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Sample project provisioning and bootstrapping an Azure Databricks workspace

Project Structure

The project is composed of separate scripts reusing common objects and configuration, where each could be run on its own at any point of your workspace provisioning/bootstrapping lifecycle. All actions against Azure Management API and Databricks API are performed using a previously configured Service Principal (AAD App).

  • Deploys a Log Analytics workspace, and then a Azure Databricks No Public IP (NPIP) workspace that uses the Log Analytics workspace as its Audit/Diagnostic Logs target. We utilized the Azure Deployment Sample as inspiration.
  • (OPTIONAL): Configures the Storage Service Endpoint for the new workspace subnets, and then configures those subnets in the Storage Firewall of an existing ADLS Gen2 Storage Account.
  • Provisions AAD users and groups in the Azure Databricks workspace using the Databricks SCIM API.
  • Provisions existing notebooks in user sandbox folders in the Azure Databricks workspace using the Databricks Workspace API.
  • Creates a high-concurrency cluster for data science/analysis, and a on-demand job for ad-hoc execution, in the Azure Databricks workspace using Databricks Cluster API and Jobs API respectively. It also sets user permissions for the cluster and job using a preview Permissions API.
  • A client to get the AAD access and management tokens for the service principal identity, and to perform operations on the Azure Management API for relevant resources.
  • A client to perform different above mentioned operations against the Databricks REST API. Currently it uses the python requests module to invoke the API directly. But it's highly recommended to use the Databricks CLI API Client to achieve the same without the need to write boilerplate HTTPS client code, and you get access to all Databricks APIs implicitly.

Flow of the Execution

Recommended execution steps in this order:

  • python to deploy the ARM resources - Log Analytics and Azure Databricks workspaces.
  • (OPTIONAL) to configure the VNET service endpoint and ADLS Gen2 storage firewall.
  • python to provision users and groups in the Azure Databricks workspace.
  • python to import existing notebooks in the Azure Databricks workspace.
  • python to create the cluster & job and set user permissions in the Azure Databricks workspace.


  • pip install azure-mgmt-resource - To get Azure management & deployment tooling
  • pip install requests - To get HTTP for Humans package to invoke the Azure Management * Databricks APIs. This is available by default in modern python distros.
  • Export/Set these service principal credentials in your OS environment as AZURE_CLIENT_ID and AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET.
  • Export/Set the AAD Tenant Id in your OS environment as AZURE_TENANT_ID.
  • Export/Set the Azure Subscription Id and Resource Group Name in your OS environment as AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID and AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP.
  • If using the Storage Firewall Configurator, export/set the ADLS Gen2 Resource Group Name and the Storage Name as ADLS_GEN2_RESOURCE_GROUP and ADLS_GEN2_STORAGE_NAME.
  • Set relevant parameters in the ARM templates and related parameter files for your resource deployments.
  • Set relevant AAD users and related sandbox folder paths in the scripts, parameter files and object JSONs.
  • The default provided data science/analysis notebooks use processed data on a private ADLS Gen 2 storage account. Please feel free to use your own notebook DBC(s) or change the existing ones to provide your own ADLS Gen 2 reference.

Note: The No Public IP (NPIP) mode for an Azure Databricks workspace and the Permissions API are in preview. Please reach out to your Databricks or Microsoft account team for access, before starting to use this solution.