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Cheat sheet |
Alda at a glance |
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If you're trying these examples yourself and you don't hear anything, make sure that you specify an instrument. For example:
piano: c d e f g
Once you declare an instrument in a REPL session, that instrument will be "active" so that you don't have to keep specifying it.
For a more detailed introduction to Alda, try the [tutorial]!
Comments • Notes • Rests • Octaves • Accidentals • Note lengths / duration • Ties • Slurs / legato • Cram expressions • Chords • Voices • Parts • Tempo • Volume / dynamics • Panning • Quantization (legato <-> staccato) • Key signature • Markers • Variables • Repeats
# This is a comment.
piano: c # This is also a comment.
c d e f g
c r d r e r f r g
Explicit octave numbers:
o0 c o1 c o2 c o3 c o4 c o5 c o6 c o7 c o8 c o9 c
o4 g a b o5 c o4 b a g
Octave up (>
) and down (<
o0 c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c > c
o4 g a b > c < b a g
Sharps (+
) and flats (-
c < b- a g f+
Double flats/sharps:
g+ f+ e+ d+ c++
The sky is the limit!:
Standard "powers of two" note lengths (quarter, eighth, etc.):
c4 c8 c c16 c c c c32 c c c c c c c | c1
Dotted notes:
c4 c4
c4. c8
c4.. c16
c4... c32
c2. c4
Non-standard note lengths:
c9 c8 c7 c6 c5 c4 c3 c2 c1
Second (s
) and millisecond (ms
) note durations:
c2s d522ms e1234ms f5s
c4~ d~ e~ f
{c d}2
{c d e}2
{c d e f}2
{c d e f g}2
{c d e f g a}2
{c d e f g a}4 {c d e f g a}4 {d e f g a b}4 > c2
Nested cram expressions:
{c {d {d+ e} f f+} g a}1
c1/e/g/>c4 < b a g | < g+1/b/>e
V1: c8 d e f g a b > c1
V2: e8 f g a b > c d e1
V3: g8 a b > c d e f g1
V4: o3 c2 g4 < g8 c1
c8 d e f g a b > c1
e8 f g a b > c d e1
g8 a b > c d e f g1
o3 c2 g4 < g8 c1
Named parts:
cello "my-cello-1":
o2 c1~1
cello "my-cello-2":
r2 o2 g2~1
cello "my-cello-3":
r1 o3 e1
d2 e f1
a2 b > c1
f2 g a1
Part groups:
violin/viola/cello "strings":
> c
< c
Local tempo (only affects the current part):
(tempo 200) o4 c8 d e f g a b > c4.
o3 e8 f g a b > c d e4.
Global tempo (affects all parts):
(tempo! 200) o4 c8 d e f g a b > c4.
o3 e8 f g a b > c d e4.
You can also declare a global tempo at the top of the score:
(tempo! 150)
c d e
e f g
Dynamic markings:
(pppppp) c
(ppppp) c
(pppp) c
(ppp) c
(pp) c
(p) c
(mp) c
(mf) c
(f) c
(ff) c
(fff) c
(ffff) c
(fffff) c
(ffffff) c
Explicit volume level (0-100):
(vol 20) c
(vol 35) c
(vol 57) c
(vol 75) c
(vol 89) c
(vol 100) c
(panning 0) c8
(panning 15) d
(panning 30) e
(panning 45) f
(panning 60) g
(panning 75) a
(panning 90) b
(panning 100) > c
V1: (panning 0)
o2 g2/>c/e < a-/>c/f < g1/>c/e
V2: (panning 100)
o4 r4 c2/e/g c4/f/a- c1/e/g
o2 d8 e (quant 30) f+ g (quant 99) a2
Major and minor keys:
(key-sig! '(d major))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
(key-sig! '(d minor))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
Sharp/flat keys:
(key-sig! '(b flat major))
o3 b8 > c d e f g a b
(key-sig! '(c sharp major))
o4 c8 d e f g a b > c
(key-sig! '(d ionian))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
(key-sig! '(d dorian))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
(key-sig! '(d phrygian))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
(key-sig! '(d lydian))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
(key-sig! '(d mixolydian))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
(key-sig! '(d aeolian))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
(key-sig! '(d locrian))
o4 d8 e f g a b > c d
Custom key signatures:
(key-sig! "f+ b- d+")
o4 c8 d e f g a b > c
(key-sig! '(f (sharp) b (flat) d (sharp)))
o4 c8 d e f g a b > c
o4 c8 d e f g a b > %last-note c4.~2
o3 e8 f g a b > c d e4.~2
@last-note o2 c4.~2
Define riffs/motifs:
(tempo! 200)
riff = b4 b8 > d4 d8 e4 <
o1 riff *4
o2 riff *4
Define your own shorthand:
quiet = (vol 25)
loud = (vol 50)
louder = (vol 75)
notes = c d e
quiet notes
loud notes
louder notes
Multi-line variable definition:
(key-sig! '(a flat major))
(tempo! 90)
cocoon = [
a4 > c8 e g8. e g8 <
a8. > c e8~2 <
(quant 95)
o2 cocoon *2
Repeat a note:
c *4
Repeat a chord:
c/e/g *4
Repeat a sequence:
[c16 d e f]*3 g2
Repeat a variable:
run = c16 d e f
run*3 g2
Repeat with variations:
c16 '1,4
d16 '2,5
e16 '3,6
f16 '7-8
g16 '9
o3 c16 c c
o4 a1
[tutorial]: {{ "/tutorial" | prepend: site.baseurl }}