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File metadata and controls

170 lines (125 loc) · 4.21 KB


refine_viaf implements an OpenRefine reconciliation service that queries the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) public API. It is written in Python.

The purpose of this module is to enable anyone to host a service for their own use.


  • Support for the types of names provided by VIAF: Corporate Names, Geographic Names, Personal Names, Works, Expressions

  • Support for making requests to the VIAF API using a thread pool for faster performance.

  • Works with Django out of the box, but can be used with any Python web framework with a bit of glue code.


First, activate the virtualenv you're using, if applicable. Then do ONE of the following:

  1. Install manually via pip:

    pip install refine_viaf
  2. OR add 'refine_viaf' to your project's requirements.txt file and run:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. OR clone this git repository and install it by running:

    python install

Django Setup

This package comes with a ready-to-use Django view that you can use in your new or existing project.

  1. Add this app to your Django project's file, and add some configuration options:

    # service name to display in OpenRefine
    REFINE_VIAF_SERVICE_NAME = "VIAF (via myserver)"
    # list of preferred sources to use for displaying a name
    # enable threading
    # number of threads to use: keep in mind VIAF enforces a limit of
    # 6 simultaneous requests
  2. Add these entries to your file:

    url(r'^reconcile/viaf/(?P<preferred_sources>[\w,]+)', 'refine_viaf.views.reconcile'),
    url(r'^reconcile/viaf', 'refine_viaf.views.reconcile'),
  3. Start your development server by running "./ runserver". Your reconciliation service is now ready to use.

Configuring OpenRefine

  1. In OpenRefine, select "Reconcile" and "Start Reconciling..." in the pull-down menu beside a column whose values you want to reconcile.

  2. Click "Add Standard Service..."

  3. To reconcile against names from the preferred source you specified in your config (see above), type in:


    To reconcile against a specific source, append it VIAF code to the end of the URL path. For example, to use names from the Bibliotheque Nationale de France, type in:


Other Web Frameworks

The reconcile_viaf module is web agnostic: with a bit of glue code, it can be used with any web framework. See the reconcile_viaf.views module for how it works with Django, and copy and adapt the code to your purposes.

There is a lot of debugging output you can direct to a file or stdout by editing your logging confirguation file:

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': True,
    'formatters': {
        'verbose': {
            'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
        'simple': {
            'format': '%(levelname)s %(message)s'
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'level': 'DEBUG',
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
            'formatter': 'verbose'
    'loggers': {
        'refine_viaf': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'DEBUG',

Public Server

If your needs are low, and you don't want to host your own service, you can use the one hosted at Visit that address for more instructions.


Specification for the Reconciliation Service API:

This code drew inspiration from these other projects:


This code is distributed under a BSD license. See the file LICENSE for details.