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Build instructions for the Tcl CFFI package

The cffi package is built using the standard methods for Tcl extensions but requires one of two back end libraries that implement FFI:

  • libffi (v3.4.2 or later strongly recommended)
  • dyncall

When choosing a back end, consider that the dyncall library at the time of writing does not support returning or passing C structs to functions by value except on x64. However, most C API's pass structs by reference (pointers) so this limitation may not matter. The dyncall library is easier to build so that is another thing to consider if your platform does not include `libffi** with its package manager.

Building on Unix-like systems


If not building against the system-installed Tcl, you may need to add the options --with-tcl=/path/to/private/tcl/install/lib and --with-tclinclude=/path/to/private/tcl/install/include. This is particularly important if the private and system Tcl versions differ, for example when the system Tcl is 8.6 and your private Tcl is 9.0

Building on Unix using libffi back end

The first step is to install the libffi libraries. Most Unix systems will provide this through the package manager as either libffi or libffi-dev. In addition, depending on how your Tcl installation was built, you may also need to install libtommath and libuuid. For example, on Ubuntu, these may be installed as

sudo apt install libffi-dev
sudo apt install libtommath-dev
sudo apt install uuid-dev

If not available with the package manager, download sources from and follow the instructions in the file in the downloaded sources.

The libffi version must be at least 3.4.4 as earlier versions have a stack corruption bug on x86 platforms.

Once libffi is installed in standard system directories, the cffi package itself can be built like any standard Tcl extension. From the top level source directory,

mkdir build-ubuntu-x64
cd build-ubuntu-x64
../configure --with-libffi
make test
make install

The above assumes Tcl is also installed in standard system locations. The --with-libffi option need not be specified as libffi is the default back end.

The above commands will statically link libffi. To use the libffi shared library, add the --disable-staticffi option to the configure command. This may be necessary with some libffi distributions to avoid link errors.

If libffi include files and libraries are not in a standard location in the compiler or linker search paths, the CFLAGS and / or LDFLAGS environment variables may be need to be specified.

For example, on MacOS when libffi is installed with brew, the required configure will look something like

../configure --with-tcl=/usr/local/opt/tcl-tk/lib LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib" CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.4.2/include" --disable-staticffi

The TEA build system using gcc does not strip symbols so you may want to optionally strip the built library if desired. You can either do this using strip after building or include the -s flag in LDFLAGS on the configure commands above.

Building on Unix using dyncall back end

Unlike libffi, dyncall is not included with most systems and must be built from sources which can be downloaded from The cffi package requires at least V1.2 of dyncall.

The following summarizes basic steps for building dyncall. Detailed instructions are available in the dyncall documentation and further detailed in the README files for each platform in the doc subdirectory of the dyncall distribution.

After extracting the dyncall sources,

cd dyncall-1.2
mkdir build-ubuntu-x64
cd build-ubuntu-x64
../configure --prefix=/mnt/d/src/tcl-cffi/external-libs/ubuntu/x64
make install

Note if the --prefix option is not supplied, the build will install in the system library directories.

As described for the libffi build, you may also need to install the libtommath-dev package.

To build the cffi package, the --with-dyncall option must be specified along with CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS specifying the include and library directories assuming they are not in standard locations.

From the top level cffi source directory,

mkdir build-ubuntu-x64
cd build-ubuntu-x64
../configure LDFLAGS=-L/mnt/d/src/tcl-cffi/external-libs/ubuntu/x64/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/mnt/d/src/tcl-cffi/external-libs/ubuntu/x64/include --with-dyncall
make test
make install

Again, you may want to strip symbols as described earlier.

Building on Windows

Two back end libraries and two tool chains (Visual C++/Nmake and MinGW-w64) give rise to four main possibilities for building cffi on Windows.

Building with Visual C++ using libffi back end

The libffi distribution has some complications with respect to building with the Visual C++ tool chain so it is easiest to install it with vcpkg. Assuming you have vcpkg installed as per the instructions in that link, install both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the library with the following at the command prompt.

vcpkg install libffi:x86-windows-static-md libffi:x64-windows-static-md

Note the above installs both the 32-bit and 64-bit libraries and include files under the installed subdirectory under the `vcpkg** root directory.

The libffi version must be at least 3.4.4 as earlier versions have a stack corruption bug on x86 platforms.

Once libffi is installed, to build the cffi extension, start a Visual Studio build command shell (32- or 64-bit depending on the desired library) and cd to the top level of the cffi source directory. Then run the commands

cd win
nmake /f INSTALLDIR=C:\tcl EXTDIR=c:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows-static-md
nmake /f INSTALLDIR=C:\tcl EXTDIR=c:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows-static-md install

The above assumes a 64-bit build with Tcl installed at c:\tcl and the vcpkg root directory at c:\vcpkg. For 32-bit builds, change EXTDIR to point to the 32-bit location (x86 prefix instead of x64).

The Nmake based build always links the library statically. There is no option to link against a DLL.

Building with Visual C++ using dyncall back end

Download dyncall from and extract it. The below illustration uses cmake , nmake and Visual C++ 2017. There is some use of C99 headers and runtime so earlier versions of Visaul C++ may need some editing of the code. The commmands also assume CMake 3 versions prior to 3.13 and may need to be modified for later versions. If you do not have cmake, see the dyncall documentation for alternative methods.

Start a Visual Studio build command shell (32- or 64-bit depending on the desired library) and cd to the top level of the dyncall source directory. Then run commands as shown in the example below for a 64-bit build.

D:\src\dyncall>mkdir build-msvc-x64
D:\src\dyncall>cd build-msvc-x64
D:\src\dyncall\build-msvc-x64>cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=d:\src\tcl-cffi\external-libs\win\x64 -G"NMake Makefiles" ..
...output elided...
D:\src\dyncall\build-msvc-x64>cd ..
D:\src\dyncall>cmake --build build-msvc-x64 --config Release
...output elided...
D:\src\dyncall>cmake --build build-msvc-x64 --config Release --target install

This will build and install the dyncall headers and libraries under the specified path d:\src\tcl-cffi\external-libs\win\x64. You can of course choose a different path as long as the same is specified for the cffi build below.

The cffi package can now be built using the standard nmake based build system for Tcl extensions. From within the win subdirectory in the cffi source distribution, run the following commands to build and install the package. The OPTS=dyncall option configures the build to use dyncall instead of libffi.

nmake /f OPTS=dyncall INSTALLDIR=d:\tcl\debug\x64 EXTDIR=d:\src\tcl-cffi\external-libs\win\x64
nmake /f OPTS=dyncall INSTALLDIR=d:\tcl\debug\x64 EXTDIR=d:\src\tcl-cffi\external-libs\win\x64 install

Note the path to the dyncall installation directory has to be specified in the command as the EXTDIR variable.

Building with MinGW-w64/gcc using libffi back end

As an alternative to Visual C++, the package may also be build with the MinGW-w64 gcc compiler suite. This follows almost the same exact method as the Unix builds described above as the steps below illustrate. NOTE: one difference - the --enable-64bit option for 64-bit builds must be specified else make install installs into the wrong directory.

For MinGW-w64, libffi can be installed with the following commands.

pacboy sync libffi:i libffi:x

The :i and :x suffixes correspond to gcc 32- and 64-bit libraries respectively. For clang these would be z and c instead.

The libffi version must be at least 3.4.4 as earlier versions have a stack corruption bug on x86 platforms.

Then follow the standard procedure for Tcl extensions. From a MinGW-w64 (not msys2) 64-bit shell, run the following commands at the top level

mkdir build-mingw-x64
../configure --with-tcl=/d/tcl/mingw-8610/x64/lib --with-tclinclude=/d/tcl/mingw-8610/x64/include --enable-64bit
make test

Note that the --with-tcl and --with-tclinclude options have to be specified pointing to a Tcl installation that was also built with MinGW-w64. Without this, the build system will use the tclsh that comes with the msys2 installation that comes with MinGW-w64. That is not what you want.

For 32-bit builds, use the 32-bit shell and leave off the --enable-64bit option.

The TEA build system using gcc does not strip symbols so you may want to optionally strip the built library if desired. On Windows, this will shrink the binary by more than a factor of three. You can either do this using strip after building or include the -s flag in LDFLAGS on the configure commands above.

Building with MinGW-w64/gcc using dyncall back end

From a MinGW-w64 (not msys2) 64-bit shell, run the following commands at the top level dyncall directory.

$ mkdir build-mingw-x64
$ cd build-mingw-x64
$ ../configure --prefix=/d/src/tcl-cffi/external-libs/mingw/x64
$ make
$ make install

Then build the cffi package. From the cffi top level directory,

$ mkdir build-mingw-x64
$ cd build-mingw-x64
$ ../configure --with-tcl=/d/tcl/mingw-8610/x64/lib --with-tclinclude=/d/tcl/mingw-8610/x64/include LDFLAGS=-L/d/src/tcl-cffi/external-libs/mingw/x64/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/d/src/tcl-cffi/external-libs/mingw/x64/include --enable-64bit --with-dyncall
$ make
$ make install

Note the --with-dyncall option in the configure command.