#scibot The beginnings of a (somewhat) self-aware robot. Currently, it's just a set of python files enabling the reading & interpreting of data from sensors, localization, and moving of the robot.
- scibot.py is the start-up file, where everything branches out from
- sensors.py handles communications between the computer and the external sensors
- filters.py is a collection of filters (only one at the moment, though) for localizing the robot
- create.py is a python wrapper for the iRobot Create's serial interface. It's written by Zach Dodds et al. from the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Unlike the rest of the code, it is not under the CC BY 3.0 license
- hallway.png is the image out of which the map is built. Each pixel denotes a 1m² block where white ⇒ movable terrain, black ⇒ a wall
######Designed to work with
- iRobot Create
- Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 LIDAR sensor¹
- Analog Devices ADXR652 gyroscope¹
¹should work with other sensors as well
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
######as of 22nd September 2012
- LIDAR serial interface (which runs in a separate process for multitasking) gets a continuous stream of data from the sensor (using the MS command) and converts it into a left, forward, and right sensor readings
- Gyroscope serial interface (which runs through the Create's analog port) handling the 90 degree rotations of the robot
- Basic Mote-Carlo localization (histogram filter) implemented that localizes the robot over a map (including the four orientations of NESW)
Together, this allows the robot to successfully drive around and localize itself in our hallway at home (see hallway.png)
######as of 23rd September 2012
- There's now some debugging code that enables use with no robot, gyro, or lidar (just a computer is needed)