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File metadata and controls

96 lines (96 loc) · 9.52 KB
Property Default Description
mapID 'bh-sl-map' ID of the div where the actual Google Map is displayed.
locationList 'bh-sl-loc-list' Class of the container around the location list.
formContainer 'bh-sl-form-container' Class of the container around the form.
formID 'bh-sl-user-location' ID of the input form.
addressID 'bh-sl-address' ID of the address input form field.
regionID 'bh-sl-region' ID of the region select form field for country region biasing.
mapSettings { zoom : 12, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } Google maps settings object. Add all settings including zoom and map type if overriding. Set zoom to 0 to automatically center and zoom to show all display markers on the map
markerImg null Replacement marker image used for all locations
markerDim null Replacement marker dimensions object - ex value: { height: 20, width: 20 }
catMarkers null Multiple replacement marker images based on categories object. Value should be array with image path followed by dimensions - ex value: catMarkers : {'Restaurant' : ['img/red-marker.svg', 32, 32]}
selectedMarkerImg null Selected marker image.
selectedMarkerImgDim null Selected marker image dimensions object - ex value: { height: 20, width: 20 }
disableAlphaMarkers false Disable displaying markers and location list indicators with alpha characters.
lengthUnit 'm' The unit of length. Default is m for miles, change to km for kilometers.
storeLimit 26 The number of closest locations displayed at one time. Set to -1 for unlimited.
distanceAlert 60 Displays alert if there are no locations with 60 m/km of the user's location. Set to -1 to disable.
dataType 'xml' The format of the data source. Accepted values include kml, xml, json, and jsonp.
dataLocation 'data/locations.xml' The path to the location data.
dataRaw null Accepts raw KML, XML, or JSON instead of using a remote file.
xmlElement 'marker' XML element used for locations (tag).
listColor1 '#ffffff' Background color of the odd list elements.
listColor2 '#eeeeee' Background color of the even list elements.
originMarker false Display a marker at the origin.
originMarkerImg null Replacement origin marker image.
originMarkerDim null Replacement origin marker dimensions object - ex value: { height: 20, width: 20 }
bounceMarker true Bounces the maker when a list element is clicked.
slideMap true First hides the map container and then uses jQuery’s slideDown method to reveal the map.
modal false Shows the map container within a modal window. Set slideMap to false and this option to true to use.
overlay 'bh-sl-overlay' Class of element that fills 100% of the window and fills with a transparent background image.
modalWindow 'bh-sl-modal-window' Class of element of the actual modal window
modalContent 'bh-sl-modal-content' Class of element container around the content of the modal window.
closeIcon 'bh-sl-close-icon' Class of element that displays the close icon to close the modal window.
defaultLoc false If true, the map will load with a default location immediately. Set slideMap to false if you want to use this.
defaultLat null If using defaultLoc, set this to the default location latitude.
defaultLng null If using defaultLoc, set this to the default location longitude.
autoComplete false Set to true to enable Google Places autocomplete. Note the slight markup differences in the example file.
autoCompleteOptions {} Google Places autocomplete options object.
autoGeocode false Set to true if you want to use the HTML5 geolocation API (good for mobile) to geocode the user's location.
geocodeID null Set to the ID of an element to connect the HTML5 geolocation API to a button instead of firing automatically.
maxDistance false Set to true if you want to give users an option to limit the distance from their location to the markers.
maxDistanceID 'bh-sl-maxdistance' ID of the select element for the maximum distance options.
fullMapStart false Set to true if you want to immediately show a map of all locations. The map will center and zoom automatically.
fullMapStartBlank false Set to a zoom integer if you want to immediately show a blank map without any locations.
fullMapStartListLimit false Set to a number to limit the number of items displayed in the location list with full map start.
noForm false Set to true if you aren't able to use form tags ( WebForms).
loading false Set to true to display a loading animated gif next to the submit button.
loadingContainer 'bh-sl-loading' Class of element container that displays the loading animated gif.
featuredLocations false Set to true to enable featuring locations at the top of the location list (no matter the distance). Add featured=”true” to featured locations in your XML or JSON locations data.
pagination false Set to true to enable displaying location results in multiple "pages."
locationsPerPage 10 If using pagination, the number of locations to display per page.
inlineDirections false Set to true to enable displaying directions within the app instead of an off-site link.
nameSearch false Set to true to allow searching for locations by name using separate searchID field.
searchID 'bh-sl-search' ID of the search input form field for location name searching.
nameAttribute 'name' If using nameSearch, the data attribute used for the location name in the data file.
visibleMarkersList false Set to true to have the location list only show data from markers that are visible on the map.
dragSearch false Set to true to perform a new search after the map is dragged.
infowindowTemplatePath 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/infowindow-description.html' Path to the default infowindow template.
listTemplatePath 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/location-list-description.html' Path to the default list template.
KMLinfowindowTemplatePath 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/kml-infowindow-description.html' Path to the KML infowindow template – used if dataType is set to kml.
KMLlistTemplatePath 'assets/js/plugins/storeLocator/templates/kml-location-list-description.html' Path to the KML list template – used if dataType is set to kml.
listTemplateID null ID of list template if using inline Handlebar templates instead of separate files.
infowindowTemplateID null ID of infowindow template if using inline Handlebar templates instead of separate files.
taxonomyFilters null Filtering object that can be used to set up live filtering (see categories example).
taxonomyFiltersContainer 'bh-sl-filters-container' Class of the container around the filters.
exclusiveFiltering false Set to true to enable exclusive taxonomy filtering rather than the default inclusive.
querystringParams false Set to true to enable query string support for passing input variables from page to page.
debug false Set to true to enable console.log helper function that can be used for debugging.
sessionStorage false Set to true to enable Window.sessionStorage for user's location when autoGeocode is enabled.
markerCluster null Marker Clusterer settings object. See docs.
callbackNotify null Callback that can override the notify method.
callbackBeforeSend null Callback that fires before the AJAX request.
callbackSuccess null Callback that fires on successful AJAX request.
callbackModalOpen null Callback that fires when a modal opens.
callbackModalReady null Callback that fires when the content of the modal is generated.
callbackModalClose null Callback that fires when a modal closes.
callbackJsonp null Callback that can specify the callback function name of a JSONP request.
callbackPageChange null Callback that fires when the page changes if pagination is enabled.
callbackDirectionsRequest null Callback that fires upon a directions request when using the inline directions option.
callbackCloseDirections null Callback that fires when the directions panel closes.
callbackNoResults null Callback that fires when no results are found.
callbackListClick null Callback that fires when a list element is clicked in the location list.
callbackMarkerClick null Callback that fires when a map marker is clicked.
callbackFilters null Callback that fires when a filter is changed.
addressErrorAlert 'Unable to find address' Language setting
autoGeocodeErrorAlert 'Automatic location detection failed. Please fill in your address or zip code.' Language setting
distanceErrorAlert 'Unfortunately, our closest location is more than ' Language setting
mileLang 'mile' Language setting
milesLang 'miles' Language setting
kilometerLang 'kilometer' Language setting
kilometersLang 'kilometers' Language setting
noResultsTitle 'No results' Language setting
noResultsDesc 'No locations were found with the given criteria. Please modify your selections or input.' Language setting
nextPage 'Next »' Language setting
prevPage '« Prev' Language setting