input. The data comprises three vibrational sensor readings from the NASA Acoustics and Vibration Database. The datasets contained text files with 1-second vibration signal snapshots (20,480 data points) recorded at 5 and 10 minutes intervals at a sampling rate of 20 kHz.

• Pycaret is a high-performance, open-source, low-code library for ML modelling. It provides highly-efficient CPU/GPU implementations of ML models for cluster analysis, classification, time series and anomaly detection. Snap ML accelerates ML algorithms through system awareness and offers novel ML algorithms with best-in-class accuracy. Pycaret also automates ML workflows and aims to democratise ML. For more information, please visit Pycaret[1]. • PyTorch is a machine learning framework used for computer vision and natural language processing applications, initially developed by Meta AI and now part of the Linux Foundation umbrella. For more information, please visit PyTorch.

Choi et al. conducted a study of the impact of deep Learning reported on anomaly detection in time-series data [7]. Several works on these datasets have been reported to prevent early anomalies successfully using deep learning architectures [2][3][4][5]. These works followed a semi-supervised approach to detecting failure. However, there is no strong rationale for selecting a specific train data subset. In addition, the models are not challenged against unseen data (another dataset from the three groups. Other studies have produced successful results but only used a tiny fraction of the data [5].

In this work, we will use deep learning architectures, a BiLSTM, to predict anomalies in an unsupervised fashion. The Autoencoder decoder will be trained in all datasets without separating the anomalies portion and evaluated on test dataset 3. In addition, Cluster, Histogram, iForest, KNN, MCD and SVM anomaly detection models will be trained and assessed on the same datasets. Further, the performance of the unsupervised models will be compared [6] using the nonparametric statistics Friedman test and the posthoc test Friedman-Conover.

The aim of this study is to determine whether PyCaret offers a similar or better performance than Artificial Neural Networks but at low code, therefore, optimising resources.


The data were sourced from kaggle and comprises three datasets of vibrational sensor readings from the NASA Acoustics and Vibration Database. The datasets contained text files with 1-second vibration signal snapshots (20,480 data points) recorded at 5 and 10-minute intervals at a sampling rate of 20 kHz.


Experimental setup PyCaret Models

Table 1 Anomaly Models - PyCaret

ID Name Reference
cluster Clustering-Based Local Outlier pyod.models.cblof.CBLOF
iforest Isolation Forest pyod.models.iforest.IForest
histogram Histogram-based Outlier Detection pyod.models.hbos.HBOS
knn K-Nearest Neighbors Detector pyod.models.knn.KNN
svm One-class SVM detector pyod.models.ocsvm.OCSVM
mcd Minimum Covariance Determinant

Experimental Setup for BiLSTM

All experiments were run for 50 epochs, learning rate of 2 e-4 and a batch size of 32. The architecture used was a configurable Bidirectional-LSTM. For this work, only one layer with 32 hidden units and a dropout of 0.1 was used. The encoder-decoder can be customised to multiple BiLSTM layers.

Table 2 BILSTM Experiomental Setup Models

Exp Model Loss Optim
1 bilstm mae_loss adam
2 bilstm huber_loss adam
3 bilstm mae_loss adamw
4 bilstm huber_loss adamw

The results from each model will be further analysed using cluster metrics three metrics, the silhouette coefficient, Calinski-Harabaz and Davies-Boulding indexes.

  1. Silhouette Score is the mean Silhouette Coefficient for all clusters, which is calculated using the mean intra-cluster distance and the mean nearest-cluster distance. This score is between -1 and 1; the higher the score, the more well-defined and distinct the clusters are.

  2. Calinski-Harabaz Index is calculated using the between-cluster and within-cluster dispersion to measure the distinctiveness between groups. Like the Silhouette Score, the higher the score, the more well-defined the clusters are. This score has no bound, meaning no ‘acceptable’ or ‘good’ value exists.

  3. Davies-Bouldin Index is the average similarity of each cluster with its most similar cluster. Unlike the previous two metrics, this score measures the similarity of the clusters, meaning that the lower the score, the better the separation between the clusters. Zero is the lowest possible score. Values closer to zero indicate a better partition. The usage of centroid distance limits the distance metric to Euclidean space.

The disadvantage of the three metrics is that they generally score higher for convex clusters than other concepts of clusters. Therefore further compare their performance with non-parametric statistics.


Tables 3 and Figures 2-5 show the anomalies detected for each of the selected PyCaret and BiLST models for the training dataset and the independent test dataset.

Table 3: Anomalies detected by model for the training and test datasets.

Model Anomalies -
training dataset
Test dataset
Cluster 50 -
Histogram 50 -
iforest 50 187
KNN 50 -
MCD 50 78
SVM 50 95
Exp-01 99 190
Exp-02 98 191
Exp-03 99 190
Exp-04 104 191


Cluster Metrics

The models that obtained the highest Calinski-Harabasz and Davies-Bouldin indexes were SVM, MCV and Histogram. These models, in addition to IForest, showed the highest Silhouette scores (Table 4).

Non-parametric Comparison

  • From the nonparametric statistical Conover-Friedman test, we found a significant difference in detecting anomalies among the models with 95 % certainty.

  • For the training dataset, there is no significant difference in the performance of each Pycaret model. However, all BiLSTM experiments differed significantly from all PyCaret models (Table 6, Figure 6).

  • All BiLSTM experiments were not significantly different from each other, as shown in the Friedman-Conover and critical difference diagrams.

  • Exp-04 ranked the highest scored but was not significantly different to Exp-02 to Exp-04. The anomaly could have been detected with 22:00 lead time with Exp-02 and Exp-04, while for the PyCaret models, the Clustering-Based Local outlier cluster could have detected the anomalies 14:40 hr in advance.


Cluster Metrics

MCD and SVM obtained the highest Silhouette scores and Calinski-Harabasz and Davies-Bouldin indexes (Table 5).

  • From the nonparametric test, we can reject the null hypothesis that the performance of all models at detecting anomalies is not significantly different with 95% certainty

  • The ranking of the models shows that the best model. The Conover-Friedman test and critical difference diagram showed no statistical difference amongst experiments Exp-01 to Exp-04 and iForest with 95% certainty (Table 6, Figure 7).

  • Similarly, MCD and SVM showed no significant difference in detecting anomalies but significantly differed from all other models.

  • Experiments Exp-02 and Exp-04, which minimised the Huber-Loss, ranked the highest of all models.

  • The Conover-Friedman test and critical difference diagram showed no statistical difference amongst experiments Exp-01 to Exp-04 and iForest.

  • Any of the BiLSTM models could have detected the anomaly within a 27:00 hr lead time, specifically Exp-03 within 27:20:00, while Iforest detected the anomalies within a lead time of 25:30:00.


Train dataset - Dataset 2 (avg_df2)

Anomaly distribution on train dataset

Figure 2. Anomalies detected by the PyCaret models on the training dataset.

Test dataset - Dataset 3 (avg_df3)


Figure 3. Anomalies detected by the PyCaret models on the test dataset.

BiLSTM - PyTorch

Train dataset - Dataset 2 (avg_df2)

train_anomaly exp1A B train anomalies exp3C B

Figure 4. Anomalies distribution detected on the training dataset. The experimental setup is outlined in Table 2. A. Exp-01, B.Exp-02, C. Exp-03, D.Exp-04

Test dataset - Dataset 3 (avg_df3)

test_anomaly exp1A test_anomaly exp2B test_anomaly exp3C test_anomaly exp4D

Figure 5. Anomalies distribution detected on the test dataset. The experimental setup is outlined in Table 2. A. Exp-01, B.Exp-02, C. Exp-03, D.Exp-04.

Cluster Metrics

Table 4: Cluster metrics on the training dataset.

index silhoutte calinski_harabasz davies_bouldin
cluster 0.7762 646.9312 0.8175
histogram 0.8124 1001.4351 0.6754
iforest 0.8124 992.9829 0.6791
knn 0.8017 897.689 0.7167
mcd 0.8124 1004.5345 0.6739
svm 0.814 1011.3661 0.6723
exp1 0.7442 879.5458 0.7615
exp2 0.747 892.5695 0.7562
exp3 0.7442 879.5458 0.7615
exp4 0.7386 875.7697 0.764

Table 5: Cluster metrics on the test dataset.

index silhoutte calinski_harabasz davies_bouldin
iforest 0.923 7629.4839 0.7218
mcd 0.9557 15873.0144 0.3554
svm 0.9533 16564.1182 0.3939
exp1 0.9263 8549.185 0.6857
exp2 0.9256 8389.7269 0.692
exp3 0.9267 8656.1093 0.6818
exp4 0.9256 8433.0381 0.6902

Nonparametric Statistical Models Comparison - Friedman-Conover

Table 6: Models performance ranking for the training and test datasets.

Model Training Ranks Test Ranks
Exp-01 0.5647 0.5738
Exp-02 0.5642 0.5739
Exp-03 0.5647 0.5738
Exp-04 0.5673 0.5739
Cluster 0.5398 -
Histogram 0.5398 -
iForest 0.5398 0.5735
KNN 0.5398 -
MCD 0.5398 0.5663
SVM 0.5398 0.5649

Training results

  • Friedman-Chisquare nonparametric statistical test - p-value = 8.85e-75. Therefore the H0 is rejected.
  • Posthoc- Friedman-Conover pairwise comparison
  • Critical Difference Diagram

Figure 6. Figure 6. Conover-Friedman posthoc comparison training results and critical distance on the unseen test data by model.

Test results

  • Non-parametri test - Friedman-chisquare pvalue = 6.51e-19. Therefore the H0 is rejected.
  • Posthoc- Friedman-Conover pairwise comparison
  • Critical Difference Diagram

Figure 6. Conover-Friedman posthoc comparison test results and critical distance on the unseen test data by model.


In summary, Exp-04 consistently obtained the best performance in both datasets. The test dataset was almost six times larger than the train set. It also presented spikes at the beginning and middle of the test. We can observe that the data's size and quality impact the model's choice to detect failures. Models Histogram, Cluster, and KNN were excluded in the test comparison since they accounted for more than 50% of the test dataset which is inaccurate as per the data visualisations. These models showed to be less robust for unseen data.

Conversely, the IForest model took the lead in detecting anomalies together with Exp-01 and Exp-04 with no significant difference in their performance for the unseen test dataset. It showed to be more robust to changes independently of dataset size and unknown contamination.

We can conclude that the PyCaret Anomalies models selected in this work and the Bilstm (Bidirectional LSTM) Artificial Neural Networks can detect failures on the bearing sensors' signals at the same performance level. Whether these models can detect failures days or weeks in advance in other unseen data requires further testing and optimisation.


[1] PyCaret




[5] Zhang, R.; Peng, Z.; Wu, L.; Yao, B.; Guan, Y. Fault Diagnosis from Raw Sensor Data Using Deep Neural Networks Considering Temporal Coherence. Sensors 2017, 17, 549.

[6] Goldstein, M. and Uchida, S. (2016) ‘A comparative evaluation of unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms for multivariate data’, PLOS ONE, 11(4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152173.

[7] K. Choi, J. Yi, C. Park and S. Yoon, "Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection in Time-Series Data: Review, Analysis, and Guidelines," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 120043-120065, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3107975.