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Rules in Adeira projects. You most probably do not need to use this package directly - use @adeira/eslint-config instead. This package exists basically only to workaround some Eslint limitations.


You'll first need to install ESLint. Next, install this plugin:

yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-adeira


Add adeira to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file:

  "plugins": ["eslint-plugin-adeira"]

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section:

  "rules": {
    "adeira/only-nullable-fields": "error",
    "adeira/no-invalid-flow-annotations": "error"



This rule disallows @noflow and @flow weak annotations. The only valid annotations are @flow, @flow strict and @flow strict-local.


This rule aims to remove all dangerous uses of GraphQLNonNull on GraphQL type fields. Why? It's a best practice to use nullable fields and not to rely on a returned value. This way every frontend implementation must handle the situation when API returns null because everything will break eventually. Non-nullable fields would in case of failure destroy the whole type and could bubble-up destroying the whole GraphQL response.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

const field = {
  arrival: {
    type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLRouteStop),
    resolve: ({ arrival }: LegType): ArrivalType => arrival,

Examples of correct code for this rule:

const field = {
  arrival: {
    type: GraphQLRouteStop,
    resolve: ({ arrival }: LegType): ArrivalType => arrival,

Non-nullable fields are still allowed in these cases:

  • inside of GraphQLInputObjectType (you want to restrict input values)
  • in query or types arguments (args property)
  • direct child of GraphQLList


This rule disallows value imports from __generated__. Typically you want to import only types from these files.

Examples of incorrect code:

import { Kiwi } from './__generated__/Kiwi.graphql';
import Kiwi from './__generated__/Kiwi.graphql';

Examples of correct code:

import type { Kiwi } from './__generated__/Kiwi.graphql';
import { type Kiwi } from './__generated__/Kiwi.graphql';


This rule checks that the type is explicitly exported from the generated file.

Example of incorrect code:

// given the file Kiwi_data.graphql.js doesn't export type Banana_data
import type { Banana_data } from './__generated__/Kiwi_data.graphql';

Example of correct code:

// given the file Kiwi_data.graphql.js exports type Kiwi_data
import type { Kiwi_data } from './__generated__/Kiwi_data.graphql';


This rule checks that your test files are in a folder called __tests__. This is also configurable to match your setup. This rule works in two steps. First it will identify what is a test file through isTestRegex option. The default is (?:spec|test).js$. Then it will test that your test is in a valid folder through isValidTestPathRegex, the default is __tests__.

  • When to use this rule. If you want to safeguard your self against putting test in an invalid path.
  • When not to use this rule. If you don't care about where your tests are located.

Example of incorrect filename:

  • /src/__test__/my.test.js
  • /src/__test__/my.spec.js

Example of correct filename:

  • /src/__tests__/my.test.js
  • /src/__tests__/my.spec.js

Using isTestRegex setting

You can configure this rule to match your settings by passing isTestRegex;

  • [ERROR, {isTestRegex: '\.my_custom_test.jsx'}] will match /src/__tests__/my_feature.my_custom_test.jsx

Using isValidTestPathRegex setting

You can configure this rule to match your settings by passing isValidTestPathRegex;

  • [ERROR, {isValidTestPathRegex: '__specs__'}] will match /src/__specs__/my_feature.test.js


This rule reports error for duplicated import-type-import. It does not report duplicated import, since that is covered by imports/no-duplicate.

  • When to use this rule: When you don't want imports like:
import React from 'react';
import type { Node } from 'react';
  • When not to use this rule. When you think the import as above is ok.

Example of incorrect imports:

import React from 'react';
import type { Node } from 'react'; // Duplicate react
import { graphql, type Environment } from '@adeira/relay';
import type { RelayRefetchProps } from '@adeira/relay'; // duplicate adeira

Example of correct filename:

import React, { type Node } from 'react';
import { graphql, type Environment, type RelayRefetchProps } from '@adeira/relay';


This rule help to keep GraphQL server well documented when implementing server using graphql-js programmatic API. It requires to specify a description for each instance of GraphQLObjectType.

Example of incorrect definition:

const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'User',
  fields: () => ({
    name: { type: GraphQLString },

Example of correct definition:

const PersonType = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'User',
  description: 'Info about currently authenticated user.',
  fields: () => ({
    name: { type: GraphQLString },