MDN 里有这么一段:
A downside to using selector lists is that the following aren't equivalent:
h1 { font-family: sans-serif } h2:maybe-unsupported { font-family: sans-serif } h3 { font-family: sans-serif }h1, h2:maybe-unsupported, h3 { font-family: sans-serif }This is because a single unsupported selector in a selector list invalidates the whole rule.
这在 W3C 里也有定义,见 4.1. Selector Lists
MDN 也提出一个变通办法,用 :is()
A way to remedy this us to use the :is() selector, which simply ignores invalid selectors in its arguments, but at the cost of all selectors having the same specificity, because of how :is() calculates specificity.
:is(h1, h2:maybe-unsupported, h3) { font-family: sans-serif }
不过这个功能没在 W3C 里定义,应该是浏览器自己的实现。