- Download and install the Java JDK 8
- Install Gradle via Homebrew
brew install gradle
- Add the required Java JDK 8 Repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
- Update the repositories
sudo apt-get update
- Install Java 8 JDK
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
- Configure Java environment
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
- Create a location to download .zip file
mkdir -p ~/opt/packages/gradle && cd $_
- Download the .zip file
wget https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.3-bin.zip
- Unzip the file
unzip gradle-2.3-bin.zip
- Create an symlink which will allow us update Gradle easier later
ln -s ~/opt/packages/gradle-2.3/ ~/opt/gradle
- Open a text editor and edit (gedit as an example)
gedit ~/.profile
- Add the following to the bottom of your
# Gradle
if [ -d "$HOME/opt/gradle" ]; then
export GRADLE_HOME="$HOME/opt/gradle"
- Source your file
source ~/.profile
- Verify Gradle is install
gradle -version
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository to your local environment
git clone [your forked repo]
- Generate some project files with Eclipse
gradle eclipse
or IntelliJ Ideagradle idea
- Run the tests
gradle test
- Run Narjillos
gradle narjillos
- Look at the current backlog
gradle backlog
orgradle bl
org bl
- See a few additional tasks with
gradle tasks
- Tasks that require additional arguments are easier to run with
script example:g dnabrowser --random
- Submit an issue
- Submit a pull request