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File metadata and controls

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Application-specific Configurations

The application being monitored must provided an application-specific configuration to the CloudWatch RUM web client. The configuration tells the web client what to monitor and how to monitor.

For example, the config object may look similar to the following:

    allowCookies: true,
    endpoint: "",
    identityPoolId: "us-west-2:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    sessionSampleRate: 1,
    telemetries: ['errors', 'performance', 'http']

Configuration Options

Field Name Type Default Description
allowCookies Boolean false Enable the web client to set and read two cookies: a session cookie named cwr_s and a user cookie named cwr_u.

cwr_s stores session data including an anonymous session ID (uuid v4) created by the web client. This allows CloudWatch RUM to compute sessionized metrics like errors per session.

cwr_u stores an anonymous user ID (uuid v4) created by the web client. This allows CloudWatch RUM to count return visitors.

true: the web client will use cookies
false: the web client will not use cookies.
cookieAttributes CookieAttributes { domain: window.location.hostname, path: '/', sameSite: 'Strict', secure: true, unique: false } Cookie attributes are applied to all cookies stored by the web client, including cwr_s and cwr_u.
sessionAttributes MetadataAttributes {} Session attributes will be added the metadata of all events in the session.
disableAutoPageView Boolean false When this field is false, the web client will automatically record page views.

By default, the web client records page views when (1) the page first loads and (2) the browser's history API is called. The page ID is window.location.pathname.

In some cases, the web client's instrumentation will not record the desired page ID. In this case, the web client's page view automation must be disabled using the disableAutoPageView configuration, and the application must be instrumented to record page views using the recordPageView command.
enableRumClient Boolean true When this field is true, the web client will record and dispatch RUM events.
enableXRay Boolean false When this field is true and the http telemetry is used, the web client will record X-Ray traces for HTTP requests.

See the HTTP telemetry configuration for more information, including how to connect client-side and server-side traces.
endpoint String 'https://dataplane.rum.[region]'

The URL of the CloudWatch RUM API where data will be sent.

You may include a path prefix like /stage_name/ in the endpoint URL if there is a proxy between your web application and CloudWatch RUM.
eventPluginsToLoad Plugin[] [] The set of custom plugins to load. See usage examples.
guestRoleArn String undefined The ARN of the AWS IAM role that will be assumed during anonymous authorization.

When guestRoleArn and identityPoolId are both set, the web client will use Cognito's basic (classic) authflow.

When only identityPoolId is set, the web client will use Cognito's enhanced (simplified) authflow (recommended).
identityPoolId String undefined The Amazon Cognito Identity Pool ID that will be used during anonymous authorization.

When identityPoolId is set, the web client will use Cognito to retrieve temporary AWS credentials. These credentials authorize the bearer to send data to the CloudWatch RUM app monitor.

WhenidentityPoolId is not set, you must either (A) forward credentials to the web client using the setAwsCredentials command, or (B) use a proxy and set signing to false.
pageIdFormat String 'PATH' The portion of the window.location that will be used as the page ID. Options include PATH, HASH and PATH_AND_HASH.

For example, consider the URL

PATH: /home
HASH: #content
PATH_AND_HASH: /home#content
pagesToInclude RegExp[] [/.*/] A list of regular expressions which specify the window.location values for which the web client will record data, unless explicitly excluded by pagesToExclude. Pages are matched using the RegExp.test() function.

For example, when pagesToInclude: [ /\/home/ ], then data from will be included, and will not be included.
pagesToExclude RegExp[] [] A list of regular expressions which specify the window.location values for which the web client will not record data. Pages are matched using the RegExp.test() function.

For example, when pagesToExclude: [ /\/home/ ], then data from will be excluded, and will not be excluded.
recordResourceUrl Boolean true When this field is false, the web client will not record the URLs of resources downloaded by your application.

Some types of resources (e.g., profile images) may be referenced by URLs which contain PII. If this applies to your application, you must set this field to false to comply with CloudWatch RUM's shared responsibility model.
routeChangeComplete Number 100 The interval (in milliseconds) for which when no HTTP or DOM activity has been observed, an active route change is marked as complete. Note that routeChangeComplete must be strictly less than routeChangeTimeout.
routeChangeTimeout Number 10000 The maximum time (in milliseconds) a route change may take. If a route change does not complete before the timeout, no timing data is recorded for the route change. If your application's route changes may take longer than the default timeout (i.e., more than 10 second), you should increase the value of the timeout.
sessionEventLimit Number 200 The maximum number of events to record during a single session. If set to 0, the limit is removed and all events in the session will be recorded.
sessionSampleRate Number 1 The proportion of sessions that will be recorded by the web client, specified as a unit interval (a number greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1). When this field is 0, no sessions will be recorded. When this field is 1, all sessions will be recorded.
signing Boolean true When this field is true, the web client signs RUM data using SigV4.

When this field is false, the web client does not sign RUM data.

Set this field to false only when sending RUM data to CloudWatch RUM through an unauthenticated proxy. This field must be true when sending RUM data directly to CloudWatch RUM.
telemetries Telemetry Config Array [] See Telemetry Config Array
batchLimit Number 100 The maximum number of events that will be sent in one batch of RUM events.
dispatchInterval Number 5000 The frequency (in milliseconds) in which the webclient will dispatch a batch of RUM events. RUM events are first cached and then automatically dispatched at this set interval.
eventCacheSize Number 200 The maximum number of events the cache can contain before dropping events.
sessionLengthSeconds Number 1800 The duration of a session (in seconds).


Field Name Type Default Description
domain String window.location.hostname See
path String / See
sameSite Boolean true See
secure Boolean true See
unique Boolean false When this field is false, the session cookie name is cwr_s. When this field is true, the session cookie name is cwr_s_[AppMonitor Id].

Set this field to true when multiple AppMonitors will monitor the same page. For example, this might be the case if one AppMonitor is used for logged-in users, and a second AppMonitor is used for guest users.


You may add up to 10 custom attributes per event. Custom attributes are key/value pairs. Keys must be a String and contain alphanumeric characters, _, or :. Values may be any primitive type.

The 10 attribute limit applies to the combined total of session attributes and page attributes. Any attributes that exceed this limit will be dropped. For example, 6 custom session attributes + 4 custom page attributes totals 10 custom attributes and falls within the limit. However, 6 custom attributes + 5 custom page attributes total 11 custom attributes and one of these custom attributes will be dropped.

AWS reserves the namespace prefix aws: for its attributes. Do not create custom attributes with the aws: prefix, or they may be overwritten by future versions of the CloudWatch RUM web client.

The RUM web client also records a set of default attributes. Overriding default attributes can have unintended consequences in the Cloudwatch RUM console.

Field Name Type Default Description
[key] String N/A An attribute which will be added to the metadata of all events in the session.

Keys must conform to the following regex: ^(?!pageTags)(?!aws:)[a-zA-Z0-9_:]{1,128}$.

Values can have up to 256 characters and must be of type string, number, or boolean.

Telemetry Config Array

You must configure the types of RUM telemetry you wish to perform on your application. Each telemetry records a different category of data. Specifically, performance (load timing), errors, HTTP requests and DOM events.

The telemetry config array is an array of telemetry configurations. A telemetry configuration is either (1) a string containing the telemetry's name, or (2) an array containing the telemetry's name in position 0 and an object containing the telemetry's configuration in position 1.

For example, the following telemetry config arrays are both valid. The one on the top uses default configurations while the one on the bottom provides partial configurations for the 'errors' and 'http' telemetries.

telemetries: [ 'errors', 'performance', 'http' ]
telemetries: [
    [ 'errors', { stackTraceLength: 500 } ],
    [ 'http', { stackTraceLength: 500, addXRayTraceIdHeader: true } ]
Telemetry Name Description
errors Record JavaScript errors. By default, this telemetry will only record unhandled JavaScript errors. See Errors.
http Record HTTP requests. By default, this telemetry will only record failed requests; i.e., requests that have network failures, or whose responses contain a non-2xx status code. See HTTP

This telemetry is required to enable X-Ray tracing.
interaction Record DOM events. By default, this telemetry will not record data. The telemetry must be configured to record specific DOM events. See Interaction
performance Record performance data including page load timing, web vitals, and resource load timing. See Performance


Name Type Default Description
stackTraceLength Number 1000 The number of characters to record from a JavaScript error's stack trace (if available).
ignore Function () => false A function which accepts an ErrorEvent or a PromiseRejectionEvent and returns a value that coerces to true when the error should be ignored. By default, no errors are ignored.

For example, the following telemetry config array causes the web client to ignore all errors whose message begins with "Warning:".

telemetries: [
            stackTraceLength: 500,
            ignore: (errorEvent) => {
                return (
                    errorEvent &&
                    errorEvent.message &&


Name Type Default Description
urlsToInclude RegExp[] [/.*/] A list of HTTP request (XMLHttpRequest or fetch) URLs. These requests will be recorded, unless explicitly excluded by urlsToExclude.
urlsToExclude RegExp[] [] A list of HTTP request (XMLHttpRequest or fetch) URLs. These requests will not be recorded.
stackTraceLength Number 1000 The number of characters to record from a JavaScript error's stack trace (if available).
recordAllRequests boolean false By default, only HTTP failed requests (i.e., those with network errors or status codes which are not 2xx) are recorded. When this field is true, the http telemetry will record all requests, including those with successful 2xx status codes.

This field does does not apply to X-Ray traces, where all requests are recorded.
addXRayTraceIdHeader boolean or RegExp[] false By default, the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header will not be added to the HTTP request. This means that the client-side trace and server-side trace will not be linked in X-Ray or the ServiceLens graph.

When this field is true, the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header will be added to HTTP requests (XMLHttpRequest or fetch).

When this field is an array of regular expressions (RegExp[]), the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header will be added only to HTTP requests that contain an URL matching one or more of the regular expressions.

Adding the X-Amzn-Trace-Id header can cause CORS failures. Test your application before enabling this feature in a production environment.


Name Type Default Description
enableMutationObserver Boolean false When false, the web client will record events on only DOM elements that existed when the window.load event was fired.

When true, the web client will record events on all DOM elements, including those added to the DOM after the window.load event was fired. The web client does this by using a MutationObserver to listen for changes to the DOM. Using this feature does not typically have a perceptible impact on application performance, but may have a small impact when (1) the plugin is listening for an unusually large number DOM events (i.e., multiple thousands), or (2) the number and size of the DOM mutations are unusually large (i.e., multiple thousands).
events Array [] An array of target DOM events to record. Each DOM event is defined by an event and a selector. The event must be a DOM event. The selector must be one of (1) cssLocator, (2) elementId or (3) element.

When two or more selectors are provided for a target DOM event, only one selector will be used. The selectors will be honored with the following precedence: (1) cssLocator, (2) elementId or (3) element. For example, if both cssLocator and elementId are provided, only the cssLocator selector will be used.

Record all elements identified by CSS selector [label="label1"]:
[{ event: 'click', cssLocator: '[label="label1"]' }]

Record a single element with ID mybutton:
[{ event: 'click', elementId: 'mybutton' }]

Record a complete clickstream
[{ event: 'click', element: document }].
interactionId Function () => undefined A function to generate a custom ID for the DOM event.

Retrieve custom ID stored in the data-rum-id attribute of a DOM element.
(element) =>'data-rum-id')

For example, the following code snippet identifies DOM events by the value of the attribute data-rum-id in the nearest ancestor of the event's target element. The snippet defines a function getInteractionId which reads the data-rum-id attribute, and passes this function as the value of the interactionId property in the interaction configuration.

const getInteractionId = (event: Event): string => {
    const eventPath = event.composedPath() as Element[];
    for (const element of eventPath) {
        if (element.hasAttribute && element.hasAttribute('data-rum-id')) {
            return element.getAttribute('data-rum-id') as string;
    return '';

const config: AwsRumConfig = {
    identityPoolId: "us-west-2:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    sessionSampleRate: 1,
    telemetries: [
            'interaction', {
                events: [{ event: 'click', element: document }],
                interactionId: getInteractionId

const APPLICATION_ID: string = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
const APPLICATION_VERSION: string = '1.0.0';
const APPLICATION_REGION: string = 'us-west-2';

const awsRum: AwsRum = new AwsRum(


Name Type Default Description
eventLimit Number 10 The maximum number of resources to record load timing.

There may be many similar resources on a page (e.g., images) and recording all resources may add expense without adding value. The web client records all HTML files and JavaScript files, while recording a sample of stylesheets, images and fonts. Increasing the event limit increases the maximum number of sampled resources.
ignore Function(event: PerformanceEntry) : any (entry: PerformanceEntry) => entry.entryType === 'resource' && !/^https?:/.test( A function which accepts a PerformanceEntry and returns a value that coerces to true when the PerformanceEntry should be ignored.

By default, PerformanceResourceTiming entries with URLs that do not have http(s) schemes are ignored. This causes resources loaded by browser extensions to be ignored.

For example, the following telemetry config array causes the web client to ignore all resource entries.

telemetries: [
            ignore: (entry: PerformanceEntry) => {
                return entry.entryType === 'resource';