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1059 lines (831 loc) · 35.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1059 lines (831 loc) · 35.1 KB

General Software Toolbox for Linux

- [Open the current path with the file explorer](#open-the-current-path-with-the-file-explorer)


Compile Gromacs with X-Window (gmx view), GPU CUDA supportrt

tar xfz gromacs-2022.3.tar.gz
cd gromacs-2022.3
mkdir build
cd build
make check
sudo make install
source /opt/gromacs/bin/GMXRC

Compile Gromacs 2024.3 with GPU CUDA support, Ubuntu 22.04 and GPU GeForce 1660 SUPER

  1. First install the Nvidia drivers
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nvidia-drivers-560-open

Or use the GUI drivers manager Then, reboot.

  1. Install the Cuda toolkit, select only the toolkit, not the drivers to install
sudo sh
  1. Compile Gromacs

See here and just change this line :

cmake .. -DGMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON -DREGRESSIONTEST_DOWNLOAD=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/Programs/gromacs_2024.3  -DGMX_GPU=CUDA -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda-12.6 -DCMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=/usr/local/cuda-12.6/bin/nvcc  

Change gromacs version in a fish shell

cd /path/to/gromacs
sudo wget ""
source /path/to/gromacs/bin/

Use a handmade script ~/.local/bin/source_gmx to source files in different location (in a fish shell)l)


print_usage() {
  printf "Usage: source_gmx -f version [-c configfile]\n"
  printf "Available versions are : $(sed 1d $configfile | awk 'BEGIN { ORS = " " } { print $1 }')\n"

while getopts 'f:c' flag; do
  case "${flag}" in
    f) version="${OPTARG}" ;;
    c) configfile="${OPTARG}" ;;
    *) print_usage
       exit 1 ;;

while IFS= read -r line 
case $line in
       ''|\#*) continue ;;         # skip blank lines and lines starting with #

# Read parameters
if [ "$version" == "${arr[0]}" ]
    echo "Executing : source ${arr[1]}"
    source ${arr[1]}
done < $configfile


In a config file ~/.source_gmxrc, put all the paths where different gromacs version are installed as the following :

# version_name path
2019.2 /path/to/gromacs-2019.2/GMXRC

Create a fish alias : It requiers bass, which can be installed through the docs in the github repo (

alias source_gmx='bass source source_gmx'
funcsave source_gmx

Example of use :

source_gmx -f 2019.2


Create a .destop file on Linux to open VMD using explorerer

ref :

echo '''
function funexitcode {
        if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
                echo "ERROR: ${1}; exiting script"
                exit 1

### add icon for desktop file
funexitcode "define FILE1"
mkdir -p "$(dirname ${FILE1})"
funexitcode "mkdir $_"
cp "./$(basename ${FILE1})" "${FILE1}"
#funexitcode "cp VMD.png $_"

### create menu entry
funexitcode "define DIR"
funexitcode "define FILE"
if [[ -e ${FILE} ]]; then
  echo "ERROR: \"${FILE}\" present"
  exit 1
mkdir -p $DIR && touch  "${FILE}"
echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Type=Application" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Name=VMD" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Comment=Visual Molecular Dynamics" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Exec=vmd %F" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Icon=${FILE1}" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Terminal=true" >> "${FILE}"
echo "Categories=Science;" >> "${FILE}"
funexitcode "appending text to \"${FILE}\""
''' > desktop

wget ""
7zz e VMD.icon.7z -y

Open LAMMPS data files

  1. install topostools :
topo readlammpsdata

where contains the coordinates in the Atoms section.

Tcl toolbox

Autocomplete in VMD text mode shell

Use rlwrap package :

sudo apt install rlwrap

Render in png format with tachyon

render Tachyon myfigure  "/usr/local/lib/vmd/tachyon_LINUXAMD64" -aasamples 12 %s -format BMP -res 2400 2146 -o %s.bmp
convert myfigure.bmp myfigure.png

Render with tachyon and transparency and smaller size

render Tachyon myfigure  "/usr/local/lib/vmd/tachyon_LINUXAMD64" -aasamples 12 %s -format BMP -res 2400 2146 -o %s.bmp -trans_max_surfaces 1
convert myfigure.bmp -resize 50% myfigure.png


Render a snapshot

set filename path_to_file
render snapshot $filename.tga
convert $filename.tga $filename.png -quality 10%

Crop an image

convert filename.bmp  -crop 1680x1600+380+290 filename.png

Operations on list


Wrap a selection

pbc wrap -compound "residue"

draw a dashed line between two atoms and a measure distance

Menu Mouse-> Lables->Bond(2) Or ALT+2 Or 2 on the Numeric Pad The second method allows to pass from one mouse menu to another (ALT+1, ALT+2,...)

Python Development



Look for a package in a given environment

conda activate myenv
conda list -f <package>

Look for a package in all conda environments

conda search <package> --envs

Install an environment out of the default folder

Sometimes, it is not convenient to install an environment in the default folder because you might not have enough disk space (in /home, in general), or you want to istall in a local folder for the self-consistency of the folder of the project.

conda create -y python mdanalysis -c conda-forge --prefix $WORK/.conda/envs/make_ndx

Then, you need to activate the environment using the path wherre it is :

conda activate $WORK/.conda/envs/make_ndx

Python script that create backups of conda environment

import os
import time
import subprocess
import json

# Get the current date
now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

# Create a directory to store the environment YAML files
dirname = now
if not os.path.exists(dirname):

# Get a list of all existing conda environments
env_list = subprocess.check_output("conda env list --json", shell=True)
env_list = env_list.decode("utf-8").strip()
env_list = json.loads(env_list)
envs_path = env_list["envs"]

# Loop over each environment and export it to a YAML file
for env_path in envs_path:
    env_name = os.path.basename(env_path)
    env_filename = os.path.join(dirname, f"{env_name}.yml")"conda env export --name {env_name} --file {env_filename}", shell=True)

Set environment variables in conda env

conda env config vars set MY_ENV_VARIABLE=my_env_variable

This is not clear in which file this is stored, but when exporting the environment into a yml file, it will track environment variables.

conda activate my_env
conda export > my_env.yml

In the end lines of my_env.yml, one will have :

    MY_ENV_VARIABLE: my_env_variable

Source a file when activating a conda environment

conda activate myenv
mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/
cat "my_command_at_each_activation" > $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/conda/activate.d/

Example of sourcing file :

set -gx PATH "/opt/.conda/envs/crystalnets/julia_env/pyjuliapkg/install/bin" $PATH # add path to run julia executable 

TODO : add also deactivate file


Install/Uninstall a package from source using and distutilsils`

Go to the subdirectory where the package directory is and :

pip install ./directory_source
pip uninstall ./directory_source 


Version a git repo

git tag v0.0.0

Untrack files

In an editor create a .gitigonre file as the following :

# ignore ALL .log files

# ignore ALL files in ANY directory named temp

Logging activity

git log # look at the last commit
git reflog # track the last changes, to couple with --hard commands
git reset --hard  HEAD@{1} # see the last line
git log origin/master..master # difference between remote log and local one
git show --stat # more detailed log

Add remote repo

It can be useful if one we want to catch enhancement from different forks.

git remote add <local name for remote> <github URL>
cat .git/config # look at the name of the upstram and remote repos

Merging a branch on another

git checkout master # change to be in the final branch
git merge dev     # merge the dev branch on the master one

Then use Vscode to fix the conflicts manually.

Add one commit from another branch

git checkout mybranch # branch to modify
git cherry-pick Y # commit the commit with hash Y from another branch 

Keep local changes not committed in memory

If you are working in a branch but you want to modify urgently another branch, without doing the commit.

git stash
git checkout branch-urgent
git stash pop


Store and manage passwords in an encryted database for a safer use. The database can be synchronized in a server (Nextcloud, Dropbox, ...) and can be accessed through a unique master password in all your devices (PC, Mac, Android). A keyboard shortcut allows to fill automatically the fields required to log in a web page. This is a good secure solution against bad practices like saving passwords in a browser. Once setting up the method, do not forget to unset the feature "Remember Password" in the settings of your web browser !

Download linux client

sudo apt install keepass2 xdotool

Get passwords saved in a web browser

There is several ways to save the passwords in CSV file, depending on the web browser you use.

On Google Chrome : In the URL bar, search for setting chrome://settings/passwords and click on "export passwords". It will save a CSV file that one can modify afterwards.


Example for firefox :

Download executable from and run it in command line, then export the passwords in a CSV file using columns : title, username, password.

This example shows that it is very easy for a hacker that have accessed to your machine to get all your saved passwords using a few command lines !

Use auto-type to fill automatically fields when signing in from a web page

Add a keyboard CTRL+ALT+A shortcut using the command :

mono /usr/lib/keepass2/KeePass.exe --auto-type

When we use the shortcut from a web browser, it looks for the title of the page and try to match with the title entries of the keepass database. Since it is more convenient to convert URL than title, one can add in the html page the url in the title, as described above.

Add urls in web page titles

Download the extension for firefox :

If you use another browser, look for an equivalent extension to do the job.

Auto-typing format

Sometimes, we need to log in two steps and the default auto-typing format {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER} fails. You have to define the auto-typing format for the entry.

In Keepass, search for the entry :


Double-click on the entry and override default sequence in the Auto-Type menu :


For instance, on website, one need to use the following procedure in order to manage the 2-steps login : {USERNAME}{TAB}{ENTER}{DELAY 1000}{PASSWORD}{TAB}{TAB}{ENTER}

Once Keepass is opened, the shortcut CTRL+ALT+A should work as follows :


KeepassXC (other method)

This is the linux friendly version of Keepass. It is more maintained than keepass, with more options and a nice documentation (


sudo apt install keepassxc


You need to define a shortcut to use auto-type through Keepassxc


Keepass on Android

Two solutions are quite famous :

  • Keepass2android
  • KeepassDX

Both can be found in the Play Store. Both allows to change keyboards with login and passwords available as key buttons.

I personnally like KeepassDX for its nice features ;

  • biometric control
  • the integrated keyboard which is clean
  • the auto-fill functions

An example of use :


For more detailed tutorials,see :

Searching to an entry in a web browser on Android

When you want to do a quick search in your Keepass database on Android, like an URL, it is sometimes painful to do manually the search by switching the app. A nice feature is implemented in Keepass2android or KeepassDX : you can simply share the web page directly with the password manager, which allow to be quicker.


Synchronize Google Drive from a local folder (tested on Ubuntu 22.04):


Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, January 9th 2023: Sources :

Install Nextcloud using apt and PPA sources

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nextcloud-devs/client
sudo apt install nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus
sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop

Open the nexcloud client, and use the following server to log in: An authentification page will open in your default brower to finish the client installation.






Uninstall all nextcloud packages and dependencies

sudo apt purge nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus nextcloud-desktop
sudo apt --purge autoremove nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus nextcloud-desktop

Using snap

sudo snap install nextcloud-desktop-client

It does not work properly in ibpc workstation. When launching nextcloud client, there is a issue with the home out of home directory.


Latex distribution

sudo apt install texlive-full -y # Heavy 5Go
sudo apt install texlive -y # Lighter 200 Mo

Forward/backward previex

tex to pdf : CTRL+ALT+J pdf to tex : CTLR+click left

On VSCode

Need extension LateX Workshop To build the current project : CTRL+ L B


Save a token (password key)

git config --global credential.helper cache

It must be done after using a git command and given explicitly the token

Deposit of a source code on HAL

How to ? Slides:

Website version:

List of Licences :



Open the preview in Vscode


Open Zotero with default GTK environment


GTK_THEME=Default zotero

Running Zotero by the App launcher : add a line in ~/.locall/bin/zotero before calling zotero-bin

export GTK_THEME=Default

Backup/Restore Zotero sudo updatedb

Repair sqlite

  • Do a backup of Zotero
  • Close Zotero
  • Upload .sqlite file
  • Download the new .sqlite file and replace teh old one in the Zotero folder
  • Restart Zotero

Syncronize Zotero on a remote folder

  • Open Zotero on your local machine
  • In the menu Settings-> Advances, tick the box with personal folder and choose a remote folder. e.g., you can use a remote folder previously mouted using sshfs, or a folder hosted on the lab server using Nextcloud


Synchronisation of Zotero on a remote folder.

Warning : Pay attention on closing Zotero before opening Zotero on another machine, otherwise you may damage the sqlite database file.

Google Drive on linux architecture

Via Google-drive-ocamlfuse


Useful extensions

  • Dataflex Colorize : ??? do not know why it is installed
  • vscode-pdf : visualize pdf
  • Spell Right : orthographic corrector To link linux langages dictionaries to VSCODE :
    ln -s /usr/share/hunspell/* ~/.config/Code/Dictionaries
    remarks : Giving too many errors with latex compilation
  • LTex : orthiographic corrector for markdown and latex files To change the language, go to the settings of the extension
  • French Language Pack
  • Jupyter
  • Python : to have better debug control on python code
  • vscode-pdf (tomoki1207)


  1. File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts
  2. Look for a specific command ,e.g. :
  • shortcut to move from editor to terminal: Focus Terminal my personal choice : ALT+ T
  • shortcut to move to first panel editor: First Editor my personal choice : ALT+ E

Overview of principal keyboard shortcuts :


Preview markdown (on the right side)

After enaling a previewer like Markdown Preview Enhanced : CTRL+K V

Extensions :

  • Markdown Preview Enhanced(YiYi Wang) : preview of markdown
  • Markdown PDF : to convert in pdf format
  • Auto Markdown TOC (Hunter Tran) : to create table of Contents click right and update current TOC
  • Markdown Table : to manipulate tables
  • Markdown Preview Github Styling : to preview a md file as in Github readmes
  • Pandoc Citer : to have autocompletion for bibliography

Link references in a markdown file

At the beggining of the document, write a yaml content :

bibliography : path/to/bibliography.bib

When using @ symbol, we can now insert a reference from the bibliography found in the .bib file.

⚠️ the reference are formatted (e.g. Burner et al.(2019) only if we use pandoc as interpereter in Markdown Preview Enhanced. To activate it, go to File->Preferences->Settings search for keyword pandoc, and turn on the option Markdown-preview-enhanced : Use Pandoc Parser.

📝 use with the extension Pandoc Citer to have autocompletion of bibliography entries.

  • Markdown Include : include .md file into another .md file

Image centered with caption :

<figure align="center"><div style="text-align:center; width:300px;margin: 0 auto">

</div><figcaption>Figure 11 </figcaption></figure>


To add the lateral scroll : CTRL-B


Get IP adress from domain name

dig +short


Method using nmcli commands

Method to add a VPN from .ovpn file using OpenVPN:

Télécharger le fichier personnalisé ovpn en suivant le lien du wiki et supprimer la ligne 7 (route remote_host net_gateway) et renommer en username.ovnp puis en ligne de commande :

sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome openvpn-systemd-resolved
sudo nmcli connection import type openvpn file <username.ovpn>

Après cette étape, tu peux déjà essayer de voir si tu as un icône VPN dans les paramètres Réseau, l'activer, et voir si tu arrives à ouvrir le wiki hébergé sur le réseau. Si la page s'affiche, ça marche ! Sinon, ça se peut que les adresses du réseau ne soient pas bien reconnus par ton FAI, du coup essaie cela également : Commenter toutes les lignes dans /etc/hosts qui concernent IPv6 ($ sudo vim /etc/hosts) puis :

sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf{,.orig}
sudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Puis ajouter manuellement les DNS de google sur la connection (filiaire ou wifi) sur le GUI NetworkManager Paramètre-> Réseau->roue dentée):


Figure 11
sudo nmcli networking off
sudo nmcli networking on

Activer le VPN dans le GUI NetworkManager (sur gnome seulement), puis aller chercher le nom de la connexion à travers VPN, généralement tun0

nmcli connection show
nmcli connection modify <nom de connexion> ipv4.never-default true

La tu peux essayer de nouveau de rentrer sur le wiki, ou pinger une adresse du réseau, par exemple:


Activate VPN once installed : Activer le VPN dans le GUI NetworkManager (sur gnome seulement), puis aller chercher le nom de la connexion à travers VPN, généralement tun0

nmcli connection show
nmcli connection modify <nom de connexion> ipv4.never-default true

Activer manuellement le VPN dans le menu en haut à droite, éventuellement en donnant le mot de passe


Figure 11

Use VPN on Debian 10 (machine sirius)

# Activate VPN 
nmcli connection up hardiagon
# Disable IPV4 connections
vpn_id=$(nmcli connection show | grep tun0 | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
nmcli connection modify $vpn_id  ipv4.never-default true
# Test both webserver and remote server
ping -w 3
ping -w 3

Rk : To do it automatically, one can write this on a script called vpn which path is visible by the system.


Documentation Wiki IBPC

Install old version of OpenVPN in Ubuntu 22.04 in order to use old .ovpn files

To prevent the uupdate to be automatic :

sudo apt-mark hold openvpn


S’identifier en tant qu’administrateur

jupyter notebook --allow-root

Convert a notebook into a python script

Need module jupyter_contrib_nbextensions :

jupyter nbconvert --to script notebook.ipynb

Change conda environment

source :

To avoid re-starting a jupyter server when we change conda environment, one can change kernels in the notebook menus.

  1. Install jupyterlab,notebook,ipykernel in all conda environments you want to work in*
  2. Install jupyterlab,notebook and nb_conda_kernels in your base environment
  3. Launch jupyter notebook command from the base environment
  4. After opening a notebook, use Kernel>Change kernel and choose the conda environment

Work remotely

Open a jupyter notebook from a remote server:

  • Go to remote server and open the jupyter notebook in the working directory:
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port 9999

Or to avoid closing the jupyter notebook if the terminal is close or connection stopped

nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser --port 9999 & disown
  • Open a tunnel SSH in local to be able to open the notebook in the local web browser:
ssh -NL 9999:localhost:9999 <Host>

Remark : Host must be defined in .ssh/config If the terminal is closed, the connection is lost, but thesame jupyter notebook can be reached by opening it the connection.

  • Launch in a web browser bar address as localhost:9999/ A password is sometimes needed.

List jupyter notebooks servers open :

jupyter notebook list

Delete a jupyter server :

jupyter notebook stop 9999

Delete all jupyter servers and possible crashed servers :

rm -i /home/hardiagon/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/*

Movie converter

Decrease size of a movie and convert formats

Show features of the movie :

ffmpeg -i input.mpg 

Decrease size by changing video format:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 output.mp4

The compression level is controlled by the crf value (between 24 to 30)

Reduce duration :

ffmpeg -i movie_H01_pure_water_C770.mpg -ss 10 -fs  10000000    movie_H01_pure_water_C770.mp4

Change the quality :

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=1280:720 output.mp4

Quality formats : 1440p | 2 560:1 440. 1080p | 1 920:1 080. 720p | 1 280:720. 480p | 854:480. 360p | 640:360. 240p | 426:240.

Convert to gif :

ffmpeg -i input.mpg -ss 00:00:05 -fs 5000000 -r 5  output.gif

-ss : time offset -fs : limit size for the file in bytes -r : frame rate for output (frames per second)

Simple Commands : Documentation :

Convert images into a movie

ffmpeg -framerate 24 -pattern_type glob -i 'coral_single_images/coral_single_v*.png' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p coral_single.mp4


Crypt a file (low level of encryption):


and enter the new passwords

Compare files through ssh

vimdiff /local:/path/file sftp://server//remote/path/file

One can use sftp or scp depending on the mode of communication.

Note: After the server name, one have to add another / and not :


If we want to access easily to programs that can be runned by an AppImage, one can use appimagelauncher. Just follow this tutorial (in french) :

CCDC : Cristallographic Database

To set up the CSD databse suite and Python API on linux, please follow the instructions found here.

Other linux commands

Update search using the KDE research

sudo updatedb

Open the current path with the file explorer

xdg-open .