In this step we're going to build on top of the drag&drop functionality from step #6 by making it possible to sort the tracks within a board. The main difference between sorting tracks and sorting talks is that our tracks are laid out horizontally, and we don't have to worry about transferring between lists.
Enabling sorting for the tracks is as simple as adding the cdkDropList
to our board, making
the track draggable via cdkDrag
and listening for the cdkDropListDropped
event. We also have
to remember to set the cdkDropListOrientation
attribute to horizontal
, otherwise the CDK will
assume that the list is vertical.
<div class="board"
<div cdkDrag class="card-list mat-elevation-z1" *ngFor="let track of board.tracks">
<h2 class="mat-h2">{{track.title}}</h2>
Now we need to add our onTrackDrop
handler that will move the data around. It'll use the same
function that we used in step #6.
export class AppComponent {
onTrackDrop(event: CdkDragDrop<Track[]>) {
moveItemInArray(, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex);
At this point sorting our tracks works, but we can make it better by adding a drag handle. A handle
inside a cdkDrag
tells the CDK to only allow dragging the element when the user is pressing on a
specific element, rather than making the entire element draggable. In our case the handle will be
the track's title. Turning the title into a handle is as simple as adding the cdkDragHandle
attribute to it.
<div cdkDrag class="card-list mat-elevation-z1" *ngFor="let track of board.tracks">
<h2 cdkDragHandle class="mat-h2">{{track.title}}</h2>