Tested on Ubuntu 18.04, January 9th 2023: Source : https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/nextcloud-client
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nextcloud-devs/client
sudo apt install nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus
sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop
Open the nexcloud client, and use the following server to log in: https://nextcloud.galaxy.ibpc.fr
An authentification page opens in your default brower to finish the client installation.
Return to the client and choose the path to the local folder taht you want to synchronize with the online server (e.g. : /home/username/Nextcloud).
The client should ressemble to the following :
sudo apt purge nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus nextcloud-desktop
sudo apt --purge autoremove nextcloud-client nextcloud-client-nautilus nextcloud-desktop