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Introduction to Spring Cloud Gateway

This section introduces the API gateway pattern and one specific implementation of this pattern: The Spring Cloud Gateway.

API Gateways

The granularity of application programming interfaces (APIs) provided by microservices is often different from what a client needs. Microservices typically provide fine-grained APIs, which means that clients need to interact with multiple services. Additionally different clients need different data or representations.

Typically, the solution for this is to implement an API gateway that is the single entry point for all clients. An API gateway acts as a reverse proxy to accept all application programming interface (API) calls, aggregate the various services required to fulfill them, and return the appropriate result.
This way it provides a flexible way of routing requests based on a number of criteria (paths, http headers, etc.).

It also focuses on cross-cutting concerns such as

  • Security (Authentication and Authorization)
  • Resiliency (Rate limiting)
  • Monitoring & analytics


Spring Cloud Gateway

Spring Cloud Gateway provides a library for building API gateways on top of Spring and Java. It provides a flexible way of routing requests based on a number of criteria, as well as focuses on cross-cutting concerns such as security, resiliency, and monitoring.

In detail, it provides the following features:

  • Match routes on any request attribute.
  • Route specific predicates and filters
  • Circuit Breaker integration.
  • Spring Cloud DiscoveryClient integration
  • Easy to write Predicates and Filters
  • Request Rate Limiting
  • Path Rewriting
  • Token Propagation (Authentication)

How the Gateway works

  1. Clients make requests to Spring Cloud Gateway.
  2. If the Gateway Handler Mapping determines that a request matches a route (using a route predicate), it is sent to the Gateway Web Handler.
  3. The Gateway Web Handler runs the request through a filter chain that is specific to the request. Filters can run logic both before and after the proxy request is sent. First the gateway executes all pre-filter logic. Then the proxy request is made. After making the proxy request, the gateway runs the post-filter logic for the response.


The Spring Cloud Gateway is build on Spring Framework 6, Spring WebFlux Project Reactor and Spring Boot 3

Spring WebFlux

The reactive-stack web framework, Spring WebFlux, was added in version 5.0 of Spring Framework. It is fully non-blocking, supports Reactive Streams back pressure, and runs on such servers as Netty, Undertow, and Servlet containers like Tomcat.

It was created

  • to support the need for a non-blocking web stack to handle concurrency with a small number of threads and scale with fewer hardware resources
  • to support functional programming and use functional APIs in Java

The blocking web stack (Standard Servlet API) blocks one request thread of the web server's thread pool during the whole request/response loop (i.e. waiting for a result from a database query). With many parallel requests more and more threads get blocked until all threads are consumed. This could lead to a denial of further requests to the web server.


In a non-blocking web stack (Spring WebFlux) all incoming requests come with an event handler and callback information. Request thread delegates the incoming requests to a thread pool (generally a small number of threads) which delegates the request to its handler function and immediately starts processing other incoming requests from the request thread.

This way the non-blocking nature of threads helps in scaling the performance of the application. A small number of threads means less memory utilization and less context switching. This model enables web servers to handle much more parallel requests compared to a blocking web stack.


Reactive Systems & Reactive Streams

Reactive Streams follow the Reactive Systems paradigm
Reactive Systems are:

  • Responsive:
    The system responds in a timely manner if at all possible

  • Resilient:
    The system stays responsive in the face of failure

  • Elastic:
    The system stays responsive under varying workload

  • Message Driven:
    Reactive Systems rely on asynchronous message-passing

Reactive Streams is an initiative created by engineers from Netflix, Pivotal, Lightbend, RedHat, Twitter and Oracle, amon others. It provides a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure.
The Reactive Streams API defines four interfaces that since Java 9 are also part of the Java API in the java.util.concurrent.Flow class.


interface Publisher<T> {
    void subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> s);


interface Subscriber<T> {

    void onSubscribe(Subscription s);
    void onNext(T t);
    void onError(Throwable t);
    void onComplete();


interface Subscription<T> {
    void request(long n);
    void cancel();

The Publisher emits a sequence of events to Subscribers according to the demand received from its subscribers. A publisher can serve multiple subscribers.

The Subscriber receives and processes events emitted by a Publisher.

The one-to-one relationship between a Publisher and a Subscriber is defined by a Subscription. It can only be used once by a single Subscriber. It is used to both signal desire for data and cancels demand (and allow resource cleanup).


There are many Reactive Streams implementations available like:

Project Reactor & Spring Webflux

Spring WebFlux builds upon Project Reactor.

Reactor fully implements Reactive Streams and extends it by offering two reactive and composable APIs:

A Reactive Streams Publisher with reactive extension operators that emits 0 to N elements, and then completes (successfully or with an error).


A Reactive Streams Publisher with basic reactive extension operators that emits at most one item via the onNext signal then terminates with an onComplete signal (successful Mono, with or without value), or only emits a single onError signal (failed Mono).


Using Spring WebFlux a GET request mapping using Spring MVC annotation based programming model looks for example like this:

public class BooksApi {
    public Mono<ResponseEntity<BookResource>> getBookById(
            @PathVariable("bookId") UUID bookId) {
        return bookService

To get a really fast introduction into reactive streams with project reactor look into the reactive-playground project as part of this workshop or look for the Reactive Spring Security 5 Workshop.